love-rock-blog1 · 4 years
Why Customer Value Optimization is The first Step in Growing Your Business
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Customer Value Optimization was a term that you just didn't hear much back in the early 2000s when I started my first business.  I had several business ventures that I had started and a hand full of companies that I worked with... Most of them didn't work out too good.It seemed that most companies were afraid of investing money into marketing.  I find this is still true today.  It's almost as if business owners think they are wearing a badge of honor when they only work thru their networks and referrals.  They proudly admit they don't market, they do only referrals and thru word of mouth.And while referrals are a  Powerful tactic in the overall strategy of Customer Value Optimization, it is the Last stage in it.  Sure, Referrals and word of mouth leads are easiest to close, because they already have some type of trust in you, they heard about you from someone they trust. Only problem is, What happens if this well drys up? What happens if you need to grow you revenue to hire more help, and expand your reach in the market?  How will you generate more Referrals when you tap out your network?Most importantly, what happens when, (not if) the market turns or we have a recession or another shelter in place?What is Customer Value Optimization?Customer value optimization is the process of building relationships while moving towards selling low value offers up front, and continually adding value to that client.This Read the full article
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love-rock-blog1 · 4 years
6 Reasons to Work with a Business Development Coach Now
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What Exactly is Business Development?I know that most professionals will give you different answers to this question, and I feel like this is probably why the rate at which businesses fail is so high.  Most people only think that it is focusing more on Sales, or Marketing, Or the Relationships that the company has in the market and with its team and culture.  While this may be true, there isn't a solid answer.This creates a lot of confusion and I think that this subject needs  to be discussed more in depth before I cover the Reasons you need a Business Development Coach. I know that there is a lot of buzz around the word 'coach' these days,and I think that you will appreciate that I am a certified coach by two of the top coaches and authors in the world, as as well as a certified partner and verified copywriter by 2 of the best marketing training companies in the world. IF you don't believe me, you can read more up on my qualifications to talk about this subject here.Of course, If you don't know and understand what business development is,why in the world would you want to know the reasons you would need a coach for it right?Before we can discuss the reasons you need to fix something,let's make this confusion terminology as simple as possible right from the start.You probably know Albert Einstein said that when he had to  solve a problem he would spend a majority of the time analyzing the problem and very little time actually  solving it. There Read the full article
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love-rock-blog1 · 4 years
Learn How Sales Funnels Help Business Development Today
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Sales funnels help business development in several ways.  I grew up in the 90's, learning how to do door to door sales, and other type of sales techniques.  I know that when I first learned about sales funnels, it was more of a process that help take a certain group of prospects and move them thru a funnel towards making a sale.
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With the new technology in communications and software, I believe even more that sales funnels help business development in many ways, and have taken a new shape and function in the business development world. Business development is primarily focused on building and growing a business in with the use of expanding into new markets, growing leads and sales and finding new business partnerships and strengthening them. I have felt that Sales funnels help business development for a long time, and i think that it is only going to help even more in the future.  I wanted to discuss some ways how sales funnels will help your business, no matter what type of business that you have.
Sales Funnels Help Business Development
First, i want to mention that the most complete sales funnel process that i have seen in my 20 years of being in sales,
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is the customer value optimization funnel.  I first hear about this term from Ryan Deiss, and it is foundation to building a successful business.  The reason why I say it is foundation, is because it doesn’t leave out any steps that old school sales funnels incorporate.  The old school sales funnel models mostly focused on take a prospect and moving it thru the funnel to generate a sale. The Customer value optimization model helps build the relationship with the prospect before a purchase is made.  It then offers a small offer, a core offer, and then a profit maximizes and then leads the prospect back for other repeat sales or different offers, in the attempt to sale that prospect over and over again. The Key take away is that most business are afraid of marketing because of the high cost of acquiring a new client.  In old styles of sales funnels , the funnel ended with a sale, a single sale and that was it.  SO the cost of acquiring a new client needed to be at least 50% lower than the lifetime value of that customer. The new style of sales funnel with customer value optimization is extremely powerful because it’s main goal is to increase the lifetime value of each client so much, that the business can afford to outspend their competition on acquiring new customers. Not only that, it continues the relationship with that client, to the point of turning them into a lifetime client, that. Continues to spend over and over again, and also giving referrals and testimonies to the business.  This is where the big money is made.  The younger companies always try and make the money up front, but the real money is made in the follow ups, repeat business that generates referrals. So, the sales funnels help business development in many ways.  For starters, lets say that every great salesperson
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has a systems or process for their sales.  They usually build rapport, uncover needs and desires, and then they tell some type of story that will get the prospective buyer open to listening to new options.  The sales person then will give some type of presentation of themselves, their company, their products, then make some offers, and if they don’t complete the sale, then they have some follow up work to do. What sales funnels do is they help perfect this process, and automate it.  In the old days, like 10-30 years ago, salesmen had call rooms, receptionists, salespeople and marketing team that helped pull these “sales funnels” together.  It was a pretty massive operation and it involved many people. The old saying, a team is only as strong as it’s weakest link” holds true to this scenario.   I’ve worked for companies in the past, high pressure sales companies, just to learn how to sale, and how not-to-sale.  What I learned was very interesting.  I learned that sales is mostly a communication and leadership thing.  A leader is usually very good at finding out problems and moving people , or “influencing them” in a way that benefits them and a large group of people. So, hang with me here, be cause I want to make a point.
Sales funnels are essential a process or system that helps move people thru a process of transformation.  That’s it.
If your daughter sets up a lemonade stand your drive way, 
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and she get’s her friends to stand at the only entrance and exit of your neighborhood and hold signs and wave traffic thru,, and they stop and buy, and then she give them a coupon to save 15% off the next round of drinks next week, that is a sales funnel. So, what brings so much excitement and energy around these topics today is the fact that you have social media and a Global audience now. That lemonade stand is a Website, something that has one landing page, on offer, and one desired outcome, and then move them down the funnel.  The traffic that people focus on isn’t coming out of your neighborhood, it's all over the world. It’s also very easy to get specific on what type of traffic you target.  Imagine if your daughter's friends in this scenario only focused on sending people with new cars to the lemonade stand.  That's Targeted Traffic If the conversion rate on them were higher, and you paid her friends so much money every time they sent someone over to the stand, then you would track those conversion or closing rates, and you would also keep up with how much money you sold each customer. Then you could start scientifically figuring out how to make more profit.  Which corners to advertise on, what type of cars to target, what time of day, what day in the week, what months out of the year...  etc... SO, this is one little cute story to talk about sales funnels. It kinda makes the point of what sales funnels do.  It also gives you some perspective.  When you do sales funnels digitally, and you also have a way of keeping up with the traffic that you send, how much it costs, and how much you are converting, then you are in a position of making a life changing business.
Why Customer Value Optimization is the Best Sales Funnel Model
If you go back and look at the other blog about customer value optimization, then you will understand that the goal
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of a sales funnel isn’t to make money off the initial sale.  It is I to get the initial sale to cover the cost of marketing, and then you make a more expensive offer, and another offer, and you make that. Sale repeatedly.  When you accomplish this, this is when you can achieve Financial Freedom. Warren Buffet once said that if you aren’t making money in your sleep, then you’ll never achieve financial freedom. I hate saying this, but I have to agree.  I have seen too many successful people get laid off, and even successful entrepreneurs making half a million a year, and when they retire, the money eventually runs out.  If you don’t have a way to make more money than your lifestyle needs, without you working all of the time, then you will have a hard time ever becoming financial free. Sales funnels help business development in the sense that they work while you are asleep if you build them the right way.  The way we did them in the old days worked because that was all we had.  Nowadays, you have so many great automation tools at your disposal, and at a very affordable price. IF you think click funnels or running some ads on Facebook is expensive, try hiring a canvassing team to go out in
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neighborhoods and knock on doors, and send some salesmen in their homes to try and sell them something.  That is very very expensive, it’s very hard to track, hard to duplicate.  IF you have never heard of clickfunnels, You probably should check the software out, it is the most powerful sales funnels software I have seen in the last 10 years. You can checkout a Free 14 day trial here. Sales Funnels are more of a marketing and sales process than a software.  I know that sometimes Marketers get confused about this, and they think that sales funnels may be a software or an app, but remember,  Sales funnels are a Strategy and process to achieve a desired goal... SALES AND REVENUE! How does Sales Funnels Help Business Development? Before I answer this, let's first discuss what Business Development Is.   Business Development has a few different definitions. Business development is the creation of long-term value for an organization from customers, markets, and relationships. Business development can be taken to mean any activity by either a small or large organization, non-profit or for-profit enterprise which serves the purpose of 'developing' the business in some way. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_development For a Company to grow and devleop, it must create a duplicatable system that allows them to create value for the markets it serves.  Sales funnels allow businesses to create a duplicatable  system that helps them spread their sales messages far and wide.  It helps them Leverage their marketing and sales message to an audience with predictable results. The best Sales funnels in my opinion are digital.  The reason is because they are easier to track, Adjust, run Test against each other, and Scale.  I say Scale, meaning, when you find a Sales funnel that is double it's money, you basically have a money machine at that point. A lot of old school marketers and sales guys over look the power of digital sales funnels some times, and I think this is a Trend that will happen.  A lot of companies still have sales professionals, but the great benefits of sales funnels is that it allows one person to be in many places at a lot of different times, so when they do sit down on the phone or at a table with someone, that person is already warm, informed, and ready to make a decision. Back in the earlier days, I still had to go out to peoples homes, and give cold presentations.  The presentations were 2 hours long, and by the end of them, I was exausted, the prospects were exhausted, and I was instructed by my company that i worked for not to leave without an answer.  IF they said now, I had to call the office and get a sales manager to make one final attempt to close the deal. This strategy was almost 'cave man like' to me.  It was very uncomfortable.  You had to cram to much information in front of the client at one time.  Usually the client had so much information, it would make it difficult to make a decision.
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Now, we have systems that are more automated with video sales letters, automated webinars, and email automation, and now we have Facebook messenger automation, where we can have a long conversation with the prospect, but we actually are just letting them consume content at a very slow and easy pace, and by the time they reach the end of the digital sales process, they are usually ready to buy.  If they aren't, they don't book a call or an appointment and you don't waste your time trying to sale something to someone that doesn't qualify. If you have question about how you can improve your current sales funnel, I would love to find out more about you and your business.  We can disucuss what systems you are currently using, and what your bigger goals are for the future and design a strategy to get you there. You can book a Free Strategy Call Here with Jeremy Coates Read the full article
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love-rock-blog1 · 4 years
Customer Value Optimization Explained by a Business Development Coach
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Customer Value Optimization is such a Powerful Principle for Business, I want to make sure that I can Talk about it as much as Possible, and Explained the true power and potential this concept really has.  As complicated as this concept is, They should be teaching this Powerful Principle of Business  in college universities if they aren't already.
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What is so fascinating about this principle is that it leverages a lot of the most powerful sales and business strategies that I have ever seen in business.  It literally wraps all of them into one blueprint or plan, and then it incorporates the natural psychology of human nature when building trust in a relationship.With creativity, some research, and some work, you can apply this concept to any type of business.  Period.To give you an Idea about how powerful this concept is, I'll tell you a story about when I was Younger.  I use to look to find a business that had consumable products, because I loved the cash flow that a business like that produced.  You do your work up front, and then on the back end, it is very easy to make more money in time, because you typically will have repeat business and also even referrals off of other customers.This keeps advertising and marketing cost at a minimum, because a typical new customer will continue to buy, therefore increasing the value of each customer, and if they stay, they typically will give you referrals if you build the trust, and add value to that customers life.
Customer value optimization explained
The problem I have seen some companies, business owners and entrepreneurs make  2 main mistakes when marketing and selling.They don't start the relationship from a position of giving more in value than they take in payment. They either don't know HOW or Why they should be doing this.There is more competition out there today, there is more 'noise' in the marketplace.  Customers have become more knowledgeable than ever, more demanding, and they don't trust companies that they don't know.On the other side of the business table, the second problem is business owners are also becoming more cautious about running ads and campaigns because sometimes sales conversions are so low, and the cost of running advertising is so high, that the business owner doesn't know what to do, or how to design a marketing plan and scale their business.Inexperienced entrepreneurs think that spamming people in Instant Messages and Emails and telling everyone about their offer (before people even know who they are) is the way to grow their business.The third area of problems is that Marketing companies do a really bad job of educating the business owners and entrepreneurs when they do work for them.  Most marketing agencies and firms have quota to meet, they are pushing their sales team to run promotions and get those sales.I understand this.  They are in business to make money, but here's the thing...Some of these companies do a great job of having online training and support, some of which is free, but in the sales process, they Lose Track of the "Over All Goals" for the Business Owner.  They do this because they Have No Idea of a Business' Goals because they Don't usually Ask.
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They don't Track results, and if they do track the results, it is used with vague tracking systems and key performance indicators are all over the place.So, if you can get a over all picture of the challenges and problems that exist in the market right now, Customer Value Optimization Helps with all 3 areas,  and with all three groups.  A true Win-Win-Win scenario.
Customer Value Optimization Explained
I am a certified partner with Digital Marketer, and I learned different versions of this while working and designing other marketing plans, but this CVO chart that Digital Marketer has is so simple and so clean, I wanted to share it with you here. I set this link to open in a new tab, so you could get a really good view of it.Now, I want you to Take a Look at this Chart, and Notice that there are about 7 steps in the chart.Determine Your Product's Market potentialChoose your Traffic SourcesOffering a Lead Magnet, which is a zero cost, high value itemOffering a Trip Wire offer, which is usually a $1-$150 dollar item.Offering your Core Offer, Your Flagship product or serviceOffer a Profit MaximizerCreate The Return Path for Customer.Now, this is the the basic blueprint for building your customer value optimization plan.  What typically happens is a business owner will say they want to get some of this work done, but they don't have the complete blueprint done, so they are losing money.Or you have a marketing company that does some of this work, but some of the steps are not complete, and you lose money.Or you try to sell your core offer first, before you offer a lead magnet that introduces you and explains the benefits of using your company, and you don't offer a very low cost item next, before you offer the core offer.Ryan Deiss compares this to going out on a first date and then talking about when the wedding is and what you will name your kids on that first date.  It's Creepy and weird.  It's the same concept, but people are doing it everyday in their businesses also.
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This is the reason why I am so passionate about this Customer Value Optimization Explained post because so many people are doing this wrong.  They are missing key steps, because they simply don't know how CVO or Conversion funnels Works.I can't get into the details of each step and how they work in this short post today.  The main point of this article is to raise your awareness about what Customer Value Optimization is, and I want to now discuss why your business needs it, Why your clients need it, and how beneficial it is to you and your company's future.
The Growth Potential Formula
Ryan Deiss Explains this in a course he teaches that we will offer you at the end of this article,Leads + Conversions + Margin + Frequency = Growth PotentialNow if you look at this formula, I would like to personal give Ryan Deiss Credit for this formula of Growth Potential.  I would Also like to Point out that it takes no consideration of Leadership and Systems for growing a business.  At Innovative Marketer, we feel that it is crucial to have the 3 components of the Innovative Marketing Trinity to full reach your growth potential.
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For the sake of keeping this topic on subject, Let's Assume you already have your leadership and systems in place.If you increase your number of leads, or number of sales you convert, or in amount of Profit Margin or the Number of Times you sell a Client, Then you will in fact increase your growth Potential.The CVO principle helps you increase all of the factors that help increase your Growth Potential.Another point I would like to point out, that Russell Brunson Mentions in a lot of his training.  The goal for any funnel is to try and break even on the front end of the funnel.  That would be the Trip Wire offer in the CVO Funnel.  When you can accomplish this, this is how you Optimize the Lifetime Value of a customer.  Because you would then sell them the core offer and the profit maximizer and then you would create a return path and sell to that client again.This is the Goal of any Funnel, or Conversion Funnel.  To create a self liquidating offer that essentially pays for your to market at a break even cost.  Then once you acquire that client, you sell them the core offer, profit maximize and repeat sales.Ultimately, the cost of getting new clients are what most business owners are afraid of, and the first point I want to make with this customer value optimization explained post.That is what holds them back on a belief that marketing is expensive.  They make the mistake of trying to sale their core offer first, they don't sell any profit maximizers or they don't focus on repeat business or referrals.This is a VERY IMPORTANT point of the Customer Value Optimization principle.  This is why you need one in your business.If what I have been talking about has interested you, You can download a free Conversion Funnel Checklist > Click Here
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If you take this opportunity, you  will also have a Chance to Sign up for Ryan Deiss' Conversion funnel Mastery course, where he will go into more depth of the customer value optimization funnel and how you can incorporate it in your business.This course is hosted by me, as a Certified DM Partner, and I also include a lot of checklists for building out this funnel.You will want to take this class if you don't have a good understanding about Conversion Funnels.Once again, Thank you for your interest in this foundation principle, and make sure you comment below if you have any questions!If you are interested in having a free strategy call, book an appointment here. Read the full article
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love-rock-blog1 · 4 years
6 Reasons to Work with a Business Development Coach Now
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What Exactly is Business Development?
I know that most professionals will give you different answers to this question, and I feel like this is probably why the rate at which businesses fail is so high.  Most people only think that it is focusing more on Sales, or Marketing, Or the Relationships that the company has in the market and with its team and culture.  While this may be true, there isn't a solid answer. This creates a lot of confusion and I think that this subject needs  to be discussed more in depth before I cover the Reasons you need a Business Development Coach.  I know that there is a lot of buzz around the word 'coach' these days, and I think that you can appreciate that I am a certified coach by two of the top coaches in the world, as as well as a certified partner and verified copywriter by 2 of the best marketing training companies in the world.  IF you don't believe me, you can read more up on my qualifications to talk about this subject here. Of course, If you don't know and understand what business development is, why in the world would you want to know the reasons you would need a coach for it right? Before we can discuss the reasons you need to fix something, let's make this confusion terminology as simple as possible right from the start. I know that Albert Einstein says that when he had to  solve a problem he would spend a majority of the time analyzing the problem and very little time actually  solving it.  There is some real wisdom in that, because most people don't have the patience to wait a red light more than 1.2 seconds after it turns green. He also said if you couldn't explain something simply, then you don't understand it enough.  Although I don't want to get into all the reasons this topic of business development is difficult to understand, I do want to give you a very simple explanation of what it is... Business Development is defined by wikipedia as: 'the creation of long-term value for an organization from customers, markets, and relationships.' You can't have a business without customers, markets or relationships.  It takes maximizing all three to reach your full potential. So, now that you have a fair understanding of what this term means, I want to dive into the reasons that you need a business development coach.
A good business development coach focuses on developing you as the leader first
Over the last few years I've had the privilege to hear John Maxwell speak on developing leaders in
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business.  John Maxwell says the first step in developing a business is first to develop the leader within it. And John Maxwell's book the 21 laws of leadership John's first law is the law of the lid. This law basically means that a business or organization can never outgrow the leader that leads it. I know a lot of marketing specialists will probably scoff at this, but let me just say this. The foundations in which a business can develop is built on to major pillars. The people that run the business and the community or groups of people or customers or clients that they serve. To maximize the efficiency of a business you must learn to lead both of these groups of people. And the only way to do this is to become a great leader yourself. Also, another great reference to this is Robert Greene's 33 Strategies of War.  Before you learn the strategies of war, Robert would turn the focus on the person leading the war.  Their mindset and being able to withstand the pressure.  You have to start on the leader first.  Because like in sports, there is no such  thing as bad teams, or bad companies for that matter.  ONLY BAD LEADERS.
A good business development coach will help you focus on the right clients
There always seems to be a gray area when it comes to lining marketing and sales. When I first started my sales career, the marketing department's job was to get as many appointments booked and keep the salespeople in front of people. If you are a good salesman it was your job to close as many people as you could. Over the last five or 10 years this strategy has become more apparent with social media and the Internet. Old tactics of sales and just don't work like they use to 20 years ago. I really think that the first step in doing any type of business is to make sure that you know what type of market or clients that you want to serve. The next thing is to make sure that there is a need for what your company will fulfill to that market. This requires being very specific on not just the type of products and services that you offer but the type of people that you want to serve. This is crucial. I see a lot of people that have been in business 20 and 30 years that still think that they need to market to a broad group of people and this is a very costly mistake. Each marketing campaign should be focused on one specific type of client or customer. A good coach will understand how to help you accomplish this.
A good business development coach will help you craft the right message
I have said this before and I'll say it again. I really believe that leadership is probably one of the most important skills that anyone in business can learn. The second most ( if not tied with first )
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important skill to learn is direct response copywriting. John Maxwell wrote a great book named "Everyone Communicates Few Connects.  I love this book so much, I'm certified to teach on the subject, and In the book John explained that if everything rises and falls on leadership, the same can be said about communication. Communications are so important in business and in relationships. They can be said that most of the failures in business and relationships are due to poor communications and unfulfilled expectations. Make no mistake of it. If you have the right team in the right market, but the wrong message, your development will be limited.  You have to Have great communication between your marketing, sales and the clients. Equally important are the Values and principles that your company offers it's team mates and leaders within the company. Communication is every where, and the lack of it is usually the number one source of major problems and conflicts.
Good good business development coaches help you design systems for your business
I know that Michael Gerber is probably the best person besides Robert Kiyosaki that I heard talk about systems for your business.  IF you don't know these 2 giants, check out their first books, Emyth by Gerber and Cash Flow Quadrant by Kiyosaki.  They are game changers. I know that McDonald's is famously quoted for their franchise systems that they have to run their
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business. Most multilevel marketing companies hail their story to describe the type of systems that run most multilevel marketing companies. I believe that every business needs to have systems in order to function at higher levels. There are so many benefits to having systems in place to run a business, that I can't get on into all of them at this time, but businesses that don't have systems waste a lot of time and money on procedures and processes that could run smoother and at a lower cost to the company. Michael Gerber has famously said that, "Systems permit ordinary people to achieve extraordinary results predictably." I have had the pleasure to work with companies like Delta, UPS and several other large construction companies. All of the the companies that grossed 50 million or more a year were built on systems and processes. That is the reason why most of these companies will spend 1 to 2 weeks training their new employees on the systems that run their business. These companies understand and know that systems help them achieve more work and less time and with less mistakes. Lower level employees need less supervision and help with the use of systems. I can go on and on about this but the truth is a good business development coach can help you design systems for your business.
A good business development coach will help you find your purpose and build your business around that... and they won't stop there
I know that many good coaches will have business owners and their employees and subcontractors take personality tests.  Tony Robbins and John Maxwell used the disk a test in these assessments I believe are very important part of every business is growth and development.
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Life Purpose I grew up playing sports and I always remember when being on teams with kids that played the same position for many years suddenly have to change positions and play a different position. In sports its a little different. Most of the time coaches will not know how that player will react and perform until they are put into the situations and prove themselves. In business, very similar to sports, you don't really know how each employee may react or upper level management may react to certain things that happen outside of their control.  There is one thing that will help with this however. If you know exactly what type of personality traits each individual has, if you know their strengths and their weaknesses and what areas that they are naturally strong in and enjoy the being in, then this is a huge advantage to business owners and the development of a company. This starts with the business owner. If you don't think this is important then you won't think it's important for the rest of the people on your team and in your company. Finding your purpose and living it out is probably the most important activity that you can surround yourself with, it is also a great way to attract and help the best talent grow in your company. People are always wanting to work for those companies that feel that their growth and development is as important to them as it is to the owner of the company. If you don't believe me, when was the last time you worked for someone that could care less about your own development and growth? Hopefully most of you won't know what that is like. I ,on the other hand, have witnessed this many times and with many companies.  A good business development coach will help you find your purpose as well as the people in your company and help everyone reach their maximum potential.  Everyone thrives in the areas of their biggest strength, and it is the leaders job to make sure they put themselves and their teammates in the best position to win.
Good business development coaches build companies on customer value optimization
I've saved the best for last. Customer value optimization is the most important and fundamental principle for any business.  A good business coach will make sure that you are running your business and marketing incorporating customer value optimization.
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If you are not sure what customer value optimization is then I suggest that you join our Innovative Marketing Academy and take the course funnel mastery which teaches about customer value optimization. A good business development coach will show you how you can profitably outspend your competition to acquire a new customer. Dan Kennedy, the famous copywriters said any business that is willing and able to outspend their competition on acquiring a new customer and even sometimes at a loss,  will have a huge advantage in the marketplace. Customer value optimization is built on building a relationship with your clients and prospects in a way that adds value to them, and helps them solve their problems, while offering them different offers that will maximize profits, repeat sales, testimonies and referrals.
I used to be a one man show, and sometimes, I still Revert back to my old ways.  A lot of times, it is because I am afraid to ask for help, or because I don't want to look like a Needy Guy.  Everyone feels this way at some point, but this is a limiting belief, and you must realize that beyond  a little pain and discomfort is growth. Getting help from a business development coach isn't something that most business owners want to do.  But sometimes, it is the best thing to do. In doing so, you save a lot of time, money and sometimes, stress.  A good business coach will be someone that has been thru the ringer a few times.  They have had their ups and downs. They are not afraid of failure, because they know that failure is part of the process. I didn't realize this, until I became a Certified Leadership coach by John Maxwell.  He pointed out that sometimes you win, sometimes you learn.  He even wrote a book on it.  But One thing is always Certain.  If you don't try something new, if you are afraid of failure, afraid of being ridiculed or talked down upon, then you can play it safe, but you ultimately lose the chance of being someone great by Default. Don't do that.  Schedule a Free Strategy call and lets talk about your challenges and options today. Jeremy Coates Read the full article
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love-rock-blog1 · 4 years
Believe In Yourself
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbOtf-TSnMY Read the full article
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love-rock-blog1 · 5 years
What does a Free Trial to the Innovative Marketing Academy Include?
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Your invitation to the Innovative Marketing Academy
Learn Digital Marketing The Right Way, and the First Time. Over the last 10 years, I've studied a lot of different types of marketing.  Direct Response Copywriting was fascinating to me, because I have been in sales so much, and saw the benefits of learning it. In sales, you can only be infront of or talking to one person at a time. But what if there were another way? What if you could leverage your presentation or talk, so that it could take your place and systematically leverage technology? I first thought this idea up about 2010, probably before webinars became popular, back when sales funnels were very basic, and hard to build online. Fast forward to today, and Systems that leverage marketing and sales have made  alot of people very successful in a short time. Get rich quick?  Heck no,,, But the strategies and systems available today will put you light years ahead if you understand how they work, and do them the right way the first time. After I partnered with Digital Marketer as a Certified Partner, I wanted to develop a way to help people learn marketing, and also, speed up the process of learning and implementing. NOBODY has time to sit around watching courses,, and not actually get some results. The benefit of the academy, is that these are certification courses that Digital Marketer uses to certify and train their staff. We use these courses as a way to focus on only what you need to in your business at one time. We also can use it to train your very own marketing staff.  That's right... They can get group memberships to the Innovative Marketing Academy.  It is so affordable, you can have them pay for it and earn a commission as an affiliate, or you can buy seats yourself and use it as a Tax deduction. Win-Win. Imagine, instead of spending 50 or 100s of thousands of dollars per year on outside marketing agencies, and you keep that in house...  and pay about half, and get twice the results. Imagine the impact that you will have when you have  systems for generating all the leads you want, and can afford to scale your business as big as you want. Imagine having the support from an agency that is trained to build teams, overcome mental blocks and barriers and help you achieve anything that you can dream up? We train our students in Customer Value Optimization, Funnel Mastery, Copywriting, Email Mastery, Customer Acquisition (Paid Ads), Content Marketing, and Social Media. Courses soon to be added include, Search Marketing, Community Mastery, Ecommerce, Analytics and Data, testing and Optimization. That is what we bring to the Table.  Welcome to the Innovative Marketing Academy . Click here to start your free Trial, Backed with a 30 day guarantee and also weekly support and group training.   Read the full article
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love-rock-blog1 · 5 years
Why Copywriting Is Such An Important Skill For Everyone To Learn
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love-rock-blog1 · 5 years
5 Types of Systems that You need in your Business Everyday
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love-rock-blog1 · 5 years
The 3 types of choices you make in your life, define your business
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love-rock-blog1 · 5 years
Why Customer Value Optimization is the First Step in Growing Your Business
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love-rock-blog1 · 5 years
6 Reasons to Work With a Business Development Coach Now
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love-rock-blog1 · 5 years
6 Reasons to Work with a Business Development Coach Now
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What Exactly is Business Development?
I know that most professionals will give you different answers to this question, and I feel like this is probably why the rate at which businesses fail is is so high.  Most people only think that it is focusing more on Sales, or Marketing, Or the Relationships that the company has in the market and with its team and culture.  While this may be true, there isn't a solid answer. This creates a lot of confusion and I think that this subject needs  to be discussed more in depth before I cover the Reasons you need a Business Development Coach.  I know that there is a lot of buzz around the word 'coach' these days, and I think that you can appreciate that I am a certified coach by two of the top coaches in the world, as as well as a certified partner and verified copywriter by 2 of the best marketing training in the world.  IF you don't believe me, you can read more up on me here. Of course, If you don't know and understand what business development is, why in the world would you want to know the reasons you would need a coach for it right? Before we can discuss the reasons you need to fix something, let's make this confusion terminology as simple as possible right from the start.  I know that Albert Einstein says that when he had to  solve a problem he would spend a majority of the time analyzing the problem and very little time actually  solving it.  THere is some real wisdom in that, because most people don't have the pateince to wait a red light more than 1.2 seconds after it turns green.   He also said if you couldn't explain something simply, then you don't understand it enough.  Although I don't want to get into all the reasons this topic of business development is difficult to understand, I do want to give you a very simple explanation of what it is... Business Development is defined by wikipedia as: 'the creation of long-term value for an organization from customers, markets, and relationships.' You can't have a business without customers, markets or relationships.  It takes maximizing all three to reach your full potential. So, now that you have a fair understanding of what this term means, I want to dive into the reasons that you need a business development coach.
A good business development coach focuses on developing you as the leader first
Over the last few years I've had the privilege to hear John Maxwell speak on developing leaders in
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business.  John Maxwell says the first step in developing a business is first to develop the leader within it. And John Maxwell's book the 21 laws of leadership John's first law is the law of the lid. This law basically means that a business or organization it can never outgrow the leader that leads it. I know a lot of marketing specialists will probably scoff at this, but let me just say this. The foundations in which a business can develop is built on to major pillars. The people that run the business and the community or groups of people or customers or clients that they serve. To maximize the efficiency of a business you must learn to lead both of these groups of people. And the only way to do this is to become a great leader yourself. Also, another great reference to this is Robert Greene's 33 Strategies of War.  Before you learn the strategies of war, Robert would turn the focus on the person leading the war.  Their mindset and being able to withstand the pressure.  You have to start on the leader first.  Because like in sports, there is no such  thing as bad teams, or bad companies for that matter.  ONLY BAD LEADERS.
A good business development coach will help you focus on the right  clients
There always seems to be a gray area when it comes to lining marketing and sales. When I first started my sales career, the marketing department's job was to get as many appointments booked and keep the salespeople in front of people. If you are a good salesman it was your job to close as many people as you could. Over the last five or 10 years this strategy has become more apparent with social media and the Internet. Old tactics of sales and just don't work like they use to 20 years ago. I really think that the first step in doing any type of business is to make sure that you know what type of market or clients that you want to serve. The next thing is to make sure that there is a need for what your company will fulfill to that market. This requires being very specific on not just the type of products and services that you offer but the type of people that you want to serve. This is crucial. I see a lot of people that have been in business 20 and 30 years that still think that they need to market to a broad group of people and this is a very costly mistake. Each marketing campaign should be focused on one specific type of client or customer. A good coach will understand how to help you accomplish this.
A good business development coach will help you craft the right message
I have said this before and I'll say it again. I really believe that leadership is probably one of the most important skills that anyone in business can learn. The second most ( if not tied with first )
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important skill to learn is direct response copywriting. John Maxwell wrote a great book named "Everyone Communicates Few Connects.  I love this book so much, I'm certified to teach on the subject, and In the book John explained that if everything rises and falls on leadership, the same can be said about communication. Communications are so important in business and in relationships. They can be said that most of the failures in business and relationships are due to poor communications and unfulfilled expectations. Make no mistake of it. If you have the right team in the right market, but the wrong message, your development will be limited.  You have to Have great communication between your marketing, sales and the clients. Equally important are the Values and principles that your company offers it's team mates and leaders within the company. Communication is every where, and the lack of it is usually the number one source of major problems and conflicts.
Good good business development coaches help you design systems for your business
I know that Michael Gerber is probably the best person besides Robert Kiyosaki said that I heard talk about systems for your business. I know that McDonald's is famously quoted for their franchise systems that they have to run their business. Most multilevel marketing companies hail their story to describe the type of systems that run most multilevel marketing companies. I believe that every business needs to have systems in order to function at higher levels. There are so many benefits to having systems in place to run a business, that I can't get on into all of them at this time, but businesses that don't have systems waste a lot of time and money on procedures and processes that could run smoother and at a lower cost to the company. Michael Gerber has famously said that, "Systems permit ordinary people to achieve extraordinary results predictably." I have had the pleasure to work with companies like Delta UPS and several other large construction companies. All of the the one's that grossed 50 million or more a year were built on systems and processes. That is the reason why most of these companies will spend 1 to 2 weeks training their new employees on the systems that run their business. These companies understand and know that systems help them achieve more work and less time and with less mistakes. Lower level employees need less supervision and help with the use of systems. I can go on and on about this but the truth is a good business development coach can help you design systems for your business.
A good business development coach will help you find your purpose and build your business around that... and they won't stop their
I know that many good coaches will have business owners and their employees and subcontractors take personality tests.  Tony Robbins and John Maxwell used the disk a test in these assessments I believe are very important part of every business is growth and development. I grew up playing sports and I always remember when being on teams with kids that played the same position for many years suddenly have to change positions and play a different position. In sports its a little different. Most of the time coaches will not know how that player will react and perform until they are put into the situations and prove themselves. In business, very similar to sports, you don't really know how each employee may react or upper level management may react to certain things that happen outside of their control.  There is one thing that will help with this however. If you know exactly what type of personality traits each individual has, if you know their strengths and their weaknesses and what areas that they are naturally strong in and enjoy the being in, then this is a huge advantage to business owners and the development of a company. This starts with the business owner. If you don't think this is important then you won't think it's important for the rest of the people on your team and in your company. Finding your purpose and living it out is probably the most important activity that you can surround yourself with, it is also a great way to attract and help the best talent grow in your company. People are always wanting to work for those companies that feel that their growth and development is as important to them as it is to the owner of the company. If you don't believe me, when was the last time you worked for someone that could care less about your own development and growth? Hopefully most of you won't know what that is like. I on the other hand have witnessed this many times and with many companies.  A good business development coach will help you find your purpose as well as the people in your company and help everyone reach their maximum potential.  Everyone thrives in the areas of their biggest strength, and it is the leaders job to make sure they put themselves and their teammates in the best position to win.
Good business development coaches build companies on customer value optimization
I've saved the best for last. Customer value optimization is the most important and fundamental principle for any business.  A good business coach will make sure that you are running your business and marketing incorporating customer value optimization. If you are not sure what customer value optimization is then I suggest that you join our Innovative Marketing Academy and take the course funnel mastery which teaches about customer value optimization. A good business development coach will show you how you can profitably outspend your competition to acquire a new customer. Dan Kennedy, the famous copywriters said any business that is willing and able to outspend their competition on acquiring a new customer and even sometimes at a loss,  will have a huge advantage in the marketplace.  Customer value optimization is built on building a relationship with your clients and prospects in a way that adds value to them, and helps them solve their problems, while offering them different offers that will maximize profits, repeat sales, testimonies and referrals.
I used to be a one man show, and sometimes, I still Revert back to my old ways.  A lot of times, it is because I am afraid to ask for help, or because I don't want to look like a Needy Guy.  Everyone feels this way at some point, but this is a limiting belief, and you must realize that beyond  a little pain and discomfort is growth. Getting help from a business development coach isn't something that most business owners want to do.  But sometimes, it is the best thing to do. In doing so, you save a lot of time, money and sometimes, stress.  A good business coach will be someone that has been thru the ringer a few times.  They have had their ups and downs. They are not afraid of failure, because they know that failure is part of the process. I didn't realize this, until I became a Certified Leadership coach by John Maxwell.  He pointed out that sometimes you win, sometimes you learn.  He even wrote a book on it.  But One thing is always Certain.  If you don't try something new, if you are afraid of failure, afraid of being ridiculed or talked down upon, then you can play it safe, but you ultimately lose the chance of being someone great by Default. Don't do that.  Schedule a Free Strategy call and lets talk about your challenges and options today.   Read the full article
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love-rock-blog1 · 5 years
3 Rituals That Teach Responsibility in Business and How To Use Them
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Everyone talks about responsibilty and how important it is, but you don't hear about rituals that teach responsibility in business. So today, I wanted to dig deep and go thru some old notes of mine on the subject.  The reason I feel this subject is so important is that there are two types of people in the world. The types that accept the responsibily for their life,
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and the others that blame other factors outside of their control. It really doesn't matter what happens to you that matters in life.  It matters how you respond to what happens.  I know that by taking responsibility, things just seem to change.  When you have a little kid that is struggling in school, and they blame the teacher, they blame their parents, they blame the subject, and everything else that is the reasons that justify the reason for struggling.  It almost turns off a switch in the creative part of their mind.  It almost shackles them to the very problem they are having... Subcosciously. This is a Dangerous problem.  Woudln't you agree? So, this other kid.  Has all of the same problems the other kid has.  The teacher, the subject, parents, ect.  Except this kid says to themself.  " No matter what, I'm going to buckle down, and make this happen.  I refused to accept a bad grade, no matter what.  I will do the best I can, with what I have. "
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Do you see the difference?  DO you see the Power in this?  I see this every damn day with grown ups.  They make every excuse why they can't do something, then they want to get paid for a half ass job that they didn't take responsibility for. It really makes me disappointed, and even disgusted, because I know that they are hurting themself.  This problem will hold them back in life, and they will continue to have the same problems until they own their life, no matter what. Now, Before I go over these rituals that teach responsibility in business, I want you to know, we all struggle with this.  I am not perfect, i have flaws and weaknesses too.  The key point is to recognize them, and over come. The power in having rituals for taking responsibily is that it make it a habit.
3 Rituals That Teach Responsibility in Business
 1. Stem Sentences
I learned this routine from Jack Canfield in my Success principle certification.  The easiest way to describe it is to show you an example.  Before I get started, I want to set the stage about what taking responsibily is.  Taking responsibily is hard for some people to understand. At it's core, it is something that people are not willing to risk creating.  Jack also describes complaining because it is sometimes at the root of not taking responsibilty.  ( Don't worry, we all do sometimes....LOL) . An example sentence would be:  "something that I want, but I am not willing to risk creating is __________________") It may be a better relationship with a co-worker, your boss, or working harder to make more money. Only you can finsih this example sentence, but the important part, is to recognize and become aware of the power that you have in the decision to take resposibility. And Example of this ritual that teach responsibilty in business goes like this.
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If I were to take 5% more responsibility for my life and well-being... I would exercise 5 days a week for 30minutes to 1 hour. I would would juice and eat vegatables at least 5 days a week I would meditate for 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes before bed I woud get at least 7 hours of sleep every night Now, The next sentences you will finish will have these topics If I were to take 5% more responsibilty for living my passion.. I would... If I were to take 5% more resposibility for attainment of my goals... If I were to take 5% more responsibility for the success of my relationships... If I were to take 5% more responsibility for the level of my self-esteem...
2.  Communicate Roles, Responsibilties and Purpose
This is such a common sense ritual, but I think that many times, the main reason that responsibility is not taken, is because it is not communicated up front in a business transaction or in the process.  Everyone should know excactly what they are respnsible for.  If they don't, then they should ask.  And everyone should know everyone's responsibilties and who is responsibible for what.
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Isn't this common sense?  Every day I see communication break downs, expectations were not met, or someone is let down.  About 99.9% of the time, it was a failure in the communications.  It is truely amazing how many of our problems stem from failures in communiations.  Part of the problem is people are quick to judge and even faster to assume.  Don't make these mistakes. This is one of those rituals that teach responsibility in business, and can't be substituted.  I had posted a blog a few weeks back about building teamwork within your business.  It is a great Idea to make time for your team members to be able to express things that are going in in their life and business.   This builds trust and community within the company.  When you develop a culture that encourages teamwork and communication, then the level of responsibity between people goes up. This only helps the entire team and business.  Make this a Culture that your company has.  The best way to build a culuture of taking responsibility is to practice this every day.  It starts with the company's leader, and it continues throughout the company. I don't want to go off topic, but I'll use an example. Have you ever been on a championship team, or watched a championship team closely?  There are no excuses.  Everyone takes the blame and responsibility.  Sure, everyone knows their responsibilty, their roles... but eveyrone backs each other up, without quesiton or histation. I have been blessed to play on a few really great championship teams.  Growing up, and in college.  It is amazing to me the difference in success and failure, because when a team or company doesn't have a mission or a vision, they lack the ambition and drive to accell and get better.  It's almost like their is not fire in anyone to get things done. Build that Fire in your team and your company.  Be the Leader, Give them the vision and put them on a mission and pull your troups together.  You'll be amazed at the difference this makes.  I know this is referring to teams and sports but This is a one of those great rituals that teach responsibility in business
3.  Activities that Build Vision, Community and Your Mission
I know there is a lot of discussions about these topics, and they are all over the place.  I want to try and break these down, because I know a lot of people will be confused about this being in this discussion about responsibility.  Each one of these rituals builds on the next.  But this one about building a vision, community and mission is almost spread across the bourd, and could be 3 different topics in itself.
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The first thing I want to point out, People buy into the leader before they buy into the vision, like John Maxwell says.  and it is also stated that without a vision, the people will persish.  Having a vision will give the people in your company and on your team excitement and energy to focus on a set mission or goal. I can't state the importance of this, when people are all working towards a common goal or mission, they will typically work together if a spirit of teamwork is part of the company culuture. This is why it is important to have rituals each week, that keep this in the back of everyone's minds and thoughts.  Everyone will have different goals, but everyone's goals should steer very close to the main vission and mission that the company has.
What are your rituals that teach responsibility in business?
We have listed out some ideas that you can used to help people in your business take more responsibilty.  But what are the rituals that you are using?  John Maxwell say that if you are not helping people create the culture in your business you want, they will create a culture of their own. Don't make the mistake of thinking this happens I hope that you have found this article on rituals that teach responsibility in business helpful. I hope this makes sense. I would love to hear more about you and your business. If I can help you in any way, Set up a Strategy Call and let's Talk? Or you can leave questions or comments below! Read the full article
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love-rock-blog1 · 5 years
Is Email Marketing Dead for business professionals?
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I pay attention to a lot of facebook groups and marketing networks and I keep hearing this question, " is email marketing dead?"  I used to wonder the same thing.  I mean, think about all the emails that people get every day. According to an article I reseached at Socialmediatoday.com, about 55% of companies generate more than 10% of their sales just from sending emails.  I know that most people are worried about this fact, 205 billion emails are sent world wide each day, and 13 billion of those are spam email.    The Average number of business related emails that people recieve per day is 88.
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Those numbers are scary... I mean, I totally understand how people feel about email.  They are just so often overlook, and there are so many out there.  How will you gain traction with a marketing strategy with 205 billion other emails being sent out each day? Well, I'm glad you are here asking that question, because I want to shed some positive light on this subject.  I will also Refer back to the Custom Value Optimization  Process.  If you remember, the customer value optimization funnel is the foundation for building an unstoppable business. It uses human psychology to build a relationship with a cold prospect first, and more then thru a planned process of educating that person and helping them become more aware of the business opportunity. They offer a low cost entry product or service, and they move them up the value ladder or keep reselling them other products, and eventually get referrals, testimonies and the goal is to build a long term raging fan out of that once cold prospect. Now, this is where things get interesting, so stay with me. Lets make this simple and say that basically, you have cold, warm and hot traffic flowing thru this CVO process (Customer Value Optimization).  There is no better way to help clients continue their journey thru the process than using an automation communication system like email.  Now, In future blogs and episodes, I will discuss some other tactics like chat bots, or facebook messenger, but for now, We are talking about emails. Email marketing is here to stay, it will never die, and let me just say, the people that are talking about it dying (Usually) haven't designed a strategy to use it with. I want to point out a few points before I get to the meat and potatoes of this. Think about how many times a day you check your email.  Most people check their emails multiple times a day.  (Same thing with Snail mail, but we will save that for another day also.) They are usually waiting to hear back from other people or they are just curious what is coming that day. Also, if you build the relationship on the front end, and offer great value, and know how to structure your subject lines and write relevant emails, then your emails have a better chance of getting opened and doing their job.
Let's Discuss 3 ways that email marketing can be used in your business, and answer the queston,
"Is Email Marketing Dead?"
Transaction Emails
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If you are wondering if email marketing is dead, this type of email will never die.  It's is the type of emails that are sent out when you get order confirmations, purchase reciets, shipping notifications, accout creations, return confirmations, support tickets, ect. Think about this.  These type of emails are responsible for a majority of purchases right?  Otherwise they wouldn't be sent out.  Most people will open these email.  What a great place for a cross sell, up sell, or some type of communication that will help move the client thru the journey?  This is usually the first email people get after a purchase.  Make them Count. These type of emails will always be here, and most people will open them.  Don't loose an opportunity to get a message across.
Relational Emails
Another great type of email, when people ask is email marketing dead, I always ask them, "don't you keep in touch with people with your emails still?"  Most professionals have multiple emails so they can segment the
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communications.  So, doesn't it make sense that most people still check their emails, to look for communications from other people? They also are getting emails when they get a new subscriber welcome email, they sign up for a lead magnet, subscribe to a newsletter or blog, they get webinar confirmation, survey or review requests, social updates, ect. These type of emails will probably never die either right?  I mean, let's get real, if people are doing business, these type of emails are necessary and are definitely getting opened also.
Promotional Emails
Finally, this category is probably what most people think of when they ask them self or their friends, 'is email marketing dead?'
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Promotional emails are the ones that everyone typically gets, when people are promoting their business, sharing affiliate links or sharing offers.  This type of emails are responsible for emails that promote content, that send out lead magnets also, that distribute sales announcements, new product releases, webinar announcements, event announcements, trial offers or upgrade offers. So, If you are looking for the answer to the question, ' Is email marketing dead ?', I believe that it is alive and well.  Most of the people that think email marketing is dead are not marketers or they don't understand the different ways that email marketing is still used in business today. I understand the fact that most people get more emails per day than they can look thru, and for some strategies it probably isn't as effective as it was in the past.  I believe that for some types of communications, it is still very effective and is a great way to inform clients and keep them engaged and to stay in touch with a large group of people. Email marketing has been around for a long time, was probably one of the first forms of automation communication, so if you think that email marketing is dead, I hope that this has given you some ideas to a few of the ways that you can utilize it. IF you are wanting to learn more about email marketing and How you can incorporate it into your business, I have a course that you can take online. It discusses the different straegies in depth, it covers how to schedule out the entire year, and plan your emails strategy. I encourage you to sign up for a strategy call, and lets go over what you are trying to accomplish, what is going to be in the way of you achieve your goals and we can design a plan for you. Schedule Strategy Call     Read the full article
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love-rock-blog1 · 5 years
Stop Waiting for Change and Design Your Growth Plan Now!
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Have you ever stopped and thought that you should Design your Growth Plan?  It has been famously quoted that most people spend more time planning their vacations out every year, than they spend when they design their own lives.  I certainly believe this,  especially after hearing that John Maxwell didn't have a Growth plan when he was younger...  and when he did start looking for other people to help him build a growth plan, he couldn't find anyone.
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While half of the people that are making plans, planning for their growth, you still will have a number of professionals that say that planning is useless.  'Things Change too Fast,  What's the point of planning', They Say. And While this isn't the most popular topic or subject to be talking about, I feel that Designing a Growth Plan is Fun and Very important. Without Growth, nothing changes.  The days and weeks become systematic.  You feel less motivated and inspired.  There is no finish line to run towards.  After studying leadership and personal growth for around 20 years, I've noticed that not that many people are worried about their growth.  They are just trying to get thru the challenges that they are currently facing today. While I can agree with that, and I totally understand, I think some of the problem is that people don't know 3 things about growth. They don't see the value in changing, because they are not focused on the benefits of them growing towards their purpose, their higher calling in life. They Don't know How to change. They are afraid of Change, or they think they will change automatically.
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 John Maxwell lists out the 8 growth traps of growth in one of his books, and we discuss them in our mastermind course that covers the 15 invaluable Laws of growth.  I do want to Briefly Mention his Growth Traps, because this is where most people get stuck, and While I don't want to Discuss the Growth traps In Detail  in this talk today, I want to focus more about the benefits of Growing and why you should start to design your growth plan now and not wait.  So, Here are the Growth Traps that John Maxwell discovered, in no particular order. The Assumption gap - "I assume I will Automatically Grow." The Knowledge gap - "I don't know how to grow" The Timing gap - "It's not the right time to grow" The Mistake gap - "I'm afraid of making mistakes" The Perfection gap - "I have to find the best way before I start" The Inspiration gap - "I don't feel like doing it" The Comparison gap- "Others are better than I am" The Expectation gap - "I thought it would be easier than this" Now, I don't  know about you, but I feel as if I have been caught be each one of these traps.  I want to make a point here.  It is difficult to design your growth plan, if you are not aware of the areas that will hold you back from growth.  These are the 8 Areas that People get hung up on. Make sure that you are .... "Aware" of these gaps, but don't focus to much on them. I want to remind you, like so many coaches do, that where your focus goes, energy flows. We want to focus on your growth, so that you grow.
So, Let's Get started on How to Design Your Growth Plan
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I know you may sigh at the sound of this, but the first thing you need to do is buy John Maxwell's Book if you don't have it already on "The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth". This book is so foundation on designing your growth Plan.  There is no way I can get everything in this post about how to design a Growth plan, but having this book, reading it and studying it is the first step.  Think of it like buying a bible to go to church with.  There are 15 laws, and when you focus on all of them, you will maximize your growth potential. I am certified to teach masterminds, lunch and learns and speak on this topic, so I will Try and get the most important steps first.  The first step is to buy the best book on the topic. Common sense right.. Well, I'll try and give you a little more info than that... To fully understand and reach your full potential, you will need to grow in the following areas Self-Awareness Character Skills Relationships Spirituality The great thing about John's laws is that they teach you the laws and then you incorporate them in your life.  In the course, we recommend that you keep a growth journal and stay involved with the other students so that you can mastermind and share your growth experiences. If you are serious about learning how to  Design Your Growth Plan... Make sure you have the right resources, like books that I discussed.  You want to start figure out how to find you life purpose  and How to move toward your dreams.  I have other blog posts written about those topics, You can link back to them and check them out.
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Once you have your purpose and dreams written down in very specific detail, it is easier to start planning out your growth strategies.  The 15 Laws of Growth Cover a lot of the Exercises, and the biggest things for you to do after you have your purpose and dream described on paper is this.  Your purpose and dream will give you the inspiration and motivation when things get hard, painful, when you struggle and even Fail. Without your purpose and dream written down, as specifically as possible, your chances of not staying in a growth mindset will dramatically diminish. Next,  Make a Choice to Commit to your growth plan, and this is a way of thinking, a Habit you Forge, For now until you Die.  Growth Doesn't happen by accident.  If you stay committed to growth, you will always grow.  If you just make goals, sometimes you hit your goals, or sometimes you won't but When you commit to Growth, You become obsessed with the process.. That is KEY. After you write down your life purpose, your dream, make the commitment to form growth habits the rest of your life, you are ready for the fun stuff. Now, The assessment part.  Where are you currently at in your life right now?  What resources do you have at your disposal?  What Key relationships do you need to build?  What skills will you need to continue to grow? About 10 years ago, I decided that I had hit a Lid in my Life.  I couldn't get any higher, so I had to look at some of the skills that I needed to learn to get where I wanted to be.  I also Started looking at the people I had in my Life.  Were they getting the results I wanted?
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It's very important to surround yourself with people that will help you grow.  John Maxwell talks about putting yourself in a growth environment.  Make Sure you are ALWAYS learning something new.  Something that will help you.  This will help you in a lot of ways, but the main ways it helps is it will raise your awareness of things that you couldn't see before.  It also will help you become a better leader and teacher. The last point that I will make before closing is make sure you take time to reflect on your progress.  The best time to do this is when things get tough, you have a failure, a tough break.  Believe me when I say, the more you want to grow, the more opposition you will meet.  Just remember like I said when I was talking about working out.  You will need to take time off and rest.  When things get tough, Take a Break, Reflect on your purpose and dreams.   Look at your Growth Plan that you have designed, and make adjustments.  Things will Change.  Your purpose may change.  I know when I got started, I was more focused on myself, and my growth, but you will soon realize, true happiness and fulfillment comes from helping others. However, You can't give what you don't have...  You have to Grow to become the leader you were meant to become.  Surround yourself with like minded people that are on a growth path... As I am writing this, I am working on getting a private Facebook Group for Innovative Marketers. In this group, we will be discussing the Innovative Marketing Trinity, the 3 areas of being an Innovative Marketer and how to win in life and business.   Growth topics will Be discussed. If you are interested in joining that, You can Go here. If you have any questions you can comment below or lets talk. Schedule a Strategy Call. The main thing is Get Busy, Focus on your purpose, visualize your dream, make your growth plan and take action. Every day, Get small wins.  You Should know what your Small Wins are, so write them out, and focus on getting the most important things done first that make the biggest impact in your growth plan!   Read the full article
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love-rock-blog1 · 5 years
Customer Value Optimization Explained by a Business Development Coach
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Customer Value Optimization is such a Powerful Principle for Business, I want to make sure that I can Talk about it as much as Possible, and Explained the true power and potential this concept really has.  As complicated as this concept is, They should be teaching this Powerful Principle of Business  in college universities if they aren't already.
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What is so fascinating about this principle is that it leverages a lot of the most powerful sales and business strategies that I have ever seen in business.  It literally wraps all of them into one blueprint or plan, and then it incorporates the natural psychology of human nature when building trust in a relationship. With creativity, some research, and some work, you can apply this concept to any type of business.  Period. To give you an Idea about how powerful this concept is, I'll tell you a story about when I was Younger.  I use to look to find a business that had consumable products, because I loved the cash flow that a business like that produced.  You do your work up front, and then on the back end, it is very easy to make more money in time, because you typically will have repeat business and also even referrals off of other customers. This keeps advertising and marketing cost at a minimum, because a typical new customer will continue to buy, therefore increasing the value of each customer, and if they stay, they typically will give you referrals if you build the trust, and add value to that customers life.
Customer value optimization explained
The problem I have seen some companies, business owners and entrepreneurs make  2 main mistakes when marketing and selling. They don't start the relationship from a position of giving more in value than they take in payment. They either don't know HOW or Why they should be doing this. There is more competition out there today, there is more 'noise' in the marketplace.  Customers have become more knowledgeable than ever, more demanding, and they don't trust companies that they don't know. On the other side of the business table, the second problem is business owners are also becoming more cautious about running ads and campaigns because sometimes sales conversions are so low, and the cost of running advertising is so high, that the business owner doesn't know what to do, or how to design a marketing plan and scale their business. Inexperienced entrepreneurs think that spamming people in Instant Messages and Emails and telling everyone about their offer (before people even know who they are) is the way to grow their business. The third area of problems is that Marketing companies do a really bad job of educating the business owners and entrepreneurs when they do work for them.  Most marketing agencies and firms have quota to meet, they are pushing their sales team to run promotions and get those sales. I understand this.  They are in business to make money, but here's the thing... Some of these companies do a great job of having online training and support, some of which is free, but in the sales process, they Lose Track of the "Over All Goals" for the Business Owner.  They do this because they Have No Idea of a Business' Goals because they Don't usually Ask.
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They don't Track results, and if they do track the results, it is used with vague tracking systems and key performance indicators are all over the place. So, if you can get a over all picture of the challenges and problems that exist in the market right now, Customer Value Optimization Helps with all 3 areas,  and with all three groups.  A true Win-Win-Win scenario.
Customer Value Optimization Explained
I am a certified partner with Digital Marketer, and I learned different versions of this while working and designing other marketing plans, but this CVO chart that Digital Marketer has is so simple and so clean, I wanted to share it with you here. I set this link to open in a new tab, so you could get a really good view of it. Now, I want you to Take a Look at this Chart, and Notice that there are about 7 steps in the chart. Determine Your Product's Market potential Choose your Traffic Sources Offering a Lead Magnet, which is a zero cost, high value item Offering a Trip Wire offer, which is usually a $1-$150 dollar item. Offering your Core Offer, Your Flagship product or service Offer a Profit Maximizer Create The Return Path for Customer. Now, this is the the basic blueprint for building your customer value optimization plan.  What typically happens is a business owner will say they want to get some of this work done, but they don't have the complete blueprint done, so they are losing money. Or you have a marketing company that does some of this work, but some of the steps are not complete, and you lose money. Or you try to sell your core offer first, before you offer a lead magnet that introduces you and explains the benefits of using your company, and you don't offer a very low cost item next, before you offer the core offer. Ryan Deiss compares this to going out on a first date and then talking about when the wedding is and what you will name your kids on that first date.  It's Creepy and weird.  It's the same concept, but people are doing it everyday in their businesses also.
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This is the reason why I am so passionate about this Customer Value Optimization Explained post because so many people are doing this wrong.  They are missing key steps, because they simply don't know how CVO or Conversion funnels Works. I can't get into the details of each step and how they work in this short post today.  The main point of this article is to raise your awareness about what Customer Value Optimization is, and I want to now discuss why your business needs it, Why your clients need it, and how beneficial it is to you and your company's future.
The Growth Potential Formula
Ryan Deiss Explains this in a course he teaches that we will offer you at the end of this article, Leads + Conversions + Margin + Frequency = Growth Potential Now if you look at this formula, I would like to personal give Ryan Deiss Credit for this formula of Growth Potential.  I would Also like to Point out that it takes no consideration of Leadership and Systems for growing a business.  At Innovative Marketer, we feel that it is crucial to have the 3 components of the Innovative Marketing Trinity to full reach your growth potential.
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For the sake of keeping this topic on subject, Let's Assume you already have your leadership and systems in place. If you increase your number of leads, or number of sales you convert, or in amount of Profit Margin or the Number of Times you sell a Client, Then you will in fact increase your growth Potential. The CVO principle helps you increase all of the factors that help increase your Growth Potential. Another point I would like to point out, that Russell Brunson Mentions in a lot of his training.  The goal for any funnel is to try and break even on the front end of the funnel.  That would be the Trip Wire offer in the CVO Funnel.  When you can accomplish this, this is how you Optimize the Lifetime Value of a customer.  Because you would then sell them the core offer and the profit maximizer and then you would create a return path and sell to that client again. This is the Goal of any Funnel, or Conversion Funnel.  To create a self liquidating offer that essentially pays for your to market at a break even cost.  Then once you acquire that client, you sell them the core offer, profit maximize and repeat sales. Ultimately, the cost of getting new clients are what most business owners are afraid of. That is what holds them back on a belief that marketing is expensive.  They make the mistake of trying to sale their core offer first, they don't sell any profit maximizers or they don't focus on repeat business or referrals. This is a VERY IMPORTANT point of the CVO principle.  This is why you need one in your business. If what I have been talking about has interested you, You can download a free Conversion Funnel Checklist at https://innovativemarketer.net/117-checklist
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If you take this opportunity, you  will also have a Chance to Sign up for Ryan Deiss' Conversion funnel Mastery course, where he will go into more depth of the customer value optimization funnel and how you can incorporate it in your business. This course is hosted by me, as a Certified DM Partner, and I also include a lot of checklists for building out this funnel. You will want to take this class if you don't have a good understanding about Conversion Funnels. Once again, Thank you for your interest in this foundation principle, and make sure you comment below if you have any questions! If you are interested in having a free strategy call, book an appointment here.     Read the full article
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