One of my school stuggles
Doesn't matter how not on fleek my brows are doin or how much I don't care, but it's just a infinite struggle on how do I sleep without touching them?
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It's terrible when people don't use their names on IG because I don't know who's ugly baby picture that it and I didn't know it was the persons who I showed it to and said exactly that. That the baby is ugly.
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If your are the lemons I'm receiving, let's make lemonade. After this do you understand what this actually might mean. Reproduction 💥
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everyone who reblogs this will receive a picture of spencer shay in their inbox 
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Get these clothes here ! 
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white blouse
ripped jeans
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The Signs And How They're Good-Looking
The Cute Ones: Taurus, Libra, Capricorn, Gemini, Pisces
The Hot Ones: Capricorn, Scorpio, Aries, Sagittarius, Leo
The Beautiful Ones: Virgo, Aquarius, Capricorn, Cancer
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Can we all agree that when we're listening to a song at night trying to a song at night and they say "devil" or "demon" that we get paranoid asf? BC that's no help to me
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why do writers make a woman being infertile out to be the most tragic and horrific thing ever??? like adoption exists???? surrogates??? do they think mothers who adopt their children aren’t “real” mothers??? not all women want children anyhow???? a woman’s??? worth??? is not??? defined by??? her ability??? to??? bear??? children???
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I think the biggest problem people have with you claiming how good you look is that they think you’re claiming it in comparison to them. people don’t realize you can coexist and look good as hell without competing with the person next to you….so anyways point is I look so fucking good
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Please reblog. There is a text version of the suicide hotline. Help is out there. Stay strong. I’ve been there. Asking for help is NOT a sign of weakness. Stolen from ImgUr.
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Baby's face is like "AHGAWD IM AH LEGACY"
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I hate the phrase “boys will be boys” and I think it should be replaced with “bad parenting results in assholes”
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I'm a Leo I'm allergic to pineapples
Things I associate with each sign
Aries: Mint, lemon, warm summer breezes Taurus: Daisies, lemonade, sun showers Gemini: Anime, oranges fresh cut grass Cancer: Clouds, Mountain Dew, fairy floss Leo: Beach, painting, pineapples Virgo: Balancing a light switch, pears, rose water Libra: Autumn breeze, footpaths, sea salt spray Scorpio: Clocks, running, ice baths Sagittarius: Watermelon, showers, hoodies Capricorn: Sunshine, ice blocks, animals Aquarius: Dark woods, air freshener, limes Pisces: Coca cola, loose change, feathers
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Person: your bra strap is showing
Me: ah uhhuh, and which high school did you fail at?
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