When Your Face Speaks More Than Your Mouth
I love makeup. I adore it. It hides those imperfections and accentuates my favorite features. However, some people don’t know when enough is enough or when they need to apply more. Makeup is an art form. I understand we can’t all be the Van Gogh of the makeup world, but we don’t want to look like finger painters. Don’t skimp on that $50 dollar foundation that you know will look better than the $12 one. Buy Mac or Too Faced than the one sold at Rite Aid. It cost more, but you will look more mature and dignified. You don’t choose any run of the mill makeup, you choose the best. That should be the same for your taste in men. And any guy will see how you are based on what you choose. It’s why some guys date the girl who looks like she should be in a bakery display and dumps her in a week versus the one who has Lamure and Mac. He will work to get her and keep that one.
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How to Flirt Without it Looking Obvious to Others, But Keep Him Intrigued
Be busy. Don’t stand by the phone and make it seem like you will always be there at a moment’s notice. The reasoning behind this is to ensure a long lasting conversation when he has your attention. Even when you are conversing, say you have to go and talk later. If he thinks he can talk to you for hours without a point, he will assume it will always be that way. When your time is cut short and precious, he will make that time with you the most jam packed conversation you’ve ever had. The off-the shoulder smile. This is a skill I have acquired over months of working at the library. Say you see a cute guy behind you and he is looking you. He doesn’t know whether to approach you so you turn to smile at him, but you don’t want it to be a full “I caught you” smile. You want that “Oh, I didn’t see you there, but I’m glad I did” smile. It goes back to I am busy. You are doing your own thing and you are not going to divert from your duties, but you will send a signal of “You are cute”. There are two outcomes: (1) He walks up to you starts up a conversation or (2) He continues looking at you like a creeper and if that’s the case, don’t go for it unless you want to end up in a body bag. The slight head tilt looking up. This is the oldest trick ever. Men like feeling superior and proving their masculinity. This simple trick is meant to make him feel admired and adored. Boost his ego a bit. But don’t do this the full duration of the conversation or it can be interpreted as needy or desperate. This can also lead to Damsel in Distress syndrome. It is good to make him feel useful and needed once in a while, but all the time is a bit excessive. The slight touch of the neck (on yourself). It draws attention to one of the most sensual parts of your body without it being considered gaudy. Extend your neck slightly to the left and use two fingers (like scissors) to touch your vein and collar bone. This will give a hint at the sexual adventures you two will have in the future. Then, once you know you have his attention, move your hand to your lips, biting your lower lip slightly. Whatever you do, don’t look at him. Look distracted. Best used in class situations or sitting. The lint pick up. This is reserved for girlfriends and only girlfriends, but it’s also something to do when you want him to think of you as one. You see something on his shoulder suck as lint. You casually say “hey, you got something on your shoulder” and before he could react, pick it off, but let your hand linger a bit and if you are feeling so bold, have your hand graze his neck. This also works if he has an eyelash and you take it off yourself. It’s a classic way to touch him and make him want you to do it again. Being a clutz. I am naturally clumsy, but I have learned to use this to my advantage. This requires technique and skill. You want to be an adorable clumsy, not the I am a hazard clumsy. This would require him to touch you. If you are shy, this is a perfect tactic. This is a two to three week trick that must be spaced out properly. There must be no pattern, but don’t do it everyday or it seems like you are just in it for attention and not to be with him. You first do books or a pencil, seeing if he picks it up. Then you go for the trip over your shoe and use him for support. By the end of the weeks, he can almost anticipate your clumsiness. Now is the kudagra, he catches you. This establishes some trust between you two. Where he catches you is very important. If he catches you by the shoulders, you are his friend and only his friend. Holding you by the hips indicates boldness and somewhat uncertainty of the relationship between you two. Not quite friends, but not together. Catching you by the waist and pulling you closer while one hand is on the neck, is a sure sign.
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