loveandpainfanfic · 7 years
S L E E P O V E R PT. 2
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- J O R D A N
“Omg like this place is sick as hell!” Treasure said as she gawked at the living room as we walked through. She was always like this when she  came over.
“T it's just a house.” I said giggling at her facial expressions every time she saw something.
“I know but it seems so , magical. I wish my house was as lavish as this.” She said following me down to the basement where Raye and Cam was putting up decorations.
After leaving Treasure , I headed towards my room to get myself ready seeing as everyone should be arriving within the next 30 minutes. I walked into the connected bathroom that was in my room and turned on the shower , adjusting the temperature. Once I was satisfied , I waltzed over to my closet to quickly find something to wear , huffing loudly because out of all the damn clothes I had , I couldn’t find shit to wear. Becoming overly annoyed , I just left my closet and went back into my bathroom for my shower. Deciding on a song to play through my beats pill , I stripped out of my clothes just as Rihanna’s Love on the Brain blared through my speakers.
Letting the steamy water engulf my body rapidly, I hummed to the outstanding vocals of the one and only RiRi. Since I knew that my hair was gonna frizz up , I went ahead and washed it and contemplated on what I was gonna do to it as I lathered my Vanilla Creme & Strawberry body wash onto my pink loofah washing the rest on my body.
Rinsing under the shower head , I quickly wet my hair and repeated the same process to my hair as I did my body. Shutting the shower off and and stepping out I hissed as the cold air from the vent slapped onto my skin. Cursing myself for forgetting my towel I walked out of my room only to see my sister sitting on my bed with her head in her phone as she sang to You Belong To Somebody Else by Dej Loaf and Jacquees.
“You’re creepy as fuck Cam. You waiting on me to get out the shower and shit.” I said walking over to grab my pink silk robe to wrap around my naked body.
“Nah hoe you just so damn fine. I had to come see that ass.” She said playfully grabbing my booty as I reached for another towel to dry my already half-dried curls.
Laughing as I playfully slapped her hands away , I walked into my closet to glance at my wardrobe again. Turning my head from side to side multiple times I still saw nothing. I turned to my sister and she caught my drift as she joined me and began to look through my clothes.
“You wanna wear sneakers?” She asked. I nodded my head as she continued to look diligently. Feeling the need to do something I walked over to my dresser and pulled out my hair and makeup supplies.
Quickly deciding to leave my hair curly , I applied my makeup seeming as it took forever and a century. After I played around with my make-up, I smiled once I saw what Camilla had put together. My sister could dress like a mofo. I don’t even remember buying half of this stuff.
After what seemed like literally hours , I emerged from my room and joined the rest of the household , who seemed to be having quite the time. I walked into the kitchen where everyone seemed to be and spotted Cam and Mike making goo-goo eyes at each other. I walked over and tapped on her shoulder causing her to look my way but ducked down so she couldn’t see me. Giggling at her confused facial expression I stood up and stuck my tongue out at her. 
“Well aren’t you cute girly.” She said as she poked my exposed belly button.
“Thanks you’re quite the looker yourself.” I complemented back. 
“Wassup Jay.” Mike said as we dapped.
“Where’s thing two?” I asked referring to Chris.
“Now how come I always hear you talking bout me?” Chris said as he came from behind me and into my view.
“I just wanted to know where you were that’s all.” I said politely.
“Why?” He asked as he leaned down closer to my face. I inhaled his cologne and moved back a step. I wasn’t trying to get caught up in Chris but he makes it so hard not to.
“Just because.” I replied staring back into his eyes. I wanted to look away , but I couldn’t. It was like he had me on a leash , or under some magical spell. He was hypnotizing me.
“Well here I am.” He said deeply as his face was only inches away from mines. I stared at his lips and then back at his face which displayed a satisfied grin upon it.
“Found you.” I said moving away from him and going into the living room where I saw Deja and Mijo passing a blunt back and forth.
I sat next to Deja who looked at me and nodded her head. I did the same and looked at the blunt between her hands. I’ve always wondered what it was like to get high.
“What does it taste like?” I asked Deja who just smiled at me before answering my question.
“Like .... The Earth.” She said as Mijo started laughing.
“So like grass and dirt and shit?” I asked confused.
“No like plants , more like herbs.” Mijo said.
“You wanna hit?” Deja asked me while holding the object my way. I looked at it really thinking about the side affects it could possibly have on me. I wasn’t scared per-say but I was anxious.  I grabbed the blunt from her hand and placed it to my lips and exhaled it slowly. I figured it was just like smoking a cigarette so I guess I could get the hang of it.
“For someone who has never smoked before you seem to know what you’re doing.” I heard Maya say.
“I’ve seen it done before so I guess.” I said as Deja gave me the okay to continue.
I repeated the same steps over and over until the blunt was almost nothing. I felt my body become heavier but lighter at the same time if that was even possible. I looked at Deja who was looking at me and started laughing hard as hell. I didn’t know what was so funny but all I know is I couldn’t stop laughing for the life of me. I clenched my sides as my stomach started to cramp from laughing so hard. I tried to catch my breath but I couldn’t , all I could do was laugh. I felt weightless but once I tried to stand , I almost fell on my ass. Sitting on the floor I died of laughter once again.
“Yo Jay is high as a kite.” I heard Mijo say. 
“I know , shit is hilarious.” Deja said as I laid back on the floor and continued to laugh.
“CAMILLA!” I heard someone shout. It kinda hurt me ears and my body jerked up but once I saw nothing exciting I started laughing again.
“What?” I’m guessing Camilla answered.
“You’re sister is um ..”
“High?” I heard my sister say. I just laughed and clapped my hand.
“Deja did you get my sister high?” My sister asked.
“She asked to smoke , I didn’t make her.” Deja said.
Camilla came over to me and sat on my stomach and held my face in her hands and examined me. I laughed at her face when she saw my eyes and she hopped off of me and ran to the kitchen. Minutes later I heard Chris’ voice booming through the living room.
“What do you mean she’s high?” He asked as she walked over to where I was laying almost asleep.
“Look.” Cam said as she pointed to my almost lifeless body on the floor.
Chris leaned down and looked in my face then lifted my eyelids , revealing my red eyeballs. I picked me up and stood me on my feet. I focused on catching my balance. Once I did I saw Camilla’s phone sticking out of her back pocket of her jeans. I snatched it and attempted to run. 
“Jordan gimme my phone!” I heard her yell as she chased me around the house.
I kept laughing at how care free I felt running around the yard while the wind spun around me and Camilla ran angrily behind me. Looking back I saw that Chris and Ty were also behind me and I knew that if they caught me I was gonna be up Shit Creek.
Seeming as if that only boosted my energy if possible , I ran faster and faster, swiftly moving around the yard as if I was running from the cops. I heard Cam shouting at me from behind.
"Dammit Jordan! Bring your ass here!" She screamed with her and Chris right on my ass. I was beginning to get tired but for some reason my body wouldn't stop running. I suddenly came up short when I tripped over a basketball in the yard and fell 3ft away from the 12ft deep in ground pool.
Shaking my head and trying to get up , I was suddenly pushed back down by an angry Camilla. She was yelling in my face but I couldn't make put the words exactly. Reality didn't hit until I felt an excruciatingly painful sting to my cheek.
"NOW DO YOU HEAR ME JORDAN!?" She yelled almost going blue in the face. I instantly became angry. Fuck that I was vexed. Cam had never hit me. Ever.
"What the fuck Camilla?! Why'd you hit me?!" I yelled just as she had. I couldn't bring myself to hit her back because she was my sister. That is until I felt another sting to my other cheek.
Then I lost it.
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- C H R I S
Jordan. Was. Whooping. That. Ass.
I mean don't get me wrong Cam's ass was getting some good hits in, but Jordan was knocking her tf out. It was like every hit Camilla managed to get , her sister would give her 3 hits to follow that one. And they were hard.
"Yo we gotta break them up before Jordan kills her sister." Trey said before looking at Mijo , Mike , Raye and myself.I looked at that nigga like he had 3 heads.
"Alright you first." Mike said pushing him up closer to the vicious brawl before us.
"Y'all niggas scary as fuck. Help us get them apart!" Treasure yelled making us all snap into reality.
I reached over and tried to grab Jordan but it was no use. She had her legs around Cam's neck while she was punching her in the head. Can just so happened to bite the living shit outta her causing her legs to free her neck. Using this time as an advantage, I pulled Jordan by her waist and stood her up with her feet a little from the ground. She yelled Spanish obscenities at her sister while Cam fought to get from behind Mike.
"Tu puta te odio a la mierda!" Camilla yelled angrily at her sister.
"Vete a la mierda puta te odio también!" Jordan spat back.
"You get on my fucking nerves!" Cam yelled back.
No lie , this little engagement they had going on was petty as fuck but I guess letting them get it out was best for them. I'm hungry though so they need to chop chop.
"I haven't even done shit to you Cam. I'm sorry about your precious little phone you're acting like shit cant be replaced!" Jordan said back.
"Not everything can be replaced Jordan. You've always thought when you fuck up , it was okay because DAD would come to the rescue. You always had dad's love and the shit he never gave me will NEVER be replaced." Cam said in a more somber tone.
So this was about their parents?
"You think I had it easy when he left us? It isn't my fault that mom was so wrapped up in perfect little Camilla and dad came to my rescue. You always act like everything is my fault. Its not-" she was cut off by her sister.
Tears were running down Cam's face as she stood there holding on to her sides. Mike came and hugged her as she held onto him for dear life. I looked at Jordan and to my shock, she hasn't shed one tear.
."Fuck you Camilla. On moms." She said with hurt lacing every word she spoke. She then turned around to walk back into the house but stopped and ripped something from her neck.
"Here. I don't need it anymore." She said throwing what looked like a necklace at her sisters feet.
The necklace read 'Faith' in gold , cursive writing.
She then turned and walked into the house and closed the door. Everyone stood in the back yard confused as hell. Camilla held on to the necklace her sister had angrily snatched off and cried even harder.
"I lost sister Mikey" she said wailing loudly into his chest. He whispered in her ear and they sat down on the grass as he held her while she cried.
Raye and Dej had gone into the house along with Treasure and Trey , probably going to find rooms. Mijo and I slowly walked back into the house still dazed about what had happened within the last hour. Shit was sad to be honest. Like they were fighting like dogs in the street or something. "Yo you should go check on Jordan" Mijo said before dapping me up. I walked upstairs slowly, searching for which room that would be hers. I stopped at a door with a pink-glittered 'J ' on it.
I knocked on the door softly and then turned the knob revealing Jordan sitting on the bed with her knees at her chest, looking at a picture. I walked over to her and sat next to her but leaving comfortable room. I stared at her as she stared at the family photo with watery , red and puffy eyes.
"She's right. It is my fault. I just hate that it's taken me this long to come to that realization." She said, her voice soft and hurt.
"No she wasn't Jay. She was just angry and had feelings bottled up and she just said that to hurt you." I said moving closer to her.
She looked at me and and put her hands over her face and began to sob loudly. I pulled her into my lap and held on to her waist as she buried her head into my chest. She cried for what seemed like hours. She began to hyperventilate as she clenched my soaking shirt between her fists. Fearing that she would pass out, I lifted her chin and made her look at me.
"Calm down Jordan." I said softly as I looked into her eyes and rubbing my thumb across her cheek. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. I wiped her face as she smiled faintly.
"Thank you Chris." She said once her breathing regulated.
"No problem. Didn't want you to die on me." I said making her giggle. We stared at each other for a while until she began to caress my cheek. Leaning in , I placed my lips against hers and felt my body heat rise rapidly.
She linked her arms around my neck and straddled me as I gripped her waist. She moaned at the contact my hands were giving her body. I began to grind my semi-hard area into her warm middle as I placed soft kisses on her neck. Just as I was about to remove her tank top , she stopped me placing her hands on top on mine.
"We can't do this, Chris. This is so wrong." She said breathing heavily.
"But it feels so right baby." I said putting my head into the side of her neck and bit the exposed skin.
She threw her head back and moaned once I sucked on what seemed to be her spot. She ran her fingers down to my shoulders and gripped them while I rolled my hips into hers. I leaned back and took off my shirt allowing her eyes to roam all over my body with hunger. I pushed my mouth against hers and bit down on her lip before sucking on it to soothe the bite.
"Chrisss" She moaned. I tried once again to take off her shirt and she stopped me again. This time she got completely off of me and went to the other side of the room.
I walked behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. She was quiet for a moment until she turned to face me. The look on her face told exactly how she felt.
"What's wrong Jay?" I asked.
"You. You come up in here comforting me then try to fuck me. Was that all you wanted to do in the first place? Get a quick piece of ass?" She semi-yelled.
Okay , low key I was but I had no intentions of coming in here just to get some. My comforting her was real and the kiss just felt right. But I'm not gonna say that I don't wanna fuck her though.
"No. I came in here to check on you to see if you were okay. I didn't plan on kissing you Jordan." I said back.
"So you don't wanna fuck me?" She asked putting her hands on her hips. She too sexy. Especially since she mad.
"I didn't say that. I wanna fuck the shit outta you to be honest." I said boldly as her face turned a light shade of red from blushing.
Instead of saying something, she just sat back down on the bed and turned on the TV. Is she fucking serious? I'm up here with a hard dick that probably won't go away and she wanna watch cartoons and shit. I calmly sat next to her even though I was sorta mad but not really. I was about to leave until she spoke.
"You don't even know me like that so I don't understand why would you wanna fuck a stranger." She said looking up at me.
"Strangers fuck each other everyday, Jordan." I said irritated. I was ready to go relieve myself and she wasn't helping me at all.
"I'm not that kind of girl. I can't just be fucking strangers , Chris." She said in the same tone.
"Well maybe we should be more than strangers then." I said walking over to her.
"Well I might like that." She said lowly. I leaned in a placed a soft kiss on her lips before pulling back. She looked at me with nervousness before putting her head down.
"I'm still a virgin."
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loveandpainfanfic · 8 years
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“Yo this thing stinks!” Chris exclaimed as Ms.Wilkinson tried to teach us how to change a diaper.
“Chris is’t not a thing. It’s our child.” I said as I tried to pay attention. For the most part, it was simple. Just the wiping part that got to me.
“Whatever. Can we dress ‘our child’?” Chris asked smartly.
“You may dress your child however you like.” Ms.Wilkinson clarified as she went back to reading something on her computer.
“So are you excited for Prom J?” Camilla asked. Her and Mike were at the table across from us but facing us.
“I can’t really say that I am. I have no experience and no date.” I said as  I tried to put the diaper on the baby.
“Well date or no date I think you should come. This is our last chance to attend something like this for the school year.” Cam said as she scooted the baby over to Mike who was happily doing nothing. He gave her a ‘WTF’ face and she ignored him.
“You’re right. But still.” I said finding nothing to say.
“But nothing. You are going to Prom Jordan Giovanni whether you have a date or not.” Cam said as she pointed her finger at me sternly. That meant either you give in now or you give in anyways. Either way I lose.
“Fine, I’ll go. But I don’t have a date.” I said as Chris started humming.
“I’ll take care of that.” Mike said as he wiggled his eyebrows at Chris.
“Don’t put with some ugly , lame ass nigga.” I said laughing at Chris as he tried to put the clothes on the baby. I’m glad we have a girl so that I can dress her up.
***** Bell Rings*****
“Okay class, you must bring your child to class everyday for this project or you will receive no credit. Communicate with each other as parents to figure out a schedule. Have a great weekend.” Ms.Wilkinson said as she concluded her remarks and finally opened the door for us to exit. She never let us out until she was finished talking. Good thing this was the last class of the day.
Walking out into the parking lot where Cam’s car was we I noticed Cam, Maya, Treasure, Deja, Mike, Chris and two other guys. Once I got to the car everyone became instantly silent. Maya and Treasure kept grinning at me and Mike and Chris were looking in the opposite direction as me.
“What’s so funny?” I asked after what seemed forever.
“Nothing. Mom is gonna be out of town for 2 weeks. Something about a spring fashion show and meet and greet.” Cam said once the mood began to die.
“Great. More take out.” I said rolling my eyes and shoving my bookbag into the back seat. I hated when she did this. Just left without any ‘I love you’s’ or anything. Plus I missed her cooking.
“I know kiddo that means it’s just me and you for 2 weeks.” She said grabbing my waist from behind as a guy would. We were always this close.
“I’m not busy this weekend and my dad is gonna be away for a week for some election speech. How about a sleepover?” Treasure asked excitedly.
“What are we, 12? Look let’s just hang out like we usually do on the weekend.” Deja said while playing with the ends of her braids.
“That;s the point we always do the same tired shit for the weekend. I wanna try something different.” Treasure said to her. Deja just shrugged.
“My house is pretty small though.” Treasure added. Everyone glanced at us and started grinning. I already knew what that meant.
“I mean , I guess we could. Our house is massive.” Cam said as everyone smiled and Treasure clapped.
“Awesome, now all we have to do is figure out what everyone can bring to the party.” She added while she pulled out a pen and notepad.
“I can bring the liquor.” Deja said rubbing her hands together like Birdman.
“I can bring the chips and sodas.” Maya said as she got out her car keys preparing to leave for her car.
“I got yall on the music.” Mike said dapping Chris and the two other dudes I recognized as Mijo and Trey.
“So everyone else just bring something else other than what we have listed. I will write down some activities for the weekend and we’ll meet at Cam’s house at about 7?” Treasure asked and everyone nodded in agreement.
“Wait aren’t we forgetting about something?” I asked looking around at everyone.
“What?” Chris asked.
“Our babies.” I said as everyone huffed.
“Girl my cousin had this same project last year. She just took the batteries out.” Raye said as everyone laughed.
“Alright people let’s move!” Treasure yelled as we all scrambled into our cars and away from school campus.
“We’ve already made friends J.” Cam said smiling hard as we drove to McDonald's.
The only friend I was claiming was a Big Mac and a large fry.
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I decided we wren’t gonna just sit around the house while we waited for everyone to show up. I went to the dollar store and bought balloons and paper plates and plastic cups , forks and spoons. One thing about Jordan and I was we hated to wash dishes.
I was down in the basement where we will be for most of the time while Jordan was in up in the theater setting things up in there. Our mom took good care of us no matter how little time we spent with her.
When she and my dad were together, we did everything together. We wne tot the park, the movies, you name it we’ve been there. Our dad was the greatest dad in the world. He never let us feel sad or unloved. He and Jordan were the closest though. I sort of envied her for that. But I was way closer with my mom to even notice my dad. When he left, Jordan shattered into pieces right along with my mom. It took me forever to put a smile on their faces.
Once I finishes setting up in the basement, I rushed upstairs since i heard the doorbell. Jordan was way to bust blasting music from her room to even hear it.I opened the door to reveal a smiling ball of Raye.
“Wassup chica?” She said as she made her way into the house.
“I thought you guys weren’t supposed to be here for almost another 2 hours?” I asked confused as to why she was here so early.
“I didn’t have anything else to do so I figured why not.” She said sitting as she followed me up to my room and sat in my blue plush bean bag chair.
“Where’s J?” She asked,
“In her room. She’s supposed to be setting up the game room but I guess we’ll have to do it. Come on.” I said as we headed to the game room where we found Jordan playing on the dance floor thingy , like the one at Chuck E. Cheese. She loves that.
“Hey Jordan.” Raye called out over the music. She couldn’t hear us. 
We grabbed some balloons and started blowing them up while Jordan danced her heart away on the machine. She was actually pretty good. Her overall score was higher than anyone’s who has ever played. An outstanding 6475. I could never.
After we finished blowing up the balloons I told Raye that I was gonna go take a shower and stuff before the others arrived. Raye knew the code to the gate so she could just let everyone in. I instructed her not to give the code to anyone.
“I got you girly. Go get sexy while I take care of things down here.” She said as I walked back to my room. Just as I was about to open my door, the doorbell rings again.
“I got it!” I heard Jordan yell before she dashed by me quickly to get the door. It was definitely Treasure. She was always fascinated whenever she came over.
Minding my own business, I barged into my room quickly staring my shower because I only had about an hour to get ready.
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“Yo this sleepover sounds a little gay but it’s about to be lit!” Mike yelled as we drove to my house. We had just come from his house while he grabbed some clothes for the weekend. Trey and Mijo had already packed and met us at Mike’s house. This nigga took forever. Acting like we going around the world.
“I bet since you and Cam was all mushy and shit.” Mijo said from the back seat. Trey , Mijo and I started rolling as Mike sat there with a salty expression.
“Stay back there bitch!” He yelled at Mijo.
“Whatever. You know it’s true nigga. That’s why yo ass took so damn long packing clothes for 2 days. In the mirror like a damn one of them little ass girls from Toddlers and Tiaras and shit.” Trey added while I died in the driver’s seat.
“Fuck all yall niggas.” Mike said as he looked out the window.
We pulled up to my house and I noticed a car already here. It wasn’t my mamma's , and China didn’t have a car so I wondered who’s it was.
“Yo, who’s whip is that?” Mike asked as we all looked at it.
“I dunno.” I said as we all cautiously stepped out of my car and approached my porch.
I unlocked the door and I gave them the signal to be still and quiet while I searched the house. I couldn’t find anything so I walked back into the living room where the boys had already sat on the couch. 
“That’s crazy. I don’t know who could be her-” I was cut off by someone.
“WAZZZZZAAAPPPP!!” Dwayne yelled as he came form the pantry giving all four of us a fucking heart attack.
“You what the fuck is wrong with you?!?” I yelled after we all sat down on the couch.
“Yall some scary ass niggas, I swear.” He said laughing his ass off.
“How the hell you get in here?” Trey asked as we calmed down.
“The spare key under the mat, duh.” He said eating a bag of Cheetos. The last bag of Cheetos.
“Whatever look it already 6:47 and yall know Treasure is gonna cuss our asses out if were late so let’s roll.” I said as we all prepared to leave.
“Treasure is fine as fuck man.” Trey said smiling. He’s been crushing on her since our 8th grade year.
“Not as fine as Camilla. She’s bad as hell.” Mike said licking his lips.
“None of them compare to Jordan though. Baby girl can get it before all of they ass. I’ll tear that ass in fourths. Fuck halves. I’ll demolish that ass.” Dwayne said as we all busted out laughing.
“She’s alright.” I said looking out my window.
“Yea nigga whatever. You know you like that girl.” Mike said.
“Fuck up nigga for yo ass be walking to the party.” I said as we cruised down the street.
Yea, Jordan’s alright.
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loveandpainfanfic · 8 years
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Nervousness came over me like a heartbeat.
"Relax , girlie. Its your first day. No one will hardly notice you."Camilla said with a warm smile.
That's one thing I loved about my sister , she's always looking at the positives in life. As much as I appreciated her advice , it wasn't working.
***the bell rings***
Sitting at the very back so on one would notice me was not as smart as it sounded. As soon as my teacher Mr.Willis called roll , he put me on front view.
"Class , welcome our new student all the way from Miami , Florida ; Jordan Giovanni." He said as I stood like a statue looking at the floor tiles.
"Hey Jordan. I'm Raye." One girl spoke up with her hand out. I shook it as she smiled warmly at me. She was gorgeous. Her wild curly hair reminded me of my sisters , only Raye's was purple. It was cute though.
"Whassup Jordan , I'm Dwayne , but you can call me D." Another guy spoke as he flashed his almost perfect smile at me. Smiling back I shook his hand as he sat down.
"Tell us about yourself Jordan." Mr.Willis said. Cutting my eyes at him , I shook my head no. "Come on Jordan , we would love to know what you're like." A guy spoke up smiling at me. He was one of the guys I saw yesterday in the neighborhood. He was the one looking at me.
"Well , um. I have one sister. My parents are divorced , my mom is dating Odell Beckham , I live in The Casablanca Estates , I'm 17 , My favorite color is purple , I love math , and my favorite food is seafood." I said doing the best I could.
"Wait you're mom is Francilla Giovanni?" This one girl asked excitedly.
 "Yea." I replied dryly.
"She has the best clothing line and beauty products in the world. I worship her whole project." She said walking up to me. No wonder she was fascinated with my mom's work. She was gorgeous.
"I'm Treasure. I love clothes and makeup." She said as I finally sat down. Before I could reply , a heard someone whisper my name. Another guy that was sitting with Dwayne , was trying to get my attention.
"Huh?" I asked turning around. "You gotta boyfriend? " He asked licking his lips. He was so damn fine , but that's not what I'm doing in high school.
"Sorry , not interested." I declined politely.
 "Ugly ass hoe." I heard him murmur after his friends were laughing. We weren't doing anything in class today so Raye , Treasure and myself were just talking.
Raye told me how her parents had gotten divorce too and she has a little brother , who is adorable from the pictures. Treasure told me how her mother had died from Cancer and it was just her and her dad. She also told me that he was running for Governor which is semi-cool.
Sitting next to Raye , the guys from the classroom began to pile our table like they owned shit. Two or girls showed up and one introduced herself.
"Hey I'm Maya , and this asshole is Deja. Where you from newbie? She said as the other girl rolled her eyes and sat next to one of the guys.
"Miami." I said drinking my juice.
"Damn , you fancy huh? She said sounding like Swiss Beat.
 "Nah , she boujee. Just to let you know , you ain't running shit. Yea you cute but you really ain't shit. Just stay out of the way and won't no problems evolve."
Deja said interrupting our convo and killing the vibe.
"Dej , yo chill." A guy I learned named Ty said. "Its good. Look imma meet up with you guys later." I said grabbing my tray and getting up.
"You don't have to leave , Dej just doesn't like new people." Dwayne said.
"Nah its cool , I gotta find my sister anyway." I said walking backwards toward the door.
"Hey Raye and I are coming over today right?" Treasure asked .
 "Yea that's cool." I said getting their numbers.
Deja popped her gum before she spoke.
"So I can't come over?" she asked.
"Only if you don't start no shit. I really don't like dramafied ass hoes around me. I'm a cool ass person , just don't fuck me over or play me." I said bluntly.
She stared at me blankly before smiling hard. Walking over to me , she held out her hand and we dapped.
"Cool." She replied getting my number from Maya.
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"FUCK CHRIS RIGHT THERE!!" China yelled out as I pounded her from behind.
Covering her mouth , I dug deeper poking her stomach. She knew that I would do this. She knows the rules ... No yelling while we fucking and my moms is home.
"Why you always do this shit? Huh? You know my momma home. Fuck is you yelling for?" I groaned at her seductively. Smacking her ass as I moved the hand that was on her mouth to her hair and yanked it hard causing her head to jerk back.
"Shit!" She moaned slightly loud. Grinning to myself , I slowed my pace as she groaned of frustration.
“Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Girl.” I spoke harshly pounding into her harder with each word causing her to let out a high pitched yelp as her legs shook violently.
As she came , slowly i came afterward. Pulling out , I let my load splash onto her ass.
“Aight , hurry up we got like 20 minutes until lunch is over.” I said zipping my pants up and walking out of my room, greeting my momma as she looked like she was just about to leave.
“ Get her out of here now. Chris I don’t want your lil nasty hoes at my house.” She said dodging my kiss and walking out of the front door.
Blowing air out of my nose , I looked back to see China standing there on her phone waiting on me. 
“Don’t ask me to come over anymore Chris. Your mother doesn’t want me here so don’t ask me to come over.” She said rolling her eyes and walking out of the front door like my momma.
China wasn’t my girl , but she may as well have been. We have been “seeing each other” for about 4 years now and yes , my momma still hates her. I love China , I really do. She just isn’t wifey material. Then again , everyone changes at some point in their lives. Pulling up to the school , China stormed out of the car and slammed the door. Blowing air out of my nose I sent her a text versus cursing her ass out in front of everyone. China wanted me to argue with her like she was my girl and I wasn't gonna do that. She isn't my girl so why would I treat her like she is. She's cool and what notbut she just wants too much from me. She's always talking a lot about our so called future , how we are gonna have kids and live in a big ass house and I be a successful music artist. But not once did she mention about her ass having a job. I know the type of girl China is … she money hungry. Those type of chicks don't want love ,they just need a nigga bread.  I don't need that type of chick.The girl I need is out there somewhere though.
 To : China Doll 💄🍜🍚😍 Don't slam my fucking door anymore unless yo ass wanna walk ... ✌ 
 From : China Doll 💄🍜🍚😍 .... Fuck off nigga 😒 Shaking my head , I entered the school just as the bell rang to transition to 4th Block. 
Finding my seat I glanced around for my homies being all late as usual. Well usually I'm late but like I said , everyone changes at one point in their lives. 
 "Bout time yo ass early nigga." Tyga said capping me up as he sat next to me.
“Shut Up nigga.” I said chuckling.
Just what I need to get my mind off of her.
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  Michael (Tyga)
We were all sitting in the last period of the day when Chris walked into the room and quietly made his way to his seat.  Ms.Wilkinson , our Social and Communication  teacher , stopped writing on the board and turned to face Chris.
“What's the excuse this time Mr. Brown?” She asked dully.
“I uh .. overslept?” He said trying his luck.
“Make this be your last time , otherwise you will be in detention next time Christopher.
“Yes Ms.Wilkinson.”He said turning to the page she had on the board.
“Okay class. Listen up. A new project was given to us to give to you all because Prom is coming up and we do need to finalize a huge grade before a huge event. In some cases if your grades do not meet the required minimum then you cannot attend Prom. Now before you guys freak out , this simple project will ensure that everyone will go. All you have to do is draw from this bag of names for a partner and I'll explain the rest.”
As everyone pulled a name out of the bag , one for the girls and one for the boys, we held our pieces of paper until she told us to look.
“Watch where the fuck you going man.” I heard Chris tell that new girl Jackie … Joselynn … oh Jordan.
“My bad.” She said quickly walking away.
“Damn Chris , you ain't have to scare her like that you know.” I said chuckling at how afraid she was.
“So , she stepped on my damn shoe.” He said huffing while wiping off his shoe.
“Well maybe if you wasn't sniffing her ass for roses , she wouldn't have stepped on ya shit.” Maya interjected.
“Fuck up.” Chris said flipping Maya the bird.
“Okay ya'll can see who you have.” Ms. Wilkinson said.
“Camilla Giovanni.” I murmured to myself.
“Yo who is that?” I asked Chris pointing to the name on the paper.
“Hell if I know , ask Trey.”
“Hi , um are you Michael?” A bright-skinned girl asked me shyly.
“Yea , Camilla?” I asked as I held out my hand.
“Yes.” She said as she shook my hand smiling.
Damn … She's gorgeous.
Mrs. Wilkinson explained the project as being , fun yet responsible. We had to pair up , boy and girl, and raise a kid.What was creepy was this doll she assigned everyone, was human as fuck. It cried , needed food , it even used the bathroom like an actual baby.
“Hey Ty , Who’s Jordan?” Chris said confused.
“Oh that’s my sister. She’s over there.” Cam said pointing to a equally beautiful chick with long curly dark hair, short frame, a plump ass, and the biggest titties I’ve ever seen on a high school girl.
The same girl that stepped on Chris’s shoe earlier...
“Damn , forreal? Yall blood sisters?” Chris asked at Jordan hungrily.
“Yea, but she ain’t like that.” Cam cleared quickly.
“Yo J, come here.” Cam called out to her confused and frustrated sisters.
“I can’t find this damn Chris nigga, he better be fine as fuck since he’s so damn hard to find.” She ranted turning red from anger.
“Oh he’s fine alright.” Cam said laughing as Chris and I chuckled. Cam looked at Chris and Jordan’s face flushed to a bright pink pigment.
“Oh shit. My bad. Are you Chris?” She asked nervously.
“Yeap. Jordan right?” He asked as he took her hand that was dangling by her side. He rubbed his thumb across the back of her hand and she started to blush hard as hell.
“Yea. Sorry about your shoe.” She said his her head down to keep us from seeing her smile.
“You good ma. Let’s get started though.” He said as he grabbed her hand gently and they walked over to where a lightskinned baby doll was lying on the changing table.
“Well they seem to be getting along.” Cam said.
“What about us?” I said as I held her hand in mine.
“I don’t know, you tell me.” She said smiling.
Senior Year is gonna be lit as fuck
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loveandpainfanfic · 9 years
this is the purest vine in the world
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loveandpainfanfic · 9 years
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“Baby there’s one more box in the car. Can you go get it?” My mom asked politely. 
 “Can I not?” I asked back.  I bet you’re thinking ‘why is she talking to her mom like that?” Well lemme see. Maybe because she let my dad leave us , or because her fiance thinks he runs shit , or how she’s never home because of her shitty ass job , or maybe because I’m transferring to a new school for the 7th time this year. I have my reasons. 
My problem is she makes dumb ass decisions that concern me like they don’t affect me at all. I understand that she is my parent and all but damn if she’s gonna make a decision that can alter my life , I feel like she could at least inform me. Right?
“Excuse me?” She snapped calmly. One thing about her ... The bitch crazy. She’ll clock my ass real quick if I get too bold.
“Where in the car ma?” I asked changing tones.
“Passenger side , backseat.” She said with her hands on her hips , eyeballing me.
Walking outside , I looked around at the neighborhood of Casablanca.Shit was nice. My dad is one of the best and highest paid nuero-surgeons in the state.
Glancing down the street , I noticed a group of guys walking into a house a couple houses down. I was never good with guys. For some reason they just don’t like me. Sometimes I get bullied but I try not to let it bother me too much. 
"Hey small fry what you doing out here?" My sister Camilla asked as she walked up behind me and slapped my ass. 
 "Getting a box from the car for mom. What are you doing?" I asked resting the box on my thighs. 
 "Just looking. You know J , mom is trying. Yeah her shitty fiance thinks he's our dad but we know what's real. Lighten up." She said placing her hand on my shoulder lightly.
 "Yeah sure." I said moving my body making her hand fall. I love my mom , I really do. 
I just feel like she doesn't give a fuck about me sometimes. Pushing the thought of my mother tongue back of my mind , the image of the really cute guy popped back into my head. I wondered why he was looking at me. As soon as I was entering the house , my mom was leaving. 
 "Where you going? I asked confused. 
 "Out. With Odell. Money is on the counter. Order some pizza or Chinese. Be back in the morning , love you." She said kissing my cheek and walking out of the door. 
See this is the shit I'm talking about. She puts him before me and my sister all the time and honestly, the shit is getting old. Why can't my life be as easy as I want it? 
I guess that's life ... But that guy though .....
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