lovebanqtan · 5 years
I'm broke man, that army life be sucking the money out of me. here goes nothing!
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This is the Lucky Ace. Reblog to recieve a wad of cash that is oddly specific to your current needs.
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lovebanqtan · 5 years
Min Yoongi As a Boyfriend
a/n= .angst warning a lot of fluff, NSFW
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-He cares for you so much. But refuses to show it around the guys, and gets so flustered when little outbursts
-like maybe you fell asleep on his chest/lap (happens literally every week) and Hobi will point it out and cue the whole group aweing over you as he’s trying to keep them quiet so you can sleep. As he knows how hard you work, as does he.
-He is forgetful of how much he works, and when he comes home to a pissed off you on the point of tears.
-“Babygirl?” He asks. He drops off his laptop case on the counter and tries to stumble his way in the dark. He then hears it. Your quiet sobs coming from your bedroom.
-He’d try his best to comfort you. But he knew the reason you were crying was A) it was 4 am and you haven’t slept because he’s an asshole. B) you cooked him dinner but ended up inviting the guys over for it, as you had explained to him
-that night he had never felt like such a dick, and he promised to spend more time with you, instead of in the studio. 
-and he did. 
- did I mention how loving this boy is?
- Days that he has off, he spends it in bed with you at least till noon, wrapped around each other.
- If he is on tour he makes the local flower shop send you a different type of flower every day, with “I love you so very much.” In whatever country he is in language. 
- If you're having trouble with something, let's say you need to write a paper for work or college, and it's stressing you out? He got you. He will legit not mind if you eat your stress away in chocolates, he’ll even provide them. Or if you just need him to proofread it, he’ll give constructive criticism. 
“Babe, your tone sounds like your talking to an elementary schooler, and not a bunch of college kids. Maybe change it?” 
-When he is on tour, he’d make you a Spotify playlist of all the songs that remind him of you. And during facetime, he’d make you guess which one was his favorite and if you guessed correctly, he would sing it for you. Which most the time led to you crying.
-If you went out with your best friend, which he hated, but he not possessive like that, he would send a driver to wait for you and would have water and Tylenol for when you got home. Your favorite pajamas ready.
-You both had ups and downs. Sickness and in health right?
- When you were sick, oh my god was he freaking out. Especially when it was bad. Like the one time, you had pneumonia and was in the hospital, Namjoon was basically ordering him to go home and take a shower. He did, but he couldn’t get that image out of his head. The tube down your throat pumping the liquid out of your lungs and also forcing you to breathe. It had him fucked up. 
-The next day when you woke up choking on the tube, and when basically the doctors had to quickly remove it because you were choking on it so bad. Yoongi was teary-eyed and standing there breathing hard. 
- “You just get here or something?” Your voice gravely, you managed to choke out.
- He started to laugh so hard, he had to sit down. While you didn’t think it was funny because you couldn’t talk for the next week.
-You're barely depressed anymore, but god when it does come around. It comes around. And Yoongi knows. You won’t leave the bed for days except to work, and you won’t eat. He starts to get frustrated. Finally, he gives in.  He drags you to his studio, and your complaining all the way.
-“Yoongi, I really don’t need to go. I’m really tired also, why even bring me.”
-“You're a brick if you think I haven’t caught on. So I’m trying to cheer you up.”
- He flashes that famous gummy smile at you and you feel a little better. He didn’t succeed first try, you must admit. What really made you feel better, was cuddling on his couch in the dark as the soft piano playing in the background. And you felt safe. Safe from the demons inside your head, because your boyfriend's arms were wrapped tightly around you, as you had sobbed into his chest and told him everything that was going through your mind. 
-“Yoongi, I don’t even, I don’t know what to do anymore. It’s so bad. I just- I just want it to stop. Please make them stop.” You cried into his chest.
-“It's okay.” He shushed kissing your head. Rubbing circles on your back. “It's okay, I’ll make them go away. I’ll roast them and they’ll be too afraid to come back.” 
-“Yeah?” You asked.
-“Hey, demons!” He yelled turning his head away to face the ceiling so he wouldn’t hurt your ears. “What gives you the right to hurt my girl? If anything it should be my right to hurt you for hurting my girl! But your too much of a coward and hide inside of her pretty head!” 
-You laugh look at him. Smiling that gummy smile again. 
-“Finally. Mission accomplished.” 
-You spent the rest of the night like that, until like 9pm. When you got so hungry you were shaking and he ordered take in.
-Big question.
-How is he in bed?
-No question Yoongi is a dom. 5/7 will be kinky shit, but if you're stressed or something, he will literally just eat you out until your begging him and pushing him away. 
-“Want me to stop use your safeword. My job is to make sure my baby is not stressed out, however, if she doesn’t stop moving I’ll tie her down and continue my business.” He says as he pumps a finger in you and your legs twitch.
-Hella into cockwarming. In the studio, he’ll just have you sit on his lap while he’s inside you. And God forgives you if you fuck him trying to get yourself off.  
-“You want to get yourself off? huh? Tell me now, are you getting off?” He would ask as he held a vibrator on high against your clit and fucked hard into you. You screaming out his name. 
-He has a rule that if you don’t let him know when you cum, he’ll make you cum two times and you better let him know each time or that another 4
-If you hadn’t realized it, he loves overstimulating you and seeing the fucked out look on your face when you guys are done.
- he loves the next day when you're limping around and all the members look at him weirdly. or when one of the maknaes (specifically Tae) spot one of your hickeys because your shorts were too high, and Tae nearly dies on the spot because of how littered your thighs are. 
-he loves it when you beg. he will eat you out for hours, and look at you clenching around nothing, and finally, you will give in and beg. 
“Yoongi, please. please please I can’t take it anymore. Please fuck me.”
- when the deed is done he will cuddle you whispering how good you did into your hair. He’ll finally get up and go turn on the shower for both of you.
- But it took a while to get to this point don’t get me wrong.
- You had known him for a long time. You weren’t instantly like this. You had told him you loved him so many times, and he started to cry because he said, “I don’t want to get hurt.”
-Finally one night, he decided. You weren’t doing anything special, just playing Mario cart with Jungkook and Tae, and suddenly Yoongi walks up behind you and wraps his arms around your shoulders. 
-”Are you okay?” You ask him after asking Tae and Jungkook for a second. They hopped on their phones, nodding after pausing their screens.
- “I need to tell you something.” He smiles that famous gummy smile known to Armys internationally. 
-”What's up?” You ask worriedly. 
-He pulls you in and you swear you’ve never been happier at these words. 
-”I love you. I love you so much. And I know you won’t hurt me because you love me too, and I could hurt you just as bad and I love you and  I can’t live without you. And I’ve been dying to say these words for so long. But I was so afraid. I’m not anymore. I’m going to make up for a lost time, I promise. “ He says so slow and sweet into your ear, and you swore you heard his voice crack as if he was crying.
-“Your right, I couldn’t hurt you because you know I can’t live without you either genius. I love you too much to even say your dumb.” You laugh a little. And look up and see Taehyung and Jungkook filming the two of you.
- “Brats! Get back here or I’ll tell Jin to beat you both with his spoon!”
- Everything and I means everything has been different since then. 
- Of course, that's not how he asked you out.
- 2 years ago,  it was right after their  BTS Memories of 2017. And the members were celebrating a successful night.  Being Yoongi’s best friend, you had been invited too.  
-Yoongi was more than focused that night. Because he had an objective. He had liked you for a while, and he knew you liked him. He could see it, that admiration look. 
-That admiration looks that fans have, that he first recognized in you, and compared to fans at fan meetings. Its how he tells if their fake or not.
-You have had it since he first started talking to you. And he wonders why. But now he realized he has the same look for you because Namjoon calls it “heart eyes”
-As he walks up to you, Jungkook notices him. 
-“Ah, Noona I’ll give you and Hyung some time.” And Jungkook walks to the other side of the Restaurant where the rest of his hyungs are.
-You turn around to face a stern-faced, blonde yoongi. But also looks like a kitten at the same time? Kitten licks on your- shut up brain. You turn slightly red before talking.
-“Yeah? Whats up?” You ask him.
-“I need to talk to you...” He says lowly, eyeing the 95 liners whispering about him. “alone preferably.”
-“Okay, whatever you want.” You smile sheepishly at him, lowkey kind of drunk already.
-He grabs your wrist gently and drags you outside. 
-”y/n remember when you told me you liked me?” he says looking straight into your eyes.
-”Yeah. and you never gave me an answer.”
-” I’m giving you one now. I like you a lot. And I’d be really happy if you were to date me..”
Your eyes tear up and you look down. 
“Why are you crying?” He asks grabbing your face and pressing your foreheads together. Not caring the members are practically pressed against the windows trying to watch.
“I feel like, I’ve been waiting so long. And it been so cold. And I’m finally warm haha. That's the only way I can explain it. I’m just so happy. Yes, of course, I’d date you stupid.” You stutter out.
The beginning of your life with Yoongi started here.
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lovebanqtan · 5 years
 Figured I’d start writing for once, I'm beginning with my master list. 
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Poly!BTS = 💕
Smut= 🔥
Fluff= 🍪
Female Reader= 🌸
Gender not specified = 💎
Angst = 💧
Drabble = 🎨
In Progress = 🍁
If something different I will say.
Kim Seokjin
Kim Seokjin as your boyfriend. - 🔥🍪🌸💧
Min Yoongi 
Min Yoongi as Your Boyfriend - 🔥🍪🌸💧
Jung Hoseok
Jung Hoseok as Your Boyfriend - 🍁
Kim Namjoon 
unfortunately, at this time there is nothing here, please request if you want something, or wait for a creativity spike._
Park Jimin
unfortunately, at this time there is nothing here, please request if you want something, or wait for a creativity spike.
Kim Taehyung
unfortunately, at this time there is nothing here, please request if you want something, or wait for a creativity spike.
Jeon Jungkook
unfortunately, at this time there is nothing here, please request if you want something, or wait for a creativity spike.
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lovebanqtan · 5 years
Kim Seokjin As A BoyFriend
a/n= a little bit of angst, discussion of sex, and BDSM. also, I hate writing in 3rd person please forgive me if this is bad.
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- You rely on each other very much.
- You never really know how much he relies on you until either, until its one of those days where Hobi be giving out that hard ass choreography, and as your standing in the corner of the dance studio, watching your loving boyfriend giving it his all and still not getting it
-You feel heartbroken.
-Hobi is being relentless on him, and finally, you snap. Even seeing poor little Jungkook breathless. 
-”Break Hobi. You got everyone worn out. Not everyone has as much stamina.” You sigh, walking up to a sulking Jin. 
-”I just don’t see what I’m doing wrong, I’m doing exactly what he’s doing and I’m getting different results.” He sighs. Pressing his sweaty body into your shoulder. 
“You are doing just fine from what I saw. Just give it 10% more and I bet you’d be perfect.” You quote him from when you were stressing over exams. Causing him to choke on his water. 
-And that's exactly what he does. Gives it 10% more and before you know it, Hoseok is jumping up and down giddy at how good practice went. Jin with his arm slung around your shoulder walking out of the studio with the rest of the boys. Each going their separate ways. 
-Besides relying on each other, he is very comforting. Even when you were still best friends. Like the time when your dog, Sammy ran away and you saw it got hit by a car, after halfway eating your weight in ice cream, you decided to call Jin. 
-He didn’t even say anything, he showed up half an hour later at the door with your favorites and a movie in hand. He understood you so well and just let you cry it out while he just talked about his day.
-You might be thinking.”Talked about his day?” Isn't that selfish?
-No. It helped because it distracted.
-”Ahh. Today, I cooked this delicious ramen, and I sat it on the table right to get a drink. And when I came back it was gone? So like what the hell? Who stole my ramen right?” 
-He made you laugh eventually.
-And when he has bad days good lord be prepared. You will have to make him talk to you. 
-”Babe, please tell me what's wrong..” I plead.
-”I swear its nothing.” he keeps scrolling through his phone, reflection of words in his eyes. 
-Okay if its nothing then why you look like you going to cry.
-”Fine then. You won’t talk to me, I won’t talk to you either.” I stand up and head toward the bedroom. 
-Packing your stuff for the night, you packed them in a drawstring bag and dragged it to the guest room. 
-”You can have the bedroom. I’ll be sleeping in the guest room till you tell me what's wrong.” I smile evilly.
- He sighs and pats the cushion next to him. Telling you everything in his day, and apparently, none of you had a good day. Which led you both to feeling bad for each other, so he cuddled you until his arms were numb.
-Also did someone says romantic?
-Kim Seokjin is the definition of romantic in your book.
-You hurt or sick? He carries you to where you need to go and makes your favorite food from your childhood.
“KIM SEOKJIN I SWEAR TO GOD PUT ME DOWN!” You screamed, waking up the whole dorm.
-You're depressed? He will cuddle you and watch Disney movies. And will totally help you eat that gallon of ice cream so you don’t feel the guilt in the hour. He’ll play with your hair, and if you go out and see anything, literally anything you want to the extremities of a tiger. He will buy it just to make you feel better. 
-You're insecure? He will make it his last dying wish to make it what you're most confident about.
-”Baby your so beautiful, I don’t know what you're talking about.” He whispered kissing your head.
-”You don’t see it? You're crazy then because all your fans do, and the people on the street do, and I don’t know why you like me.” You sobbed into his chest before turning and lying on your back. Basically choking on your cries.
-“The only one crazy here is you for listening to them, who you calling crazy. They are just jealous of you. You really think someone like me would date someone ugly.” He laughed but hearing your silence worried him. “Baby. You're beautiful, please listen.” He turned you so you would face him, and the tears streaming down your face made him want to cry too.
Wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing you against his chest. “Please believe me when I tell you you're beautiful.”
- He loves you for you and would never want you to change.
-He would probably ask to go shopping with you a lot, or just go buy himself and buy you stuff. Like, let's say your favorite artist just came out with a fragrance line. Boom! You get new jewelry every week, and honestly, you don’t know why because you only wear it to his award shows.
-The public knows about you because of you. You walked in on him filming an EatJin! which was normal behavior. Except instead of saying “hey bestie!” you said “babe can I have a bite-” and Jin was the definition of the dead inside as his views passed 30 million and all the comments were talking about you.
-But we haven’t answered the question yet...
-How is the boy in bed? 
-half of you guys just choked I know
- but for real big dick line rise up
- Jin is a major switch. So that works out most of the time.
-He can go from a major pain in the ass dom to an obedient sub.
-But when he’s a dom, he’s not that kinky on any given day, but on the 1/7 day, god bless your soul.
-Like he has a chest under your bed, just for when he’s like this. In this chest is, a bunch of silk ties (got to be gentle with your skin because now the world sees you too), blindfolds, (more specifically for him, you had brought it up and he nearly choked. but once you tried it using one of his ties, he came so quick, without you even touching him properly) a vibrator, (mostly used for your punishments?? but was given as a rewards once or twice you remember). There's more in there, you know that but you haven’t used it yet.
-On the days he’s not a BDSM master, he’s a giver in the bedroom. What I mean by this is
-Before you go to bed you have to have cum at least twice, with his fingers or his tongue and you're mad about that because he won’t let you touch him until morning. But it doesn’t mean you’ll tell him to stop. 
-If he’s hella tired after a long day at the dance studio, or recording. Or he just got back from tour. He’ll use the vibrator but make you cum five times, and you just lay there moaning with a fucked out look on your face, twitching from overstim. But even if he’s tired he’ll still take away, 
-you don’t even bring it up to him. Just laying in bed, invested in your poetry book Namjoon recommended to you. Suddenly a warm hand snakes up your thigh, and warm lips pressed to your neck. 
-How does this boy feel about PDA? 
-Now that it's like known to the world that he’s yours, and you are his. He doesn’t mind. He’ll want you to flex his hickeys to be all over Soompi. And he’ll flex his back scratches, wearing a see-through button up in his next interview. 
-Purposely turning around to ask Jungkook a question, and when the Interviewer asks what they are with a shocked as fuck look on her face. He’d blush and look at you flexing your hickeys behind the camera. And suddenly he’d gain the confidence and say. “My girl gave them to me.” And he’d smile confidently, as the interviewer looked horrified.
- He’s not afraid to kiss you in public, in fact, he asked you out in an amusement park as you were clinging to death on his arm on the Ferris wheel, and his asshole self kept rocking the bench. You cussed him out then and there.
-Smiling at your cuteness, he pulled down his mask and kissed your cold nose, in the winter air. “You're so cute, I honestly think your the only one compatible to date me.” He laughed before pulling up his mask. You were shocked and confused. You questioned your hearing. 
-It shocked you so much that you lost your grip on his arm and he continued to shake the bench causing you to call him an asshole and proceeded to grip onto his arm, until the end of the ride that he made you get on.
- After getting on the ride, you both stop at a place. That has a giant red neon sign.
“C-Co. Coco-Cola. See I’m getting nearly as good as Namjoon!” He laughs his classic windshield wiper laugh.
- Sitting down inside the warm cafe, you look him in the eye. Trying to decipher him. Was he joking? Was he lying?
-”Jin?” You ask cautiously, taking a sip of your iced coffee.
- “Yes?” Turning to you, he smiles. He has one straw in his mouth, sipping a cherry cola. 
-Before you answer, you think back. Jin is not the player type. In fact, since you in 5th grade, he’s dated, 4 girls. They either broke up with him because he refused to have sex in 7th grade with a girl who most likely had an std at that point. (good choice jin) Or he broke up with them because he lost feelings.
-You can’t really blame him. But what if he was just joking and you end up embarrassing yourself?
-”You gonna ask or keep staring at me?” he laughs again. The food has come now, my favorite American food. 
-”My bad. It's just, I can’t tell if you were being serious or not earlier, and I didn’t want to get my feelings hurt.” You turn away your face red with embarrassment.
-Suddenly he bursts out laughing in that classical windshield wiper laugh.
-“Oh my god, you're so oblivious!” He cries out between laughs, the restaurant looking at him, as he just yelled out Korean. 
-“What?” I ask.
-“When I lost feelings for Aemin, I caught feelings for you, and I thought I had been hinting all this time, especially on the Ferris wheel, but you are so dense!” He laughs hitting his knees.
-I start to laugh too. Realizing my best friend since 5th grade just confessed he liked me, and I have liked him since I can’t remember. And since you told him you liked him too. You started to be inseparable. But especially when he asked you to date him, and you started to cry happy tears. 
-You haven’t been separated since.
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lovebanqtan · 5 years
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