lovecourt · 2 years
“““You can have anything,” she said, “once you admit you deserve it.”” - Meredith Russo, If I Was Your Girl”
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lovecourt · 2 years
Be Safe
"Please be safe" were the last words he spoke to her
But he failed to realize the only safe place for her was with him
So she did everything she could to not be safe
She went out with strangers
She hiked by herself for many miles
She traveled with no plans
She tried as many new foods as possible
She started her own consulting firm
And along the way she realized that she didnt want safe anymore because she was living the life she wanted but was too scared to do it on her own.
He changed her life but he didnt stay long enough to be part of it
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lovecourt · 2 years
““We build too many walls and not enough bridges.” - Isaac Newton”
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lovecourt · 2 years
““You don’t destroy people you care about. That’s not how it works, that should never be an option. Choose laughter. Choose peace. Choose love.” - R.M. Drake”
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lovecourt · 2 years
My plan is to avoid
to disappear
to a place where you won’t find me
for a period of time
Maybe then...
You will realize what we had
You will realize what I mean to you
You will become the man you were at the beginning
You will miss me
I shouldn’t have to disappear
For you to actually see me
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lovecourt · 4 years
I have a million things to talk to you about. A million things we have to talk about. All I want in this world is you. I want to see you and talk. I want the two of us to begin everything from the beginning.
Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood (via thoughtkick)
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lovecourt · 4 years
If letting go of her meant she would be happier, would you do it no matter how much it hurts you?
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lovecourt · 4 years
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lovecourt · 4 years
i don’t know. i love you. there’s not much more to it. i wonder often if i’m dreaming away the central verse of my youth. if i’ll wake up one day and be a little less than i am now. tell me i’m whole. tell me i’m good. tell me you’ll carry me through the melting skies of this chorus of our lives and that someday i’ll wake up next to you.
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lovecourt · 4 years
How amazing it is to find someone who wants to hear about all the things that go on in your head.
Nina LaCour // Hold Still (via qvotable)
The best ❤
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lovecourt · 4 years
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Thank you ❤
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lovecourt · 4 years
Chasing SoCal Sunsets
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lovecourt · 4 years
I want to feel 🦋 again and again
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lovecourt · 4 years
I do
Hand in hand standing at the altar
What comes out is this
I love you
But more than that I am in love with you
With every fiber of my being and every beat of my heart
You are exactly the person Ive dreamed about
With many years of stolen looks and missed chances
All it took was that first hello
With your big ol eyes starin into my soul
Take me now
Because I never want this feeling to end
I never want to have enough of you.
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lovecourt · 4 years
Hope <3
The thing about it is, you have already given me more than you know....
The ability to feel
the desire to be better
The accepting of this love
The want to build
But most of all, you give me hope
Hope that dreams come true
Hope that love is real
Hope that this life will be amazing!
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lovecourt · 4 years
Things changed
Feelings faded
We tried our best
But I guess it wasn't good enough
The countless lies
The endless hurt
Just wasn't something I wanted to live with anymore
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lovecourt · 4 years
The tough part
When you follow your heart
You put one step in front of the other
Even when it feels like you are walking through quicksand
With tears streaming down your face
Cause even though its the hardest thing you will ever do
And your heart is breaking with every step
Your heart knows its time
And that whatever you are walking towards is a million times better than what you are walking away from
And so you listen and you follow even though you are scared as hell
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