lovejoaofelix · 1 year
i loved it🫶🏻🫶🏻
Preferences: Protective Things He Does
💢 All the works are pure fictions, for entertainment purposes only so please, read it at your own will.
Find more at: Masterlist
» Pedri + Gavi + João Félix
AN: Please like, reblog and give me feedback!
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He knows you’re someone that enjoys staying home most times, not really being a very outgoing person and he’s more than fine with it. He usually doesn’t go out much either, you two keeping company to each other while watching a movie. 
But sometimes, when you’re forced to go out - to a Barcelona’s party or event to accompany your boyfriend, Pedri makes sure to keep tabs on you all night. He hates to leave you by yourself and always makes sure to check up on you, even if the other WAGS are there to keep you company. 
Pedri knows how stressful and socially awkward it can be for you and he tries his best to make sure that you’re doing alright and having fun. 
He always finds you, pressing a sweet kiss in your temple while asking into your ear if everything is fine and promising that you guys will leave as soon as he’s finished with whatever press/publicity he has to do. 
All the girls love to swoon over his actions, commenting how sweet Pedri is for always looking out for you while his teammates love to tease him about the whipped boyfriend he is. 
But in the end Pedri only cares about your well-being and as long as you’re fine, he’s happy.
"Hey, honey. Everything good around here? Give me just more 5 minutes and then we're good to go."
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Gavi has a bad temper, which is activated every time he reads all the negative comments you get online because you’re dating him.
All those nasty people that keep hitting your self-confidence, making you feel bad about yourself when in reality he’s the one who feels lucky to have you in his life. Your social media is often flooded by comments and messages telling you that you don’t deserve Gavi. 
It makes his blood boil to read them and he can’t stop himself from stalking all those accounts, blocking and reporting all of them, one by one. It’s his guilty pleasure, one that you don’t know about. 
It’s annoying and tiring to say the least, cause they always make new accounts but it’s worth it when you mention to him that occasionally the hate stops all of the sudden.
It always comes back, but he loves to retaliate against those people that are complete jerks to you and sometimes even exposes them by mentioning them in his own social media, making sure everyone knows what type of disgusting people are out there, hiding behind a screen. 
Plus, he also reports all the pervert male comments under the pictures you post ;) only this time, it’s because of jealousy. 
"Someone keeps reporting the hate accounts? Really, is that so? Wow, that's nice, right?"
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João Félix
João’s life is quite busy and it’s very frustrating for him that he can’t always be there for you as much as he wants to because of all the practices, games and traveling. 
He constantly worries about something bad happening to you while he’s away and because of that, João insists on texting and calling you when he’s not around. 
He just wants to check if you got home safely, reminding you to lock the doors and windows at night, to make sure you activate the alarm system before you go to bed. 
If you don’t answer his calls or take too long texting back, he’ll get so anxious especially because he’s far away, unable to do anything in case there’s an emergency.
João will probably spam you a bit and if he’s feeling too uneasy, he might check the security cameras of the house to make sure you’re safe and sound. 
Sometimes you might get a bit annoyed at his protective side, but you never lash out on him, knowing that he gets afraid of the dangerous times we live in.
"Hey, are you okay? Okay, that's good. I just got a bit worried cause you didn't text me all day. Now that I know you're fine, I feel way better, babe."
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Please don't ignore me :(
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lovejoaofelix · 1 year
Kai Havertz. Chelsea
<<I have to apologize.>>Kai stops, the mug of beer he was drinking almost falls, those few words of hers have bewitched him.
<<Can you repeat?>>
<<I owe you an apology>> Giulia brings the glass to her lips and drinks up to the last drop of the cocktail.
<<Do you have to drink to apologize?>> he asks sarcastically
<<Then I'll have to order more mugs.>><<No, this was enough for me>> he lifts the empty glass with one hand
<<Then I don't have to be drunk to tell you what I have to.>>
<<Please, go ahead>> he invites her playing with the glass on the table, in order to avoid disasters he decides to leave it resting <<You have my complete attention.>>Giulia nods doubtfully, she wishes she hadn't raised the subject but she can't stall forever, even if a part of her wants it.
<<I owe you an apology because I doubted your words, several times>> she wishes she could say she felt lighter but she has to continue
<<When you moved here to England our relationship was just beginning, I still didn't quite know what I tried for you while you already had everything planned and clear.>>The buzz around them increases, someone starts singing the song that's on the club's playlist, Kai would like to interrupt her and ask her to continue outside but knowing her he decides to do his utmost to hear her.
<<Everything always seems easy for you, I know you and I know it's not that simple, yet you have become a regular for Chelsea and the German national team in a short time, from a complete stranger to one of Germany's promising players>> Giulia catches her breath, noticing the clamor around them he turned up the volume by a few octaves
<<Compared to you, I'm a nobody lady. I'm behind with my studies and every day I wonder if I've chosen the right address, if it's really what I want to do in life or not, I feel eternally out of place and time...even when we're together.>>She almost whispered the last words and Kai learned them by reading her lips, visibly shaken Giulia crosses her arms as if she had to defend herself from the judgment of others and makes no sign of wanting to speak again; seeing her like this, he puts his arm around her and promptly brings her close to him. The screech of the chair attracts some glances towards them, seeing the footballer's severe expression, even the most curious look away from them, once back in their bubble he speaks.
<<You don't care about other people's judgement>> he reassures her by shaking her hand
<<There is nothing that classifies you as further back or ahead than someone, life is not a race in which someone arrives first and others later, moreover, there is nothing to win.>>Giulia shyly raises her head looking straight into his eyes, secretly Kai rejoices in this gesture. comforted a little, he continues the conversation.
<<Everyone has his own life and decides for himself in full autonomy and acts as he sees fit, the university path is different for each person and if you take more time than others this does not make you stupid or clumsy, even if many would like to make you feel like this>> concludes emphasizing the last part.
She knows that the uncertainties about her future are still present yet now she hides them behind smiles, Kai knows her and will be by her side when doubts come back to haunt her.
<<Anyway, I really mean what I said>> he points out between one kiss and another.
<<I know, otherwise I wouldn't have moved here to London>> she reassures him, ruffling his hair
<<And I would never have apologized.>>
Finally a song that the footballer likes passes and he excite to get up and drag her onto the floor to dance, this sudden initiative doesn't excite Giulia but she decides to follow him without complaining much (but just snorts)
Hope you like XXX. make requests if you want to ;)). See you next time and sorry for the mistakes but English is not my first language.
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lovejoaofelix · 1 year
Where It Went Wrong
(João Felix x FemReader)
Summary: What happens when she meets a footballer on her way home, it must be fate right? Wrong, the elevator got stuck. With nothing else to do, the two strangers start to get to know each other, and a beautiful friendship starts to form. ( Friends to Lovers)
General Warnings: Angst and fluff, mental health struggles, mentions of cheating, unhealthy friendships (being there for people, but they don’t give much back), toxic relationships, bad words, physical and mental insecurities. a/n: FYI besides João’s name (and some of the other players names and his dog) all other names will be fictional- Everything is fiction; the characters actions do not reflect who they are in real life. Badly translated Portuguese. To be honest I don’t know where he will go after his loan ends but let’s pretend he stays at Chelsea.
Word Count: 6.8k
This will be sort of long- Did not want to write multiple parts, so please read at your own pace. Thanks for reading <3
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The First Meeting:
London was a very busy city, she loved it. When she moved here from her home country she didn’t expect to land a comfortable and well paid job, and thanks to the Smith’s she was able to make the best of what London had to offer. She had met a few people along the way, none of them stuck around for long, but she was happy that she was having fun and being social. She was used to giving, but no one had actually returned the favor, she didn’t allow herself to be lonely, even though she didn’t have many friends she enjoyed her freedom and her ability to find the best in people, maybe that’s why João liked her so much, or maybe he actually needed someone to hold on to.
She met him in the middle of August, she was staying for a weekend in the Smith's fancy flat, she took care of their 3 year old daughter named Eleanor. She was a certified teacher, but you know how that goes, the parents and the kids seemed to lose respect for teachers, and her job started to become too unbearable, so she moved to London to hopefully find a better school environment, but she ended up finding a position that allowed her to feel comfortable and respected, and that was being a full time nanny.
Don’t get it wrong though, the job was tough, having to take care of a grumpy toddler who was constantly growing and exploring the world was difficult, but it also meant helping her with new experiences, which was lovely. The Smith’s owned a very important photography studio that required their full attention, they had to go on trips and had to constantly look for new projects, so they needed help with their baby. She had a pretty stable schedule, although sometimes it did take up half of her month, but one kid was better than a full classroom and she could handle it, besides the money wasn’t bad at all.
She had this anxiety about having money and now she had no idea what to do with a lot of it, so she loved volunteering and helping out in her community, that was one beautiful characteristic of hers, she loved giving and spreading kindness around. She loved how friendly she could be, did people take Advantage of her sometimes, oh absolutely, but at least she knew that it is important to stand up for herself and when she felt that people were taking her for granted she would leave and never come back, hopefully that wouldn’t happen again.
Saying her goodbyes to Little Ele and the toddler’s parents, she made her journey home, she didn’t want to leave but Ele needed quality time with her parents. Who finally got a bit of time off, two days weren’t a lot to some parents, but to the Smith’s that was an eternity with their daughter, so they would always cherish it by treating Eleanor with only the best toys and experiences.
She loved the idea of family, her family was amazing, but they were a bit too strict with her, always expecting her to be a good daughter, and eventually she felt suffocated, never allowed to make mistakes; that was another reason she took a big leap and moved to a different atmosphere. She was on her own now and she completely loved it.
Too caught up in her own little world, she didn’t notice another person getting in the elevator, she gave him a kind smile, but he just looked the other way, ‘fine she thought, remain grumpy’. She understood that people had their own problems, but why be rude to kind gestures. He looked defeated, he was around her age, maybe a few years older, but see, even young people had a tough life and this boy seemed to be going through it.
The apartments where the Smiths lived were very fancy but it also meant that there were 14 floors to go down to. They lived in the penthouse and this grumpy individual seemed to live on the 12th floor. He must be very important to live here, maybe an influencer who thought he was better than everyone.
Oh my God why was she so judgy? She told herself to not judge a stranger who was probably just having a bad day. She loved to create little stories about the strangers she saw around in her day, and this boy was apparently her next target.
Lost in her little imagination, she didn’t notice the elevator come to a big halt, not until his desperate pleas and nasty words “não, por favor, isso não pode estar acontecendo” (no please this can't be happening). He kept pressing every single button, in all reality he was making the situation worse, so she pressed the help button that he apparently had missed in his little tantrum.
With him suddenly looking at her as if she had killed him, she only grew more angry at him, why was he looking at her as if this was her fault, so she decided that his handsome face was not going to intimidate her and she spoke “ Stop looking at me like that…yes this is happening, and yes we seemed to be stuck in an elevator, but before going crazy why don’t we text or call someone and maybe they will be able to help”
To be fair she knew Spanish, and she understood what he had said in Portuguese, but why was he so angry? He wasn’t the only one in this situation so it was time for him to not be so selfish and help her out. He only looked more desperate and mad “ look, you text someone and I will ask my bosses for help”. She was actually going to be surprised by his next words and his tone. So god help her and control her temper.
“If you weren’t in complete la la land before the elevator stopped you would’ve realized that I tried to contact people but we have no service, so please save the attitude querida” there was no way she was going to allow this boy to talk to her like this.
“Quit being so condescending, querido, I was only trying to help, if I’m not mistaken I was the one to press the help button, that you missed.”
“Excuse you! That was the first thing I did, again, I will remind you that you were stuck in your little world, probably too starstruck by me or something” who did he think he was, she had no idea who he was, she really hated privileged people and she for sure was going to embarrass him now.
“Look, I seriously have no idea what you are talking about, you’ve seem to not be important in my life because I have never seen you before, I certainly would’ve remembered such a sour look”
If you haven’t noticed she was a bit feisty and she hated people who thought they were better than her, she was nice but this boy was seriously pushing her buttons. His next words were certainly not going to help his case.
“Well your face isn’t that good to look at as well, why don’t we just stay away from each other and wait this out with no more talking” she couldn’t believe that he was this mean, she had only mentioned his expression, not anything about his physical appearance, sure she was very boring looking in her eyes, but he didn’t have to mention it. She had really tried to be more sure of herself in the department of feeling confident about her looks, but then again, a conventionally attractive person came to ruin her progress.
Seeing her slowly lose that determination and bright spark of confidence, he felt like an asshole, he wasn’t like this, but his girlfriend had just broken his trust again, and he was not in the mood to be nice, but he felt bad so he at least had to try “ I’m sorry look, why don’t we just start over again, and let’s pretend nothing happened” as if she was going to forgive so easily, not this time she didn’t care, he had hurt her only insecurity and she disliked him for it.
“I thought there will be no more talking, so let’s go back to that ok” seeing that she completely left him speechless, she took a seat, if there was anything about her is that she was determined to put people in their place.
Thank god she had used the restroom before she left because it was going to take some time to reach the ground. Copying her actions he sat directly across from her, he too had given up, eventually someone was going to come looking for them.
First hour:
The awkward silence was becoming unbearable, she was refusing to make eye contact, and to be fair she hated herself because music would’ve really helped her situation, but she had this nasty habit of forgetting to charge her headphones. She was cold, hungry, and bored, she was quite a talker and if he hadn’t ruined it with his big ego she would be using a conversation as a form of entertainment. So playing with her ring will serve her purpose.
He really hated how he had acted, and noticing how she was shivering he would offer her his hoodie. An act of kindness will hopefully earn him brownie points. Noticing some movement across from her and a brown jacket being handed to her, she finally looked up. He was surprised when she shook her hand and decided that the piece of dust on the floor was more interesting.
How dare she refuse, he was trying to be nice for god sake, again he was going to insist, startling her when he spoke, “ pelo amor de deus! Please just take it, I’m trying to be nice” (for god sakes).
He looked at her so intensely, that she had no choice but to take it, after all, boys were scary. Obviously he wasn’t a bad person, just rude but you can only be so careful. Deciding to only use the hoodie to cover her front she said a quiet thank you.
His random act of kindness proved that he was just having a bad day, but she was going to make him understand that he should never, comment about someone or make someone else feel bad just because he is having a bad day. She was punishing him for his behavior, call her a hypocrite but she really was giving him a taste of his own medicine.
Second hour:
She probably was driving him insane because he again spoke up a few minutes later, “ look I’m sorry, you are a very beautiful girl, who is probably very tired and kind enough to smile at a very grumpy stranger, who is trying to be nice to her because honestly he can’t take the painful silence anymore, it’s driving him insane”
Finally she was content with his more than decent apology, he admitted that he was wrong and in the process called her beautiful (which she didn’t believe, but still nice to hear). Her lack of words made him add on “ I had a very bad day and I took it out on you, so again, I apologize for my rude behavior, I didn’t mean to be so full of myself”
He for sure was helping his situation, especially because he had a little tint on his cheeks that showed her that he hated to admit he was wrong, and for that she finally gave him a little smile, still not speaking because she wanted him to continue.
Looking up at the ceiling and with a heavy sigh he went on “ I know you are torturing me, but I’ll take it. I'm João, I'm a professional footballer who plays for Chelsea, that is why I thought you knew me… I just found out that my girlfriend has been buying herself a bunch of expensive clothes, that I would gladly buy for her if she would ask, but because she didn’t I have to explain to my accountant why so much money has been missing, not to mention her kissing my best friend behind my back on a very drunk night two weeks ago, I forgave her but she has been testing my limits recently, so please querida forgive this poor boy who’s had a rough couple of days.”
See, she knew that he was going through something. Was she going to regret forgiving him in the long run? For sure, but for the time being she was going to accept his apology because those dark eyes were looking at her, begging for forgiveness and who was she to say no.
“ I accept your apology mr. João, and I’m sorry that your girlfriend and your best friend are pieces of shits that have broken your trust, it’s not nice to take your anger out on strangers, but luckily for you I’m not a stranger anymore” with that she extended her hand and introduced herself to him. That moment changed everything for them because she had decided to be there for him from now on and he for sure was going to let her.
Final hour:
After that, they talked for another hour, discussing every little detail about their lives, where they worked, where they came from, favorite activities, and just above everything that dealt with who they were. He understood that she spoke Spanish, and he also did. Most importantly they found out that they had a lot of things in common such as their love for caffeine, animals, and for going on walks, they didn’t realize it yet but they were two soulmates who completely complimented each other.
So lost in their little discussion, they both jumped when a firefighter opened the elevator door, helping them both out of what once was their own personal hell, but soon turned into their safe space. Getting checked at the ambulance, to see if they were dehydrated or anything else, they both were free to go.
Seeing that their time was coming to an end she spoke first “ I have to go it’s getting late, and I have to go take the metro home, hopefully I get to see you around” gently grabbing her arm he stopped her “Querida, I’ll take you home, I don’t live here my girlfriend does, and I for sure will not let you walk home this late, so come on”
Leaving no room for excuses he pulled her to his car. Telling him her address they began their long journey to her apartment. She lived in a nice building that was surrounded by cute shops and overall it was a safe neighborhood, stopping at her house he was too forward to ask her this but he didn’t care, he had lost his friend Miguel and he for sure was going to need a new one and call him crazy but she was perfect for that role.
“Give me your phone querida, I will need to stay in contact with you, because to be honest with you, you changed my perspective on, what friends are all about, and I thank you for that”
Yes she was surprised but she also knew that she had this impact on people, and she actually needed him, just as much as he needed her, handing her phone to João, they both said their goodbyes promising to stay in touch.
Walking into her house she noticed that she was still wrapped in his hoodie, that somehow she was completely wearing, she decided that she would keep it because it smelled like him. That is where she first went wrong, keeping that hoodie close to her meant that she was going to completely rely on him for warmth and happiness and she knew that it would cost her, her happiness, but in a way she was going to help João discover what really was important in life.
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Where It Went Right and Wrong:
Did the two friends keep in touch? yes they did, for the next 9 months after their first crazy meeting they were inseparable. He took her bowling, to picnics, invited her to his games, walks on the beach, cute little dinners, and just about anything that friends did together. Everyone was happy, the media and his fans loved her, she posted a different João, one that his girlfriend Katie, chose to hide. 
They both had found each other for the better, she had met his family and even his cute little dog Floki, she was now a permanent part of his life, she was family to him. The only one that probably hated her was Katie, but who wouldn’t, João was doing every couple activity with her, besides all the intimacy, that was only reserved for Katie. 
She never spoke bad about Katie, despite the hatred that Katie felt for her, she knew that João considered Katie his only true love, and she respected his decision. She never claimed João as smart, after all he did keep a relationship with someone that was only using him, but if he was happy then she was happy. 
She would rather keep João as a friend then completely lose him and live without him. She didn’t know how long this would last, so she would cherish every moment. She had fallen for him throughout those six months, I mean who wouldn’t. In fact she will share with all of you guys what has happened in the last few months Queue the flashbacks: 
The second time they met he took her bowling, he specifically said “there’s no better way to find how competitive you are than to go bowling, this will definitely test our friendship” did she expect to beat him? Yes, she loved going bowling with her coworkers back home and to be fair she was really good. 
“ai meu deus eu não acredito, you are seriously so incredible, querida” (oh my God I can’t believe it) you see that little nickname that was supposed to be condescending, ended up being his little term of endearment, on their various text messages he said that he wanted to turn that bad first impression, to something good, and the nickname was the way to go. 
“I told you! you were going to lose tonto” (dummy)
“ well I’m sorry, I thought you were lying… how about we go again” 
“Deal, but if I win again, you have to buy me ice cream” 
With a little handshake they went for another round, which she ended up winning again, much to his complaints of her being a cheater. She however did not care and with a little happy dance, she completely let herself go, showing who she really was. 
He felt proud that she was comfortable enough to be this relaxed and carefree. He quickly found out that she was not as shy when she was with him, and he promised himself that he will always take her to see the best of places and really show her what it was like to live a little. 
He quickly found out that she loved picnics, and what better way to celebrate their 3 months of friendship than to take her out to a nice afternoon in a park by a cute little pond with good food to pass the time, this was their little world. They had a few busy months, with the 24/25 season quickly becoming competitive, and the Smith’s expanding their business, they had little time to spend with each other.
They would talk for hours, most times falling asleep on their FaceTime calls, they really tried to not miss any morning and night calls, they wanted to not miss any details about their days, and finally after a long time without seeing each other they finally got to be close. 
Knocking at the door of her apartment to surprise her, João was nervous, after all it was a long time since he had seen her. She was not expecting anyone, João had not answered her call and she was in a sour mood, opening the door, she let out a little scream of pure excitement, she quickly jumped in his arms. 
Completely expecting her hug, he wrapped his arms tighter around her, kissing her cheek, he was the first to speak, “ olá louca, I’ve missed you” (Hello crazy). After not seeing him for so long, the video calls have not done him justice, he was so beautiful, even more when he spoke so lovely to her. 
“Hola loco, I’ve missed you too, I was not expecting you” 
“I can tell” mentioning the hoodie she was currently wearing….
“Sorry for not letting you know, but I wanted to surprise you… so go get ready because I have an exciting day planned for the both of us…and before I forget happy 3 months of being my one and only friend” 
Wasn’t he so sweet, so she had to hug him again to thank him, for the surprise visit “ Thank you, João you’re the best” she quickly ran to get ready, João quickly taking a seat and waiting for her. 
Quickly coming back to the living room, to ask him what she should wear “ Querido, what should I wear?”
“I can’t give too much away, but maybe just a casual outfit, besides it’s cold so maybe jeans, just so you are comfortable” quickly taking his advice she went back to get ready. 
Once she was ready, he quickly took out a blindfold, he really wanted this to be a surprise, holding out the bandana, he said “Do you trust me, cariño?” With a little nod, he took that as a response, and they made their way to the park. 
She noticed that it wasn’t a long ride and surrounding them was comfortable silence, she loved that they could be themselves even in complete silence. She never felt judged or weird with him, not even because he was well known and desired by many. She truly cherished the little moments she had with him and she was forever thankful; She’s never had a real friend and especially not a boy-friend. 
“Please you better not kidnap me João, I have a family that will miss me too much” 
“I’m not that selfish to keep you all to myself, querida, the world outside of my bubble needs you as well” 
Getting out of the car João, was quick to go to her side and make his journey to the cute set up he had made (tbh he paid someone, but he did give the nice lady some ideas, that required her favorite foods and flowers). 
She felt soft ground at her feet, maybe grass, she smelled fresh water, she knew it was a park, but why a park. A few steps more and he was behind her “are you ready” with a quick nod, he untied the knot and then, she slowly opened her eyes, fully shocked with the beautiful set-up in front of her. 
In front of a beautiful pond with fresh green grass, there was a light blue blanket, and on top of it there were beautiful sunflowers, champagne, a fruit and cheese board, and cute little sandwiches. It filled her heart with pure adoration, he had actually listened to her and paid close attention to even the smallest of details. 
No one had ever done something so nice for her, she completely loved him, at that moment she loved him just as a friend, in her closed mind and heart they were platonic soulmates. That however did not stop her from shedding a few tears. Noticing that she was letting out little sobs and there were tears rolling down her eyes, his heart filled with pride that he had finally done something good for her. 
“ Please don’t cry, meu carinho” (my darling) wiping away her tears, he led her to the blanket, where they both sat down. He was the one that spoke up again “ Hopefully, those are happy tears, and if they are, I just want you to know that I did all of this because you have really changed my perspective on what it means to really have someone there for you, You have shown your immense support in my career and my personal life and I thank the universe for putting you in my path 3 months ago, because no one has been there as much as you, and I mean no one” his confession meant the world to her, because he had mentioned that not even his girlfriend was as aware of his life, as her. 
With direct eye contact and their hands intertwined he continued “so please lets just enjoy today and forget about everyone else, ok” to João and her, enjoying the little free time they had was important, she knew that Katie required a lot of João’s time and she for sure was going to enjoy this beautiful Thursday with him, with no distractions.
“ Thank you for all of this João, you seriously have changed my life, everything is more fun with you and of course these tears are becuase im happy, you make me absolutely happy and I always want to be there for you, to support you throughout your career and every little accomplishment and obstacle” after their confessions they enjoyed a wonderful afternoon filled with laughs and pure happiness. 
————-This was the turning point for their relationship, because they both admitted that they couldn’t live without each other, they truly needed their comfort and presence to survive, without her João would be lost and without him she would be completely unhappy—————————————————-
Chelsea v.s Arsenal 
Everyone knew that she was João’s best friend, she was there for every important match. This game however, was important because she got to meet all his teammates, it was banter all around, everyone was picking on him and she was enjoying seeing him in his little happy bubble. All the Chelsea guys were super sweet, they had really enjoyed this season, just like everything it took time to become the best version of themselves. 
They had to deal with a lot of criticism and she knew that at one point João was a huge topic for the club, but he was easy to love and very soon he learned to not be so selfish and actually work with his teammates. Many even told her that after he met her, he started to become more happy and involved in training and in the actual matches. So just like João loved her, his teammates did as well. 
Arsenal was ruthless and they ended up winning the game 4-2, Ben Chilwell and João did score and he dedicated the goal to her with a simple heart to her direction. The game did go a bit sour after a huge tackle affected João, and he had to be taken off. It was very cold after all it was December and everyone couldn’t wait to go home and be warm. She went to go look for him, what she didn’t know was that Katie was there.
She started to doubt everything, maybe the heart was for Katie? She knew that she didn’t have his heart fully, but she thought that he had invited her and only her. Making her way out of the proximity of them, she was walking away from him, for the first time ever, and she didn’t like it one bit. 
On her way out, she stopped Ben, to congratulate him, he of course hugged her and said his goodbye to her, but not before making her promise that she will continue to go to their games, because according to him she was now their lucky charm, although they hadn’t won, they scored and the atmosphere was amazing for a a few minutes. 
However she didn’t know that João was looking at that little interaction, and the pit of his stomach was burning, was he jealous? Yes, she had completely forgotten about him, and he for the first time understood what it meant to not have her support and he hated that feeling. 
This day was important for their history, because although they cleared the miscommunication and made up a few days later, they understood for the first time that maybe there were hidden feelings for one another, the first step was admitting that they were jealous.
They were both certain that they hated the thought of anyone else sharing their bond and special moments, however he had Katie, so he really needed to stop being a hypocrite and admit that eventually he needed to let go of his friend, so she could live a little. He never wanted to be the cause of her unhappiness, but they both knew that eventually everything would reveal itself and that terrified them.
Beach Talk:
Another 5 months had passed since the Chelsea match, it was now May, and the end of the season was quickly approaching, they still had a few more media days and friendlies to play after the end of the Premier matches, but João was excited for his holiday he had planned a nice vacation with Katie, and he was hoping to have some time with his friend as well. It was getting harder to spend time with one another, Katie was growing more jealous of her, and was pulling him away from her.
The phone calls that would happen everyday, rarely occurred now, maybe once or twice every week, he was still the one to reach out first, but she knew that it was only a matter of time until she would vanish again, after all she was good at running away. She hated the thought of leaving Ele and her parents, she had grown really close to them, and relied on them to be happy. She also knew that she had Ben and his girlfriend Brooke, but everything was starting to become way too overwhelming, she didn’t want to become someone that gets in the way. 
This is where she went absolutely wrong; she accepted his invitation to go to the beach, they were still on good terms and often talked over messages, but again Katie hated him accepting her phone calls. She was sure that it would be the last time, where they would actually share quality time, and it was going to hurt, but maybe it needed to happen for them to finally grow. 
She did want to be selfish and keep him, but she knew that she simply was a star in João’s galaxy, he was the sun and Katie was his moon, she did not belong and for the short time that she had him, she was forever grateful. 
That night, Floki and João went to the beach with her, they laughed and joked around, saw the sunset with their hands tightly intertwined, going to the beach reminded them of all the times they talked about everything from their fears to their future that once, did include one another. 
Seeing that sunset was bittersweet, she knew that it was declaring the end of a beautiful pact of love between two real friends. After that pleasing day everything started to set, day by day they grew apart. 
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Where They Both Went Wrong: 
She was right all along, she knew that she was going to lose him, it happened very suddenly, after that magical night at the beach where everything seemed normal, everything went and excuse her language, to shit. They talked less and less, to no more calls at all; she was still working for the Smith’s, but she knew that she eventually had to move again and run from the life she had established there. 
It all happened in a very gloomy early June night, she was doing a bit of browsing about potential small towns where she could start over, when a rushed knocked startled her, it was João, who looked like he was going through a midlife crisis, and he really was because he had to make the hardest decision ever, not even switching clubs was as hard as this. 
He walked in without even asking, pacing back and forth, she spoke first, hating his silence “what are you doing here, it is late João” he flinched when his name was called in such a bitter tone, one full of melancholy and almost disgust. 
“I know it’s late but I need to do this in person, and trust me, I don’t really want to do this, I’m being forced, and I hate what I’m about to do to you but I have no choice. I have to choose between my relationship with Katie and my friendship with you. You know that I love you and that I want to keep you close to me, but Katie also gets me and has been with me through thick and thin, Lo siento, but I choose her……” With a knot in his throat he kept going, but to be fair she was done listening, who was he to tell her that she didn’t give him everything she had to offer, yet again she was being used and honestly she was tired. Interrupting his sad excuses she spoke, she did not want to cry, she was really strong and in this moment she wanted to become a stone. 
“I have to stop you right there João, I don't buy any of this, I know that it will always be her, I’ve known all along and I'm to blame here too, but please don’t pretend that you won’t need me later on, because I know that you will, and you will soon learn that the love and happiness I offered you throughout these months will not be as easy to find ever again. I will feel sorry for you when you realize that Katie was never the one for you. I really do not care if I hurt you with my next words but, she will leave you feeling empty, and she will suck the life that you slowly started to gain back. I know that I was just a replacement for the best friend that she cheated on you with, and because of my own selfish desire to find a friend, I became blind. You took me for granted and now you will be left alone” she allowed herself one tear and she quickly wiped it away. 
“ Querida, please forgive me, you did help me and I hope that I brought you a bit of happiness, I love you” 
“Please João stop, You might just love me, but I’m in love with you and one more second in your presence will only cause me more pain so please, leave, and one thing is for sure though, once you walk out of this house you will never see me again and that is a promise I intend to keep for my own peace” 
With a little nod and fully blown eyes he walked away not before saying a “I’m sorry Querida” see she knew that he was too good to be true, he didn’t even fight for her, he accepted the defeat, didn’t even mention the in love part, which just proved to her that some people were only temporary in life. 
That very next morning, she woke up with a pounding headache, she blocked his number, contacted Ben and Brooke and told them everything, after all she was really in a rough place, and she needed help on her big move once again. 
Thank God that Brooke was Italian and had an uncle who rented apartments and owned a little shop, with that she went on to tell the Smith’s the sad news, she apologized for her lack of warning, but they understood that lost individuals needed to find peace to be content, and with a promise to stay in touch and visit regularly she said goodbye to the now 4 year old and her parents. 
She passed by that cursed elevator and decided to walk down the 14 flights of stairs instead, because it was only going to hurt her even more. With that she said goodbye to the good and bad times and hoped to find happiness in Italy. 
João was completely lost without her, he missed her smile, laugh, eyes, corny jokes, the nicknames, and everything that you could think of when you yearn for someone. Her confession left him in shock, but he wanted to avoid hurting her even more so instead he decided to not have Katie or her. She was right, he needed to learn to depend on himself and find what he really wanted in life. She had always been a bit of a liar, so he was sure that he was going to find her and beg for her forgiveness, but for now he had to find happiness elsewhere, and that would be with himself. 
Two months had passed, he realized that no one would ever make him smile the way she had and that he would never be happy if she wasn't in his life. He begged and begged Ben for his help, and although Ben did not want to, he needed to see both of his friends happy. She thought that her life without João was peaceful, but in reality she was drowning in her own misery. 
They both eventually found each other, but they both had changed for the better, he knew that he wouldn’t find the same girl he met at the elevator and he was up to the challenge of learning more about the new her. He was sure that he would love her even more. 
It was a very sunny morning in the last days of July, she felt happy, going on her daily walk. She knew that it was going to be a good day, she just didn’t know why, just yet.
Finally João had convinced Ben, but in reality Ben knew that João was finally ready to pursue his friend. Walking down the little Italian town he saw her, physically she looked different, she had changed her hair and he knew that the sun was doing wonders to her, she was looking even more beautiful, if that was even possible. 
Jogging up to her he said “Hola Querida”……. she just kept walking not wanting to ever hear that voice again, she was just going to pretend that she hallucinated his voice for her own good. 
“You know that I loved you the minute that you cried in our picnic, I thought that it was just platonic at that time but really I was madly in love with you, I know that I took you for granted, I always thought that you were going to be with me, and I will always regret that, you were never a replacement, you needed to stay permanently with me. but I know that if you forgive me, just know that I will never betray your trust and love, I don’t want to get our relationships wrong anymore, I'm fully committed to you and our love, por favor, meu amor, let me back in your life” (please my love.)
Slowly turning to face him, she said “If I do let you back in my life, do you promise to never leave me again and make me feel like utter nonsense in your life, I want to be certain that you are serious, I can’t live without you, I'm tired of pretending everything is fine, I do need you, and I'm so in love with you that it hurts so much.” He quickly pulled her into a bone crushing embrace, letting her soak his simple white t-shirt, slightly pulling her away he caressed her cheeks, remembering how sad she looked at that moment, and promising that he will never make her this sad ever again. 
Wiping her tears again, he kept his eyes directly on her, making sure that she was ok he said “from now on, my love will only bring you pure bliss and tranquility, I promise you all of me, I am not ashamed of the love I have for you, I will yell it to everyone” Before he embarrassed both of them she put her hand over his lips, “stop being silly and just kiss me” That was all he needed to pour all his love into that kiss, it was passionate and sweet, and he was glad the he forever was going to enjoy those kisses. That day in Italy will forever be ingrained in their brains, they both accepted the love that they had for each other and they were grateful for meeting in such an unhinged way, that elevator was where everything went right for them. 
a/n: Thank you for reading this long story, I plan to continue doing little one-shots with these two, maybe more about how they handled their relationship, after Italy (if you have any ideas please let me know). -Nat <3
-The Next part for The Saddest Part of Me will be up very soon in a day or two <3. 
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lovejoaofelix · 1 year
Kylian pov's
I come home from training and I see my girlfriend cooking in a skirt and a tank top.. I approach her and whisper to her..
Kylian: if you were going to have a second child you could have warned me Y/n: Kylian!!!
I see her smile and then turn abruptly to kiss me.
Y/n: how was your training love?
Kylian: Good, but I couldn't wait to get home to you
He looks up and kisses me again.
Kylian: you know you're really sexy in this little skirt..
I whisper close to her ear as I let my hands slide under her skirt.
Y/n: mh…kyl
I turn off the stove, pick her up and after climbing the stairs I take her to my room.
I start kissing her neck as I feel her hands resting under my shirt.
I continue for a few moments when I decide to slip my hand on her intimacy.
I feel her breath starting to get more and more labored and this only increases my desire to make love with her.
Without thinking too much I bring two fingers inside her and I hear her gasp my name.
I smile starting to gradually increase the speed.
Y/n: d..my god kyl…you're fabulous
I hear her say as she gasps from the pleasure I was giving her. I smile and kiss her passionately.
I hear her moan my name until I hear her whisper a "w-I want you Kyl"
I take off my boxers and bring my fingers to her clit and making them move faster and faster… I watch her cum…
I enter her intimacy with my member gently and feeling her so wet, I immediately start moving quickly inside her. Impatiently continuing until I feel my member throbbing with excitement.
I see her move my member from inside her and then lower to it and then start licking it.
I feel that I'm at the limit that I don't even have time to tell him.
I cum in her mouth and watching her swallow it drives me completely crazy. I start kissing her again and again throughout the night…
I hope you like it
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lovejoaofelix · 1 year
antoine griezmann fluff plzz u can choose the theme
"after a long time Antoine, declares what he really feels"
Y/n had just finished the summer session, the worst time of the year for a college student.
She had to suffer all the photos of non-university students at the seaside, in the pool, in the mountains or simply on vacation, while she had to study books larger than any encyclopedia of the 1800s.
At moments, y/n dropped the glass of water in his hands. She opened her eyes wide, incredulous. She dreamed of going to Zanzibar since she was just over a meter tall. -You're not lying, are you?-
-Absolutely not, you should give yourself a move.- The boy smiled at her, with a satisfied smile. He loved to organize surprises, especially to his girlfriend.
-Sure, I put the whole closet in my suitcase and I'm ready.-
The sunset in Zanzibar was magnificent, one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen y/n. Perhaps the second most beautiful thing, after his Antoine.
They were at the beach, with a cocktail in their hands.
Fruity for her, with a stronger flavor than him.
They were alone, the only sounds that filled the air were the singing of birds and the sound of the waves of the sea.
y/n's heart had begun to beat wildly, while her head began to elaborate a thousand possible conjectures. -Another one?
-Yes, and you will like it. But you will have to be blindfolded.- y/n accepted unconvinced, and increasingly confused.She let herself be guided by the boy, who took her to a beach just ahead.
It was surrounded by trees, which made the atmosphere even more impressive. Antoine had chosen that location just when the girl had fallen asleep, just a few hours before.
When y/n did it, not without having trembling hands, the first thing she saw was the immense writing on the sand.'You want to marry me, y/n?'Tears of happiness fell down her cheeks, as Antoine knelt before her, with a little red box, lying in his hands.
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lovejoaofelix · 1 year
I'm new and I'm a big football fan. I write stories, imagine and I answer to requests
p.s.: English is not my first language. I'm form Italy hihiihih
for who I write:
-joao felix
-jude Bellingham
-kylian mbappé
-mason mount
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