lovelesswithoutyou · 4 years
If anybody - and I mean, anybody - needs some emotional jumper cables, I will hug you. That’s it. You’re always welcome to ask too. Love ya! 
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A warm hug for ya’lll
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lovelesswithoutyou · 4 years
If anyone decides that they want to send anon hate, delete your account, leave, and come back when you’re a decent human being. Otherwise, I will fight you. I will actually fight you.
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lovelesswithoutyou · 4 years
No words. I'm just reblogging this, since I'm a normal human being with a functional fucking conscious. 🌹✊
Just an experiment. Reblog if you actually give a fuck about male victims of domestic violence and rape.
Of fucking course
What sick bastard doesn’t
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lovelesswithoutyou · 4 years
Bless this post, bless @keepcalmandcarrieunderwood, bless everyone who didn’t skip this. thank god for this. and to think that i was having a bad day.
My wife and I were were talking the other day and, I don’t remember what we were even talking about, but the idea came up that we would need an oreo for. I joked about getting one from my secret stash. This is where she made her mistake. She said “oh right, like you could have an Oreo stash without me knowing about it.”
I’m sorry?
That’s a challenge.
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Oreos aquired.
I’m going to hide them in a super simple place at first
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But be sure to follow this post while I chronicle all the ways and places I hide them and also how I plan on taunting her with cookies while she can’t find the package
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lovelesswithoutyou · 4 years
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This is the Baby Money Yoda, reblog in the next 60 seconds of seeing this to receive a blessing from our green bean prince.
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lovelesswithoutyou · 4 years
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yes. yes, i do.
when she says she doesn’t send nudes
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lovelesswithoutyou · 4 years
I used to be very depressed and anxious, and a lot of other bad adjectives to describe someones’ mindset. I’m still very depressed, but it’s a lot less severe than it was when I was younger. Now though, I’ve accepted all of my weird little tics and anxieties, so I’m a bit more at peace with the world.
Also, I kinda got piercings and a haircut. Cool beans.
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Picrew time babey! Make past you & now you in this picrew
Here’s me:
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And tagging @thechaoscult​ @panpotterhead3000​ @skatle-skootle-demon-noodle​ @smileyzs​ @awkwardthings6​ @superwholockianpanic​ @ everyone who wants to
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lovelesswithoutyou · 4 years
i’m not ready, but let’s friggin do it.
Reblog this if you want a slightly ominous compliment in your inbox
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lovelesswithoutyou · 4 years
Georgia, US here! And...
I don’t have a door.
wait people sleep with their doors closed????
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lovelesswithoutyou · 4 years
i’m tryna read up on that soulmate au, loving it so far.
Time for a Giveaway!!! PART 2!!!
Last time I did this, it was for 500 followers and three 500 word ficlets! This time!!!! We’re upping it to FIVE prizes!!!!!
This time, I will be offering five prizes of an 800 word minimum ficlet, or an alternative of two character drawings!
The rules are, once again:
Simply reblog to enter! Likes will not count.
Only one entry per blog.
You don’t have to be following, but it is appreciated, and it comes with extra prizes! Like last time, any follower who wins will be given early access to the next chapter of their chosen fic at the time the giveaway ends!
The giveaway will end Monday, June 15th at 12:00 noon Pacific Standard Time! That’s four days to enter. I will be announcing and contacting the winners that evening.
The rewards? Prizes beyond your wildest dreams Either an 800 word minimum ficlet, for any Maribat prompt you can find or create, or two full body character drawings (check my #art tag for reference) which you supply either image references or written descriptions! (If that sounds intimidating don’t worry please we can make it work no matter how bad you think you might be at describing stuff I promise)
The winners will be chosen through an online random selection tool!
Thanks guys!! I love you all!!!
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lovelesswithoutyou · 4 years
It is Thursday, my dudes.
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thursday needs a meme, here’s my attempt to contribute. it’s thursday and i’m here to help. thanks
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lovelesswithoutyou · 4 years
Snitches don’t just get stitches with this sort of situation. They get blood on their hands, no matter how indirect it is. Please keep your traps shut.
I keep saying it but it bears repeating, especially since white allies arent listening:
Stop trying to give credit to people on the front lines of these protests.
I need to stress this, you are doing the cops job for them.
Those masks you’re wearing at these protests? They’re not just to keep you from catching the rona. Its to conceal your identity.
And that entire purpose is destroyed the second you try to take or give credit for being on the front lines.
Cops are monitoring social media. The second you name someone on the ground, that person is now a target.
Now is NOT the time to be taking credit for your actions.
Keeping each other safe means keeping your mouth shut.
Do not name ANYONE on the front lines. Do not name ANYONE at the protests.
The ONLY exception to this rule is when you are outing a white supremacist or undercover cop trying to instigate more violence.
Do not name your fellow protestors. Don’t even discuss who may have done what. Stop doing the cops job for them.
Filling their snitch lines and apps with junk is great, but if you’re simultaneously going around and naming protestors, you’re not helping at all.
Stop. Bragging.
White allies, this is not the time to be taking credit.
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lovelesswithoutyou · 4 years
What do you mean, this isn’t canon?
Like, seriously, Thomas Astruc and folks need to get to work on this. This is beautiful. Absolutely breathtaking. This needs to be done, and soon.
I just wanted to say thank you for the Thor snippet and was wondering if you had any headcanon for this adorable duo?
Thor and Marinette Headcanons!
Thor views Mari as the little sister he never had and as such teaches her Asgardian customs and fighting
He tells Frigga about her, who insist of meeting her and joins in on the whole “Marinette is now Asgardian” business. She teaches her about Asgardian clothing and etiquette and history and literature
Thor makes sure to keep an eye out for the tiny girl. Partially because he has heard of Lila and Chloe and he is worried and partially because he doesn’t want to let her down like he had with Loki
Marinette stress bakes a lot and Thor stress eats. they create a perfect ecosystem of stress relief. When Loki joins in, he is the one who stress buys ingredients and stress cleans the kitchen after those two are done
Marinette is now accustomed to being plucked off the ground and seated on Thor’s shoulder at comepletly random times. Marinette likes being tall and they both feel a little safer knowing the other is so immediately close and okay
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lovelesswithoutyou · 4 years
Holy h e double hockey sticks
I just scrolled past this really fast, and it looked...... I can't. That was creepy, awesome, and some other adjectives I can't think of right now.
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Inspired by this photo that I laughed at for like ten minutes. ( ^ Updated link since the original went down ^ )
[d|p] [More: Comics | PKMN] (I am so sorry for assaulting your dashboard with this).
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lovelesswithoutyou · 4 years
Sonic the hedgehog
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lovelesswithoutyou · 4 years
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lovelesswithoutyou · 4 years
Wait...... What if you went as a plague doctor?
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