lovelogix-blog · 8 years
☠ = pushing them against a wall . ( from moira )
send one for my muse’s reaction to your muse —
☠ = pushing them against a wall 
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    ✘;→ What got into the witch so suddenly? Taken by surprise the vampire would practically sink into the wall, staring at the other wide eyed. Sure he was pinned to the wall once before but that was because he was being chased. This time. . ? It was just so out of the blue. What was going through the witches head at this given moment anyway? He put trust in Moira, so he wouldn’t jump to conclusions just yet. “Moira. . ?” Nihl would shift awkwardly, between the wall and the witch, glancing around before eyes locking onto the witch again. “Did I do something?”
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lovelogix-blog · 8 years
☮ Main verse -Alice ☁ Main verse -Night
send one for my muse’s reaction to your muse —
☮ = waking them up after a nightmare . 
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    ☆;→ "N. . .nh. . .no. .” He’d toss and turn a little, trembling on and off as his brows furrowed on and off. Turning over once more he’d feel hands firmly grasp onto him, shaking him even. Sitting up abruptly, he’d feel sweat roll down his cheeks. . or was it a tear? He couldn’t tell. Panting he’d try his best to steady his shaky breathing before adjusting his glasses. Seems he passed out on the couch with them on again.     Swallowing hard, multicolored gems would dart around the room for a moment before locking onto Alice’s tiny frame. “A-Alice. .? Mh. . .when did I pass out. .?” If she were to ask if he had a nightmare, he’d just completely avoid the topic, why? Because he couldn’t even remember what the nightmare was about. . .not that he wanted to if it shook him up this badly.
☁ = being caught in the middle a storm with them . 
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  ☆;→ How did they even wind up in this situation. . . oh yeah. . .he ran into the deranged doctor at the store close to the mans hospital. . .and now they’re stuck outside, under the stores jutted out roof. . .waiting for the rain to calm down or to stop. Awkwardly glancing to the other, he’d purse his lips for a moment, his foot nervously tapping. “Uh. . .so. . . .nice weather huh. .?”
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lovelogix-blog · 8 years
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   ✘;→ Oh would you look at that! That managed to make the vampire crack a small smile, his lips twitching a little as he scoffed. “Yeah yeah. . sure.” Of course at this point he was kidding. . .maybe.In all honestly, this did quite the opposite, he wasn’t annoyed but he was amused. But then. . .the pun happened. In that instant he groaned and pushed the cup to the side, resting his head on the table. “I cannot believe you just said that. . .”     With a nod to respond to his question, he’d drum his fingers along the tables surface. “I mean. . .you can if you’d like I don’t mind.” A soft shrug, slowly shifting to glance to the witch. “Well . . . a lot honestly. .it can range since I have so much free time on my hands. .you have the classics such as Moonlight Sonata, Claire de Lune, Für Elise . .so forth. . .as ironic as it may sound I like playing Vampires Dance the most. Though Claire de Lune is a close second-- . . .” Looking away he’d clear his throat. “I rambled. . .”
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          {♪} —; “I-it’s not the same thing!” he says. “Don’t compare me to people who don’t give a damn jeeze.” he sits back, feigning injury from the insult. He didn’t care truthfully, but he knew this would annoy the vampire, so he had to. “And yes, the dead. I’m dead serious.” he says with a small laugh. How long until he gets punched in the face?
          {♪} —; “Mh, just fine? I’m glad, it means you can enjoy your drink ~ ♪ I would hate it if you missed out on such a beverage. If it helps you I’ll be sure to make all your drinks like this from now on so you can enjoy them. Oh, what songs do you know on piano?”
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lovelogix-blog · 8 years
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   ☆;→ Practically jumping into the swings seat, he’d lay stomach first, practically dangling there as he waved his hands a bit, causing him to swing a little. “But swings!! You know they’re my weakness.” He’d yell back his response. “I mean if you wanna push me like this then go ham. . .just don’t make me fall out of the swing or else.”
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          {♪}  —; “Uuuuu physically harming me ~ ♪ Is this what they call, tough love?” he laughs. Please don’t jab me, I’m fragile.
          {♪} —; “Ah—” he couldn’t even get a word out before he saw Avery bee lining for the swings immediately. “This kid …” he says, shaking his head gently and laughing. “Don’t just run without me!” he yells, chasing after. “I’ll give you a push if you want!”
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lovelogix-blog · 8 years
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  ♔;→ “I uh. . .I guess. . .but I wouldn’t be too surprised if they tried something. . .drastic.” Like lock the poor alien up or something like that. As he repeated the word trust he could feel the small grin he had, grow with each small pause between each word. “Good, good and good!” He’d stifle a small laugh. He seemed happy, thus this made the prince happy.     “Colorful? Really?” He’d tilt his head. “How colorful? Now I’m curious. Ah-- okay okay~ we’re almost there.” How impatient. .but he understood why, he was just excited and all. “Well. . .I can’t eat hot foods. . .so I wouldn’t know what those are like. . .chilled ones on the other hand. . I can tell you about. Especially deserts!” Stopping in front of the local diner he’d huff a little, peeking in nervously, trying to make sure no one he knew from the castle was withing the building before even thinking about entering.
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          {♪} —; “Okay, sir!” he says, nodding along with the idea of keeping him in check. “It’s okay! Strict and over protective people tend to never expect me, so I’m sure the element of surprise will be on our side, okay? Hehe, trust, trust, trust! I trust you too sir, yes I do!” he giggles, humming, glad that he found a person to spend time with on this planet.
          {♪} —; “It is. It’s busy but not too noisy …” very different from his own home. “Not as colourful as home, but still very colourful.” he says. “Anyways! Food, food, food ~ ♪ You have to tell me what kinds of food are the best here alright?” he swung their arms a little bit.
          {♪} —; “Lead me to food sir ~ ♪ To the very best that you know of!”
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lovelogix-blog · 8 years
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  ♔;→ Well at least he didn’t have anything on his face or anything of the sort. Letting out a soft sigh of relief he’d fiddle with the edges of his cloak, glancing around every once in awhile. At least she had manners, right? With the fact she didn’t pry or anything that is.      “Gifts?? Aren’t dragons. . .basically like wild animals or something of the sort?” Nivalis would nervously ask. “Raythe. . .a god???? I certainly don’t remember reading about any god by the name of. . Raythe. .” Slowly the prince would raise a hand, rubbing his chin in thought. Foliage huh. .? Interesting.     Yeah. . .partly his fault. .with a heavy sigh he’d lower his head a apologetically. “Once again I-I’m sorry aha. . .uhm. . .I’m. . I’m Nivalis, you may call me Niv or whatever.” He’d offer his hand to shake to complete the formal greeting but. . .he was afraid to touch anyone, even with his gloves on. “So. . . should we do anything specific to go get your dragons. .? I mean. .I’ve never had to chase one down before.”
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( ღ ) ----   “No… nothing like that. It’s nothing… At least I don’t think it is. Just my imagination, I think…” And what a vivid imagination she had. Lavina wasn’t sure what it was but thought it best not to pry. She’d ask later….maybe. It took her a moment, but eventually she tore her gaze from his face. It wasn’t important right now, anyway.
  Lavi nodded curtly at his stammer. “Yes… Dragons. I am not a frequent caretaker of them. They were given to me as gifts. Or, at least, something like that. They were in my care until they flew off, in any case.” Pausing, she took a moment to tuck her wand back against her thigh before patting down her skirt. “Raythe is my friend. He is what you would call a… God, I think. He is an ancient spirit that creates foliage, I believe. I never asked him personally so I can’t say for sure.”
  She waved off the thought with a flick of her wrist and shook her head. “He isn’t with me at the moment, so he can’t help me look.” Wide, blue eyes brightened at his offer even if her face didn’t move with any exaggerated expressions. “I… accept. I wholly accept. It is partly your fault they escaped after all.” Lavina gave a brief nod and took his hand. “Thank you, your help is greatly appreciated.”
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lovelogix-blog · 8 years
send one for my muse’s reaction to your muse ---
alternatively send ‘ + ‘ after the symbol for the roles to be reversed where possible !
✘ = hugging them . Δ = playing with their hair .  ❤ = kissing them .  ₪ =  asking them out for dinner . ☀ = giving them a gift of ___ ( asker’s choice ) . ♘ = stabbing them . ♕ = bowing down before them . ♒ = lying to them .   ✿ = buying them flowers . ☾ = being found shirtless . ♢ = reading them a story . ☂ = giving them their jumper to keep warm . ✎ = speaking in a different language . ✏ = teaching them a different language . ▄ = telling them a joke . ♬ = singing to them . ☹ = insulting a loved one . ஐ = slapping them . ✂ = threatening them . ❃ = dancing with them . ▤ = falling asleep on them . ☮ = waking them up after a nightmare .  ♣ = discovering them crying .  回 = patching a wound .  ✮ = stargazing . ▓ = caught stealing their belongings . ☽ = wandering alone at night . ♡ = complimenting them . ≡ = offering a place to stay overnight . ☢ = falling over . ✦ = being well-dressed . ❂ = wiping blood off their face . ◎ = taking care of them while ill . ☁ = being caught in the middle a storm with them . ⇕ = holding their hand . ↱ = being lost with them . ☠ = pushing them against a wall .
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lovelogix-blog · 8 years
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   ♔;→ Sensing her concern for the sudden chill withing the air, he’d purse his lips, glancing around nervously. Swallowing hard he’d clear his throat, rubbing the back of his head. “W-What. . ? Do I look weird? Something on my face. .??” He’d note her squinting, feeling far more nervous now.      Once she was on her feet he’d tighten the cloak around him, practically trying to sink into it almost. “D-Dragons. . .?” He’s heard about them in stories but. .he’s never seen one. So they really existed then. . interesting. With her eyes focused on him now, examining him he’d let out a shaky breath. “You. .take care of dragons. . .? Whose Raythe?” So many questions.      Pale crystal orbs would flutter with slight confusion, glancing over to her as she pulled out the wand, staring at it for a moment or two. “I would. .unless you don’t want me to that is then. . .I respect your decline.” He hated leaving people behind, knowing they needed some sort of help. Be it minor or something oh so dangerous, he’s do all he could to help him.
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( ღ ) ----   Her expression, nearly akin to a pout, was unfaltering even as he began apologizing and reaching out a hand to help her up. It wasn’t his behavior that put the girl off, though. No, it was the way her hair stiffened at the chill in the air. A curious feeling sparked in her chest and she squinted her eyes a bit. Was this stranger the cause? Or… had it been a disturbance from the dragon’s escape…? She couldn’t tell.
  When her irritation had fizzled just as fast as it had formed, she let out a small puff of air and took hold of his hand. Gently, she pulled herself back to her feet and brushed off her dress, wiggling her toes as she rocked in place. “Dragons…,” she mumbled, still analyzing the male before her. “They… were in my care and now Raythe will be mad at me for losing them.” Even if it had been her own fault for bringing them along in the first place.
  “They’re… still only babies…” Her hand instinctively went to the wand stuffed into her stocking and she fiddled with the star shape on it. Looking up at him, she tipped her head and blinked. “Would… you really?” It was rare to find someone who would so willingly help someone who they’d bumped into on the streets–much less someone who’d blamed them for the whole fiasco.
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lovelogix-blog · 8 years
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    ☆;→ Giving him a rather playfully annoyed look he’d reach over and pinch his cheek between his thumb and index finger. “Yeah. . .totally. . .I’m so crass and crude.” Rolling his eyes he’d let his cheek go, the urge to give him a playful jab was there but. . .he’ll ignore the urge to do so.      “Well. . .I mean we’re here at the park. . not too many kids are around so. .I’m gonna go take over the swing set for a bit before doing anything else~.” He’d stand up straight and stretch for a moment before taking his bag and practically darting right for the swings in the meantime. 
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          {♪} —; “Oh woe is me … my boyfriend thinking I’d be so mean—so crude, oh so crass … “ he sighs. He can feel it already. The punch that he’s going to receive once he’s done his dramatic effects. Eh, worth it.
          {♪} —; “Mh … what were we gonna do now? Were we gonna go eat or something? I forgot …” too preoccupied with his dramatics. “You decide sweetie.”
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lovelogix-blog · 8 years
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    ✘;→ He wanted to hear him play piano. .? Well that’s a first for sure. Making a face he’d huff at his bangs. “. . . .maybe. . .maaaaaaaaaybe. . .” He’d drag on the second ‘maybe’. “The dead huh?” He’d raise a brow, curious. Was he serious or. . .? Sometimes he couldn’t tell what was a joke and what wasn’t a joke. Ruby gems would settle on the witch for a moment, curiously watching him. He seemed so content with his beverage. . it was a rather odd sight for the vampire that’s for sure. “I’ll hold you to that promise.”      “Don’t care, care less. . .saaaaaame thing to me.” He’d roll his eyes. “But alright whatever helps you sleep at night.” Taking another sip he’d glance to the side for a moment just so he could respond. “. . .it’s fine.” More like delicious but he wouldn’t dare say it out loud.
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          {♪} —; “Awww … well I won’t.” yet. “Ah … I see. It’s not dull per se, in fact you should play piano for me sometime. It’s boring when I’m working and all I’ve to hear are the souls of the dead whispering in my ears.�� for the most part he is joking. Violet hues would turn to his own cup, and he’d sip on it gently, humming contently with the taste of the beverage. Sweet, yet with a hint of spice. How enjoyable. “I promise I won’t try anything.” he replies. Without your permission anyways.
          {♪} —; “It’s not that I don’t care, but that I can care less.” he says simply. “I made sure no one looked okay? How does it taste anyways? Is it alright for you?” he asks.
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lovelogix-blog · 8 years
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    ♔;→ He’ll be held to that promise huh. . ? Well that didn’t bother him honestly, so he was okay with it. “Well. . .you do that. Keep me in check, alright?” He’d stifle a giggle. Honestly. . .for someone who wasn’t from here. . .he was quite trusting and a bit too kind. Something the prince worried about of course but, he’d keep that to himself for the time being.     “Yeah. . .planned marriage. . .it’s very restricting. I’ll-- ah-- but I can--well. . .if you really want to. . .then I suppose you can help me. . .it won’t be easy that’s for sure. I mean. . my parents are very strict and over protective you see.” He rubbed the back of his head in a rather nervous manner. “I trust you though so. . .” He’d offer a sheepish yet genuine smile.     Shaking his head as if to say he didn’t have to thank him, he’d let out a content hum. With the squeeze to his hand, pale, crystal hues would flutter for a moment, returning the squeeze. It was and odd yet pleasant feeling tp say the least. . .holding hands and giving a squeeze now and then that is. “Is it. .? It’s very peaceful for the most part. . .I mean. .it’s always busy but it’s always oddly. . calm?”
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          {♪} —; “I’ll hold you to that promise!” he grins, pointing at the other with both hands. “I’ll help you because you won’t take advantage of me! A kind creature of this planet you are, yes indeed!” he says, grinning.
          {♪} —; “It’s not that silly I suppose?” he thinks about it before shrugging. “Really now? Is that so? Planned marriage huh . . sounds restricting, I don’t like that.” he says, shaking his head. “No sirree not at all! An arranged love is not a proper love I imagine. I’ll get you out if it somehow!” he wants to do all he can to help his newfound friend.
          {♪} —; “Mh, thank you!” he says, squeezing the others hand as he looks around the town. People of all sorts were here. Colours flashed by, and intricate designs detailed upon clothing brushed past him. His focus was derailed for a moment, and he tried his best to keep in pace with the Prince. “It’s beautiful even here too …”
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lovelogix-blog · 8 years
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lovelogix-blog · 8 years
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    ♔;→ “. . .you’re too kind for your own good. .but don’t worry I won’t take advantage of that. I promise.” A promise he planned on keeping. “I mean. . .you haven’t given me a reason to not respect you so. .you know.” A sheepish smile as he gave a small hand gesture. “You’ll help me. . ? I-I mean there’s no need you know. .” He’d let out a soft sigh.     And now the awkward question. . . .it was almost sad really, the fact he’s never been in love that is. “Uh. . .n-no. .I-I know. it’s silly huh? A-Aha. .” He’d swallow hard for a moment. “My parents. . .they uh. . plan on trying to arrange a marriage with someone. . .I don’t really want that. .which I plan on standing my ground about but. .you know. .that’s how royalty is half the time. .” Unfair. That’s how royalty can be. “Do you. .? Oh-- heartbreak. . .” He’d frown for a moment. “I see. .I’m sorry . .” He’s never been heartbroken given the fact he’s never been in love but he’s seen heartbreak before. . .he could tell it hurt. “Y-You wh--” He’d practically choke up a bit, shaking his head and looking off to the side. How embarrassing, to announce that without a care in the world.     Slowly the prince would turn his head to give him his attention once more. “I suppose you’re right. .odd view on things to be honest but. .not entirely wrong.” He’d nod once. Once they entered the town he’d take the alien by the hand and pull him in the right direction, careful to not get in anyone way and all. “I will I will don’t worry~” He’d let a small giggle slip, he seemed excited and that filled the prince with joy.
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          {♪} —; “Thus far? I plan to continue respecting you, I hope you know. As for you respecting me … I’m glad that you do.” as one of the weaker people of his species, Mio often wasn’t respected. “ … it’s definitely nice.” though genuineness  would make it nicer. “If people don’t respect you here … I’ll help you earn it, I suppose.” he says. 
          {♪} —; “A … you’ve never been in love?” the alien seems taken aback by the statement, nonetheless he can understand the sentiment. “I don’t know how that feels. I fall in love easily … though I’ve had a ton of my hearts crushed!” quite physically too. “Ah … I’m not close enough yet then, is that correct?” he dwells on it. “I’ll try to get closer to you then!” he says, not quite realizing the implications of his statement.
          {♪} —; “ … bugs eat bugs? We’re not too high on the trophic levels! It’s not seen as anything bad as far as I’m concerned. Though then again … we’re the only type of fish thus far with an extremely adapted brain, so I guess we’re different?” or something like that. “Good huh? Take me to the good place then! Bring me to the food ~ ♪”
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lovelogix-blog · 8 years
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   ✘;→ "Tch. . don’t get use to it.” Rolling his eyes he’d stare out the window, making a face. Be nicer. . .? He wasn’t exactly a nice person . . or well. . .he tried not to be now that he didn’t really trust anyone anymore.      “I suppose. . . .old activities I use to do before. . y’know. .so I guess I was a pretty dull human huh?” Turning his head he’d glance over to him, make a face almost. He really wanted to pry didn’t he? “Well. . .considering again. . .I don’t go out much. .so I just sit at home rereading the same books over and over.” He’d shrug a little. Ruby gems would widen a little when he invited him to go to his study. “You’d really invite me. . .a vampire. . .to your. . .hmn. .” Should he accept the offer. . ? Well. . . .for once he has a chance to do something rather than roam about aimlessly just to have something to do. “I’ll take you up on that offer then. .though if you try anything I won’t hesitate to kill you again. .”      His gaze would fall to the cups the waitress set down. The moment she left he’d catch the scent of blood, his gaze would snap back to the witch. “. . .you must really not care if someone sees you. .” Sliding the cup closer to him he’d squint down at it, after a moment he’d take a small sip. What an odd yet sweet taste. 
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          {♪} —; “Oh? Is that so?” Mio leans in, scratching his head. “You’re glad you met me … huh?” he purses his lips. “You should show your gratitude more then ~ ♪ Be nicer to me, will you?” he asks, laughing gently. He loved teasing this vampire.
          {♪} —; “Walks? Paintings? Reading . . piano huh? Quite the more mundane of activities, don’t you think?” he questions, amused at the vampire’s past times. “You can’t find any extensive amounts of books to read?” he asks, looking at Nihl. “… . you can come to my study sometime then.” he says, leaning back as the waitress came back and put down their cups. “I have a ton of books there.” he says, biting on his thumb. He draws blood, and when no one looks, gently circles the top of Nihl’s cup with it, letting it seep in before he heals it with magic and stirs the beverage. “Go on.” he says.
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lovelogix-blog · 8 years
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   ☆;→ ". . .oh pleas you’d laugh at me too!!” He’d reach out, pinching his cheek gently and playfully. He knew Mio was teasing, something they both did to each other often. . .though the other was always. . .dramatic. . . .but then again he himself could be a bit dramatic too. . .what a wonderful duo they were.     Letting his cheek go he’d lean back just a little the moment Mio leaned in, blinking a few times. “A-Ah. . .” He wasn’t wrong. “R-Right. .” Cute little nurse though. . .that was a bit. . .flustering to say the least. He’d try to hide the fact his cheeks heated up with a slight reddish tint. 
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          {♪} —; “Uwah … my boyfriend is so mean to me … “ Mio whispered beneath his breath, sighing gently. He was teasing the other of course, however he loved being dramatic. He had to. 
          {♪} —; “If I caught a cold then … I’d have you.” he says, stepping out of the pool to lean in closer. “My cute little nurse who’ll stay at my bedside and take care of me, right?” he grins.
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lovelogix-blog · 8 years
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lovelogix-blog · 8 years
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   ☆;→ "It’s an okay show, I guess I’m biased cause well. . it was the first show I’ve watched that dealt with that kind of stuff. . plus I kinda grew up watching it.” He’d admit. He wanted to add in the tid bit about the fact that, the people that run the station the show was on, actually hated the show cause I mean. . .real talk. .it’s not really about travel but alas they keep it because it brings in quite a bit of views. But maybe for another time.      So she’s heard huh. . .sounds fake but alright. “. . .hmn. . .well. . .perhaps that’s where we differ then, I believe in them and you don’t. . . huh. . yet you’re here exploring and looking for paranormal things with me.” He’d scoff a little, deciding to tease a bit. As they walked, he’d glance around , squinting at some of the shadows along the walls and all. . .it was a bit hard to make out what was what and with that, he already knew his mind was starting to play tricks on him due to how hyped up he was. “Is it just me or do you see things lurking in the shadows. . .” (Hopefully it was his mind playing tricks on him.)
“I’ve never seen Ghost Adventures,” Bel responded with a quirked brow. Is that all they could really think of…? She wondered if anybody could make a supernatural show with a title more creative than having to use the word ghost (like The Twilight Zone or Supernatural or something!). As the sun began to set, the light streaming through the broke windows dimmed, and the shadows creeping along the walls almost appeared as if they were breathing. 
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With the way he trailed off, she nodded her head silently-it seemed they had a mutual understanding. “…Ghosts are just the afterimages of people’s feelings. They’re like a scattered collection of what a living thing once was. While normally they don’t harm anybody, there are some feelings so strong they can’t really be contained.” She cleared her throat rather awkwardly then. “B-but that’s just something I’ve heard-like I said, I don’t believe in them.”
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