lovelydeku · 4 years
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Moodboard for manifesting money/abundance into my life ✨✨💸🤑✨✨💰💸✨✨
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lovelydeku · 4 years
John Boyega deserved Better
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So, let’s give some context to those who are not aware of what John Boyega has gone through since being cast in Star Wars so many years ago.
And feel free to add anything I miss.
After being cast in The Force Awakens, there had been a large backlash and a call to Boycott Episode VII
Then after The Force Awakens, John had to deal with toxic fans constantly claiming he was not the Male Lead of the Sequel Trilogy over and over again even though that went against what he was told by The Force Awakens director JJ Abrams when he was cast and what TFA clearly setup.
Finn’s character would then be erased and sidelined in the sequel to TFA, The Last Jedi, much to the celebration of certain fans who claimed it was better that Finn not be in the main conflict of the trilogy.
During this time, John would still be routinely harassed by the bigots who were against his casting as well as people going to his social media accounts to verbally attack him.
Then we having the shipping community…which I will not go too deeply into this beyond the fact that one group of shippers have made John Boyega’s life a living hell, even demanding that Disney blacklists him from ever getting work and influencers in that community sending their followers after Boyega. Then we have another group of shippers who legitimately accused John of queerbaiting on multiple occasions through the years.
Then there was the backlash John Boyega received when he had said that his character Finn and Kelly Marie Tran’s character deserved better in The Last Jedi and that the movie was not for him. Citing that as a Black man playing a Black character, being removed from the central conflict of the trilogy was something he creatively disagreed with. This had earned him the hate of fans of The Last Jedi to large degrees that spread from SW influencers to actors and critics that were close with the director of TLJ.
Then John had been falsely accused of bullying Kelly Marie Tran and once again a group in the Star Wars community went again him.
Then, after months of re-shoots. re-writes and multiple story changes on the final film of the Skywalker saga, The Rise of Skywalker, John Boyega gave his honest thoughts on a creative choice in the film he disagreed with. That earned him the most harassment from the same community who went after him with false claims of bullying Kelly Marie Tran and that he wasn’t the male lead of the trilogy.
And finally, after giving his support to the Black Lives Matter cause, John had been attacked once again by toxic Star Wars fans who either claimed HE was being racist against white people or that fighting for BLM didn’t earn him “Redemption” for the false things they accused him of.
John Boyega has endured nothing but constant attacks for years and has gotten almost next to no support from the online community in the way that he should.
The man has fought against racism, fought for his own place in the film industry, and even started his own production company to give people who never had a shot a chance.
If there is one thing John Boyega is, he is a hero. And if he is anything else, then he’s a role model.
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lovelydeku · 4 years
When you see a really good post but there’s some form of guilt tripping to reblog it added on at the end
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(ID: A screenshot of Marge from the Simpsons looking dismally at the camera with one arm raised. A caption underneath her reads “It’s true, but I’m not reblogging it.” End ID)
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lovelydeku · 4 years
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Video shows Maryland cops REPEATEDLY pepper spray 15-year-old honor roll student.
5 ft 105 lbs girl, whose name has not been officially released yet, was brutalized by Hagerstown police after she on her bike was hit by a car, but refused medical assistance. 
Her family’s attorney says that when police arrived, they grabbed the little girl, lifted her hands above her head and slammed her face into a wall.
“They slammed her against a wall, arrested her for refusing treatment, maced her 4 times in the police car while handcuffed, and took her to the police station instead of the hospital.”
She was put in the car, which is when a bystander began filming the incident. The video shows the 15-year-old with her hands handcuffed behind her back kicking at the police car door and later a cop is heard saying: “Put your feet in, or you’re going to get sprayed!” Officer proceeds to pepper spray her a few times. 
The girl can be heard screaming: “I can’t breathe!”
The girl was only taken to hospital when she was released to her parents. 
Three hours after being pepper sprayed she was finally able to wash her eyes.
She is now charged with disorderly conduct, two counts of second-degree assault, possession of marijuana and failure to obey a traffic device.
#BlackLivesMatter    #StopPoliceViolence
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lovelydeku · 4 years
please do whatever you are able to help the black community! 
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lovelydeku · 4 years
I want all nonblack people to watch this video, especially white people.
This is the best video IMO that displays the depth of what it feels like to be Black in the midst of white supremacy.
This is the rage that burns in so many Black people and eats at us when it is not sufficiently soothed by our self restraint and years of learning to cope with and sit with us. This is the pain that shortens Black people’s very lives, that we smother each day. This is the justified yet unjustly ignored anger we have learned to hold and to aim and to deal with without breaking (too much).
This is the fire that those of you who are just showing up on the scene are learning to sit beside.
When you ask us ‘how we’re doing’, understand that this is the real core of it, every single day, and we have had to learn to laugh, to sing, to dance, to work, to grieve, to heal around heavy, heavy pain. I don’t get the feeling that y’all are expecting nor could you handle if we answered you like this. But I do feel like you should already know how we’re doing: we’re Black.
So y’all, sit with this video for a hot minute.
Kimberly Jones, you are a warrior. I feel every moment of this, every diaphragm flex, every tenuously tempered shout. And I hope that you are taking a break, and experiencing a moment of peace, because you deserve it.
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lovelydeku · 4 years
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I make a thing
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lovelydeku · 4 years
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勝デクLOG 3 ||  鉛錫
Permission to reprint  this fanart was given by the artist ✓ Please remember to like/bookmark the original to support the artist Do not repost, edit or remove the source. Commercial use is prohibited
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lovelydeku · 4 years
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are they going out on a date?!
Please do not repost!
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lovelydeku · 4 years
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summer 🌻
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lovelydeku · 4 years
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shh theyre playing animal crossing together 
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lovelydeku · 4 years
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lovelydeku · 4 years
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Idk how to put it in words. Needed to draw ✊🏽 ✊🏾 ✊🏿 (Inspired by a photo from protests in front of Trump Tower I saw on twitter. Feel free to use and share with credit if you can 🖤 )
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lovelydeku · 4 years
Sorry, I could never be a capitalist, I suffer from “wanting humans to have their basic needs met” disorder, where I care about people who aren’t me.
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lovelydeku · 4 years
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kind of belated, but Happy Pride y’all :)
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lovelydeku · 4 years
Young Black boy killed during Protests by White Supremacist!!!
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Black Protester Shot to Death Outside Omaha Bar
A young black protester was shot dead outside a bar in Omaha as unrest across the nation engulfed the Nebraska city, by white supremacist Jake Gardner.
The victim was identified as 22-year-old James Scurlock, whose father called for justice as the city braced for another night of chaos.
“Last night I lost a son, my wife lost a son, my kids lost a brother,” the grieving dad, who has the same name, told reporters at the Malcolm X Memorial Foundation Visitors Center, “His daughter lost a father. All because he decided to protest against racism.“
Unfortunetly, Prosecutors in Omaha, Nebraska, said Monday that the white bar owner will not face charges because in their minds “video evidence shows he acted in self defense” even though he had aimed the gun to a crowd of unarmed protesters and James only got involved to protect anyone form getting shot, resulting in losing his life, as both videos here show: video1/video2
The murderer, Jake Gardner, also owns 2 bars one of which was closed down because of an outpour of reviews stating they woulf often refuse service to black people and were known as violent racists. His other bar seems to be having the same issues.
HOW YOU CAN HELP: Call county Attorney Don Kleine and Mayor Stotgert. Demand justice and demand Jake Gardner be held responsible for the murder!!
DON KLIENE: 402 444-7040
STOTHERT: 402-444-5555
OMAHA MAYOR HOTLINE: 402-444-5555 
OPD: 402-444-5600
donate: Heres a GoFundMe link for his family 
Follow this tumblr page for more news
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lovelydeku · 4 years
Spread this like wildfire. This shows would a doubt that cops are damaging their own vehicles in attempts to make the protesters look even worse. It should be pretty obvious that if they willing to do this, they're willing to send plain clothes cops to start the looting and fires (which is what happened and keeps happening).
(posted on 30/05/2020)
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