lovelydesiress · 2 years
Ahhh it's the last day of pride month. I forget to write something so I'm using something I wrote a few years back.
Warnings: F slur mentioned, yelling
There was a little girl, she was always different from others but never truly knew what. One day while she was playing with a ball a girl showed up "Hey I'm Marcy" she said "I'm Lulu." From then on they had a unbreakable bond those two were never without each other they played together, laughed, talked about things their parents could never understand about them. Lulu, she had this thing in her heart that gave her butterflies when she looked at Marcy she didn't know what it was until she heard the word lesbian. She was 15 at the time Marcy was too. She looked into the word that's when everything clicked for her. The feelings she felt how she always felt safe to talk to Marcy the reason she was different she didn't like Marcy she loved Marcy! When she became 17 her and Marcy were dating it was the happiest she ever felt Marcy became her world. At 20 she decided she would tell her father Lulu only had a father her mother died when she was born her father never had time to play or even to talk to her, most of the time she was by herself.
She looked at her father at the dinner table she took a heavy breath "Dad there's something I've been meaning to tell you" his response would weight on her heart. She needed to know, she needed to see what her father though about her. His black life sucking eyes looked into hers edging her to continue, to let out his curse. "I'm lesbian" she blurted out her father only chuckled "I'm serious dad. I like girls I like kissing Marcy my girlfriend" a serpent like aura slithered across the room. Lulu skin felt like it was being bricked by a mean doctor her heart pounded anticipating what was to happen. "What did you just say?" He got up and yelled she stood her ground. She winced not in fear but foolishness of course he wasn't approving that man gave off several red flags as she started hitting puberty. "Dad I love Marcy I don't care if you don't approve it's my world not yours you can choose to accept it or lose my respect and care." He was bolling mad "YOU COME IN HERE SAYING YOU ARE A F*G GET OUT OF MY HOUSE YOU FU*KING DISAPPOINTMENT YOUR THE REASON MY WIFE DIED!" He threw his half finished glass at her but missed, she still stayed calm she wasn't about to give this man her tears "Honestly I feel sorry for you no one to love you like Marcy loves me, mom didn't die giving birth to me she died after she married you she realized how much of monster you are so she prayed to die, her soul died by being with you" Lulu softly said "You know nothing about how I loved her" he cried "love? Dad love is loving someone regardless of their color, what they've done or how they look it's about who they are that is love, what you showed mom wasn't love it was possession you treated her like an object then ridiculed her. When I was alone Marcy shower me a world she gave me hope while you just sat down every night and drank your stupid old beer you never even bothered to ask how I was Marcy on the other hand cared for me she was the only person that wiped my tears away when I cried she was the friend who stayed when I was broken she carried me to sleep every night she loves me enough to listen and feel she told me more than you have how much she loves me."
With that Lulu walked away her father stood their contemplating every word she had spoke. The next day everyone in town knew of their love but still they didn't care as long as they're happy. Lulu father looked out the window he saw them together holding a lesbian flag and paint all over them in the lesbian flag colors. They looked happy, they were happy the father watched. As day became night he started to understand the truth.
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lovelydesiress · 2 years
Y'know what be cute (at least to me) a pansexual and a tired trans bisexual gay couple. But they like murder people because they just do (also highschool kids)
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lovelydesiress · 2 years
Just heard a guy say "why is it ok to kill kids in the womb and not kids in school" I've lost faith in this world anyways welcome to America
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