lovelylilpostitnotes · 4 months
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Please I’m starving.
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lovelylilpostitnotes · 5 months
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my Portfolio Art class piece inspired by this stunning quote by @machineryangel
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‘86 Baby
Here is chapter 6, loves! I hope you guys have been enjoying it so far and I hope you continue to. There’s a decent time skip coming up (to October-ish) after this chapter because I do have to start heading in the direction of the season 4 plot, just so you all know. Happy reading! 
Here is a link to Chapter 1 if you’re new! 
Chapter 6
When Eddie told me that the band’s usual crowd was rather intoxicated I didn’t fully believe him. But now that I was seated awkwardly at the front most table of the Hideaway listening to very, very drunk old men shout some pretty problematic things back and forth, there wasn’t a single doubt left in my mind.
“Hey everybody! Thanks for coming out tonight, we hope you enjoy the show!” Eddie’s bandmate, Gareth, said once they’d finally finished setting up.
I grinned at how professional they were being despite their lackluster audience. My dad always did tell me that practicing like you played made you great. I let out a little whoop and pumped my fist in the air, albeit a little awkwardly, trying to give them the energy they deserved to make up for the lame old farts in the back.
If I thought they’d been good at our middle school talent show, it was nothing compared to now. The hiccups were far and few between. Their focus and skill was so striking for a bunch of high schoolers that I kind of forgot to keep cheering and just let my jaw fall slack. I could easily recognize almost all of the songs in their set and Eddie looked fucking stunning up on stage.
By the end of their performance I was actually pretty ramped up and didn’t hesitate to jump up and clap.
Eddie was grinning like mad and quickly hopped off the little stage to come see me. “How ya holdin up?” he asked. This was at least the hundredth time he’d checked in since we’d left his trailer and I was sure it was going to carry on into tomorrow.
“I’m holding up just fine,” my smile was bright, “you guys did amazing.”
“You really think so?” his eyes lit up and he rocked nervously on the balls of his feet.
“Yes!! Oh my God, that was so cool, you better remember me when you’re famous.”
“I definitely will, I could never forget our first loyal fan.”
My smile softened and I took the opportunity given to me by the settling silence to “discreetly” look him over. He was covered in a light sheen of sweat that I probably found a little too pretty, and his cheeks were flushed a healthy red. His voice had a slight rasp to it when he spoke, worn out from singing, and he was fidgeting and jittering a ton due to the adrenaline. He looked like some kind of fallen angel.
“Soooo, this is Y/n huh?” Gareth asked as he and the two other boys walked over, their equipment all packed up.
Eddie shot him a warning look over his shoulder and I couldn’t help but snicker.
“You been talking about me, Munson?”
“Well, one of you has to be lying, so who is it?” my face was starting to hurt from my grin and I crossed my arms in an attempt to scrutinize the four boys before me.
“Definitely Eddie.”
“It’s Eddie.”
The three boys gave me their answers in unison and completely ran over any of Eddie’s protests.
“All good things, I hope,” my eyes flickered to him and it could’ve just been the dim bar lights, but I could’ve sworn his ears were red.
His bandmates doubled over laughing at that, all sharing a look that said ‘you have no idea.’
I laughed lightly too and turned to Eddie saying, “As fun as it is poking at you, I’ve really gotta get home, I’m already pushing it with my curfew.”
He simply just nodded and angrily herded them all back to the stage to grab their things before we made our way out of the pub and piled into his van.
The ride back to my house was filled with Eddie’s bandmates tearing the absolute shit out of him in front of me. And I had to say that I was enjoying every minute of it. I liked how comfortable they were with me after having only just met, and I found them positively hysterical so all in all it was a good end to the night. Plus Eddie being all moody was kinda cute.
When I finally got out of the van and walked to my front door, all of the boys chorused a goodbye before returning to creating a total ruckus. I waved goodbye in response and flashed Eddie a sweet smile before ducking into my house and sagging against the door. I never thought I could have that much fun on a Tuesday night, especially after I’d just gotten jumped, but Corroded Coffin had managed to prove me wrong.
Despite having to awkwardly lie to my parents and say I’d eaten absolute shit on the way out to Eddie’s van the day before, I was floating on air as I walked into school the following morning.
I was certain nothing could possibly ruin my mood, not even Jason Carver and his meathead friends, or my judgemental little brother. I was going to be riding the high of Eddie’s show last night all the way into the weekend.
I was so giddy I even finger-wiggle waved at Eddie when he walked into English class, which noticeably sent him into a bit of a tizzy.
“Hey there,” he said, sitting down heavy in his seat, his smile a little dopey. “How ya holdin’ up?”
“I’m just fine, Eddie,” I answered, turning my body to face him, not even bothering to act nonchalant anymore.
“Alright, alright, you ready for class today?” He asked, switching the subject because he knew he’d been pestering me with the question.
“Absolutely not, I was busy last night.”
“What?! I can’t believe you didn’t do the work!” He shook his head disappointedly. “I stayed up late to get mine done and you didn’t even do yours- oh how the tables have turned.”
“You did?” I couldn’t help the grin that spread across my face.
“Yeah, I did,” he pulled his papers out and waved them proudly in my face.
“Well I’ll catch up in 3rd period, don’t worry.” My chest was swelling with pride but I tried to contain it so I didn’t weird him out.
“Are you impressed? I think you’re impressed.” His smile was so cheeky.
“I’m very impressed, Eddie, very impressed.”
And with that class was starting and Eddie Munson was carrying my ass through the entire thing.
“Okay, well I personally still think you should try branching out and listening to some other kinds of music,” I said as Eddie and I walked along to our lunch period.
“Why on earth would I do that?” He asked for the 700th time.
“Because you might find something you like and it would expand your horizons as a musician and consumer.”
“I’m not listening to Madonna.”
“I never said you had to listen to Madonna, just something that isn’t metal!” I said with a laugh.
“I’m not spending money on music that isn’t metal.” He deadpanned at me, but still found it in his heart to sweep his arm out in a dramatic arc, welcoming me into the cafeteria.
“Then come over to my house after school today and I’ll play you some of my non-metal mixes!”
“Ooooooh, I see,” he wiggled his eyebrows at me as I walked him to his table.
I rolled my eyes at his suggestive tone. “I take it back.”
“Nononononono, no, I was kidding, just kidding!” he said, surprisingly quick to protest.
I smiled and watched as his face turned pink. “Okay fine, you can still come over, but only if you promise to actually consider the music I play.”
“I promise I will consider it,” he stuck his pinky out at me, halting once we arrived at his table.
I stuck mine out too and wrapped it around his, grinning at the stupid little shake he did before pulling back. “Alright, I’ll see you in 6th,” I said, backing away to head towards my table. “Bye guys!”
His friends all waved or nodded at me and then immediately turned on Eddie to ask him a hundred questions about what on earth he did to get invited to my home.
“I’m sorry, did you just make a pinky promise with Eddie Munson?” Robin asked when I sat down, she was smirking at me.
I nodded and had to take a minute to calm down my smile before I proceeded to go on the most long winded rant imaginable about the previous day, making sure to dramatize my “heroics” in the fight a little extra because who wouldn’t.
Robin stared at me for several minutes afterwards. “I don’t understand- you’re telling me, after two and a half years of the most painful pining I’ve ever witnessed, all it took was fucking Macbeth??”
“And seats together, don’t forget seats together,” I added with a shit-eating grin.
“I can’t wait to tell Steve about this.”
“Oh, God, he’s gonna make fun of me, Rob.”
“Okay, so what? He can’t keep a woman for shit, he’s got no room to talk.”
“That’s fair- oh shit- oh shit, you have to come over after school and help me clean my room, and my entire house-”
“What- why?!”
“He’s coming over- oh shit shit shit, I invited him over-”
“You did WHAT?!”
She would not stop laughing after that.
“Dude, you need to calm down, right now,” she said as we were folding the clothes I had been keeping on my floor for the past few days.
“I can’t calm down, I’m actually going to get sick, Robin,” I was running around frantically straightening things out in between running the folded clothes to their rightful drawers. “And I’m even worse off now that my dad just had to mention that I need to keep the door open! Now I can’t stop thinking about why the door would ever be closed!” “Oh- ew, shit, Y/n, I did not want to picture that today or ever,” she gagged loudly at the thought of me in that kind compromising situation.
I was grateful for her dramatic reaction however because it made me laugh and soothed my nerves for at least a little bit. But by the time we’d finished cleaning and I was walking her out, they had returned full force. So, I was left alone to wait on the couch while my heart tried everything in its power to claw its way out of my throat.
I’m pretty sure I died for a moment when there was a soft knock on the door. I had told him to come over at 4:00 pm and there he was, right on the dot. And, if I hadn’t been too busy organizing my brain cells to make it to the door, I would’ve swooned at his unusual promptness.
“Hi,” I said, a little too breathily for my taste, when I opened the door.
“Hey,” he was fidgeting with his rings and looked about as nervous as I felt.
“Come in.” I stepped back and opened up the door all the way for him.
He gave me a polite nod and then stepped inside, awkwardly rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet again like he had last night.
“Sorry to um- to ask this but my parents have a shoes off rule so,” I almost slammed my face into the door for having actually gone through with saying that but I knew I’d die a painful death if my parents found out I’d let someone traipse around in their shoes.
“Oh- oh no problem,” he stuttered, quickly kicking his Reeboks off and pushing them against the wall next to the door, his cheeks flushing a little.
We were definitely matching at this point.
“So- uh- right this way,” I said, nodding towards the rest of the house and walking off to take him to my room. I could hear him shuffling behind me, and I wished I could’ve turned around to see how nervous he looked because it was making my heart squeeze. But I wasn’t going to risk that kind of obviousness right now.
“Cool room,” he said as we walked in.
“Thanks, it usually doesn’t look this nice though,” I joked, trying to relieve some of the tension.
“You cleaned for me?” one of his iconic little smirks began to peak out through the nervousness.
“Yes, my family always cleans for quests,” I quickly tried to write it off before fleeing to my speaker and pulling out my most diverse mixtape.
“Getting right to it, I see.”
I caught the suggestiveness in his tone and huffed as I hit play. “Really, Eddie?”
“If you’re insinuating that I was making a dirty joke, I think you’re the one who should be getting in trouble right now, get your mind out of the gutter, Y/l/n.”
“Well the fact that you think that there’s a possibility that I could think you were making a dirty joke clearly shows that you are the one who needs to be in trouble.”
And just like that we fell back into our usual banter. The only time it really stuttered from that point on was when I took a seat on my bed and invited him to do so as well. He definitely sat at the very edge until at least 4:30. I tried not to laugh at the fact that the farthest he made it after that was sitting criss-crossed at one of the corners, at least then he was fully on it.
“Okay, first of all, if you dare say anything against Kate Bush again, I’m going to have to kick you out,” I threatened. We were in the middle of our third argument, that’s right, third. Meaning he was so stubborn that two had already commenced in the short hour and a half he’d been in my home.
“Alright, alright, she’s not that bad, but I really don’t see how this is gonna make me a better guitarist.”
“Edward,” I sighed, going out on a limb with the government name there, “in order to be a true artist you have to understand, at least, the general ins and outs of every media.”
“That is such bullshit.”
“You’re such bullshit!” I hollered, crawling closer to him to stick a finger in his face. “You know, for somebody who hates forced conformity and close mindedness, you sure aren’t open to new experiences.”
“That’s not very nice of you, Y/n,” he said, shaking his head at me, a little smile poking out. “I’m very open to new experiences, hence why I came over here.”
“I’m pretty sure you just agreed so you could sit on a nice, plush bed while you insulted me and my music,” I huffed.
“Do you really think so little of me?” His grin got evil as he leaned in.
“On the contrary, I think too highly of you, Eddie Munson,” I returned the look.
He faltered a bit. Whatever smartass remark he’d been hoping to make, caught in his throat as his cheeks flushed. “You- um-”
My smile was pure evil, “cat got your tongue?” Where the hell was this coming from? I don’t think anyone in the history of ever had unironically said that line except in a book, and yet there I was.
“Somethin- something like that,” was all he could manage to get out.
I caught his eyes dropping down to my smile and felt a full body malfunction of my own coming on.
“Is that uh- is that a DnD book on your- your night stand?” he mumbled out as his gaze flickered around my room to avoid eye contact.
“Yeah, it is..” my voice was soft as I spoke. I wasn’t able to muster much more than that with my heart beating its way out of my chest.
“Oh, Jesus Christ!” my brother shouted from my doorway.
Eddie and I flew apart. I hadn’t even realized we’d gotten that close until I was scrambling back and he was rolling off the edge of my bed onto the floor.
“Dude!” I yelled.
My brother hurried away, making sure to gag dramatically as he went.
Once he was gone, I crawled to the edge of my bed and looked down at Eddie sprawled out on my floor. “You okay?”
“Oh, me? Never better?” he winced. “Never better.”
35 notes · View notes
‘86 Baby
Hi honeys! Chapter 5 is finally out! I just wanted to leave a quick disclaimer that the term "queer" is used as an insult towards the end of this chapter. It is also followed by some violence, although it's not terribly graphic it is still a fight. As a queer person myself, I felt the use of the word was acceptable in order to further the plot and bring up the reality of the homophobia in the 80s, but I wanted to add a warning to make sure that anyone this would negatively impact would be aware. I love you all sm, happy reading <33.
Here is a link to Chapter 1 if you’re new! 
Chapter 5
The bottle of black nail polish I had brought to school was sitting heavy in my pocket all throughout the day. It made keeping my head in the right place nearly impossible because with every shift it made, my mind flew straight to Eddie Munson’s hands.
Luckily my teachers weren’t calling on me much that day otherwise there was a very good chance I would've given all wrong answers.
By the time the final bell had rung, hands, hands, hands was the only thing going on in my head, and I was even more shy and blushy around Eddie than usual.
“I’m really excited for my makeover here,” he said as we walked along through the halls, this time he had stayed instead of rushing off like on Friday.
“Me too, honestly, I think it’s really going to complete the rocker look,” I smiled at him as we made it outside and headed for the bleachers.
My brother and Robin were already long gone with different rides because I had notified both in advance of my after school plans, only Robin knew really what I was doing though.
“You know, I think so too, I also think it’s going to piss so many of these assholes off,” his grin was devilish as we climbed the bleachers and took our seats.
“If anyone gives you any shit, I know how to fight,” I said it as a joke, but in reality some annoying high school jocks were nothing compared to interdimensional demons and Russian soldiers.
“Ahuh, I’ll make sure to call you up if anyone tries to jump me,” he laughed and stuck his hands out at me.
I rolled my eyes and set my bag down before pulling out the polish and shaking it. “I picked black, I hope that’s okay,” I said, “we can always do something crazier next time if you end up liking it.”
“Black works for me,” he replied, waving at his clothes like ‘c’mon, take a look.’
I laughed softly and took one of his hands in mine, removing the brush from the bottle and gently setting it down on his thumbnail.
I worked silently, concentrating on a level I never had before with my own nails. I didn’t want to fuck these up for him. Plus I liked having his hand in mine, even if it wasn’t for the reason I wanted.
But if I’d had the permission, the allowance that comes with mutual affections, I probably would’ve rubbed the top of his hand with my thumb, long sweeping arcs to convey my devotion. But instead my hand stayed idle, simply charged with potential energy.
The intensity of my thoughts startled me. It was just a childish crush, something to daydream about but never to honestly pursue. But now? Now I didn’t know what it was, just that it was heavy.
Once I’d finished the first hand, I cleaned up what I could and then held it up for him. “Whaddya think?” I sounded a little breathless as I spoke.
“I think it looks sick,” he grinned at me and then stuck his other hand in my face, waggling his fingers impatiently.
“Okay, okay, I’m going, yeesh,” I shook my head at him and fell back into silence as I worked on the other hand.
I could feel his eyes on me as I worked which made me falter a couple times, but I held it together for the most part, finishing more quickly than the first time.
“Alright, all done, you’re pretty now!”
“I wasn’t pretty before?” His face twisted in false offense.
“Okay yeah, you were already pretty, so you’re prettier now, my apologies,” my voice wavered as I spoke, the effect of my thoughts tugging down my tongue even still.
“That’s what I thought,” he said, tilting his head up proudly like he’d expected that answer, but I could see the pink dusting his cheeks.
I rolled my eyes again and then took his hands back in mine, blowing on his nails to dry them faster. And if I wasn’t mistaken, his breath hitched. The very thought made my insides squirm, but I kept my cool and continued drying his nails.
“Thanks, for this,” he said, his voice oddly soft.
“Of course, Eddie,” my eyes crinkled slightly at the corners as I smiled.
“Do you, um, do you have anywhere to be?”
“No not really, I just have a little homework,” I answered sweetly.
“Would you wanna go do something before the show tonight?”
“Sure, could I take my car home and freshen up first?”
“Yeah- yeah totally,” he said, nodding enthusiastically.
“Okay!” I ripped some paper out of my binder and wrote my address down for him, along with my number so he wouldn’t have to use the damned phonebook again. “Here, I should be ready fast so head over in 30.”
He grinned and then we packed up and walked out to the parking lot, saying goodbye before parting ways to head to our cars.
Once I got home, I raced up the stairs, quickly fixed my hair, and changed into something that matched the energy of a concert at a bar much more than my school clothes had. And then I spent the rest of the time scrambling around making sure I looked, smelled, and was perfect.
I almost went into cardiac arrest when there was a knock at the door, and I had to remind myself that this was just a friendly hangout and nothing more.
And then when I got downstairs I almost went into cardiac arrest again because my brother was standing at the door, staring Eddie down.
“Hey- hi! Hey, I’ve got this now you can go,” I said as I pushed him off towards the living room.
“Are you going on a date with Eddie Munson?” My brother’s tone was obviously judgmental.
“No, I’m not, but if I was it would be perfectly fine,” I spat and stepped out before shutting the door hard.
“He’s cool,” Eddie said awkwardly.
“He’s a bitch,” I sighed, following him down towards his van. “You’d think after having played DnD himself when he was younger, he’d be a little less of a twat, but yet here we are!” I was all huffy and worked up and I could tell it was amusing Eddie, but that was better than him feeling weird after my brother’s reaction so I took it.
“You look nice, by the way,” he said once we were both in the van.
“Oh- thank you, you do too,” I replied. “And wow, someone amazing must have done your nails, they look fantastic.”
He laughed and shook his head, “yeah the service was great, although a little quiet.”
“Hey now, I was concentrating!” I defended myself.
“Alright, alright, I’m just saying, I like it better when you talk to me,” his grin was sly as we drove off down the road.
“See if I ever paint your nails again,” I huffed.
“Oh no, c’mon, I’m sorry,” he laughed.
“I’m going to need a milkshake or something if you expect to be forgiven,” I turned my head away from him and crossed my arms.
“Well let’s go get you a milkshake then!” He hollered, turning off onto another street and heading for one of the diners in town.  
When we pulled into the parking lot we were absolutely lost in conversation, every move we made relied solely on instinct and second nature. The only thing I registered was Eddie scrambling around the van to open the door for me, all while continuing to explain the rules of DnD at a slightly louder volume.
I giggled at him and took his hand as he helped me out of my seat, and then I was back to nodding along quietly as he ranted about everything you’d ever need to know. I wasn’t going to remember most of it, despite my best efforts, but the way his eyes were shining was far too beautiful to snuff out with the reality of things.
It took about 10 seconds for the light to be snuffed out anyways.
“Ayo, freak!” The familiar baritone voice of Chance, one of the jocks from school and friend of Jason Carver, shouted from across the small parking lot.
The two of us stopped dead in our tracks and turned slowly to look over at him.
“Shit- quick, keep going,” Eddie hissed, putting his hand on my back and pushing me towards the diner. Usually he would be quick to challenge Jason and his goons but something was different about this time. Maybe it was me?
“Don’t walk away from us,” another basketball player, Andy, said, walking towards us from the other direction. Apparently they’d been planning to meet up.
“Can’t you guys just leave us alone,” I said, trying to control my nerves. I didn’t like how they were cornering us.
“Dude, what the fuck, is that nailpolish?” Chance pointed out, bursting into laughter and nudging Jason who’d walked up with him.
“You some kind of fuckin’ queer, Munson?” Andy added, laughing too and shooting a look at Chance.  
The desire to crack Andy’s skull open on the ground burned white hot through me, but I wouldn't start the fight. That could put Eddie in even more danger than he was already in, and I wasn’t going to risk it. So I waited, seething and teeth clenched.
“You really gonna do this, broad daylight, in public?” Eddie asked. I could hear the waver in his voice despite him chuckling to brush it off.
“Yeah, I think we are,” Jason said, finally talking.
And then they grabbed him, shoving me back so they could drag him away.
All of the anxiety and fear and rage that had been building in my throat snapped like a cord pulled too tight. The world went quiet and my ears began to ring as I lunged forward at Jason. Take out the head, I thought.
I was on his back in seconds, legs wrapping around him and arms locking around his throat. He tried to throw me off, hollering in surprise at the sudden action I’d taken, but my limbs were like a steel trap.
Andy reacted immediately, leaving Chance to deal with Eddie while he tried to pry me off Jason. I wasn’t letting go though, I kept my arm locked around his neck while I threw my elbow back into Andy’s face. He sputtered and stumbled back at first, but in the end he managed to rip me off, fueled by his pain induced rage.
I hit the concrete hard and despite the scrapes and bleeding, I was back on my feet almost as soon as I’d gone down. Charging Jason a moment later and barrelling him down. If they thought a couple scrapes were going to stop me from protecting Eddie, they were dead wrong.
We hit the ground harder than I had expected, but I still managed to press my forearm down across his neck with little hesitation. “You call your fucking dogs off or I will crush your windpipe,” I growled.
Jason wheezed under my arm’s weight but before he could make any kind of decision, Andy was ripping me off him again.
I screamed ‘fire’ like I was being murdered and thrashed in his arms. If they were going to be relentless, I was going to turn on the sirens.
People flooded out of the diner. Anyone who might’ve seen beforehand had most certainly ignored us. Because who would give two shits about a metalhead being jumped by some poster boy jocks. But now there was no excuse, now there was an emergency they would have to react to.
When the bystanders realized what was happening, they ran to separate all of us, but the weight of their efforts were directed entirely at Eddie and I. He had to hold me back from spitting in their faces, but I still screamed every foul thing I could think of as he dragged me back to his van.
He pushed me into the passenger seat and shut the door hard before running around to his side, locking the van, and peeling out of there.
The two of us sat in complete silence as he drove, the only sound was our stuttering breaths as we tried to come down from what just happened.
The silence was only barely broken when we pulled up in front of his trailer and a soft sob escaped my lips.
He was out of the van immediately and coming over to my side. He carefully helped me out and then inside, both of us leaning on each other equally.
“Are you okay?” my voice cracked slightly as I asked. I pulled away to assess him, breathing deeply once I realized it was only I who’d taken any damages.
“Shut up about me, look at you,” he sounded panicked as he moved away from me and began to rummage through his home.
I stood there quietly, watching him search for what I assumed was first aid supplies, and wrapped my arms around myself gently, rubbing at my sides to bring myself out of attack mode. It was something that had become all too easy for me to fall into nowadays.
“Eddie, what the hell, I could hear your tires squealing from a mile away-” a man said, coming out of one of the rooms and stopping dead in his tracks when he saw me.
“Do we have any first aid in this damn place?” Eddie asked, sounding more than frazzled.
The man nodded and hurried to what looked like the bathroom, returning a moment later with a small first aid kit.
Eddie took it and thanked him hurriedly before coming back and pulling me over to the couch. “You should- you should probably sit down.”
“What happened to you two?”
“Some kids from school,” I answered softly. “They went after Eddie.”
“And you went after them, God- you looked rabid,” he laughed weakly. I could tell he was freaked out, but I wasn’t sure if it was from the fight or something else.
“Well thank you for looking out for my boy,” the man said, walking over. “M’name’s Wayne, I’m Eddie’s Uncle.” He stuck his hand out for me to shake.
I took it and firmly shook it once while introducing myself before Wayne walked to the kitchen and I turned back to Eddie, gently setting my injured hands over his scrambling ones. “I’ve got it.” And with that I took some little alcohol wipes and cleaned up my scraped palms and elbows. There were a couple scrapes on my knees and thighs as well so I made sure to get those next. And then I was carefully putting on the bandaids Eddie handed me. “See? All better.”
He simply nodded and turned away from me to prop his elbows up on his knees and rest his face in his hands. “I’m really sorry, you didn’t have to do that for me.”
“I wasn’t just going to stand there and let them hurt you, I’d’ve done it for any one of my friends,” I assured him.
“I appreciate it, then,” he paused a little between words, still collecting himself it seemed. “We uh- we don’t have to hang out anymore if- if it’s gonna get you in trouble like that.”
“Eddie, do you want to stop hanging out?” I asked gently.
He was silent.
“It’s going to take a lot more than Jason Carver and his goons to scare me off, plus I’m not going to ditch you before I’ve even been to one of your renowned performances,” I joked, trying to lighten his mood.
It worked. “Jesus- we just got jumped and you’re still thinking about my gig tonight?”
“Hey, priorities, man, priorities.”
“You’re fucking crazy.”
“I know!”
27 notes · View notes
‘86 Baby
Hi babes! Here is chapter 4 finally!! I hope you guys enjoy mwah <33
Here is a link to Chapter 1 if you’re new! 
Chapter 4
I spent my entire weekend with Robin and Steve. The three of us went whipping around town in my car. Definitely a loud music, windows down to fuck with the old people moment. We went to the movies too and got ice cream. Basically Steve was treating us for surviving our last first days of high school, even though I had to drive, and he only paid for himself. But that’s what he’d said at least.
So, as you can imagine, I was absolutely worn out when I crawled in bed on Sunday night. I had picked out my outfit for the next day, had all my homework completed, and I was fully ready to read or listen to music until I fell asleep. And then the phone rang.
“Hey, Rob, what’s up?” I answered, expecting no one other than Miss Buckley to be calling at 9 pm on a Sunday.
I heard a soft laugh through the phone. A soft, masculine laugh, and I felt my soul implode, reform, shrivel up, and then implode again. “Eddie?”
“The one and only,” his voice was smug and amused.
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t expecting you to actually call me, especially not now,” my grin could’ve lit up the dark.
“Well I was going to call sooner, but you’re pretty fuckin hard to find in the phone book.” His words were kind of muffled, like he was talking around something. Maybe a blunt? Who knows, I wouldn’t be surprised since he was most kids’ dealer.
“Really? I feel like those things are pretty easy to navigate,” I teased.
“Yaknow, it kinda feels like you’re mocking me,” he said as the loud sound of drums started up in the background.
“Eddie, where the hell are you calling me from?” I laughed.
“M’at Gareth’s, got band practice,” I could hear him shifting on the other end.
“Oh right! I totally forgot you have a band!”
“But you knew at one point?” His smirk was practically tangible.
“You did play at the talent show, and that performance was pretty hard to forget,” I giggled. “Sorry I didn’t put it together before, hair really changes people.” I was insinuating that his new hair had him looking nothing like the little kid with the buzz cut that had played on our middle school stage, but that wasn’t how he took it.
“Jesus, you’re really just taking shots at my ego tonight, I’m sorry my fluency in Shakespeare is such shit but we can talk about it.”
“I wasn’t trying to insult you!” I rolled over laughing. “Crap, I’m sorry- I swear I loved your show, it’s what got me into metal!”
I heard a choking sound and then the line went silent.
“Eddie? Eddie, you still there?”
“Yeah- yeah, I’m sorry, I’m going to need a moment to recover from that.”
“Did I say something wrong again?”
“No, God no,” he sounded ecstatic, and then I heard him yell to his bandmates what I’d just said.
I could hear whooping and cheering in the background and then the music started back up again, it was so loud I had to hold the phone away from my head for a moment.
“I’m gonna be riding this high for at least the next two weeks, so get ready, sweetheart, because I’m going to be unbearable.”
“I look forward to it,” my voice was soft and so was my smile. “Hey, wait a minute, if you’re in a band does that mean you’re obligated to have at least one bard character?” My smile became sly as I waited for his reaction to my awareness of his favorite game.
“I’m sorry, did you just reference DnD to me?” I could practically hear his eyes bug out of his head.
“I did.”
“You want free weed or somethin?”
“No, I’m just trying to talk to you about some of the things you like.”
“Ahuh, you sure do know a lot about me though, don’t you?” His tone was suspicious, playfully so, but still suspicious.
“Munson, you walk around wearing your DnD club shirt and you played publicly at a school event, it isn’t that hard to guess.”
“Okay, you’ve got me there,” he conceded, “but are we sure you’re not just paying extra close attention to me?” Now he was teasing.
“I’m pretty sure, yeah,” my face flushed as I lied, and I was very thankful we were talking through the phone.
“Alright, alright, if you insist,” he said, actually giving in this time.
“Anyways, do you have a bard character?”
“Yes, I’m collecting all the classes slowly and as they suit-”
“Dude, could you like hang up the phone and actually come practice? It’s getting late!” one of his bandmates shouted.
“Hang on a goddamn second, Jeff, I’m talking to a babe right now, I need you to chill out.”
“A babe?” my tone was smug.
“Yeah, s’that a problem?” he asked, matching my tone, but I could hear the underlying note of nervousness.
“I think I prefer ‘oh fair one.’”
“You liked that?”
“Yeah, that’s not somethin you hear everyday, and I do love originality.”
“You know, I pride myself on my originality.”
“So you’ve said,” my voice was low, I was falling into the banter like I’d been doing it all my life.
A dopey chuckle drifted through the phone.
“I think it’s time I go to bed, yeah? And I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“I’ll be there, bright and early, might even beat you to class,” he teased.
“I doubt it.”
“Oh, I definitely will now.”
“Mmkay, Munson, we’ll see,” I laughed softly. “G’night.”
“Niiight,” he drew out the word in the most enticing way possible.
I giggled and gently set the phone down, hanging up the call. “I’m so fucked,” was all I said before rolling over to turn on my cassette player. After that I laid silently in bed with my eyes shut, gently bopping my head to the low music, most definitely thinking of Eddie Munson. And soon I fell asleep, with the stupidest, dopiest grin on my face.
When I walked into class Monday morning, the sight of Eddie Munson leaned back in his chair with his hands propped up behind his head absolutely floored me. I was so surprised I had to stop and stare for a moment. As much as anxiety sucks, it always made sure I was on time or early and never once did I expect Eddie Munson–the same boy who barely made it to first period last year–to ever beat me to school.
His grin was pure evil as I walked over to him and took my seat. “Surprised to see me?” He sounded far too proud of himself.
“I am very surprised,” a grin of my own peeked through my shocked expression. “I feel like I should get you a prize or something for actually beating me here.”
“You should,” he leaned forward and settled on the desk, lying his head in his arms and looking up at me. “Let me see, what do I want?”
I rested my chin on my hand and smiled down at him, “You think on it and let me know.”
He didn’t respond and instead just made a pensive face, considering all his options. “How about.. how about you come see my band tomorrow night?”
“Where are you guys playing and what time?”
“Really?! Well that was easy!” He sat up quickly and pulled some paper and a pencil out, scribbling down the location and time.
I took the paper from him and safely tucked it away in one of my backpack’s many pockets. “I’ll be there, front and center,” my smile was soft, maybe a little too soft for our current acquaintance status.
“Just so you know, our usual crowd is pretty small and pretty intoxicated so..” he trailed off like he was nervous that would change my mind.
“No worries, mind if I show up early to make sure I secure front row seats?” I was so fascinated by the quiet, shyer side of him that only appeared in brief flashes. I wish I could have sat there and made him nervous all day long.
His eyes glowed at my words and his smile was bright and satisfied as he nodded. There wasn’t a single trace of the smugness that I was used to. And then he turned forward and opened his copy of Macbeth as class began.
He was as sweet as fucking sugar for the rest of the day. He walked me to my art class. He found me after 4th and said hi before running off to his lunch table. He walked me to class after that and after 6th. The whole time just chattering away about anything he could think of, music, DnD, what the band’s gigs usually looked like. And I listened to it all, the infatuation I had slowly turning into true, blazing affection the more I heard him talk. He asked me plenty of questions too, his gaze unwavering everytime I answered. I was breathless after each interaction and my heart was going a hundred miles an hour. Particularly so after he walked me out to my car once the final bell had rung.
I was packing up my things once the teacher had completed her Spanish lesson for the day when the pretty, ringed fingers of one Eddie Munson splayed out across the single paper still left on my desk.
I let my eyes travel up the length of his arm until I finally reached his face where I was met with a warm smile.
“What’s this?” he asked softly, referring to the doodles covering the sheet of paper.
“Just some doodles, I get bored yaknow,” my voice was shy. I would be nervous about him seeing any of my work but especially the stuff that didn’t have a lot of time put into it.
“These look really cool,” he lifted up the paper and examined it, “would you wanna draw things for one of my DnD campaigns sometime?”
My brain short circuited and I had to blink away the smoke and sparks. “Yeah- yeah um- I’d love to actually.”
“Great! C’mon I’ll walk you to your car,” he nodded his head towards the door and handed the paper back to me.
I nodded and finished packing up before hopping up and following him out of the classroom.
“Have you ever thought of painting your nails, Eddie?” I asked as we wandered down the hall, my thoughts heading back to his hand on my paper.
“Nah, I haven’t really, why?” he looked over at me with a smile. “You wanna paint em sometime?”
“I mean- well I could, yeah,” my ears burned at the thought.
“Would you want to tomorrow before the gig? Make me look all pretty n shit for my performance?”
“Sure, you can meet me by the bleachers again,” my smile was so soft it was sickening.
He smiled in return, and then we walked in comfortable silence the rest of the way to my car, despite the slight jeering we received from some of our classmates upon entering the parking lot.
“Well, here’s my stop,” I said, leaning against the door of my car, my brother thankfully still somewhere in the school.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, drive safe,” he gave me a gentle smile that made my knees buckle and then walked off across the parking lot, running into Dustin on the way.
I watched the two tussle in the lot before shoving apart and going their separate ways. I then climbed into my car and set my head on the wheel, giggling wildly as I waited for my brother.
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guys you aren’t ready for chapter four, the banter has me flying into the stratosphere 
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‘86 Baby
Here is a chapter 3 of my Eddie Munson x Reader fanfiction. It follows the plot of season four, with a little time prior to the events of the show. I’ve tried to keep this fic as self-insertable as possible without making the reader’s character totally flat. And of course please feel free to use your imagination and switch details in your head if you so please. Happy reading everyone!
Here is a link to Chapter 1 if you’re new!
(and my apologies for any grammar or spelling mistakes, if you see ‘em let me know so I can fix it)
Chapter 3
When I sat down in English class the next day, I was all alone at our table. Sure it was still a little early, but Eddie’s absence was making me nervous anyways. Mostly just because I didn’t want Mrs. O’Donnell to have the satisfaction of feeling right, but I also didn’t want her to actually be right.
My foot began to tap anxiously as the clock ticked and the warning bell passed. He was still absent and most of the class had filled in by then. I risked a peek up at Mrs. O’Donnell’s desk and felt my ears burn when I saw her smug expression. Shit.
“Alright everybody, how about we get started,” she said as she stood up and walked around to sit on her desk. “Get out your copies please, and the sheet I sent home with you.”
I sighed softly and opened up my folder, pulling everything out. It was only the second day of school, he couldn’t seriously be skipping already.
“Y/n Y/l/n, why don’t you start us off,” Mrs. O’Donnell said.
I cleared my throat softly as my face began to burn, “well I-”
“I’m here! I’m here!” Eddie shouted as he burst into the room.
I watched as her smug expression fell and changed to one of irritation.
“Sit down, Munson.”
He nodded and saluted her before running over to his seat, sitting down quickly and dumping all of the messy papers onto the desk.
Mrs. O’Donnell chose to ask someone else in what I thought was an attempt to spare her dignity so I reached over and pulled Eddie’s work out of the pile.
“Where were you?” I asked softly.
“Stupid van wouldn’t start this morning,” he grumbled as he stuffed everything into his backpack. “And then I dropped all my shit trying to make it to class.”
“I’m glad you made it,” I said, lowering my voice when the teacher’s gaze flitted over us.
“Me too,” he grinned at me and then sat at attention, mirroring his act from yesterday. Except today.. he raised his hand.
“What is it, Mr. Munson?” Mrs. O’Donnell asked exasperatedly.
“I know the answer.” His head was tilted up proudly.
“Oh, then pray tell, what is it?”
“The line ‘fair is foul and foul is fair’ means that not everything is what it seems,” he answered, a little snottily even.
Mrs. O’Donnell swallowed uncomfortably and nodded, “that is correct.”
Eddie sat back in his chair and rested his hands behind his head. “Booyah,” he murmured quietly just for me.
“You really did the work?” I whispered, grinning slightly.
“I really did, you see, there was this scary motherfucker who basically threatened my life in the school parking lot last night over it, so I thought I’d better follow through.”
“Oh shut up,” I grumbled, turning away from him to hide my smile.
“Hey, seriously though, I’ll do my half,” he said, his tone changing.
I turned back to him, my smile soft, “I know you will.”
I could’ve sworn something flickered behind his eyes, but I decided I was just trying to convince myself of something that wasn’t there in order to satisfy my daydreams and fantasies.
For the rest of class we sat in silence, stealing little looks over at each other after having been told to pipe down by Mrs. O’Donnell. He would make a face, I would giggle, and then he’d give me the dopiest grin ever. It made my heart soar, even if it was just him being friendly.
By the end of the period I was on cloud nine, so much so that I pulled out my walkman and put in my romantic mix. It was the most splendid walk to art class imaginable.
I listened to my music the whole duration of class, a new little privilege I was very much enjoying. Art class was so much better when the teacher just gave us an assignment and set us loose to work on it. And since it was my senior year, the only assignment we had was to build a portfolio in our favorite mediums.
For my first work I had chosen to work with oil paints. I hadn’t decided on a subject yet, but after a few minutes of staring at the canvas while Take My Breath Away played softly through my headphones an idea struck me.
I dipped my brush into some of the deep blue paint and began setting down my base and background. By the time the bell rang, I had gotten so much work done I had surprised even myself. The inspiration had hit me like a lightning strike and propelled me so deep into the work I hadn’t even felt time pass.
On my way out, I hurriedly washed my hands and was busy drying them off on my clothes when I slammed into someone.
“Oh- I’m so sorry,” I gasped, grabbing my backpack as it slipped off my shoulder.
“S’okay,” a familiar voice said softly.
I looked up and saw that it was Eddie and my heart stopped. This was really starting to feel like some romance novel and it was making me borderline suspicious. “Oh, hi there,” I said, blinking to clear my mind.
“What’ve you got next?” he asked, smiling down at me.
“Um.. history!” I blurted out.
He chuckled and then backed away from me, nodding his head as if to tell me to follow.
It took my brain a moment to compute but once it did, I was hurrying off after him.
“So, I wanted to talk to you about Macbeth,” he started.
There was a long pause before he spoke, like he was trying to think of something to say. Which was odd considering he had sought me out to discuss the play.
“Did you um- do you understand all the shitty words Shakespeare uses?” he offered up awkwardly.
“Well I’ve read the play before and my teacher broke it down for us, so yes, but initially I didn’t always know what he meant, no,” I answered with a smile. It seemed like he was just trying to make conversation under the guise of school, which was sweet.
“Would you mind, uh, taking some time to explain Act 1 to me then?” he asked.
“I wouldn’t mind at all, when are you free? We’d better get you caught up before we have to read again tomorrow,” I said with a smile.
“Are you busy at lunch?”
“No, not really, I usually just sit with my friend Robin so you can come over to our table if you want,” I offered.
He nodded and smiled at me, “that sounds perfect, thank you for gracing me with your time, fairest elven scholar.” He finished with a flurry of his hand and a shallow bow.
I grinned at the silly little act, “you know, no one’s ever called me a fair elf before, other than you.”
“Well I do pride myself on my originality,” he said with a stupid grin.
“I’m sure you do, Munson,” I laughed softly and stopped by the door of my classroom. “Alright, this is my stop, I’ll see you at lunch.”
“See ya,” he said, backing away and saluting me, and tripping over someone’s foot in the process.
I covered my mouth with my hand as I giggled, quickly ducking into the room so he wouldn’t see me laughing.
My next two classes were like hell on earth, dragging on endlessly thanks to my growing anticipation. I was so excited that I almost knocked over my chair in 4th period trying to get up as soon as the bell rang. And that wasn’t the only destruction I was leaving in my wake, I almost barreled down several freshmen on my way to the cafeteria.
Once inside, I rushed to my table and sat down in a flurry of loose paper and bags.
Robin looked terribly startled and immediately knew something was up. “Oh God, what have you done?” she asked with a smile
“EddieMunsoniscomingtositwithussopleasejustplayitcool,” I gasped out as I organized everything and pulled out my copy of Macbeth.
“Are you serious?” her grin was practically splitting her face in two.
“I am so so so serious, he asked me to go over Act 1 with him after a very long pause, meaning he very well could’ve just been making an excuse to talk to me and you know what it means when someone makes excuses to talk to you?” my mouth was moving a mile a minute as I caught her up on everything.
“You’ve done it, I can’t believe you’ve done it!”
We shrieked back and forth at each other for at least a minute, my energy charging her up like a battery.
“Oh oh oh! He’s coming! He’s coming!” she shrieked right in my ear. “I’m gonna make myself scarce, you’ve got this!” And with that she squeezed my shoulders, shrieked one last time, and then darted off across the cafeteria to sit with some of the band kids she knew.
I watched as she retreated and then began to anxiously tousle my hair, trying not to absolutely lose my shit.
“Well hello there,” his smug voice called as he turned a chair around and dropped down in it right across from me.
“Hi,” I breathed out, regaining control of myself just in time.
“Where do we start?”
“Probably page one.”
“That felt a little aggressive, dontcha think?”
“Maybe a little,” I laughed with him as I tucked some hair behind my ear. “Alright, here we go.”
We spent the whole lunch period deciphering as much of Act 1 as we could. Both of us slowly leaning in closer over the table. I could feel people watching us, unfriendly people, but I paid them no mind. I wanted Eddie to know that I didn’t give two shits about what guys like Jason Carver thought of him. And anyways, I was far too concerned with how each time I spoke, he’d look up from the page and stare right into my eyes. I was surprised I’d managed to explain anything clearly to him at all with how intense the tension was.
“Ah, that’s the bell,” I said softly, our eyes still locked from the line I had been explaining before.
“What a shame,” he smiled at me, his arms crossed in front of him, “say, don’t we still have three scenes left?”
“Mhm, we do,” my brain was starting to go fuzzy.
“What’re you doing after school?”
“I’d have to check my calendar, but I’d assume absolutely nothing.”
“Meet me by the bleachers then,” and with that he pushed off out of his seat and backed away from me once again, this time managing not to trip on anyone before he turned around to walk forwards.
I completely collapsed against the table, giggling softly into my hand, and Robin had to come collect me. She walked me all the way to my class even because my head was absolutely reeling.
“If it wasn’t confirmed that he likes you before, it’s looking pretty confirmed now,” she said as she dropped me off at my next class.
“We don’t know that for sure,” I chided, but my dopey grin and absent tone said otherwise.
“Yuhuh, get to class, loser,” she said, pushing me into the room and walking off down the hall.
When I got out of school for the day, I practically ran down the hall to get outside to the bleachers. Eddie had waved at me and made faces across the classroom all of 6th period and walked me to 7th, where he once again waved and made faces. I would’ve walked with him to the bleachers, but he dipped out of the room immediately after the bell rang. So I just hurried off to my locker and made my way outside.
I walked along to the bleachers quietly, my nerves bubbling up inside me despite having just been with him at lunch and on the way to class. This time was different though, we’d be alone, and I wouldn’t have Robin sending me thumbs up from across the cafeteria anymore to cheer me on.
My worries turned into a simple buzzing sound the moment I saw him though. He was sitting on the bleachers with his jackets and school things beside him. So not only were his tattoos out, but the son of a bitch decided he wanted to man-spread, lean over, and rest his elbows on his knees while spinning his rings. It was like my brain was melting out of my ears, which was problematic since we were meeting so that I could translate Shakespeare for him.
In order to hopefully regain some of my former intelligence, I tore my eyes away from him and watched the ground as I walked, not looking up again until he had called out to me and I’d made it to the bleachers.
“Hey there,” I said, words coming easier than I’d expected as I plopped down beside him.
“Hey, how was the walk here?” he asked with a stupid grin.
“Well I made good time so,” I answered, playing along with his poor small talk. “You ready to finish Act 1?”
“Oh, always,” he replied with a little laugh and then he fell silent as he watched me get my copy out.
My fingers slipped trying to grab my binder and then while trying to get the play out. Why did his stare have to pull every plug in my brain? It took me a few minutes, but I finally had the copy out and flipped to the right page.
As I read, he would pause me and I would explain what the line was supposed to mean, and then I’d continue on. That’s what we did for the next 20 minutes. And I might’ve been imagining, but I could have sworn he was turning his body and scooting closer with every pause. In fact, by the end of the final scene, his leg was touching mine and our shoulders were almost brushing.
“Everything make sense?” I asked, refusing to look up from my paper for fear that I would start blushing.
“Oh yeah, I’ve totally got it now,” his voice was light and playful and I could hear his rings clank together as he clapped his hands.
“Is there anything else you need help with?” I finally looked up at him.
“Well, I’ve got no idea what’s going on in math, and it’s only the second day.”
I laughed softly, “well I’m afraid I can’t help you there, I never know either.”
“How is that possible?” He cocked his head at me, smiling smugly.
“With English or history or science, even if I don’t fully get something I can just bullshit, but with math? Whole other ballpark.”
“In that case, can I at least drive you home?” his smile grew softer.
“I’m afraid not, unless you want to tow my car behind yours.”
“Damnit, you’re really killing me here,” he laughed and shook his head.
“Don’t worry, you’ll see me Monday,” I said as I nudged his shoulder.
“That’s a whole weekend away, whatever will I do without you, fair elven scholar?”
“Well, Munson,” I said as I packed my bag and stood up, “you could always find me in the phonebook and give me a ring.” And then I was off down the bleacher stairs. “See you Monday!”
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just started writing chapter 3 today, i hope to have it posted soon!! 
0 notes
‘86 Baby
Here is a chapter 2 of my Eddie Munson x Reader fanfiction. It follows the plot of season four, with a little time prior to the events of the show. I’ve tried to keep this fic as self-insertable as possible without making the reader’s character totally flat. And of course please feel free to use your imagination and switch details in your head if you so please. Happy reading everyone!
Here is a link to Chapter 1 if you’re new! 
(and my apologies for any grammar or spelling mistakes, if you see ‘em let me know so I can fix it)
Chapter 2
By the time my lunch period finally rolled around, my brain was already dry heaving trying to contain all the syllabus information that had been stuffed into it in the span of only four periods.
At least when I got there, Robin was already waiting for me at our table we had claimed in sophomore year.
She had been my first friend when I moved to Hawkins, we did everything together. And I was the first person to know about her sexuality. She had broken down crying when she told me one night at a sleepover, which in turn made me cry, which basically just left us a big blubbering mess as we held onto each other and rocked back and forth. It was quite the experience, that's all I’ll say.
Since then she’d grown tremendously. I watched her smile more, speak to more people. She even made friends with Steve Harrington, which I never saw coming. I mean she had loathed the guy for the longest time. Then again I also never saw it coming that we would be fighting evil Russians, a racist bitch gone total horror movie villain, and a gigantic, interdimensional monster over the summer. Or that I would be well acquainted with the strangest group of children ever, including my brother’s ex-best friend, Dustin Henderson. But anyways, even though I could talk all day about the shit I’ve been through with those kids, that’s so far beside the point. I was just so proud of her, telling at least one person had taken so much weight off of her. And I only watched more and more lift away after Steve knew; Steve who was surprisingly supportive and later had long “boobie talks” with us. I mean I knew he could be understanding, but you’d be surprised how much easier it is for someone to swallow hunting demodogs compared to knowing a lesbian. Regardless, it finally wasn’t such a big secret anymore and she was better for it.
So, I listened to her ramble away all of lunch, telling me all about the new jobs she was searching for since her last one had been in the mall we basically destroyed, and how she finally landed herself one at the Family Video store in town alongside Steve.
I’ll admit I was a little distracted though, only hearing bits and pieces and humming in response. But could you blame me? Eddie Munson was sitting across the cafeteria with his signature jackets off. Meaning his Hellfire shirt was on display, meaning his forearms were on display, meaning his tattoo on his forearm was on display. God, I was a mess.
I suppose I ought to explain myself a little. I had found Eddie Munson absolutely fascinating since the first time I saw him. It was my freshman year and he was, I think, a junior at the time. I had been minding my business, sitting quietly in the hallway afterschool, waiting for my mom to come get me from the detention I had served for threatening to castrate the boy who had gotten way too up in Robin’s personal space and wouldn’t leave her be.
Who knows what he had been doing before, all I saw was his wild hair and his white shoes as he flew past me, whooping and screaming. I had about 10 seconds to register that before some guy from one of the sports teams, I couldn’t tell which, came lumbering down the hall.
“You see which way that freak went?” he spat at me.
“No um, I don’t believe I did, I was reading,” I lied with ease, shaking my book. I had no idea what was going on with the two of them, but the jocks of Hawkins High hadn’t exactly ever been nice to me so I definitely wasn’t going to help one out.
The kid narrowed his eyes at me but finally took my shitty answer for what it was and kept going the way Eddie had run just moments before.
From that moment on I found him everywhere I looked. In the cafeteria, the halls, outside in the parking lot after school. My eyes were drawn to him, I didn’t even know his name until sophomore year, but I always knew he was there. And when he started the Hellfire Club, I immediately ran to check out all the DnD books I could find in the library. It wasn’t until then that I realized I didn’t just find him widely amusing, I totally had a crush on a boy two grades above me who I’d never even spoken to before. Perfect.
It wasn’t until my junior year that we actually talked a little, but that was very briefly in the art class we both took. Yet I would still go home and think about our three sentence exchanges for hours.
He rarely showed up though, in fact his grade in that class could have very well been half the reason he didn’t graduate that year either. I’d always kind of felt bad about it, he definitely didn’t seem stupid, he just had no motivation to play along like the rest of us. Which, minus the fact that he had to keep coming back to hell on earth, was pretty revolutionary of him.
“Oi- Y/n? You listening to me?” Robin asked, snapping me out of my thoughts
“Oh- yes yes sorry, I’m just tired and zoned out a little,” I offered up the pretty pathetic excuse with a sheepish smile.
“More like you were staring at Eddie again,” she rolled her eyes at me. “You could like, I dunno, try talking to him some time.”
“I did talk to him, today, in English!” I said defensively.
“Oh really? You know, saying hi doesn’t count.”
“We talked about what music I listen to, thank you very much!”
She gawked at me. “You spoke to him for more than thirty seconds?”
“Jesus, don’t sound so surprised.”
“Sorry, sorry, I just never thought you’d do it, I mean you tripped walking into class that one time he smiled generally in your direction,” she reminded me with a sick grin.
“You absolutely suck, you know that?” I snapped. “And it’s not like you’re any better, asked Vicky out yet? Hm?”
“That is so not fair, I could get hate crimed on top of being rejected, you’d only get rejected.”
“Still, don’t lecture me about my game when you have absolutely none either.”
She stared at me for a moment before bursting into giggles. Giggles that then spread to me and had the two of us doubled over our lunches. Giggles that had Eddie Munson turning his head over towards us. Robin was the first to catch it.
“Oh shit- don’t look now, but I think Munson is looking this way,” she hissed.
“What- really?” I gasped, my eyes flying up to search for him like the idiot I was.
It took me a second to find him but as soon as I did, our eyes were locked.
He gave me a nice little smile when my gaze finally caught his, and then bowed his head with a flourish of his hand. What. A. Dork.
I felt my cheeks get rosy and I looked down at my lunch bashfully. I could hear Robin laughing but I simply didn’t care. Eddie Munson had smiled at me.
The day went by quickly after that. I had seen Eddie in two more periods, but we had been seated across the room from one another so I didn’t get the chance to pull out my smooth moves, as Robin called them, again. However, I was still perfectly satisfied by the smiles and odd faces he would send my way every time my eyes flitted over to him, which was often.
I didn’t know what it was that was different about this year, maybe the fact that we shared multiple classes, or that I’d finally talked to him long enough for him to notice me, but whatever it was, I was enjoying myself far too much.
“Hey, dingus, you giving me a ride or what?” Robin asked, sidling up on my left side and successfully scaring the shit out of me. “Jeez, could you have jumped any higher?”
“I’m sorry, you keep catching me when I'm in my head, it’s like you plan it this way,” I bit back.
“Well, I am your best friend, and you’re really quite obvious when you’re off in your thoughts or daydreaming,” her grin got wicked, “you get all glassy eyed and I can practically see your pupils turning into hearts.”
“You’re so mean to me, honestly,” I rolled my eyes as my ears burned. She wasn’t wrong, I had been fairly obvious with my infatuation despite my best efforts. You can only stare at somebody so many times before it starts to become noticeable, especially to somebody who’s known you for half your life.
“Yeah well someone has to be, because you’re a mess,” she sang with a matter of fact nod of her head.
“I am no-” my words were cut off by a familiar, slightly squeaky voice.
“Hey- Y/n- listen, Mike and I need your help,” one entirely out of breath Dustin said as he gasped for air, doubled over with Mike next to him.
“What? What’s wrong?” the urgency in my voice was clear and the terror I had felt all too many times over the summer bubbled up in my chest.
“No- no nothing like that! We are aaalllll good, all safe, everything is fine,” Dustin hurried to reassure me when he saw my face. “Mike and I just need you to come get us after a club today, we absolutely have to go and Nancy refuses to drive us.”
The terror settled down with his words, but in it’s place came violent irritation. I stepped forward and looked down at him, my eyes very still and almost blank. The same stare I had used on a Russian guard before I caved his head in with a pipe. “I will give you a ride…”
I watched as the two boys gulped.
“But if you ever run up on me like that again, acting like the Mind Flayer or some shit just reappeared in the boys bathroom, you will wish you were in the hands of the Russians again, am I clear?”
“Yep got it,” they both squeaked out fearfully.
I sighed and switched my demeanor back to normal, “what time?”
“I have to be home before 9,” Mike offered, “so um- sometime around 8:30?”
“Alright, I’ll be there,” and with that I was grabbing Robin by the arm and hauling her off towards my car.
“Jesus, are you alright Y/n?” her brows were furrowed.
“Yes, I’m fine- he just- and I just-” I sagged against the side of my car, taking a deep shuddering breath. “These past few years- it’s the most terrifying shit I’ve ever been through, and I’m always just waiting for it to come back, for something else to happen. I mean it did before- it could happen again.”
“It could,” Robin said softly, placing a hand on my arm, “but we destroyed the machine, the gate was closed again, and the military took care of everything else. There’s always going to be that ‘what if’ but you can’t live like that, or it will ruin all the good shit you’ll go through.”
I nodded, still taking a minute to calm down and let her words sink in.
“I’m scared like that too.. I still have the dreams.. But we can’t let what happened ruin everything, we deserve to live like kings after everything we had to do, so let’s live like kings, alright?” She cracked a smile for me.
I nodded again, this time smiling back, “Alright, first stop on our royal agenda, the Family Video store, most glamorous location in town.”
She laughed and shoved my head down, walking around the car to her side.
I grinned and unlocked it, getting in and starting her up. I was glad to have friends like Robin, it made the horrors of everything I saw so much easier to handle. I couldn’t move on, not yet at least, but I had people who understood. People who I could talk to, but also be normal with.
“Where are they? They said 8:30,” I grumbled to myself as I leaned against my car. I didn’t have anywhere to be or anything, I’d forced myself to do all my homework, but still I wasn’t a fan of standing in a dark parking lot all alone.
I was never a fan of the dark, but after learning what really could be lurking in it, the fear became 10 times more paralyzing.
I tapped my watch impatiently, considering waiting in the car again instead of making myself such an obvious target. Dustin and Mike could figure it out, I was the only car here aside from someone’s van.
But right as I was about to climb back inside and crank the radio to drown out the thoughts of being mutilated by some raging beast, the doors of the high school slammed open and out flooded a stampede of nerds. I smiled softly at the group when I recognized most of them, they might’ve been odd but they were some of the most decent kids in school.
“Hey, Y/n!” Dustin called, waving once he noticed me.
I waved back at the pair as they made their way over. It didn’t take me long to notice Eddie following behind and I felt my throat tighten up. I hadn’t known this was his club, no one had told me I was picking the boys up from Hellfire.
“So, we meet again, oh fair one,” Eddie said in one of his stupid, dramatic voices.
I felt my face flush involuntarily while Dustin and Mike wretched.
“You get any of the Macbeth work done yet?” he said, moving around the two disgruntled looking freshmen to stand in front of me.
I nodded slowly, trying to find words again. “Y-yes, um, I finished Act 1 already actually, and the assignment was nothing.”
“Impressive, I haven’t touched the thing since I passed them out,” he wore a goofy little grin as he set his hand on the car next to me.
“You better get that reading done, Munson,” I said, my eyes narrowing. “I’m not carrying your ass through this assignment. We both know you’re competent.”
“Do we now?” he popped little accents onto the words, his grin widening even further as his other hand fell to his hip.
I leaned in closer, my face set with the challenge. “You write and narrate new DnD campaigns like every week, you can read some Shakspeare and talk about foreshadowing.”
He laughed softly and pushed off the car. “You got me there,” he said, backing away towards his van with his hands up. “I like this one, Henderson, have Y/n pick you up more often, and maybe even convince the lovely high elf to come some time.” And then he was off across the parking lot.
“What the hell was that?” Dustin snapped at me as we got into my car.
“What was what?”
“Um, you and Eddie practically undressing each other in the parking lot?” Mike’s squeaky voice came from the back seat.
“We were doing no such thing,” I said with an amused note to my voice as I pulled out of the parking lot.
“You two are disgusting, keep that far away from me,” Dustin said.
“Of course, Dusty Bun,” I mocked. He had no room to be judging me here, not with the way he spoke to his “Suzie Poo.”
“Fair enough,” he grumbled, angling his body away from me.
“Ahuh, that’s what I thought.”
“Goodnight, Dustin!” I called as I pulled out of his driveway.
He simply waved in response, still looking slightly mortified, and then ducked into his house.
I laughed as I pulled out of the driveway and drove down a few more houses to my home. Once inside, I kicked my shoes off and hung my keys up before scurrying to the kitchen to find something to eat. After acquiring some cold chicken tenders left over from my brother and I’s “last night of freedom” fast food run, I beelined straight for my room, merely offering up a wave to my family on the way. I had a phone call to make and there was no time to waste.
As soon as I was seated on my bed, the phone was in my hand and I was calling Robin. “C’mon, pick up pick up pick up,” I chanted, buzzing with excitement.
“Hello, this is Family Video, how can I help you?” Steve Harrignton’s familiar voice recited.
“Give Robin the phone, Steve,” I said, grinning from ear to ear.
“You sound way too happy, Y/l/n, I don’t even want to know what you two are up to.”
“Hand. Over. The. Phone,” I repeated.
“Alright, alright,” He conceded, yelling for Robin a moment later.
“Hey, what’s up?” Robin said finally.
“Eddie Munson spoke to me again!”
“Details! Now!”
I giggled my way through the entire retelling, making sure to really emphasize how he’d practically pinned me to the car. Okay, maybe that was a slight exaggeration but it certainly felt that way to me.
“Oh you have it so bad,” Robin teased.
“You’re telling me if Vicky did that to you, you would be fine?”
“Absolutely not, but I still plan on making fun of you for all this.”
“He is such a dork, he called me ‘oh fair one,’” I was giggling again.
“I really don’t know what you see in this guy.”
We always went around in this circle, I would tell her about something he did, and she would pretend it wasn’t totally endearing and absolutely something to freak out over. We both knew she liked Eddie though, she just wanted to be difficult with me.
“I have to close up now, weirdo, I’ll see you tomorrow,” she said, faking exasperation.
“Alriiiight, see you tomorrow!” My voice was light and bubbly.
“Jesus,” she muttered as she hung up, but I could hear her smile.
I set the phone down and demolished my chicken tenders before getting up and getting ready for bed.
Once I was all done, I dove into my bed and grabbed one of the DnD books on the lower level of my nightstand. I had to read up if there was a chance Dustin would be taking me to the next Hellfire meeting. It was a bit of a lost cause though because I couldn’t stop thinking about how much interaction we’d had in one day. I could live off the high for a week at least. I fell asleep still on that high, smiling n’ shit like all those dopes in the rom-coms. How pathetic.
A/N: Hiii, everybody! I hope you few readers enjoyed chapter 2! Please feel free to comment feedback, I always love to be bettering my work! Mwah! See you next chapter! 
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Stranger Things: 
“ ‘86 Baby ” - Eddie Munson x Reader 
(also available on Ao3, user is the same)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
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should i do little one shots/imagines in between chapters? hmmmm
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Next chapter of “ ‘86 Baby ” coming out later today!!
(I lied and forgot to post oops, it’s up now though!!)
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‘86 Baby
Here is a chapter 1 of my stab at an Eddie Munson x Reader fanfiction. It follows the plot of season four, with a little time prior to the events of the show. I’ve tried to keep this fic as self-insertable as possible without making the reader’s character totally flat. And of course please feel free to use your imagination and switch details in your head if you so please. Happy reading everyone!
(and my apologies for any grammar or spelling mistakes, if you see ‘em let me know so I can fix it)
Chapter 1
First day of senior year. Finally. 
I woke up bright and early that morning, having barely slept at all the previous night due to all my anxiety. And when I say early, I mean early, like 5:00 a.m. early. I tried to sleep for a little while longer but to no avail. At least till 6:00, please, I thought as I tossed and turned. 
 The first day of school was always the worst for me. I was always sleep deprived, jittery, and nauseated to the point of dizziness. I wanted today to be different though, so I finally gave up on forcing myself to sleep and started getting ready. I went to the bathroom first and did the skin care routine I usually never had time for before school, in moments like those I just splashed my face and slapped on moisturizer. But not today, no today I would take my time. 
Once I had finished up all my bathroom activities, I headed back to my room to put on the outfit I had picked out at least three days ago. I was glad to see it still looked as good as I thought it did when I picked it. In fact, I thought I looked pretty cute.
 Maybe waking up so early wasn’t that bad after all, I had so much time to make sure I looked nice. 
Once I was done with everything in my morning routine, I stared at myself for a little while, taking in the reflection of a person who looked confident and absolutely unapproachable. I loved it. 
I then quickly brushed out my hair, making sure it was nicely tousled. And then I was off down the stairs with my already packed backpack. 
“Good God, you’re up early, child,” my dad said with a laugh as he drank his coffee, still in his pajamas with hair looking like that of a baby chick’s. 
“You know I can’t sleep,” I chirped as I dug through the fridge for my own “sacrilegious” coffee mix. 
“Yeah, yeah I know, but I wish you would.”
“Me too, dad, me too.” 
 Two cups of heavily sweetened coffee and a single piece of toast later, my little brother was finally up. 
 I waited impatiently at the door as he scrambled around to grab food. “C’mon dude, you had forever, we have to go!”
“I’m coming, dickwad,” he snapped, slinging his bag over his shoulder.
“Watch your mouth!” my mother hollered after him as the two of us hurried out the door. 
 “You know it isn’t smart to hurl insults at the person who takes you to school and back everyday, and also acts like your personal chauffeur while you’re still in the puny permit stage,” I taunted as we got in my car. 
 “Yeah, yeah whatever,” he muttered as he furiously mused his hair in the mirror.
I laughed and put the car in reverse, heading down the driveway and off to school.
By the time we pulled into a spot, my nerves had once again escalated out of my control. At least there were a few more minutes before we needed to head into the building, I would have a chance to try to calm down. 
“So are you excited for-” I started, turning towards my brother as I spoke. The words died on my lips however as I watched him swing up out of the car and run off to meet his friends who were lingering outside. “Oh, wow, yeah I love you too, see you later, have a good day,” I huffed in annoyance. 
I decided if he was going in I might as well not just sit in my car alone like a loser, so I grabbed my bag from the back and slid out. As I walked towards the building, I yanked my walkman out of my backpack and put on my headphones, sighing as the familiar first few cords of Holy Diver by Dio began. This was definitely my best mix by far, everything I needed to make my brain buzz too hard for it to worry about anything else. Nothing beats the shit out of your anxiety like Black Sabbath, Mötley Crüe, and Dokken. 
Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not some kind of metalhead snob. I listen to everything. From Madonna to Micheal Jackson to Elton John. It just has to resonate with me, has to scratch the itch.
I could feel the anxiety creeping back into its deep, dark hellhole as my music rattled my brain. It wasn’t even that loud, or so I thought. 
“Hey could you turn that shit down or something?” one of the basketball players hollered with a laugh. 
I glanced at him over my shoulder, barely hearing what he said, but deciding with resounding confidence to flip him the bird. So I did. I could hear them yelling and jeering at me as I walked away, but I simply didn’t care. They would forget the interaction ever even happened by the end of the day so I wasn’t exactly concerned. 
Once I was inside, I pulled my bag around and dug through it to find the printed schedule the school had mailed out to everybody. And once it was in my grasp I was off down the hall to find one Mrs. O’Donnell’s room. 
It took me all of about 10 minutes, her room was one of the first in the English wing and after a quick peek into the almost empty room, I decided taking a seat outside by the lockers would be a much better idea. 
So I backed myself up against the wall and slid down till I was sat criss-cross, my bag lying right beside me. I sighed and shut my eyes, leaning my head back as Angela by Mötley Crüe raged in my ears. My thoughts were running rampant around my head, apparently my music wasn’t doing its job anymore like it was meant to. I couldn’t stop worrying about all the assignments to come, waking up early everyday, and the homework I knew I was about to be loaded with. Oh, and the fact that this was my last year of high school and I was going to be off at college next fall. At least I had that decided, I could only imagine how much worse it would be if I had no idea where I was going. Future student of Indiana University Bloomington, right here, sitting on my ass in a dusty high school hallway.
“Um, could you move?” a very faint voice came through my music, abruptly interrupting my train of thought.
 My brows scrunched as I tried to decide if that was a line I’d never heard in the song before or if someone was talking to me. I opened my eyes just to check and felt my face flush with heat when I realized it was in fact the latter. “Oh- I’m so sorry,” I said, hopping up quickly and getting out of the way, averting my eyes immediately. I had kind of forgotten someone might need to get into the locker behind me. Oops. 
“It’s no big deal, just been asking for 20 minutes,” the boy huffed, as he dug through his locker. It sounded like he was smiling. 
I pulled my headphones down around my neck, my face reddening again. “I’m really sorry, I was in my own world.”
“I could tell,” he laughed as he closed his locker, having only pulled out a single binder. I had at least that and two notebooks just as a first day precaution.
“Oops?” I said sheepishly, finally looking up at his face. I felt my eyes widen a little as I realized who I was talking to, Eddie Munson. And I could tell by the way that his smile dropped, he noticed too. 
“I promise I won’t sacrifice you with my cult for it,” he grumbled, about to walk away.
“No- no I’m sorry, I’m just surprised to see you at school this early,” I assured, regretting it immediately once I realized that in order to have noticed that, I would’ve had to have been paying attention to him before. 
He picked up on that too and turned back to me with a shit-eating smirk. 
“And why is that?”
“W-well you see- we had art together, first period, last year, and you only ever showed up halfway through if.. if ever,” the more I talked the more I wanted to find a place to go curl up and die. 
“Mm, I’m surprised you noticed,” He grinned again and walked past me, our shoulders brushing slightly. “My uncle made me come on time today, said I’d lose car privileges.” And then he ducked into Mrs. O’Donnell’s room. 
I practically choked on the air I was inhaling and had to take a second to lean against the locker. After a moment or two my regular oxygen levels had returned, so I took one last deep breath and walked in, headphones on, volume and eyes down. 
I hurriedly took a seat at the back, too busy watching the floor to avoid Eddie’s eyes to realize I had sat down right next to him. 
“What’re you listening to?” 
I practically jumped out of my skin and I could hear him laugh through the guitar playing in my ears. “U-um- Fear of the Dark- Iron Maiden,” I stuttered out, pulling my headphones back down. I really hadn’t been prepared to make any conversation this morning, let alone with the infamous Eddie Munson who should be known for how fucking good he always looked,  not his music taste and personal interest in the “satanic” game of D&D. 
“You listen to Iron Maiden?” he asked, raising his eyebrows so that they disappeared up into his bangs.
“Eddie, please take a look at me and tell me you really didn’t expect it at least a little,” I said, faking exasperation. Ooh, that was good, that was a good one, look at you go, I thought, internally cheering myself on. 
“Nah, sorry, you look way too indie for that shit,” he taunted. 
“Oh please, I practically own the genre,” I quipped, pursing my lips to avoid the smile that was trying harder to fight its way to the surface the longer we talked.
“Ahuh sure,” he said, his voice a little lower than before as his eyes flitted down to my lips. 
I felt my ears grow red when I noticed where his gaze had gone. I had practically given him the invitation to look but still, this was something I had only ever read about in my collection of romantic fantasy novels. It was flustering.
“What else do you listen to?” he asked, snapping me out of it. 
I tried to refocus enough to respond but with the way he had looked at my lips and the wide spread position he was sitting in, it proved quite the challenge. “Um, well there’s some Black Sabbath on here, Dio, Metallica, Mötley Crüe, Iron Maiden of course, Dokken, Van Halen, Poison, and Scorpions,” I said, honestly rambling at that point as I counted off my fingers. “But of course this isn’t my only mix, I’ve got one of all the so called cheesy mainstream songs too, and some indie stuff, no country, haven’t found something I like in that genre yet. I’ve got a classical mix too, I usually play that when I write to kill the silence but not mess my head up-” I cut myself off and flushed a deep red when I realized how much I had just over-answered his question, and his cheeky little grin didn’t make me feel any better. 
“Well aren’t you somethin,” he muttered, turning his head to face the front as Mrs. O’Donnell began to bring the class to order. I could see him overdoing his little act of paying attention. He completely shifted forward, brought his legs together, and clasped his hands on the desk, waiting for her to begin her lesson plan with a mocking amount of devotion. 
But while he was busy pissing off the teacher, I was shriveling up inside having just embarrassed myself so deeply in front of Eddie freakin Munson. I didn’t think I would ever recover from the several blows my ego had taken in the small span of just 20 minutes. 
“Alright everyone, this year’s reading schedule is going to start off with the timeless play, Macbeth,” Mrs. O’Donnell announced once she finally had everyone under control. 
I watched out of the corner of my eye as Eddie swung his feet, still grinning in his evil, cheeky way. I however was not even capable of fake excitement, I had already read Macbeth in an advanced program I had been in before I’d moved to Hawkins in late middle school. Not that it wasn’t an excellent story to analyze, but nobody ever cared enough to look into each theme and line like I did. So, it often just made group work difficult and humiliating, even in an advanced setting. 
“We will be reading this act by act, scene by scene over the next few weeks, and at the end you’ll need to write an analytic paper. It may be on a character, a theme, a recurring line or scene, so on and so forth. Any ideas outside of the few I just listed, must be run by me first,” she finished up her spiel. “Now, Munson, come pass these copies out.” Her tone changed, becoming slightly.. malicious? Whatever it was, it was entirely inappropriate for a teacher.
I watched him curiously as he got up and strutted to the front of the room. He swooped up the basket of books like this was all he’d ever wanted to do and began passing them around. And everytime his hand extended down to a desk, I could see the kids pull back and make faces at him. Faces that he returned in kind.
It irritated me. It’s not like he had ever done anything wrong, he just listened to intense music and played a fantasy board game. Sure, he was a little strange and a twice repeating senior but it was a charming kind of strange. And I could tell he wasn’t stupid, he just had things he’d rather think about. And okay yeah, he did sell weed in the woods out back of the school, but these kids had no room to judge seeing as they were the ones giving him business. It just didn’t make sense to me, but I guess there really was no rhyme or reason to it, just prejudice. 
“And one last thing, you will be reading in your table pairs, and I expect everyone to be done with the required amount by the next day of class even if that means you take the book home,” Mrs. O’Donnell said once Eddie had finished passing out books. “My apologies for that, Y/l/n.”
The classroom rumbled with soft laughter, even Mrs. O’Donnell smiled at her own bad joke. 
I was the only one not laughing. “I don’t mind, Eddie and I will do just fine,” my voice was sharp but my smile innocent.  
Her face faltered a little as the laughter turned on her and she took a seat behind her desk. “Don’t speak back to me like that again, Y/l/n, or you will have detention.”
“Yes ma’am.” I said, and then turned my gaze down to my copy of the play, thumbing through it thoughtfully. 
“Thanks, for that,” Eddie murmured, leaning over in his seat towards me. 
“Anytime, they’re all just asshats anyways, definitely peaking in high school,” I replied, not looking up from the play but inclining my head in his direction. 
He laughed softly and returned to leaning back in his chair like he had been before class started. 
I smiled to myself and my feet swung a little under the desk. I had a feeling this really wasn’t going to be such a bad arrangement. 
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