lovesuhng · 4 hours
Mds esqueci de falar
Adorei "Flor". N gosto de crianças mas se fosse pra viver uma fic assim eu seria a melhor tia đŸ€“â˜ïž
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk eu não sei lidar com crianças, mas enfim
fico feliz em ter gostado ♄
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lovesuhng · 5 hours
vocĂȘs pediram, eu fiz! agora vĂŁo ler e dar um feedback!
agora quero uma fic do johnny pai se apaixonando pela professora da filha dele
serĂĄ se devo?
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lovesuhng · 5 hours
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w.c: 1.6k fluff nĂŁo saiu como eu esperava, nĂŁo revisei, mas precisava trazer essa histĂłria para vocĂȘs. eu usei o tia, mas sĂł avisando que nĂŁo concordo com essa visĂŁo de se referir a professora como tia (minha professora de desenvolvimento e aprendizagem estaria orgulhosa de mim nesse momento). aproveitei a fic e por favor, me deem algum tipo de feedback
Johnny se lembrava perfeitamente quanto te viu pela primeira vez: vocĂȘ estava linda, usando uma roupa confortĂĄvel (que constava em uma mom jeans, alguma camisa com pequenas florzinha e um all star), cabelo amarrado e com os Ăłculos quase que na ponta do nariz, se despedindo da pequena Flor (filha de Johnny) com um abraço apertado e um beijo na testa, enquanto ele observava a cena de longe, esperando a outra professora trazĂȘ-la para o carro. 
Sempre que a pequena voltava da escola, falava o quanto tinha se divertido da aula e o quando sua professora tinha ensinado coisas incrĂ­veis.
VocĂȘ tambĂ©m jĂĄ tinha ouvido falar do pai solteiro mais cobiçado da escola, nunca deu muita bola porque estava o tempo todo muito ocupada para ficar fofocando sobre os pais das alunas e, por isso, nunca tinha o conhecido pessoalmente. 
Até que um dia, quando a maioria das crianças tinha ido embora, avistou Flor sentada no balanço visivelmente triste, então se aproximou e sentou no balanço ao lado dela.
“Por que essa princesa tá tão triste?”
“Meu papai se esqueceu de mim”. Ela falou quase que num sussurro, olhando para os pezinhos que mal tocavam no chão.
“Claro que nĂŁo, meu amor!” Disse pegando a mĂŁozinha dela. “O papai Ă© muito ocupado, tenho certeza que ele jĂĄ jĂĄ vai chegar e te dar um abraço muito apertado pra mostrar o quanto ele te ama muito”
“É sĂ©rio?” Flor olhou para vocĂȘ com os olhinhos brilhando, agora de felicidade.
“Uhum. E se a gente brincar enquanto ele não chega?”
“Ebaaa!” A menininha se jogou nos seus braços e vocĂȘ se levantou para poder brincar com ela. Passaram mais um tempo no balanço, depois foram na gangorra e estavam prestes a brincar de esconde-esconde, atĂ© que ouviu uma voz chamar pela garotinha.
“Papai!!” Ela correu para os braços do homem e vocĂȘ finalmente conheceu o famoso John Suh. Achou engraçado como Flor era a cĂłpia do pai. Os lĂĄbios bem desenhados, os olhos cor de mel, o sorriso muito igual. NĂŁo pĂŽde deixar de reparar tambĂ©m como ele era muito mais lindo do que a descrição que as outras professoras tinham feito dele, principalmente por ele estar usando aquela camisa social com os dois primeiros botĂ”es abertos e com a gravata frouxa, indicando de alguma forma que o dia de trabalho dele tinha acabado.
“Baixinha! Desculpa pela demora. Papai tava muito ocupado na empresa.”
“A tia __ ficou brincando comigo e a gente se divertiu de montão, não foi tia?”
Parecia perdida em pensamentos quando a garotinha falou com vocĂȘ e apenas sorriu, balançando a cabeça. Johnny percebeu que vocĂȘ nĂŁo tirava os olhos dele e riu com isso.
“VocĂȘ Ă© a famosa tia __? Prazer, Johnny, o pai dessa coisinha aqui” Disse bagunçando o cabelo da mais nova e, em seguida, estendendo a mĂŁo para vocĂȘ.
Depois daquele dia, os encontros com Johnny se tornaram mais constantes na saĂ­da da escola. Em vez de ser a outra professora, era vocĂȘ quem levava Flor ao encontro com pai e, com isso, passava alguns minutos conversando com ele sobre a pequena e suas aventuras na escola.
Johnny se via ainda mais interessado por vocĂȘ. Queria ter a oportunidade de conversar sobre outras coisas alĂ©m dos assuntos relacionados a sua filha, queria saber mais sobre seus gostos, sobre como vocĂȘ decidiu sua profissĂŁo, sobre o que vocĂȘ gosta de fazer nos fins de semana, sobre sua cor favorita, enfim
 sobre a mulher que ocupava a mente dele por dias. Ele atĂ© tentou de chamar para um “encontro” (bom, ele nĂŁo deixou claro que era um encontro, mas na mente dele era), vocĂȘ acabou recusando alegando que estaria muito ocupada, mas isso tudo era uma desculpa, afinal, vocĂȘ achava antiĂ©tico estar se interessando pelo pai da sua aluna.
Um dia, Johnny estava demorando mais do que o normal para buscar Flor, vocĂȘ nĂŁo queria demonstrar, mas estava ficando preocupada com essa demora. Enquanto vocĂȘ brincava com a pequena, tentando a distrair um pouco, a secretĂĄria da escola te chama dizendo que vocĂȘ estava recebendo uma ligação do pai da garota e prontamente corre para atender.
“Oi Sr. Suh, aconteceu alguma coisa?” Disse e a preocupação estava clara na sua voz.
“Primeiro, jĂĄ perdi a conta de quantas vezes eu pedi para me chamar sĂł de Johnny. Segundo, sim, aconteceu. NĂŁo se preocupe, foi um problema aqui na empresa que vai demorar mais do que esperado para ser resolvido, entĂŁo, preciso ficar mais um tempo aqui. Tentei falar com os meus pais, mas eles nĂŁo podem buscar a Flor na escola, entĂŁo, serĂĄ que vocĂȘ poderia levar ela para o meu apartamento e ficar lĂĄ atĂ© quando eu chegar?”
Por algum motivo, ficou nervosa com o pedido do homem, queria recusar, mas também não queria deixar Flor mais tempo na escola. Ela também estava ficando muito cansada.
“Tá tudo bem. Me passa o endereço que eu levo ela.”
E lĂĄ estava vocĂȘ e a garotinha, de mĂŁos dadas, entrando no apartamento de Johnny e por mais que fosse algo luxuoso, ainda tinha alguns brinquedos espalhados, indicando que uma criança morava ali.
Depois de dar um banho e arrumar a mais nova (que te ajudou dizendo onde estavam as roupas dela), vocĂȘ fez algo para jantar, deixando o prato feito para que Johnny pudesse comer caso chegasse com fome, e, enquanto vocĂȘs comiam, a pequena fez uma pergunta que te pegou de surpresa.
“VocĂȘ gosta do meu papai?”
“Hm? Er.. sim, ele Ă© um homem legal”
“EntĂŁo, por que vocĂȘ nĂŁo namora com ele?”
Nessa hora vocĂȘ arregalou os olhos e se engasgou com a comida. Como pode uma garotinha tĂŁo pequena te deixar nervosa com uma simples pergunta?
“O que?”
“UĂ©, vocĂȘ gosta do meu papai e ele gosta de vocĂȘ. VocĂȘs podiam namorar.”
 me-melhor vocĂȘ terminar de comer antes que a comida esfrie.”
Chegava a ser cĂŽmico como vocĂȘ ficou vergonha depois do que ela disse e como as palavras da mais nova nĂŁo saiam da sua mente. Depois de a ajudar com os deveres da escola, vocĂȘ a colocou para dormir e foi para a sala, esperar Johnny chegar para poder ir para casa, mas com aquele sofĂĄ extremamente confortĂĄvel e com o cansaço tomando conta do seu corpo, vocĂȘ acabou cochilando ali mesmo.
JĂĄ se passavam das 22:30 quando Johnny chegou no apartamento e, assim que entrou, achou adorĂĄvel como vocĂȘ dormia no sofĂĄ, como se nĂŁo tivesse nenhuma preocupação, respirando tĂŁo serenamente e aquela imagem deixou o coração dele quentinho. Como nĂŁo queria te acordar, resolveu pegar uma coberta para te cobrir e te deixar mais confortĂĄvel. Ele tentou te cobrir de uma maneira que nĂŁo te acordasse, mas isso nĂŁo funcionou. VocĂȘ foi abrindo os olhos lentamente e deu de cara com o Johnny com o rosto a centĂ­metros do seu e isso fez com que vocĂȘ praticamente pulasse do sofĂĄ com o rosto vermelho de tanta vergonha.
“Desculpa, eu não queria te acordar então
“NĂŁo Sr. Suh, tudo bem. Eu nĂŁo deveria ter dormido. Er
 Ă© melhor eu ir.” Disse pegando suas coisas, indo em direção a porta e falando tudo atropelado, deixando bem claro como vocĂȘ estava nervosa. “Caso esteja com fome, tem comida na geladeira. A Flor jĂĄ estĂĄ dormindo e jĂĄ fez todas as tarefinhas da escola.”
“__, calma! Pode dormir aqui se quiser, eu tenho um quarto de hospedes e já está tar-”
“NĂŁo!” Johnny atĂ© se assustou com o quĂŁo rĂĄpido vocĂȘ respondeu. “Realmente preciso ir, jĂĄ estou atĂ© chamando o uber.”
“Muito obrigado por tudo.” Johnny disse, se aproximando de vocĂȘ, que jĂĄ estava com a mĂŁo na maçaneta da porta. “Sei nem como te agradecer.”
“Não precisa, eu gosto muito da Flor”
“E de mim, vocĂȘ gosta?” A essa altura, vocĂȘ jĂĄ estava ‘presa’ entre a porta e o homem alto Ă  sua frente. Apenas engoliu seco, nĂŁo sabia o que responder. “Porque eu gosto de vocĂȘ. E muito.”
“Johnny, vocĂȘ sabe que
“NĂŁo pode se relacionar com o pai de uma aluna, sim, eu sei. Mas o ano letivo estĂĄ acabando, ano que vem vocĂȘ nĂŁo vai ser mais professora da Flor.”
“Então, ano que vem a gente conversa sobre isso.”
“Mas, nĂŁo vou conseguir esperar atĂ© lĂĄ.” E ele te beijou, no começo foi sĂł um tocar de lĂĄbios, mas, quando as mĂŁos grandes dele te puxaram pela cintura, o beijo se aprofundou.
“A Flor Ă© mesmo a sua cĂłpia, porque mais cedo ela me perguntou se eu gostava de vocĂȘ” VocĂȘ disse quando se separou do beijo de Johnny para poder respirar um pouco. O mais alto apenas jogou a cabeça para trĂĄs dando uma risada gostosa.
“Como tenho orgulho da minha menina! Mas, vocĂȘ nĂŁo respondeu a nossa pergunta.”
“Eu gosto muito de vocĂȘ.” VocĂȘ fazia um carinho gostoso na bochecha de Johnny, que fechou os olhos aproveitando cada minuto. “A gente pode tentar algo, mas nĂŁo quero que seja pĂșblico por enquanto.”
“Desde que vocĂȘ esteja nos meus braços, vai ser do jeito que vocĂȘ quiser, minha linda.” Johnny disse dando mais um sorriso que fez seu coração bater mais rĂĄpido mais uma vez e te beijou de uma maneira lenta para que vocĂȘ nĂŁo fosse embora tĂŁo cedo.
“Aeeeee! Eu sabia que vocĂȘs se gostavam!” O beijo foi interrompido com o gritinho animado de Flor, que pegou vocĂȘs no flagra. Os dois começaram a rir, principalmente quando a garotinha correu para os seus braços. “Sempre quis que a tia fosse minha mamĂŁe”
“Ei, vamos com calma! Primeiro precisamos nos conhecer melhor e depois vamos ver se ela aceita ser sua mamãe, tá certo?”
A pequena apenas fez um joinha e deu uma piscadinha para seu pai, derretendo o coração dele, que estava feliz por estar junto das mulheres que ele mais amava na vida.
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lovesuhng · 8 hours
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âŠč. we'll be alright ˚. âŠč
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no couple is perfect. you and jeno had your own difficulties, but hitting a bump in the road is normal. the main thing is how and when you say 'sorry'
pairing : bf!jeno x gn!reader | wc >0.8k genre : hurt/comfort, college!au, established relationship, hint at grumpy x sunshine *♫ : try again by d.ear & jaehyun
CHOOSE YOUR FATE! : requested by dear anon ᔔ᎗ᔔ ‧₊˚✧ taglist : @nfrgirl @todorokiskitten a/n : happy valentines day to everyone who celebrates <;/3 lmk what you think about this, i hope you like it !!
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it’s so late at night that it’s almost morning. you wipe your eyes, skin around them being dry is the thing that keeps you awake. you promise yourself that you will write one more sentence and then — off to bed. you’ve finished two essays tonight keeping these promises. truth be told, they are not urgent and you can go to bed. you should let yourself rest, but you can’t bring your mind to rest. being busy is preferred to being worried.
if it weren’t for your assignments, you would be thinking about jeno. the smirk is soon to appear on your lips once you do think of him. months ago you spent restless nights, thinking of him and the flirtatious remarks in your small dialogues at lunch or elsewhere. you could not let yourself rest without replaying his rare warm smiles that appeared when you teased him or did something silly, like make three knots out of the strings on his hoodie or make a mistake in a sentence. you were high on him for weeks until you got used to him. 
tonight is different. jeno worked so hard on crushing his intimidating image around you, he bent backwards to assure you that it’s safe to trust him, that, despite the belief others held against him, he would never do anything to hurt you. but today, when you came up to him, bright as ever, and he greeted you with “not now, y/n” before leaving all you could do was let all those beliefs resurface.
was it worth not answering his texts? definitely not. now, you are ashamed rather than sad. instead of thinking how harsh this day could have been on him, all you thought of was how your feelings were hurt. not even really hurt, just bitter.
what if something happened? what if he is hurt, but you are so stuck up that he has to worry about you too? 
you pick up your phone and find dozens of notifications from him, some are very recent and short. his all-time favourite silent mode makes you more confident — respond now, deal with it later. you text your “sorry” and send it right away, letting your fingertips hesitate over the keyboard, waiting for some courage to drive your explanations further. or maybe that’s enough. 
jeno leaves you on read. mere moments after, as you put your phone down, you hear him knock on your dorm’s door.
he’s tired. pajama fits him like a cage, he looks so uncomfortable at the sight of you, so you bring as much warmth as you can into your eyes.
“what are you doing here? you should sleep.”
“you too,” he answers shortly and hands you a cupcake with a poorly drawn flower and “sorry :(“ on it. “i didn’t bake it,” he warns you so you can eat it safely and not worry for your health. but you know that frosting is his clumsy, caring piece of art.
you don’t take it. instead, you grab his wrist and bring him into your room.
“let’s have it for breakfast, alright?”
there are too many things to do before you go to sleep. save your file, unload all the printed papers from your desk, turn the music off, put out the candle
 and all of this you in a rush under jeno’s attentive gaze. he stands next to the closed door of your single dorm and barely moves. his head is still low when you turn to him. 
maybe your touch can bring him back to the orbit of your love. you decide to give it a try. a small tug on his sleeve to ask him to follow, but jeno still stands. 
“please,” you ask, and he answers by taking a step closer and opening his arms.
his hug is comforting and warm. you make sure to grab as much of him as you can, greedy after not being by his side for the whole day. you take a long deep breath in. it’s time for your mind and heart to rest. jeno’s frame is tense in your embrace. you try to lean closer, even when there is no space left between you two, and start slowly, carefully rubbing his back. no matter how little time passes, it feels like eternity before he starts breathing in sync with you.
you tenderly tug on his sleeve, again, and start leading him to your bed. it barely fits both of you in it, but tonight it will be alright because of how intertwined with each other you end up. but it all doesn’t matter. all your focus is on his well being. 
still afraid of prying, you ask him, “do you want to talk?” jeno shrugs and opens his eyes, determined to find yours in the engulfing darkness.
“i’m sorry,” his raspy voice is filled with worry. “it was all too much today, i couldn’t help it.” “i’m sorry too,” you say. “could have figured it out.” “let’s just go to sleep, and tomorrow i’ll apologize properly, with the cupcake. you’ve ruined my speech.” “you don’t need to,” you quiet laugh helps him accept your peace deal and hug you even tighter.
falling asleep to jeno’s “i love you” is always the best, especially, when you get to say it back, just like tonight.
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lovesuhng · 14 hours
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w.c: 1.6k fluff nĂŁo saiu como eu esperava, nĂŁo revisei, mas precisava trazer essa histĂłria para vocĂȘs. eu usei o tia, mas sĂł avisando que nĂŁo concordo com essa visĂŁo de se referir a professora como tia (minha professora de desenvolvimento e aprendizagem estaria orgulhosa de mim nesse momento). aproveitei a fic e por favor, me deem algum tipo de feedback
Johnny se lembrava perfeitamente quanto te viu pela primeira vez: vocĂȘ estava linda, usando uma roupa confortĂĄvel (que constava em uma mom jeans, alguma camisa com pequenas florzinha e um all star), cabelo amarrado e com os Ăłculos quase que na ponta do nariz, se despedindo da pequena Flor (filha de Johnny) com um abraço apertado e um beijo na testa, enquanto ele observava a cena de longe, esperando a outra professora trazĂȘ-la para o carro. 
Sempre que a pequena voltava da escola, falava o quanto tinha se divertido da aula e o quando sua professora tinha ensinado coisas incrĂ­veis.
VocĂȘ tambĂ©m jĂĄ tinha ouvido falar do pai solteiro mais cobiçado da escola, nunca deu muita bola porque estava o tempo todo muito ocupada para ficar fofocando sobre os pais das alunas e, por isso, nunca tinha o conhecido pessoalmente. 
Até que um dia, quando a maioria das crianças tinha ido embora, avistou Flor sentada no balanço visivelmente triste, então se aproximou e sentou no balanço ao lado dela.
“Por que essa princesa tá tão triste?”
“Meu papai se esqueceu de mim”. Ela falou quase que num sussurro, olhando para os pezinhos que mal tocavam no chão.
“Claro que nĂŁo, meu amor!” Disse pegando a mĂŁozinha dela. “O papai Ă© muito ocupado, tenho certeza que ele jĂĄ jĂĄ vai chegar e te dar um abraço muito apertado pra mostrar o quanto ele te ama muito”
“É sĂ©rio?” Flor olhou para vocĂȘ com os olhinhos brilhando, agora de felicidade.
“Uhum. E se a gente brincar enquanto ele não chega?”
“Ebaaa!” A menininha se jogou nos seus braços e vocĂȘ se levantou para poder brincar com ela. Passaram mais um tempo no balanço, depois foram na gangorra e estavam prestes a brincar de esconde-esconde, atĂ© que ouviu uma voz chamar pela garotinha.
“Papai!!” Ela correu para os braços do homem e vocĂȘ finalmente conheceu o famoso John Suh. Achou engraçado como Flor era a cĂłpia do pai. Os lĂĄbios bem desenhados, os olhos cor de mel, o sorriso muito igual. NĂŁo pĂŽde deixar de reparar tambĂ©m como ele era muito mais lindo do que a descrição que as outras professoras tinham feito dele, principalmente por ele estar usando aquela camisa social com os dois primeiros botĂ”es abertos e com a gravata frouxa, indicando de alguma forma que o dia de trabalho dele tinha acabado.
“Baixinha! Desculpa pela demora. Papai tava muito ocupado na empresa.”
“A tia __ ficou brincando comigo e a gente se divertiu de montão, não foi tia?”
Parecia perdida em pensamentos quando a garotinha falou com vocĂȘ e apenas sorriu, balançando a cabeça. Johnny percebeu que vocĂȘ nĂŁo tirava os olhos dele e riu com isso.
“VocĂȘ Ă© a famosa tia __? Prazer, Johnny, o pai dessa coisinha aqui” Disse bagunçando o cabelo da mais nova e, em seguida, estendendo a mĂŁo para vocĂȘ.
Depois daquele dia, os encontros com Johnny se tornaram mais constantes na saĂ­da da escola. Em vez de ser a outra professora, era vocĂȘ quem levava Flor ao encontro com pai e, com isso, passava alguns minutos conversando com ele sobre a pequena e suas aventuras na escola.
Johnny se via ainda mais interessado por vocĂȘ. Queria ter a oportunidade de conversar sobre outras coisas alĂ©m dos assuntos relacionados a sua filha, queria saber mais sobre seus gostos, sobre como vocĂȘ decidiu sua profissĂŁo, sobre o que vocĂȘ gosta de fazer nos fins de semana, sobre sua cor favorita, enfim
 sobre a mulher que ocupava a mente dele por dias. Ele atĂ© tentou de chamar para um “encontro” (bom, ele nĂŁo deixou claro que era um encontro, mas na mente dele era), vocĂȘ acabou recusando alegando que estaria muito ocupada, mas isso tudo era uma desculpa, afinal, vocĂȘ achava antiĂ©tico estar se interessando pelo pai da sua aluna.
Um dia, Johnny estava demorando mais do que o normal para buscar Flor, vocĂȘ nĂŁo queria demonstrar, mas estava ficando preocupada com essa demora. Enquanto vocĂȘ brincava com a pequena, tentando a distrair um pouco, a secretĂĄria da escola te chama dizendo que vocĂȘ estava recebendo uma ligação do pai da garota e prontamente corre para atender.
“Oi Sr. Suh, aconteceu alguma coisa?” Disse e a preocupação estava clara na sua voz.
“Primeiro, jĂĄ perdi a conta de quantas vezes eu pedi para me chamar sĂł de Johnny. Segundo, sim, aconteceu. NĂŁo se preocupe, foi um problema aqui na empresa que vai demorar mais do que esperado para ser resolvido, entĂŁo, preciso ficar mais um tempo aqui. Tentei falar com os meus pais, mas eles nĂŁo podem buscar a Flor na escola, entĂŁo, serĂĄ que vocĂȘ poderia levar ela para o meu apartamento e ficar lĂĄ atĂ© quando eu chegar?”
Por algum motivo, ficou nervosa com o pedido do homem, queria recusar, mas também não queria deixar Flor mais tempo na escola. Ela também estava ficando muito cansada.
“Tá tudo bem. Me passa o endereço que eu levo ela.”
E lĂĄ estava vocĂȘ e a garotinha, de mĂŁos dadas, entrando no apartamento de Johnny e por mais que fosse algo luxuoso, ainda tinha alguns brinquedos espalhados, indicando que uma criança morava ali.
Depois de dar um banho e arrumar a mais nova (que te ajudou dizendo onde estavam as roupas dela), vocĂȘ fez algo para jantar, deixando o prato feito para que Johnny pudesse comer caso chegasse com fome, e, enquanto vocĂȘs comiam, a pequena fez uma pergunta que te pegou de surpresa.
“VocĂȘ gosta do meu papai?”
“Hm? Er.. sim, ele Ă© um homem legal”
“EntĂŁo, por que vocĂȘ nĂŁo namora com ele?”
Nessa hora vocĂȘ arregalou os olhos e se engasgou com a comida. Como pode uma garotinha tĂŁo pequena te deixar nervosa com uma simples pergunta?
“O que?”
“UĂ©, vocĂȘ gosta do meu papai e ele gosta de vocĂȘ. VocĂȘs podiam namorar.”
 me-melhor vocĂȘ terminar de comer antes que a comida esfrie.”
Chegava a ser cĂŽmico como vocĂȘ ficou vergonha depois do que ela disse e como as palavras da mais nova nĂŁo saiam da sua mente. Depois de a ajudar com os deveres da escola, vocĂȘ a colocou para dormir e foi para a sala, esperar Johnny chegar para poder ir para casa, mas com aquele sofĂĄ extremamente confortĂĄvel e com o cansaço tomando conta do seu corpo, vocĂȘ acabou cochilando ali mesmo.
JĂĄ se passavam das 22:30 quando Johnny chegou no apartamento e, assim que entrou, achou adorĂĄvel como vocĂȘ dormia no sofĂĄ, como se nĂŁo tivesse nenhuma preocupação, respirando tĂŁo serenamente e aquela imagem deixou o coração dele quentinho. Como nĂŁo queria te acordar, resolveu pegar uma coberta para te cobrir e te deixar mais confortĂĄvel. Ele tentou te cobrir de uma maneira que nĂŁo te acordasse, mas isso nĂŁo funcionou. VocĂȘ foi abrindo os olhos lentamente e deu de cara com o Johnny com o rosto a centĂ­metros do seu e isso fez com que vocĂȘ praticamente pulasse do sofĂĄ com o rosto vermelho de tanta vergonha.
“Desculpa, eu não queria te acordar então
“NĂŁo Sr. Suh, tudo bem. Eu nĂŁo deveria ter dormido. Er
 Ă© melhor eu ir.” Disse pegando suas coisas, indo em direção a porta e falando tudo atropelado, deixando bem claro como vocĂȘ estava nervosa. “Caso esteja com fome, tem comida na geladeira. A Flor jĂĄ estĂĄ dormindo e jĂĄ fez todas as tarefinhas da escola.”
“__, calma! Pode dormir aqui se quiser, eu tenho um quarto de hospedes e já está tar-”
“NĂŁo!” Johnny atĂ© se assustou com o quĂŁo rĂĄpido vocĂȘ respondeu. “Realmente preciso ir, jĂĄ estou atĂ© chamando o uber.”
“Muito obrigado por tudo.” Johnny disse, se aproximando de vocĂȘ, que jĂĄ estava com a mĂŁo na maçaneta da porta. “Sei nem como te agradecer.”
“Não precisa, eu gosto muito da Flor”
“E de mim, vocĂȘ gosta?” A essa altura, vocĂȘ jĂĄ estava ‘presa’ entre a porta e o homem alto Ă  sua frente. Apenas engoliu seco, nĂŁo sabia o que responder. “Porque eu gosto de vocĂȘ. E muito.”
“Johnny, vocĂȘ sabe que
“NĂŁo pode se relacionar com o pai de uma aluna, sim, eu sei. Mas o ano letivo estĂĄ acabando, ano que vem vocĂȘ nĂŁo vai ser mais professora da Flor.”
“Então, ano que vem a gente conversa sobre isso.”
“Mas, nĂŁo vou conseguir esperar atĂ© lĂĄ.” E ele te beijou, no começo foi sĂł um tocar de lĂĄbios, mas, quando as mĂŁos grandes dele te puxaram pela cintura, o beijo se aprofundou.
“A Flor Ă© mesmo a sua cĂłpia, porque mais cedo ela me perguntou se eu gostava de vocĂȘ” VocĂȘ disse quando se separou do beijo de Johnny para poder respirar um pouco. O mais alto apenas jogou a cabeça para trĂĄs dando uma risada gostosa.
“Como tenho orgulho da minha menina! Mas, vocĂȘ nĂŁo respondeu a nossa pergunta.”
“Eu gosto muito de vocĂȘ.” VocĂȘ fazia um carinho gostoso na bochecha de Johnny, que fechou os olhos aproveitando cada minuto. “A gente pode tentar algo, mas nĂŁo quero que seja pĂșblico por enquanto.”
“Desde que vocĂȘ esteja nos meus braços, vai ser do jeito que vocĂȘ quiser, minha linda.” Johnny disse dando mais um sorriso que fez seu coração bater mais rĂĄpido mais uma vez e te beijou de uma maneira lenta para que vocĂȘ nĂŁo fosse embora tĂŁo cedo.
“Aeeeee! Eu sabia que vocĂȘs se gostavam!” O beijo foi interrompido com o gritinho animado de Flor, que pegou vocĂȘs no flagra. Os dois começaram a rir, principalmente quando a garotinha correu para os seus braços. “Sempre quis que a tia fosse minha mamĂŁe”
“Ei, vamos com calma! Primeiro precisamos nos conhecer melhor e depois vamos ver se ela aceita ser sua mamãe, tá certo?”
A pequena apenas fez um joinha e deu uma piscadinha para seu pai, derretendo o coração dele, que estava feliz por estar junto das mulheres que ele mais amava na vida.
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lovesuhng · 1 day
you never cared for love. being in a relationship seemed too exhausting, too vulnerable and messy. you were okay with watching your friends fall in love from afar. as long as they were happy you were too.
and yet, everything changed after a project you had with a random partner for your statistics class.
na jaemin was someone you've heard of before. he was kind, smart and incredibly handsome. the last person you'd expect yourself to fall in love with as deeply as you did.
you remember perfectly the exact day when he went from a project partner, to a friend, to a crush and to what you call now your boyfriend.
"alright, i say we share the subjects of the presentation equally and then we meet again to put everything together, is that okay?" you asked with a small smile.
"yeah sure, that's fine by me. the only problem is that i kinda suck at statistics so it may take longer than a few days to finish all this." he says while checking his parts of the project.
"oh that's okay, i'm doing quite well in this class so i could give you my number if you need any help with something! you kindly offer, something that later became one of the best decisions you've ever made.
mark sat back on the sofa with a tired sigh in the apartement that he shared with three of his best friends, after one of the bost boring lectures he's had that week.
"dude i swear this teacher was a grim reaper in another life. how can you suck so bad at teaching at yet have the nerve to judge your students like that is beyond me" he complained to the other two.
"what did he say again? I told you you should've skipped this morning, who else other than you wants to see his bald ass head at 9 in the morning? said donghyuck while playing a game on his phone.
"there was barely anyone bro, the only person i knew was y/n. she was his victim today, I felt so bad for her."
jaemin was barely paying attention to the conversation, still half asleep , but hearing your name had better effect on him than any other coffee he's ever had.
"what do you mean, what did he say to her?" he asked, now fully awake
"he read her essay and pretty much called it shit in front of everyone. I can't imagine how awful that must be, especially for someone who takes their studies as serious as her" answered the oldest of the group
jaemin didn't waste a second after hearing that, got dressed as quickly as he could and ran to the nearby bakery to get you your favorite pastries and of course, a bouquet of flowers to cheer you up.
"oh jaemin, it's nice to see you!" says chaewon while letting him in the apartement she shares with you, her best friend. "y/n is a little bit down right now so I'm glad you're here, I have a class in a few minutes."
"thanks chaewon, don't worry, I'll try to make her feel better. I hate not seeing her happy" says your kind friend
"hm I wonder why" she shot him a teasing look "I'll leave you to it then".
jaemin made his way to your room, knocked twice and waited for your permission to come in. when you gave it to him, he opened the door and his gaze immediately found yours.
"what are you doing here, jaem?" you asked him while sitting up on your bed. your plan was to rot in bed for the rest of the day. being someone with huge academic validation, it was never easy for you to receive criticism towards your work, so on the rare occasions when it happened, your mood would be down for the entire day.
"what do you mean what am i doing here? my favorite statistics partner isn't her usual happy self and you thought i wouldn't come cheer you up?" he says while taking a seat on the bed " here's your favorites. for now i can only give you this but if you want i'll gladly give a punch or two to that asshole."
he brought you your favorite pastries and flowers? how did he even know they were your favorites, you couldn't have mentioned this more than once in the months you've known each other.
"jaemin you didn't have to do this!" you exclaim, feeling something you couldn't quite name yet.
"of course I did." he says while looking softly into your eyes "now move over, I plan on staying here for the rest of the day and I'd rather be comfortable" he lay next to you and started to look for a something to watch " what kind of movie are you feeling? I'm in the mood for comedy or romance."
"romance.." you say while staring at his pretty face, in a seemingly different light than you did before
"chaewon please, the last thing i want to do is see him today" you nearly cried while saying this to your best friend. ever since that day when jaemin surprised you with your favorites, you've noticed that you feel different around him. he's no longer a friend to you and you don't want to feel more things for him, so you avoid him as much as possible.
"y/n please stop feeling so scared about this. jaemin is an amazing guy who could make you so happy. why would you run away from this special something you have with him?" huffed the blond haired girl
"what if he doen't feel the same way about me,huh? then what? i just make a fool out of myself and ruin what we already have!"
"if you think that he doesn't ike you back you must be the actual blindest person on earth." she says while rolling her eyes "do all your guy friends treat you the way he does? i don't think donghyuck, mark, jeno or anyone else does!" she starts rumming through your closet despite your protests "i don't want to hear it, you're coming with me to the party! besides, you don't even know if he's going to be there."
you catch the outfit that she nearly hit you in the face, not forgetting to glare at her despite appreciating her efforts to get you out of the house.
"alright, we're going but i better won't have to drag your drunk ass out of there!" in spite of your original reluctance, you start getting ready.
"this is definitely the last party we're going to together" you mumble, not even on hour later while running after your lightweight chaewon.
"need some help getting her home?" you hear a deep voice ask behind you.
"shit jeno you scared me" you say, clutching your chest " i actually do though" you answer, offering a smile to one of your favorite friends
"sorry y/n" he return your smile "you don't have to worry about her, i'll take her home, you enjoy yourself here" he says while giving you a pat on the back
"are you sure? i don't want to ruin your night" you say
"yeah of course! i was planning on going home anyway. also, i think a certain someone wants to talk to you." he says, obviously pointing to his best friend.
"is it too late to ask for a ride home too?" you ask him with a desperate look in your eyes
"yes my friend, it is. he's already coming here. but don't be scared alright, i know you worry a lot but you two are good together." he says, already making his way to chaewon
you take a deep breath, already dreading the conversation you're about to have.
"hey you, it's been a while. i was starting to think you hate me or something" jaemin says with an unsure smile on his face "are you okay with going somewhere else? i missed you and i want to talk to you about something"
there he goes again. saying things that you wish he would stop saying, because you fall more and more for him
"yeah sure" you answer, trying to calm your nerves
you two drove around for a few minutes while listenig to music from a playlist that you made for him a while ago. you already knew where he was taking you. there was a park nearby where you two spend a lot of time together. he once called this his favorite place to go to with his favorite person. you tried to avoid how your heart fluttered when you heard that.
"so, are you going to tell me why you've been avoiding me lately?" he asks after sitting on the blanket he always keeps in his car
" i haven't been avoiding you, jaem. i've just been super busy with uni and work." you answer, trying to seem as convincing as possible. "you said you wanted to talk about something, what is it?"
there were a few second of silence, so you decided to take a look at him. he was already looking at you, love pouring out of his eyes
"jaemin.." you whisper
"i love you" he says
you could immediately feel tears in the back of your eyes
"i have for quite a while now. i can't tell you the exact moment i realised it, but i can tell you that i'm sure of it. everything feels so different to me now. there isn't a single moment of my day where i don't think about you. i know how scared you are of being in love, and i don't blame you. i've never felt like this before. i've never had someone consume every single thought of my brain the way you do" he pauses, takes a look at you and then takes your hand in his " i think the reason why you avoided me was because you feel it too. and i want you to know that even if you aren't ready for something more than the friendship we have, i would never hold that againt you. never. i'm happy with whatever you give me as long as i have you in my life"
you take a deep breath while squeezing his hand "it's so hard for me to put into words what i'm feeling for you because a few months ago it seemes like the most foreign concept to me,loving someone forever. i don't know how i would be like in a relationship, but if it's anything like watching bad movies with you , or staying here in this park talking about anything that goes though our minds, i want to try it with you."
at that, he offered you his beautiful smile that makes you weak to the knees, and pulled you into a hug.
"i'm pretty sure that i can love you forever, y/n" he whispered in your hair
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lovesuhng · 1 day
primeiro fake text !! espero que gostem😁
mini resumo: vocĂȘ e mark sĂŁo tĂȘm a mesma aula (literatura), nĂŁo se conhecem bem, sabem apenas o nome um do outro (embora ambos tivessem vontade de chegar um no outro faltava a coragem) , atĂ© que tĂȘm que se juntar para um trabalho. e o resto? o resto Ă© histĂłria.
tw: fluff, crack(?), leitora com ortografia impecĂĄvel (ela Ă© uma aluna certinha, ok??), pet names (gatinha, princesa), eles sendo uns amorecos :(
n tĂĄ implĂ­cito, mas no Ășltimo print eles jĂĄ tĂŁo namorando😚
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lovesuhng · 3 days
genre. comfort. warnings. reader had a really bad day (unspecified reason). pairing. best friend!anton x fem!reader. wc. 417. request. no. a/n. kinda wrote this randomly like 2 nights ago i think?? it's rly short and im not sure if it's any good but it's here anyway lol
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“Can I hug you?”
You had just gotten back home from possibly the worst night of your entire life, and seeing your roommate in the kitchen in his pyjamas and hoodie pulled over his head made your heart clench in your chest. The question slipped out before you had time to think about what you were about to say to your best friend who you’d never had any amount of prolonged skinship with in your entire 4 years of knowing him (though not for a lack of wanting to).
Anton was silent for a second, slightly shocked by your question, and still holding a spoon in his hand from his long empty bowl of cereal. His brain couldn’t exactly process your question before his eyes flitted to your face and he was nodding quickly. He probably would’ve interrogated you or even teased you about it given how unusual it was, but you looked like you desperately needed to be held tightly, and all Anton cared about suddenly was making sure you were okay. 
You were glad he didn’t say anything, because you probably would’ve burst into tears if he had. You weren’t ready to talk about why you felt so awful— all you craved for was silent comfort. Relief flooded through you as soon as Anton wrapped his arms around you, squeezing you close to his chest.
You closed your eyes and hugged him back, focusing on evening your breath to his in order to calm down. The right side of your face rested over his heart, and you could hear it beating steadily, maybe a tiny bit faster than usual, but you didn’t focus on it. 
You weren’t sure how long you stayed like that. It felt so comfortable, so right, in his arms that time seemed to slow. It felt like even breathing too loudly would completely break the moment, so Anton worked extremely hard to keep his breath soft.
He wasn’t sure what or who had made your night turn sour, but he was determined to be there to make it better; not just now, but in the future as well. He hadn’t realized it before, but as he held you close in his arms, noticing how perfectly you fit in them, as if you were made for it, he realized you had been the only one in his heart for some time. And he hoped you would be the last person he held, and the last to fill every corner of his heart.
↳ riize taglist (bolded could not be tagged): @eternalgyu,, @kangtaehyunzzz,, @weird-bookworm,, @haecien,, @seolboba,,
@blossominghunnie,, @cosmicwintr,, @evalevaeva,, @lecheugo,, @wccycc,,
@seunghancore,, @planetkiimchi
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lovesuhng · 3 days
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✎ n.a: finalmente respondendo esse pedido aqui que eu 'tava louca para escrever desde que recebi!!!
✎ avisos: mençÔes ao Jaehyun, tĂĄ um teco sugestivo e provavelmente com alguns erros, mas relevem isso, depois eu arrumo KKKKKK
✎ w.c: 1.2k
Boa leitura, docinhos!!! ☂
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VocĂȘ enviou uma Ășltima mensagem para Jaehyun respondendo sua pergunta sobre onde estava o brinquedo favorito do filho de vocĂȘs de 3 anos e ergueu a cabeça para encontrar Johnny te avaliando. De repente vocĂȘ se sentiu nervosa e ansiosa com aquela observação toda, mesmo que ele estivesse ocupando o cargo do seu melhor amigo hĂĄ 2 anos.
VocĂȘ nĂŁo pode deixar de reparar que o restaurante que o Suh escolherĂĄ se parecia e muito com a sugestĂŁo de lugar para primeiro encontro que vocĂȘ o presenteara, um lugar a primeira vista chique mas que servia hambĂșrgueres do tamanho da cabeça de um recĂ©m nascido, ele estava vestido da forma casual de sempre, a calça jeans de lavagem clara e o suĂ©ter verde eram o bastante para tornĂĄ-lo deslumbrante, mas vocĂȘ se vira passando uma camada alĂ©m da conta de rĂ­mel e gloss labial diante do espelho.
— Como tĂĄ o meu bebĂȘ? — Johnny questionou depois de vocĂȘs dizerem seus pedidos para o garçom, obviamente ele estava se referindo ao seu filho que tinha puxado toda a aparĂȘncia do pai, e vocĂȘ sabia disso sĂł de olhar para aqueles olhinhos e um par de covinhas idĂȘnticas as de Jeong Yoonoh, mas em questĂŁo de personalidade, pelo menos todos os crĂ©ditos eram seus.
— Ele amou aquele triciclo que vocĂȘ trouxe de...
— Nottingham — VocĂȘ assentiu com a cabeça afinal Johnny viajava tanto devido a sua carreira muito bem sucedida de DJ que vocĂȘ atĂ© se confundia nos nomes das cidades que ele participava de festas badaladas.
A verdade Ă© que vocĂȘs se conheceram por causa de Jaehyun, aproximadamente 4 anos atrĂĄs, numa situação atĂ­pica em que vocĂȘ bebeu demais e vomitou o que pareceu dois meses de digestĂŁo de alimentos, Johnny te ajudou segurando seu cabelo e tudo mais, mas na noite passada vocĂȘ acidentalmente acabou dormindo com um dos amigos do Suh, o que foi bastante certeiro considerando que vocĂȘ carregou no seu ventre uma miniatura bastante fiel de Jaehyun.
VocĂȘ namorou com o Jeong durante o perĂ­odo de 2 anos, no entanto mesmo com o tĂ©rmino ainda eram amigos e dividiam a guarda de um menininho que amavam mais do que qualquer coisa, Johnny acabou se aproximando de vocĂȘ apĂłs isso, mas nada indicava que era porque ele gostava de vocĂȘ, levando em conta que vocĂȘs dificilmente conversavam sobre questĂ”es amorosas.
E que bom por isso, porque vocĂȘ sentia-se estranhamente incomodada com a menção de Johnny visto nas festas em outro paĂ­s na companhia de alguma estrangeira gostosona. Ele nĂŁo sabia, Ă© claro, mas jĂĄ estava ficando difĂ­cil esconder que vocĂȘ o queria, sentia isso em cada partezinha do seu corpo.
— Eu gravei um vĂ­deo olha — VocĂȘ ofereceu o prĂłprio celular para Johnny que encostou os dedos longos nos seus no processo e fez com que vocĂȘ sentisse as faĂ­scas novamente, vocĂȘ instintivamente culpou seu perĂ­odo fĂ©rtil e o fato de que fazia muito tempo que nĂŁo saĂ­a para um rolĂȘ adulto, embora soubesse que a resposta dessa questĂŁo começava com a afirmação de que vocĂȘ estava apaixonada.
— Fofinho — Ele te devolveu o celular com um sorriso brilhante no rosto, Johnny era assim, fazia questĂŁo de presentear seu filho com presentes do mundo todo, te pedindo fotos e atualizaçÔes do pequeno todos os dias, surtando toda vez que ouvia o desajeitado e adorĂĄvel “Tio John” sair da boca do menininho — Acho que eu tĂŽ gostando de uma mĂŁe aĂ­, isso me torna meio cara que curte uma milf?
Johnny nĂŁo fazia ideia do quanto todas aquelas perguntas sobre primeiros encontros e como se comportar perante a pessoa que vocĂȘ se sente atraĂ­do estavam te perturbando, vocĂȘ tomou um gole do copo de ĂĄgua que descansava na mesa atĂ© entĂŁo e nĂŁo ousou olhar nos olhos dele naquele momento porque era bem capaz de revelar a frustração que tomou conta do seu corpo apĂłs a questĂŁo. Afinal, serĂĄ que ele tinha mesmo te trazido para um restaurante perfeito, vestindo roupas perfeitas e perfeitamente perfumado apenas para te dizer com detalhes sobre a pessoa que ele desesperadamente queria beijar?
— NĂŁo... Se ela nĂŁo for casada, tĂĄ tudo bem se envolver — VocĂȘ afirmou, brincando com os dedos repousado no seu colo de forma impaciente e se lamentando por ter escolhido sua melhor calça jeans – a que delineava seu quadril melhor do que qualquer roupa – numa ilusĂŁo de que naquela noite participaria finalmente de um encontro com a pessoa por quem estava caidinha.
— Ela nĂŁo Ă© — Ele falou, rĂĄpido demais para o seu gosto — Mas e entĂŁo? No encontro a gente faz o que?
Para vocĂȘ era muito difĂ­cil acreditar que Johnny nĂŁo sabia a logĂ­stica de um encontro, afinal de contas ele era lindo, tinha grana e era bom de papo, o tipo de cara engraçadinho que vocĂȘ nĂŁo conseguia ignorar e no final terminava com uma aliança no dedo pista por ele mesmo. EntĂŁo, estava começando a considerar que ele estava brincando com vocĂȘ, testando sua paciĂȘncia como uma lição para uma professora do jardim de infĂąncia, no entanto vocĂȘ preferia ter que lidar com mil crianças na faixa etĂĄria de 5 anos do que com um Ășnico Johnny de olhar sedutor.
— Pelo amor de Deus, onde vocĂȘ quer chegar com todo esse interrogatĂłrio? — Foi a sua vez de questionar irritada com a situação toda — Quero dizer, vocĂȘ Ă© um DJ foda e realmente tĂĄ pedindo conselho amoroso pra uma mulher que Ă© professora da prĂ©-escola e tem um filho de 3 anos? 'CĂȘ tĂĄ de zoação comigo?
— VocĂȘ nĂŁo sabe mesmo, nĂ©? — VocĂȘ queria muito desferir uns bons tapas naquele rostinho bonito quando Johnny desviou o olhar do seu e sorriu, como se vocĂȘ fosse uma criança inocente questionando a origem dos bebĂȘs. VocĂȘ o chutou por debaixo da mesa, mas aquele gemido baixo de dor em uniĂŁo ao sorriso sem vergonha sĂł serviram para seu cĂ©rebro descartar aquela ideia dos tapas e trocĂĄ-la por uma bem melhor, que envolvia beijos demorados e molhados e muita mĂŁo boba — Eu tĂŽ usando essa tĂ©cnica tĂŁo antiga de sedução sĂł pra ver se vocĂȘ se toca que eu tĂŽ na sua hĂĄ muito tempo.
— Johnny, eu tĂŽ boiando sĂ©rio — VocĂȘ tinha uma expressĂŁo de confusĂŁo cobrindo seu rosto, que Johnny tratou de tirar de vocĂȘ quando ele afastou a cadeira, colocou seu rosto entre as mĂŁos e te beijou, mesmo que ele tivesse que se inclinar desconfortavelmente devido a diferença de altura, no entanto nada mais importava agora que os lĂĄbios do Suh estavam sobre os seus e a Ășnica coisa que vocĂȘ conseguia ouvir de fundo era um coral de cupidos cantando alguma coisa melosa de forma afinada.
— Agora deu pra entender ou 'cĂȘ vai querer que eu desenhe? — VocĂȘ sorriu contra os lĂĄbios dele, os olhos fechados extasiada demais com o que havia acabado de acontecer, sem compreender como as coisas tinham alcançado aquele nĂ­vel, mas se deliciando com o ocorrido.
— Esqueci de te falar, mas a sobremesa Ă© fundamental num encontro — VocĂȘ começou, sorrindo como se tivesse se tornado milionĂĄria nos Ășltimos 2 minutos — Mas, nesse caso acho que a gente jĂĄ pode pular pra essa parte essencial.
— Qual das sobremesas? — Ele perguntou todo assanhadinho e vocĂȘ o beijou novamente, incapaz de resistir a todo aquele charme magnĂ©tico que ele possuĂ­a.
— Pode ser as duas?
Johnny sorriu, ignorando completamente de que tinham feito pedidos e deixando o restante, mal se contendo até chegar no estacionamento e descansar as mãos grandes nos bolsos traseiros da sua calça apertada.
— O seu pedido Ă© uma ordem, mamĂŁe.
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lovesuhng · 3 days
i'm obsessed with personal trainer jeno ngl
a different kind of exercise | ljn
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personal trainer!jeno × fem!reader (18+ mdni)
summary: he just wanted to give you a private lesson.
a/n: sorry, that didn't go well as i wanted, but i didn't have anything planned for his bday and this ended up coming out 😭 i didn't like that one, but happy bday to jeno!
cw: smut, pwp, unprotected sex, petnames (baby/pretty)
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jeno was not planning on this. yet he was glad it happened.
when he accepted to be your personal trainer, he didn't think much about it. you seemed like a genuine newbie in the gym, seeking legitimate help. unlike other people, you hadn't chosen him just because of his good looks, he could see that you actually wanted to learn.
he wasn't expecting much to come from your time together aside from some casual conversation during workouts and the occasional advice about exercising, but he found himself growing more interested in you than his purpose of teaching.
he didn't know why exactly, but he felt an attraction to you that he couldn't explain. sometimes he would even find himself acting like a pervert. and he knew that was wrong, but it was all somehow your fault.
he would often blame you for wearing those tight leggings that gripped onto your body like a second skin. he knew it wasn't fair to blame you for their existence, but he also couldn't help but be distracted by their form-fittedness.
but he was glad you wore them. he loved it when you folded forward, giving him a great view of your ass. he would make up some excuse about you doing it wrong just to get closer and hold your waist. he would press you against him and lean over you, telling you "how it should be done," while enjoying the feel of your body pressed against his. he enjoyed taking his time to "help you do it right" so that he could spend more time up close with your ass rubbing against his cock.
or when he is "helping you out" by adjusting your position and form while doing an exercise. he knew that wasn't necessary, but he used the excuse of "straightening you up" to sneak his hands around you. he would grab a handful of your breasts, pretending to position you properly to do the exercise but actually taking the chance to feel you up.
jeno would often find excuses to get close to you, brushing up against you or putting his hands on your body more often than necessary, always trying to touch you in subtle ways that he hoped you wouldn't notice.
and that was the best—or worst—part of it all. you were completely clueless about his actions, genuinely thinking it was just his way of teaching. honestly, it wasn't bothering you at all. in fact, you even secretly enjoyed it when he was "just teaching you" and getting a bit too close for comfort by holding you up and touching your body.
but still, for jeno, this was pure agony too. all he craved was to fuck you senseless until you were practically limping, but he couldn't just spit it out. ever since your sessions began, he caught himself fucking his fist at night thinking about you, he'd daydream about pounding into you, making you yell his name 'til you were hoarse.
gosh, he needed you so bad.
and so he made it.
it was easier than he thought. all he had to do was come with an excuse to get you to his house. saying he needed to "go over some information" about your exercises and "get more in-depth" with your routine, he asked you to come over to his place to "work through the details" of your activities.
he can't really remember how things escalated from telling you to make yourself comfortable to him pressing you up against the bed mattress with your legs around his waist while you cry out his name because of how good it feels to have his cock stretching your tight pussy.
“you feel so—god, so f-fucking good,” jeno’s hands grip your hips tightly as he thrusts deeper into you, his movements becoming more urgent with each passing second. your hands were gripping the sheet so tightly that your knuckles were white, your eyes rolling to the back of your head.
“y-you're so tight, baby,” he looked down to see where your bodies connected, watching as his length disappeared into your welcoming pussy.
"fuck, y/n... you take me so well,” he breathes heavily, trying to maintain control as you clench around him. "i could stay here forever,” his cock slamming into you with such force that you could feel it in your bones.
the sensation of him filling you up completely is almost too much to bear, but you wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world right now.
jeno feels your body tensing up and your warm walls squeezing him again, making him groan. “are you close, pretty?” the only answer for his question were your loud moan and it was enough for him.
you gasp when he suddenly changes your position, pulling one of your legs over his shoulder and driving himself even deeper inside of you. the new angle hits all the right spots, and you feel yourself being stretched to the limit, even more sensitive as his hand slip down to rub your clit.
you starts to feel an orgasm building inside of you, which made you let a whine escape your lips. you didn't want this moment to end, but you know it's going to be explosive when it finally does. you focus on the sensation of him filling you up, on the sound of your bodies slapping together, and on the scent of sex in the air. it's a heady combination that sends you over the edge, you body shuddering and convulsing beneath his as you milk his cock.
jeno himself couldn’t hold back his own climax any longer, the way your face contorts in pure bliss as you come undone beneath him sends him over the edge. feeling his orgasm getting closer and closer, his thrusts became a little more messy, but still at the same pace. it felt so good he almost forgot to pull out, withdrawing just in time to cum on your thigh, his hot load sticking to your skin.
he falls onto the bed next to you, the only sound now is your heavy breathing as you both try to compose yourself. you continue to silently stare at the ceiling for a few more minutes before turning your head to look at him, just to find him already looking at you.
” you begin. “same time next week?”
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lovesuhng · 3 days
(he's) my work crush!!
↖ navigation: nct masterlist || main masterlist
pairing: co-worker/ crush! taeyong x gn! reader
↬ tags: colleagues au!, two silly people crushing on each other (my one sided delusion has allowed me to write this), ft tyong's friend doyoung at the very end through a single text
summary: work crushes do make your time at work a whole lot better!
word count: 633 words
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“fancy meeting you here!”
you nearly dropped your phone and at the smooth, baritone voice from behind you. almost immediately, your entire body awakens at his mere closeness.
taeyong waves at you, eyes crinkling up as he moves to stand beside you.
you gave him a quick once over: clad in a simple button down and slacks, he always looked neat and tidy, his leather workbag slung on the right side of his body. his bright personality was infectious and paired with a smart-looking set of glasses, he was very easy on the eyes.
you subtly straightened your clothing and hair, hoping you didn’t appear too messy before him.
! i saw that you were quite busy and assumed you might have to work overtime today.” taeyong was a new transfer to your department; placed in team 3, you occasionally saw him around, but never once interacted much beyond a "hi" or "bye".
you recall the first time you properly talked to taeyong: he sat beside you on one particularly crowded day at the staff canteen and for the sake of small talk you chatted with him since you two weren't exactly strangers. to your surprise, you two had hit it off well, having many topics to share about (talking smack about the company was a common one).
from then, taeyong became a constant partner during lunch hours...and you developed a tiny crush on him. after the first chance meeting, it was as if he had purposely found his way to you, catching you in the shared pantry, actively asking you for directions and bumping into you by the lifts. eventually you got comfortable to
as he clears his throat, you were pulled out of your revere and you noticed the sheepish smile on his face, explaining, “well, i was tryna pack my bag faster because...i...uh...was hoping to walk with you to the bus stop when work ended.”
getting flustered at the realization he was expecting you, you nodded in affirmation. taeyong pulled out his phone, thumbs busy tapping away. you took this moment to look away, trying to compose yourself in front of him.
“by the way, your bus is coming soon. mine’s two minutes after yours.” taeyong leans towards you, tilting his phone so you could see the timings for yourself. you couldn't help but inhale deeply, his signature cologne a nice welcome amidst all the dust and smoke of your surroundings.
“mhm. thanks for telling me.” you met his gaze and he grinned, "no worries. you do that for me all the time." that was true: often times you'd find taeyong scrambling to settle the last bit of his work, being new to the department and all. because you were already searching for the bus timings, you helped him out too.
"oh! there's your bus."
a sigh left your lips unconsciously, "thanks for waiting with me." he reciprocates the gesture, "i'll see you tomorrow...?" his eyes sparked with hope and anticipation and you hid a pleased smile, "yeah i'll see you tomorrow."
you board on the bus, slipping your headphones on to drown out the noises of the growing crowd. your gaze lands on taeyong standing outside the bus and he shoots you a warm smile, waving goodbye as the bus pulls out of the driveway. unable to contain the growing flush that is warming you from head to toe, you revel in the fact you did manage to catch him, even if it was a short moment.
"see you tomorrow..."
taeyong watches forlornly as your bus trundles away, a wide smirk touching his lips. fingers flying across his phone screen, he hurriedly texts his friend while he flags down his bus.
taeyong: guess who i saw at the bus stop today??! my work crush!!
doyoung: SAY IT NOW.
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@ppumeonae-bigvibe 's work ; likes and reblogs are appreciated <3
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lovesuhng · 3 days
muita gente ficou interessada na história do johnny x professora da filha, mas não tî conseguindo desenvolver a história, tá muito complicado 😭
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lovesuhng · 3 days
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request: can you do reader telling the dreamies that if they keep getting text from a random person it cuz it from a guy that was asking her out so she gave them her bfs number instead of hers
authors note. I hope you like it đŸ«¶đŸŸ!!!
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lovesuhng · 3 days
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DREAM HAUS Smoothie EP. 1 — Jeno
Bonus: um_ackshually.gif
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lovesuhng · 4 days
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lovesuhng · 4 days
Hey i wanted to request Jeno + "friends can kiss each other from time to time" :) i dont really care if its a drabble or headcanons or what ever.
for real love;
lee jeno | “Friends can kiss each other a little from time to time right?” robot!au. | 3.1k words. | angst, romance (or is it?).
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a/n: I got this prompt quite a few times, so I’m attempting to keep each one as unique as possible 😅. mood music.
Your creation was going to save mankind. JN 0423 was flawless, a marvel to humans in the day and age where all the dreams of the past were finally coming true. Flying cars, technology breathing in the very ground you walked on, and robots who passed as humans. In a dog-eat-dog world where humans were dropping like flies, artificial intelligence could do the jobs humans could not. Artificial intelligence could become the newest necessity, and yours was the very first of its kind.
His name was JN 0423, but you called him Jeno.
Continuar lendo
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lovesuhng · 4 days
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pink pen
w.c: 1.1k fluff
You didn't know how many hours you had been in that library; you were tired, but needed to study as much as necessary to do well on your final exams. Your concentration was broken when you felt a touch on your shoulder and then came face to face with one of the most handsome men you had ever seen at that university. His bright eyes, paired with the glasses that fit perfectly on his face, the black shirt that hugged his body nicely and the smile that lifted your worries instantly. You realized he had said something, but you had no idea what it was; after all, you had gotten lost in the almost perfect features of the man in front of you.
"Sorry, can you repeat, please?" You thought that must have sounded like an idiot at that moment, but you were sure when he chuckled before replying.
"Ah, okay. Do you have a pen to lend me? I know it's silly to come to study without bringing a pen, but I must have lost all the ones I had."
"Of course." You searched your pencil case and the only pen you found was a pink one filled with glitter and with a cat on top. You felt embarrassed to hand it to the man, but he accepted it nonetheless.
"How cute! This little cat looks like my Lucy. I promise I'll give it back as soon as I finish taking my notes."
And with that, the man went back to where he was studying, a table right next to yours. You wanted to finish studying quickly, but ended up taking longer than you should have because you kept finding yourself looking at him all the time. You had never seen him at the university before, but you would do anything to find out who he was.
That's how you ended up meeting Na Jaemin, a medical student well-known to many at the university, the very definition of sunshine and certainly one of the most handsome men you had ever seen. You were already used to going to the library, but your visits to the place became more frequent, both to study and in the hope of seeing the man again, although he rarely appeared there.
One day you were in front of the library, looking through the large glass doors searching for Jaemin, but found no sign of him.
"Are you looking for something?
You jumped and screamed, startled by the voice that spoke right next to your ear. You were once again so focused that didn't even see Jaemin approaching. The man was laughing at the situation you found yourself in.
"Do you really find it funny to scare others?"
"It's not my fault you're always lost in the clouds." You just rolled your eyes and Jaemin laughed again. "But you didn't answer my question."
Of course, you wouldn't answer that you were looking for him, so you said the first thing that came to your mind. "I... uh... was looking to see if there was any available table because I need to study, but there isn't, so I'll look for another place to study. Bye."
You wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible, but were stopped by Jaemin calling your name.
"How do you know my name?"
"Let's just say I found out." You couldn't help but be surprised by the possibility that Jaemin had asked someone about your. "There's a café nearby that's great for studying. Do you want to go with me? I was already heading there." You could swear Jaemin was nervous about making this invitation to you, but it was probably just your fertile mind creating a scenario that didn't exist.
After accepting the invitation, you were already at the café with their orders placed. Both of you chatted a bit and started studying or at least trying to. Sometimes Jaemin caught himself looking at you. He found it cute how focused you were while reading or when you got a little frustrated because you didn't understand your own notes.
The truth was that Na Jaemin had been watching you for a long time; he always found you beautiful, intelligent, and was really interested in getting to know you better. With everyone else, Jaemin was the most communicative person there was, but whenever he tried to approach you, something stopped him or he just froze.
"Oh..." you said in surprise, catching Jaemin's attention. "You're still using my pen."
"Am I?!" Jaemin said with fake surprise. "It brought me a lot of luck in the last tests, but I guess it's time to give it back..."
"No need!" You interrupted Jaemin, speaking a little louder and becoming embarrassed immediately after. "Since it brought you luck, you can keep it. It kind of suits you."
When tiredness took over, Jaemin insisted on accompanying you to your dormitory, even though you said a thousand times that you didn't need it. On the way, he explained extremely excitedly that he had three kittens, Luna, Luke, and the famous Lucy, and that although they were very similar, the kitten on the tip of the pen you had given him reminded him more of Lucy than her siblings. At that moment, you realized that you could listen to the man talk about the things he likes for hours and that he became even more adorable talking about them.
"Even though I'm allergic, I love kittens." you said when they reached the front of your dormitory.
"You could come to my apartment to meet my babies any day soon..." Jaemin noticed the invitation he had made. "I mean... if you want to, of course."
"I would love to, Jaemin."
Then Jaemin approached and held one of your hands. You were praying that Jaemin wouldn't notice how nervous you were about his touch.
"Can I confess something?" You just nodded. "That day in the library, I asked to borrow your pen because I wanted an excuse to talk to you." Surprise was written all over your face. You wanted to say something, but nothing came out of your mouth. Jaemin noticed this and continued. "I've seen you for weeks, always wanted to get closer to you, but never knew how, and today I made up this excuse to invite you to study just to get to know more about you."
"I've been looking for you all week, but I thought I'd never see you again in that huge university."
"So, does that mean..."
"That I would also like to know more about you..." you handed your phone to Jaemin, in a silent request for him to write down his number. As soon as he did that, you stood on tiptoe and kissed the man's cheek, who was surprised by your gesture. You were about to enter the building when you turned to Jaemin and said, "Oh... that pen suits you more than me."
At that moment, standing in front of your building with a silly smile on his face, Jaemin realized he was stupidly falling in love with the girl with the pink pen.
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