lovethemuchiha · 5 years
So there’s this huge dudebro in my class, who, yesterday, sat next to me. And I’m sitting there sweating because like… I’m wearing my shirt with the lesbian flag on it, and he’s the most popular jock in school, and always has this look on his face that say ‘I can and will kill you’. He looks me up and down, stares at me for a minute and then goes, “So. Girls in skirts and long socks, am I right?”
To which I nodded solemnly, both out of agreement, surprise and also a healthy amount of awkward fear. He nodded and went, “You get it.”
I said, “Yep.” He fistbumped me, and on went our lives.
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lovethemuchiha · 5 years
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inktober 2019 day 8: “frail”
“Have you ever been in love? Horrible, isn’t it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up this whole armor, for years, so nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life… You give them a piece of you. They don’t ask for it. They do something dumb one day like kiss you, or smile at you, and then your life isn’t your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so a simple phrase like “maybe we should just be friends” or “how very perceptive” turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination – Not just in the mind. It’s a soul-hurt, a body-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. Nothing should be able to do that. Especially not love. I hate love.”
-Neil Gaiman, The Kindly Ones
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lovethemuchiha · 5 years
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Inktober day 8: Frail
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lovethemuchiha · 5 years
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lovethemuchiha · 5 years
you, a fool, pointing to the chunin exams: Hinata is a weak ninja and thus utterly useless.
me, an intellectual: incorrect. Hinata Hyuuga, lest you forget, was paired up to fight a battle against her COUSIN. Someone she has known her whole life. Who is part of the SAME clan as her. And has trained in the SAME fighting style as her for his entire life. Mind you, Neji Hyuuga is already a year older than her, and has already been a genin for up to a YEAR before Hinata and her class even graduate from the academy. Did you notice how the other members of Team 3 were paired up to fight against the Sand ninja? The matchups are supposed to be random, but clearly (assuming Kishimoto had the sense to write it this way) this was done to avoid the distinct power-imbalances that would have occurred between leaf genin who are separated by a year of experience. Hinata, however, not only gets paired with someone who is her senior in terms of age AND experience, but someone who has the exact same fighting style as her and has trained in it for a full year longer than her. This goes without mentioning that at this point, her father has already essentially given up on training her and moved on to focusing on Hanabi! So while everyone else’s matches were a matter of skill, tactics, and finding caveats in the way that their opponent battles, the battle between the Hyuugas was nothing more than a test of who was better at gentle fist. And considering the previously mentioned circumstances, it would obviously be Neji, even if he wasn’t the prodigy of the Hyuuga clan, one of the strongest and most respected clans in Konoha! If anything, Hinata is proven to be one of the strongest kunoichi in the chuunin exams because although she lost, she put up a lasting fight and is one of the only female characters in Naruto (the original) to even get to lay a hand on a male character in battle. So suck on that!
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lovethemuchiha · 5 years
Fun FMA manga fact:
This isn’t mentioned in Brotherhood, but the reason Roy and Riza came to Resembool scouting out the Elrics is because someone fucked up the ages on Ed and Al’s file.
Literally Roy and Riza are riding in the back of some horse-drawn carriage into Resembool chatting with the driver like “yes we’ve heard rumors of two alchemist brothers here, Ed and Al Elric ages 31 and 30 respectively. Do you know where they live?” And the driver pretty much answers with “lol what? Those kids are like 10.”
Except now Roy and Riza are already THERE so they decide “Fuck it. Let’s pay a visit anyway.”
So everything that went down in the series is thanks to some mysterious fuck up in the Amestrian Intelligence Department and I salute that person.
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lovethemuchiha · 5 years
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lovethemuchiha · 5 years
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Every time you guys make those cute jokey joke posts about how you have to scroll forever to get to the real recipe, I die a little inside
We live in a world that all but refuses to pay women for engaging in the arts because misogyny. So they either find one creative outlet, or find a way to monetize their art, and yalls internalized misogyny really Jumps Out
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lovethemuchiha · 5 years
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lovethemuchiha · 5 years
The Ancestor Problem
This issue popped up for me when I was writing “A Guide to Feanorian Elves,” and since the problem will also be mildly relevant to a story I’m planning to write once I finally get all the prompts done, I’ve kept mulling over it.
And that problem is great-great-great-grandparents.
In English, we don’t really need a quicker or more eloquent way of phrasing this. Unless you’re really into genealogy, you probably won’t refer to anyone that far back all that much, and you certainly aren’t going to be talking to them.
Elves, on the other hand, are a different story.
(Note: All of the following references to elvish are based on information from elfdict.com. It is entirely possible I’ve gotten something mixed up here, and if so, please feel free to correct me on it.)
Let’s say Elladan and/or Elrohir eventually sail West. There they’d see their father, which elvish has several words for, and their paternal grandfather, which Quenya also has a word for. 
But assuming that Idril and Tuor made it then, at the very least, their great-grandmother would also be there, which no form of elvish has a word for. There are several options for “great” though, and saying great-grandmother isn’t too much of a mouthful, right?
Except there are good odds that Turgon is either already released from Mandos or will be eventually - and even if he’s not, talking about that fact is a conversation that’s sure to come up from time to time, and great-great-grandfather is starting to get a little awkward.
And even if Fingolfin is never released, which seems doubtful, Anaire is still very much alive and great-great-great-grandmother really doesn’t roll off the tongue.
And while Finwe is definitely not coming back, Indis is still very much around, and by the time we get to four greats things are definitely starting to get ridiculous.
So what do the elves do? At a certain degree of familial distance do they just call each other by whatever name or title a non-related elf would use? If so, what degree of distance is it? Or do they stick to variations on grandfather/grandmother and leave the exact number of generations as a matter for family trees? Or do they eventually give in and come up with new words for each degree of generational distance?
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lovethemuchiha · 5 years
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Book cover for Dreambound  © S.R. Arturia 😊
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lovethemuchiha · 5 years
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lovethemuchiha · 5 years
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They’re all one big disaster
Some kinda part 2 before I can finish something a little better(? hopefully??)
( Part 1 | Part 3 )
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lovethemuchiha · 5 years
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lovethemuchiha · 5 years
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Another drawthisinyourstyle! @neimykanani‘s character :) Planning to post the process on IG (@vetyyr) (boy do I love shilling that account)
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lovethemuchiha · 5 years
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lovethemuchiha · 5 years
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