loveuhoperai · 4 years
Would you happen to have copy of this deleted fanfiction? It's been a while so my memory is hazy, but I remember the main plot was revolving around an almost "master/slave" relationship between Lightning and Hope. Hope had originally been under the ownership of Jhil and it took many chapters for him to warm up to her. And there was one scene where Fang tried to go on a date with Light, but it failed terribly as the night she stayed over, Light and Hope were a little loud with their act. Thanks!
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Unfortunately, I tend to not save fics so if it is deleted, I do not have it.
I haven’t read this one in particular but there is this similar fic called The Unexpected Maid on FF.net.
As for your second request, I have never read the fic but it does sound interesting. I would try asking @rainbowserenity with that second one.
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loveuhoperai · 4 years
1. “Do you want me to leave?” - Hopurai
royal!AU tag
my intention with this AU was for it to be a bunch of oneshots that could be read separately….but this is the installment that makes me wish I’d had the foresight to just make it into a multichapter fic 8D;if you don’t want to go in blindly, I would HIGHLY recommend (re?)reading at least the previous installment before the this one. all the fics are in the above linked tag, or they’re in a collection on AO3 here
sorry for being so ridiculous lmao
Therewas such a strange disconnect from staring outside the windows of thepalace as opposed to when she’d had to stare out of a hole in theceiling back when she’d been living in the slums. Back then, she’d belooking up into the smog-covered sky, trying against all odds to seethe stars that the fal'cie would bring at night.
Now,sitting in her office, she could literally look down on so much ofEden since the palace towered over pretty much everything except thefal'cie Phoenix itself. It was weird, to say the least.
Well,she supposed it was no stranger than Lightning Farron, former soldierand resident of the slums, being discovered as Eden’s long-lostprincess.
Lightningfrowned slightly as she watched people go about their daily business.From up here, they looked like ants. It was hard to believe that somecould be struggling or confused or going through heartbreak…
Notthat she’d know anything about heartbreak. At all. Nope.
Keep reading
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loveuhoperai · 6 years
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MAKE ME CHOOSE: Anonymous asked me: Lightning/Hope or Lightning/Snow ?
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loveuhoperai · 6 years
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you are my Light
by / inspired
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loveuhoperai · 6 years
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Last resort
Lightning Week Day 1 - Favourite Relationship: Hope Estheim [1/7]
and adult!hope in Lightning Returns [8/?]
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loveuhoperai · 7 years
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FF13ログ2  (4) by ロブ  | Twitter | Pixiv
✔ republished w/permission
If you liked their art, and wish to encourage the artist to do more, please do take the time to like and bookmark it at their Pixiv account or follow/retweet them on Twitter.
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loveuhoperai · 7 years
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loveuhoperai · 8 years
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Happy Birthday @thingsinlifeyoujustdo!
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loveuhoperai · 8 years
Hello so here is a lengthy post in response to multiple posts I've seen wondering where the Hoperai fandom went. First off, I'm sorry I'm not more active as...life happens we all know. Now onto why I love this ship, how I got into it, and why more should ship it. I'm sorry this isn't under a cut. But I'm not sorry. \( ' _ ' )/ First things first a little backstory. I found this ship on my own after I became obsessed with FFXIII. I love both Lightning and Hope as individual characters and loved that as time went on, they started to rely more and more on each other. After my second play through of XIII I realized that they complimented each other's personality and I only wished that Hope was older. Thus began my active shipping of these two. When XIII-2 trailer came out and I saw my first glimpse of adult!Hope I was thrilled! Finally my ship would become cannon...well not quite since the developers of the game had other land and locked Lightning away in Valhalla. I was saddened that there wasn't a single scene where these two were together(like, in the scene together) and that sucked-to put it bluntly. Nevertheless I continued to ship Hoperai even more so now that Hope was an adult and technically, older than Lightning. I was big on Ff.net at the time and immediately went searching for new fanfiction for the pairing. Since I hadn't yet discovered tumblr(well, I might have but I didn't have an account) most of my shipping was through fanfiction and I even wrote some of my own(that I never published and never will unfortunately). It was around the release of LR that I joined tumblr and all throughout the game I looked for hints of a romantic relationship between these two. It was definitely there. Even though I was PISSED that Hope had regressed to 14, I got over it and enjoyed the game. One character I was intrigued by was Lumina. Since we didn't originally know who she was or what she was supposed to be, naturally I sided with the majority of the Hoperai shippers and decided she was their future daughter. That was not the case. One scene that stands out for me with Lumina is when Lightning states she is prepared to fight God and alumina questions her if she is willing to fight Hope. That hesitation that Lightning has always gets me because she KNOWS she can't fight Hope. He has always been her partner, watching out for her and she can't turn on him like that, even if he has been possessed by Bhunivelze. I also love the end of the boss fight, when Lightning uses Last Resort(Hope's specialized power) and her survival knife to free Hope then sacrifices herself so that he can live! Then, Hope turns down a fresh start with his parents so that Lightning can live on the new world with him(and everyone else but....) Have you ever heard the phrase "If you love someone, set them free. If they return to you they are yours, if they don't they were never yours." This is the DEFINITION of that statement. I love that the ending is ambiguous but I always imagine that Lightning is going to meet Hope and the smile on her face is heartwarming like, she finally found happiness! I don't care if these two aren't "officially" cannon. I'm saying its cannon, because if you look you can see it's there and it's one of FF's most beautiful and deepest relationships.
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loveuhoperai · 9 years
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loveuhoperai · 9 years
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loveuhoperai · 9 years
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“For all those times you stood by me, for all the truth that you made me see, for all the joy you brought to my life, for all the wrong that you made right,for every dream you made come true, for all the love I found in you, I’ll be forever thankful baby, You’re the one who held me up, never let me fall you’re the one who saw me through through it all…
You were always there for me, the tender wind that carried me, a light in the dark shining your love into my life, you’ve been my inspiration, through the lies you were the truth, my world is a better place because of you.”                                                    ♥ 
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loveuhoperai · 9 years
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LR: FFXIII - We’ll Be Together by ShadowMeowth
“This is it. Our final battle. If we live, we’ll live together. If we die, we’ll die together. Yet no matter the outcome, you’ll never be alone again.”
So. Long time since I did a proper Hoperai drawing. Since, you know, I tend to draw Hope alone, angsting about her, but I guess I haven’t drawn these two actually together because it’s total hell trying to put more than one character in a drawing, let alone in romantic mood, at least for me. But whatever, because I felt inspired –and I’ve been lately quite in a Hoperai mood– I bring this thing here. Alright, I’m a supporter too of Lightning and Hope sharing their first kiss in the new world once he’s an adult and she’s got time to think about stuff and all that, but deep down in my heart, I like to think they shared it just before the final battle with Bhunivelze. You know, when they leave the dimension of Lightning’s heart and then they start their assault on God. Before that. As a way to reassure that whatever happens, if they live or die, they’ll do it together. Just like Hope promises her.
On another note. Nomura can go to hell for how goddamn complicated is Lightning’s Savior outfit. Can you believe I spent around six hours working just on the lineart. /cries of exhaustion
I understand why they wouldn’t put on screen a kiss between Lightning and LR!Hope, but. You know. He’s an adult. Fuck the police. (?)
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loveuhoperai · 9 years
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gif request meme:
transaugustine asked: final fantasy (xiii series) + 10 - free square ↳ “fave catchphrases/quotes”
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loveuhoperai · 9 years
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FFXIII Ladies + Cinnamon Rolls
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loveuhoperai · 9 years
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I’ve been replaying FF13 LR, for the fourth time in a row now (I Haven’t killed the final boss yet though, because I don’t want it to end just yet :P) I just can’t get enough of these two xD Last night, I noticed something that I hadn’t done before, and that was Hope’s little tease right here, and I couldn’t stop laughing. - Light…you can be so God-damn dense…xD
(I had to use older Hope, because I still see him like that, although he’s stuck in his childhood body)
I keep imagining how awesome this scene would have been, if turned out with a little bit different xD Aw, I mean, come ooon, it’s so obvious what he is hinting at Liiighht…. :-D ^^;
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loveuhoperai · 9 years
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Make me choose: @the-heart-alchemist
↳ Arslan or Hope Estheim?  
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