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absolutely obsessed with the idea of someone drinking a soda or a fizzy drink that’s just a biiiiiiit too carbonated…. watching their belly swell as the drink bubbles and bloats their tummy until it’s so tight and they’re sure they’ll burst
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Historical feedist stories? Please share! (Also that art was so so pretty)
I got a few requests like this on my last post and inbox so here's a small list of recommendations for anyone interested
Let me start with Lady Julia Discovers an Affinity for Roquefort, one of the most wonderful stories I've ever read, hands down!! The romance on this one is downright dreamyyyy, I couldn't recommend it more! You might also enjoy Champagne Weather and Apples & Shortbread , by the same author @sweetheart-cherie
I've also been reading The Marquess' Wager by @missstaypuft which has recently been updated, making me very very happy hahah
Of course there's Eastwick by eratospen, a classic at this point. I read it last summer and it singlehandedly sparked my interest in historical feedist fiction. It has a sequel The Eastwick Saga: Vie de Chateau which is also wonderful.
There are also a few oneshots I remember reading on tumblr but I unfortunately can't seem to find them anymore :(
If anyone else has more recommendations please leave them bellow or reblog or something, I'm always looking for more stuff to read and I'm sure other people might enjoy them too!!
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Date night with Krista!
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Humans have about 5 liters or blood on average. A vampire stomach, if similar to a human one, can probably hold about 4L max. Unless the vampire is adapted to stretch more.
Do with that info what you will.
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she might be reaching her limit…
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Not feeling a drabble right now, but @lickstynine requested bloated Elizabeth on her period who just keeps eating comfort foods, but then the cramps start and it all comes right back up.
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As the locks of the front door turned and cracked open Madison would step into the room to make eye contact with an a stuffed Ally with a mixing bowl infront of her on the far side of the room.
“Ally what happend to you?!!” Madison exclaimed looking around the room for clue’s copious amounts of candy wrappers and soda cans were so rounding her girlfriend with more that she couldn’t see inside if the bowl.
“Hey.. Maddy..” Ally would trail off being embarrassed her girlfriend caught her like this, a small “uoawp” also punctuated the first part of her sentence.
“You see.. I’ve been craving sweets all week and since school is ou- *ourrp* t, I thought I could endulge while you were out..” Ally’s stomach gurgled so loudly Madison could hear it from across the room. “But that… was a mistake and now all of it is not sitting so well”
“ Oh Ally,” Madison would put her bag down on the table next to the lamp and walk over to her girlfriend candy wrappers crunching under her shoes as she got close “Anything you need me to get for you? Peptobismol, a stomach rub?”
Ally shook her head aposingly “I dont think ingesting anything else will benifit my right now.. I probally should just lie down”
Madison nodded in agreement and Ally’s stomach grumbled again before Madison walked to their bedroom so she could get changed to lie down comfortably with Ally.
Ally herself began to get up using the wall for support but by her third step her stomach was sloshing, having gotten up allowing gravity to take effect and the bowl no longer in the way Ally’s stomach looked about 5 months pregnant.
With nausea creeping in Ally let out a wet “OUAURPPP” coupled with a groan.
“Ally are you doing okay?” Madison would call out from the other room
“I’m not.. feeling too hot… “ Madison would wine putting her hand up to her mouth. Ally felt her stomach do a flip and made a mad dash past the bedroom to the bathroom stomping her feet as she came by
Madison quickly came out of the bedroom not fully dressed and only in underclothes before coming to her girlfriends side who was hunched gagging over the toilet.
“Ally are you okay?!” Madison somewhat yelled while kneeling next to her girlfriend able to see her naueseated expression.
“HERE COMES LUNCH!!!” Ally would yell before she “hrk hrk hrk HUUSHPLAGWGWGWGWGGSHP” into the toilet making a huge splash and filling the room with a rancid smell of chocolates and candies eaten earlier in the day.
“Wow.. that was a lot honey.. is that all?” Madison rubbed her back until Ally jerked forward again “oh no, hrk HUWGGGBLUAWGSHHP”
Ally would fall back and Madison would catch her exhausted girlfriend, “that was a lot, I’ll go get the bed ready :)”
This is a shorter one I think, it just came to me and I’ve finished it in a night
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Hey! So could you maybe do a fic or images (or both or neither, whatever is up to you) of Kira maybe feeling super bloated and nauseous. Maybe gagging or burping a lot but not bringing anything up. Maybe she presses her stomach against something or she pushes her stomach and maybe gets someone else to help. Maybe she chugs water to try to trigger her stomach to relieve the nausea. Anywho, thanks, no pressure, have a great day! I love your blog!
Saaving this for later w/ more time (Technically I started it but got cutoff, so I have to wait till I’m alone in my house long enough to make it, lmao)Here’s one out of context image from that WIP though- ;3
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Club - Kira
Did a club based one (With a guest star appearance of Rio in the 2nd half hehe) Mostly SFW but Rio is just a bit Horny™
Kira had gone to the club with Rio for fun, but things weren’t going as well as she had hoped. She wasn’t sure if it was something she ate or drank, but something was really upsetting her stomach. Rio was off mingling, so Kira took her moment to sit off in the corner, hoping that might help.
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She leaned back to give herself for room, and was honestly thankful that no one was on this side of the club, as her belly gurgled loudly, and she groaned softly.
“Ugh, not now…” Kira had always had a sensitive stomach, and sometimes even something mundane could set it off-
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“Hng- I didn’t even have that much, just some fruity alcohol, some bar food and- uRP” She hiccupped as her stomach swirled. Even thinking about food was beginning to make her feel queasy. But the more she tried to stop paying attention to it, the more things occurred to her- The gurgling of her stomach, the way the contents of it seemed to bubble and swirl each time she moved, th-
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“Huurp-” A burp almost turned into a gag, and she dreaded what would come next.  “…Gotta get to the bathroom… I- HuRRP- I-I’m gonna be sick.”
She stood up as quickly as her belly would allow, and kept her hand near her mouth, as every step threatened to bring everything up.
She made it to the bathroom, but her stomach felt even worse now. “…don’t thiHHGH- not gonna make it” she thought and she stumbled to the sink, as she felt so nauseous, and so hot, she didn’t think she could make it to a toilet without hurling, even though it was only a little farther…
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Rio had gone to the bathroom, unaware of Kira’s predicament, until they saw her laying herself against the sink, burping nauseously.
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They were worried for her, but against their better judgement, they felt their heart began to race. “Shit, not now-” they thought “She needs my help, this isn’t the time-”
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They approached their girlfriend, and gently put a hand on their back. “Hey babe, what’s wrong…? Are you ok?” They tried to keep themselves in check and only think about helping her. 
Kira didn’t move much, but she opened her eyes to look at Rio “R-Rio… I don’t feel so good…My tummy hurts… a-and -HuRRp- I’m really nauseous… I think I’m gon-” Before she could finish, she let out a loud, wet burp, and her stomach squelched audibly.
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Rio tried to focus on Kira, but arousal was starting to take hold. They blushed, and their crotch felt hot. In their mind, all they wanted to do was to lead Kira to the toilet, hoping they could set it up so she’d puke between their legs…  The thought was really arousing, but they kept it to themselves. Their partner was feeling sick, and needed their help, without them getting weird about it- That could always be for another time.
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“Its ok, my sweet- I’ve got you-” they leaned down to her level and rubbed her back with one hand, and tried to massage her sick tummy with their other hand. Gods, she was so bloated, and they could feel her stomach swirling under their touch. Their heart was pounding, and they were definitely soaked at this point…
Kira moaned, and Rio flinched- Was it too much? Noticing that they stopped, Kira spoke up “Do it again…please…”
Not wanting to disappoint, Rio rubbed harder, only for Kira to heave under their touch, and before they knew it- she burped up a thick wave of puke into the sink.
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They pressed harder, and she heaved again- at this point, there was enough puke in the sink to clog it from going down.
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Once she was done for the moment, Rio helped her home. It worked for both of them. Kira could go back to wearing more comfortable clothing, and Rio would be able to see her wearing almost nothing, which would be perfect to expose her bloated, queasy belly- and then they could rub it all they liked, without the judgement of others.
//Please Don’t Reblog to Non-Kink Blogs//    
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Full body flat color commission I took recently! Even with the help of her human friend, the corset won’t quite fit over Sky’s belly…
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super tight tummies…. if they keep swelling like they are, they might just burst!!
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Obsessed with the dichotomy of a pretty femme girl and being gross. Like being out at the bar in a little skirt and top, all the bubbles in the drinks going to her belly. It starts to poke out the more she drinks all while belching shamelessly. Maybe she even rubs her belly in front of everyone, completely careless that she's shocked everyone around her with her behavior.
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Finally made it to 161 pounds 💆🏾‍♀️🥳
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Full asf rn 😭 can’t even think of a caption 💀🤣
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Coloured these in the livestream! Thanks for coming and hopefully I can host another soon hehe <3 
deviantart // hf // patreon // commissions!
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When you go to a public park and get absolutely engorged with food...
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How's the wardrobe fitting these days chubs?
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Still fits perfectly!
Ended up giving myself a tummy ache and made a little mess 😖
Find more here 🐻💕
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