Starting Over, My Journey isn't Done
Starting Over, My Journey isn’t Done
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This may seem crazy to some people that have read about my journey so far but I am starting over. I will explain the best I can.
Why Would I want to Start Over?
Some of you reading this may have found this blog through the Reese’s success stories while some of you may be here from one of their classes. Some others may be here just to…
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My Winter Book List
My Winter Book List
There is nothing better when the weather turns cold than a good book and a blanket. Here is Alabama, winter is mostly rain. That can make going outside feel like a chore. So instead I like to curl up with a good book and a snugly husband to pass the days.
While my winter reading is not complete, I would like to share a few titles with you all. This list is in my particular order and is very…
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Crepe Cake
Who does love a good crepe? On a cool or rainy day, they are a favorite comfort food around my house.  I was inspired to create this wonderful treat for the cool days we have been having. I hope you all enjoy this as much as we did.
For the Crepe
1 1/2c All Purpose Flour
2c Milk
3 Eggs
3Tbls Sugar
In a small bowl, beat the eggs. In a larger bowl (with a spout if you have one)…
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This is a meme now.. @turquoisemagpie @huffletrax
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Winds of Change
I feel like this blog post has been written before. Not just by me but by so many bloggers and social influencers lately. Change is constant and very necessary.  (more…)
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Wildchilds - A Review
Wildchilds – A Review
Ok, let me start by telling you that this book hit home for me. Wildchilds is a beautiful story about love, fashion, and even redemption. (more…)
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Before We Died | A Review
Before We Died | A Review
I like to fancy myself a well-read individual. I must say though, “Before We Died” has been one of those books that will stay with me for a long time. (more…)
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The Lost Heifetz and Other Stories | A Review
The Lost Heifetz and Other Stories | A Review
The Lost Heifetz and Other Stories by Michail Tabor is a uniquely wonderful collection of 12 stories that were some of the best I have ever read. Let me share some thoughts with you. (more…)
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Preparing for an Empty Nest
Preparing for an Empty Nest
Reality hits hard when you wake up one day to realize that only one of your children still lives at home. Our daughter will be 17 this year and is currently in her junior year of high school. She has big plans to move out and go to college. So where will that leave us? How will we handle our empty nest? (more…)
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Where Have I Been? I Have some Explaining to Do!
Where Have I Been? I Have some Explaining to Do!
Hi everyone! Long time no see, right? I have so much to tell you and I can’t wait. It felt like I fell off the blogging world. So where have I been? That is a good question. Let me explain. (more…)
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Discovery - A Review
Discovery – A Review
Boy oh boy, this year has been a great one for books. I have read so many books this year and so far have loved them all. Today I want to share with you my thoughts on Discovery, a romance meets mystery by Leslie Schweitzer Miller. (more…)
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Warm Transfer - A Review
Warm Transfer – A Review
This summer has been full of so many great reads but Warm Transfer has been one of my favorites. This story resonated with me on so many levels. I would love to share my thoughts on this book with you all. Also, I would like you to know that Smith Publicity is sponsoring a giveaway to one lucky subscriber of mine. All the detail for that will be at the end of this post. On to the book! (more…)
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How to Stay Healthy when you Travel
How to Stay Healthy when you Travel
Here we are half way through July and travel season is in full swing. I myself just got back from a road trip to my sister’s wedding. With all the flying, driving, and hotel staying, getting sick is far too easy. Here are a few tricks I have learned to stay healthy on your vacation. (more…)
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These #lovely #ladies are ready for #rockhop713
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The Secret Life of a Weight Obsessed Woman - A Review
The Secret Life of a Weight Obsessed Woman – A Review
Hello all. Today I want to share another book review with you. I probably should have written this post weeks ago but this story was so good I wanted to read it again. The Secret Life of a Weight Obsessed Woman is a true story about the author Iris Ruth Pastor and her 46 year battle with an eating disorder. (more…)
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June Trendsend Unboxing and Review
June Trendsend Unboxing and Review
One of my favorite things about springtime and summer is all the colors. Now that summer is in full swing, I can’t wait to see all the color that comes to my door. Today I would like to share my thoughts on my Trendsend for this month. (more…)
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The 4 Year Olympian - A Review
The 4 Year Olympian – A Review
This spring season has been filled with so many wonderful reads so far. Today I would love to share with you a book about changing your path. The 4 Year Olympian is a wonderful story about a young man that overcame his past to go on to the Olympics. I can’t wait to share my thoughts with you all. (more…)
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