lovisweasley · 4 years
A family voice caught her attention, and she smiled upon seeing her cousin just feet from her. “Guessing you saw all of that,” she laughed, picking the paper cup up and moving to sit with Louis. “I don’t know how you can mix vodka with your tea. It tastes awful.” Lily feigned a disgusted face before reaching her hands out for a sip of his drink. “But give me a sip. It’s been a long day, and I’ve lost my caffeine lifeline. I need whatever you’re having.”
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“i did indeed see all of that,” louis confirmed with a small nod. a smile tugged at his features, pulling out a chair for his cousin to join him. he never minded the company. “just to warn you, it’s strong stuff,” he told her, pushing her cup over to her. “i guess i’ve just built up a tolerance for disgusting things. have you ever tried my spaghetti bolognese ?? because you really shouldn’t..”
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lovisweasley · 4 years
he’d been sat outside the coffee shop, a spiked tea that it was probably too early for in his hand. louis had spotted the redhead on her way in, but seeing someone from the weasley clan around these parts was hardly surprising. and truthfully, seeing her stumble over had hardly been a surprise either, though he felt like he should at least check up on her. “oh lils,” louis muttered, having overheard her, “i’d offer you some of my tea instead, but it’s got a tremendous amount of vodka in it.”
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It was another end to her work day, but Lily was still stopping at her favorite coffee shop on her walk back to her apartment. She had a pile of paperwork in her bag, but it was mostly undetected to anyone walking back since she had to charm her bag to just to fit it all in. She was preparing for another sleepless night. With her coffee clutched in her hand, she weaved in and out between people before losing her balance and tripping over her own two feet. She stumbled and the coffee fell to the sidewalk. “Maybe this is the sign I needed that i shouldn’t drink anymore coffee,” she said to herself, sighing. 
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lovisweasley · 4 years
Glancing up, she noted that it was only her brother; Victoire’s smile softened, if only slightly. He sat down, and she moved over, trying to make room so that they would be touching each other… despite the fact that Louis seemed to want to do exactly that. “I’m boring. What can I say? Are you surprised?”
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as she moved to make space, he immediately filled the gap by scooching over again. he loved his sister, truly, but he loved getting on her nerves even more so. “i’m not surprised, no,” he agreed with her, holding onto his chin, almost as if he was lost in thought. “i could make you lunch sometimes, you know, now that’d be a surprise. how’s my favourite sister been ??”
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lovisweasley · 4 years
“oh ‘toire, no need to move over for little ol’ me,” louis spoke, hands in his pockets, hair unbrushed, everything about him just screaming casual. he looked down on her for only a second, then sat right beside her, practically leaning into her. ( he’d never admit to her that he hung around the hospital at this time to check up on her ). “what’ve you got there ?? salad ?? that’s boring, ‘toire !!”
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Victoire liked spending as much of her break time outside of the hospital as possible. As much as she loved her job, it could be dreary… and sometimes the smell was absolutely dreadful. Sitting on a bench outside of the main building, she picked at the salad that she’d packed for her lunch. Lost in her thoughts, she’d barely noticed when someone stopped nearby. It was only when she glanced up that she fully registered that they were there. “Oh, sorry – were you looking to sit down? I can move over, if you’d like…”
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lovisweasley · 4 years
You saw TIMOTHEE CHALAMET in London recently? It was actually LOUIS WEASLEY, the two share a resemblance. Apparently HE is OBSERVANT and DEVOTED but can also be OBSESSIVE and DRAMATIC. They are TWENTY and were sorted into SLYTHERIN. The HALFBLOOD, QUARTER VEELA works as an ARTIST, lives in LONDON and is affiliated with NEITHER SIDE. 
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baking in the kitchen with your mum, oversized sleeves to hide your flask, paint splatters on your jeans, french swears, burnt rose petals, a new moon, the sound of footsteps down an empty alleyway, gentle touches on bruised skin, whispered spells, sweaty curls in your eyes, late night strolls, a cold and empty street with only the moon to guide you, reading on the roof at three in the morning, remembering you are mortal as you have another smoke.
full name: louis perseus weasley
fc: timothee chalamet
age: twenty
school: attended hogwarts
house: former slytherin
country of origin: england ( though he likes to pretend it’s france )
current place of residence: a tiny studio in soho that he never pays rent on time for and definitely won’t get his deposit back on ( it’s covered in paint, everywhere )
any relatives: fleur delacour and bill weasley ( parents ), victoire and dominique weasley ( siblings )
career: he’s an artist ( he likes to think ), in reality, he lives off his parents’ money and anything he earns doing odd jobs
affiliation: neutral
significant other: none
sexuality: pansexual
louis is the youngest of the delacour-weasley bunch, and overall one of the younger kids of the weasley clan. he grew up clinging to his mother, he was small and the world was a scary place. he always needed a bit more guidance, a bit more attention, a bit more reassurance.
he grew up adoring his eldest sister, he wanted to be exactly like her. he often followed her around everywhere, curious eyes watching her every move.
louis changed when he got to hogwarts. this trembling, scaredy kid was sorted into slytherin. the hat must’ve seen something no one else had. he learned to adjust, learned to put on a persona to keep him out of trouble. but eventually, he started enjoying the person he was portraying, the performance he was putting on. he started using it to get him into trouble, into other students’ beds, into places he shouldn’t be.
he built quite the reputation for himself. the pretentious french artist that will ruin you if he gets his hands on you. he was everyone’s rebound, everyone’s one night only. he pretended it was just that, and that he didn’t care. in reality, he cared deeply, his heart getting torn a little bit more each time he woke up alone in the morning.
but to others, he’s still invincible. untouchable. nothing anyone does seems to get to him, his cocky smile and overconfidence always on display. he’s just winging it. and if people didn’t want to be his friend, at least they’d keep him around because he was entertaining.
louis hated showing his feelings, still does. he’s definitely got some attachment issues.
he has a cat called orpheus that follows him around everywhere.
he swears in french. a lot.
he speaks fluent french, german and english. he always speaks to his mother in french.
louis likes to draw people, he always draws new people he meets.
he’s covered in scars from stupid things he’s tried and only barely survived. jumping off the roof is probably the least weird example.
will do anyone with a pulse. has he slept with you ?? probably. has he slept with your friends ?? definitely. has he slept with your family ?? sadly, most likely so.
carries around an old muggle mp3 player he got from his granddad, spends most of his time listening to it.
absolute mummy’s boy. has no issue admitting this.
he’s not that great an artist, but he’s an incredible baker.
friends call him lou.
will speak french to try and impress or intimidate you.
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