loviwaitsmith-blog · 8 years
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Of little depth.
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loviwaitsmith-blog · 8 years
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loviwaitsmith-blog · 8 years
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How I wish I looked when I read Balzac
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loviwaitsmith-blog · 8 years
Reading brings us unknown friends.
Honoré de Balzac (via macrolit)
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loviwaitsmith-blog · 8 years
there was a tiny human creature, conscious, furtive, deceitful & pathetic, with a white skin, wide ears, and tiny flesh marks, and all manner of distinctive signs such as are stamped on passports, a little man who would never run about the streets with one foot on the pavement and the other in the gutter: eyes , green like Mathieu's, or black like Marcelle's, which would never see the vitreous skies of winter, nor the sea, nor any human face, hands that would never touch the snow, nor the flesh of women, nor the bark of trees: an embodiment of the world, ensanguined, luminous, sullen, passionate, sinister, full of hopes, an image populous with houses & gardens, tall delightful girls and horrible insects: and a pin would pierce it and explode it like a toy balloon"
Jean Paul Sartre-The Age Of Reason
Did they tear it out with talons of steel And give you a shot, so that you wouldn't feel? And washed it away as if it wasn't real?
It's just a mistake I won't have to face Don't give it a name, don't give it a place Don't give it a chance, it's lucky in a way
It must have felt strange to find me inside you I hadn't intended to stay If you want to keep it right, put it to sleep at night Squeeze it until it could say
You can't be too strong
Graham Parker - You Can't Be Too Strong
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loviwaitsmith-blog · 8 years
I came back to live for just one day
I came back to live for just one day After my life had ebbed away After my mortal coil had shifted And all my burdens had been lifted I realised I wasn't living while I was alive I was sleepwalking through life just trying to survive I didn't notice what was all around Things which were there, but I never found. The conversation of 1000 bees Autumn leaves as they fall from the trees Stifling heat, then refreshing breeze The strange and wonderful language of cheese The stars in the sky on a clear dark night The stealthy fox as he runs from sight The imperceptible tremor as you walk by The colours in a sunset sky The silent whisper of an alien voice The sound of the hills when they rejoice The brush of an angel passing by The knowing twinkle of an old lady's eye Women burping, birds chirping The sea as it rages, the rustle of pages The trickle of streams, a dog as it dreams Family love, warm cosy gloves Kind words, flapping birds Ice thawing, crows cawing Bacon frying, babies crying Friendly smiles, country stiles I realised I wasn't living while I was alive I was sleepwalking through life just trying to survive I didn't notice what was all around Things which were there, but I never found.
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loviwaitsmith-blog · 8 years
Tragic circus characters
The bearded lady
Deep in subterranean caves
The bearded lady sits and shaves
And tells all her tales of love and loss
I sit and sympathetically listen
While her words pour out
And her sad eyes glisten
The socially awkward sword swallower
Down on the solitary shore of the sea
The socially awkward sword swallower longs to be
Witty, engaging and debonnaire
But when he comes home at night there's no one there
He leans his head back and extends his neck
The sword passes through his esophagus and stomach, but what the heck
He'd give it all up for a single friend
He'll find one tomorrow, that's what he intends
The wandering snake charmer
The snake charmer wanders without a home
Through villages & towns he aimlessly roams
Through galaxies and planets, he has no roots
Begging and scavenging with his worn out boots
But now the mystique of the snake is slipping away
The fear and superstitions on which he used to play
With his battered flute he sits in the dust
He doesn't like to do it, but he fears that he must
The compulsive juggler
In a smoky pub on the wrong side of town
The compulsive juggler sits and frowns
His mind is always spinning and tossing round and round
He can't stop always thinking of throwing things up and down
Balls and clubs and rings and knives, apples, mangos, plates
Fire-torches, chainsaws, coconuts and crates
His every waking thought is tormented by his juggling obsession
His conversation's a one way street, a monologue and procession
The short tempered contortionist
In a trailer park in a run down town
Where a pile of stale food rots
The short tempered contortionist
Ties herself in knots
Be careful not to criticise or say things out of place
Or she'll bite your head off, shout and scream and get right in your face
She holds her body in ridiculous poses and flexes her limbs like rubber
But she's angry like a scalded cat and can make a grown man blubber
The anxious clown
Sitting round a fire on a cold and cheerless day
Just like his mood, it's very dark and grey
Biting his nails is the anxious clown
Worrying and sighing and pacing up and down
Colourful wig and freakish shoes, he seems so full of grace
But if you look a little but closer there are tears on his paint smudged face
Will they laugh and find him funny
Can he still make people smile
He rides away on his unicycle
We won't see him for a while
The accident prone acrobat
Lying in a hospital bed
With broken legs and bandaged head
The accident prone acrobat sulks and moans
Blaming other people for his cracked and fractured bones
My partner let me down he says
The safety net was wrongly placed
The equipment must have been faulty
That's why I've got a bloody face
But other people says he's clumsy
And trips over his own feet
He's stubborn and he's reckless
Blaming others isn't neat
The timid lion tamer
The timid lion tamer is masterful in the ring
He commands the respect of lions and succeeds in everything
But when he's at home, when he's oh so alone
He's out of his element & in the wrong zone
He's scared of open spaces and dark and spooky places
He's intimidated by rats and moths and bugs and bats
He has a fear of clowns and spiders crawling down
But one thing you can say at least
He has tamed the king of beasts
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loviwaitsmith-blog · 8 years
Older people grow embittered, and behave as though their lives were at stake
Jean Paul Sartre- Age of reason
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loviwaitsmith-blog · 8 years
Are you as lonely as that?" I asked. Kafka nodded. "Like Caspar Hauser?" Kakfa laughed "Much worse than Caspar Hauser. I'm as lonely as Franz Kafka"
Gustav Janouch, conversations with Franz Kafka
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loviwaitsmith-blog · 8 years
Everything gives the SS guard away. His powerlessness is glaring.Unable to do everything, he can no longer do anything. He is possessed. He remains powerless before language, and before memory. He has no power over Sundays or over sleep. He can't cancel the nights altogether. He can do nothing against the west wind, against the west, against the planes flying over Germany, against the sound of guns. He can't halt history
Georges Perec from Species of spaces and other pieces
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loviwaitsmith-blog · 8 years
Randy Newman’s “Sail Away” is probably the bravest song any white guy has ever written about race in this country.
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loviwaitsmith-blog · 8 years
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Randy Newman
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loviwaitsmith-blog · 8 years
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Tom Waits
(more gifs here)
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loviwaitsmith-blog · 8 years
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Tom Waits
(more gifs here)
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loviwaitsmith-blog · 8 years
Warning: Kate Tempest will connect you with your emotions and the cold, callous world around you. You may cry.
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loviwaitsmith-blog · 8 years
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Kate Tempest at Housing Works Bookstore, 5/3/16
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loviwaitsmith-blog · 8 years
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Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage, Haruki Murakami
translated by Philip Gabriel
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