lowkis · 2 years
you put your hand in mine - chapter 40
summary: when loki falls from the bifrost he lands on earth. isla finds him while out walking her dog one night and takes him under her wing, nursing him back to health as best she can. it’s hard, trying to juggle work, life, and looking after a fallen asgardian prince. with nowhere else to go and limited access to his magic, loki must heal, wait patiently, and adapt while trying to wrap his head around life on earth after everything that happened on the bifrost
rated: t
words: 4731
tags: post-thor (2011), eventual romance, slow burn, mutual pining, fluff, drama, romance, angst, comfort/angst, canon divergence, protective loki, good loki, confused loki, loki needs a hug, he’s trying his best to understand earth, he’s trying his best full stop
read from the beginning: tumblr | ao3 | fic tag
Isla gripped Loki’s hand tighter once they landed in Heimdall’s observatory. The warrior stood to attention at his post, eyes looking out over the worlds scattered within his view. When they arrived, however, he paused and halted the troops of soldiers lined up uniformly behind him. The sword was twisted within its pedestal and removed, closing the Bifrost off for the time being, allowing him to step down from the dais and approach Thor.
Isla’s eyes widened when she saw the size of the force waiting to be mobilised behind him. They stretched far along the rainbow bridge, so far she could not see the end of the line.
All of them were going to fight Thanos and his army?
If that were the case, hope started to flutter within her chest at their chances of putting a stop to Thanos, to the Titan who had taken and hurt Loki so badly.
“Prince Thor, Prince Loki,” he greeted with a tilt of his head. “Lady Isla.”
Heimdall paused in his descent from the pedestal when his eyes lingered on Loki. They held suspicion within them, and Isla shifted to stand closer to him in response.
“Thank you, Heimdall, for the quick retrieval.” Thor’s gratitude was clear. “We must make haste to the Healing Rooms.”
“Is all well, My Prince?” Again, he eyed Loki, who stiffened by Isla’s side.
She placed her other hand over the top of the one she currently held.
“It will be,” Thor replied. “Now, we must away.” He breezed past the Guardian and continued onwards, past the awaiting soldiers.
“Can you create a portal,” Isla murmured to Loki.
He didn’t answer. Or perhaps, he wouldn’t. Isla wasn’t sure. His eyes swirled with light which had the Guardian gripping the hilt of his sword securely and Isla stepping fully in front of Loki, putting herself between him and Heimdall.
Whatever the Guardian was about to say was interrupted. Frigga appeared through a doorway of golden light and ushered them through without pause.
Her single command got Loki’s feet moving before Isla’s. She hurried after him, still clinging onto his hand tightly for support. His movements were still jerky as he fought to keep control.
They stepped into the Healing Rooms to see Frigga awaiting them by the side of a bed. Other healers were arranged around the piece of furniture, awaiting the arrival of the prince. A handful were wary, while most wore a mask of professionalism.
Loki halted to a stop before them all. The movement was so abrupt Isla almost stepped into the back of him.
His grip tightened on Isla’s as the amount of people staring at them disconcerted him. Their suspicion after his sudden disappearance was hard not to notice and Isla felt irritation sparking in her gut.
“Loki, are you all right?”
The shake of his head was imperceptible, but Frigga noticed it.
And the uncertainty of the other healers in the room only grew.
“Can we talk privately, Your Majesty?” Despite asking the question, Isla’s tone made it clear it wasn’t a request.
Frigga glanced at Isla and nodded. She shooed the rest of the healers out the room – some reluctant to do so, but ultimately they did as their queen bid them.
“What has transpired?” Frigga rounded the bed to approach them, which caused Loki to take a reflexive step backwards.
Isla glanced up at Loki and waited to see if he’d explain anything to his mother. However he appeared rigid, his jaw clenched tight, but his eyes swirling with light.
He was struggling.
“Loki?” Isla ignored the queen and turned her attention to him. She moved to stand in front of him and gripped both his hands within hers. “Loki, look at me.”
It took great effort but Loki managed to peel his eyes off the wall at the far end of the room and turned his swirling eyes upon her. Isla’s heart ached at the sight of it, knowing he was suffering.
Isla lifted her hands to caress his cheek and chin. “It will be all right. I promise. I’m right here.”
He didn’t relax by any means, his stature still remained rigid, held tightly within control, but he did nod once as a reply.
“What has happened?” The Queen’s tone was all business.
Isla swallowed and managed to look away from Loki to turn towards Frigga. She kept one hand resting on his chest as a reminder she was right there. “I think… I think there’s something inside his mind, threatening to take control.” Isla pushed down her tears at the thought and persevered. “They – They tortured him.” As hard as she tried, that statement came out as a choked admittance. “We have to help him.”
Frigga nodded solemnly. “Loki, can you lie on a bed for me please?”
He still didn’t move. His expression was one of great effort as he tried to keep himself in check.
“I’m right here, Loki,” Isla whispered. She lifted a hand to cup his cheek and he finally moved. He looked down at her with such desperation it caused her heart to split into two. “We’re going to help you.” Isla glanced over at Frigga, who nodded in assurance.
“I need to examine your mind, Loki,” she explained gently. “If you wouldn’t mind?” Frigga gestured towards the empty bed beside her.
Isla tightened her grip on him and took a step closer.
His movement was sudden, and Loki snatched Isla’s hand to his chest to hold it tight within his grasp.
The startling movement, and given his current state of mind, had Thor stepping forward to intervene, but Isla lifted her hand behind her back to halt him. She was okay and he had nothing to worry about. He hadn’t hurt her. And if Loki noticed he didn’t show it.
“You won’t leave?” He sounded like a small child as he asked Isla his question. His eyes searched Isla’s closely and desperately.
Isla shook her head vehemently. “Never, Loki. I’ll never leave you.”
He exhaled and eventually he nodded. He turned to his mother and granted her wish. “All right.”
*          *          *
Isla carded her hands through Loki’s hair gently as he slept. She kept her movements even and comforting as he slept off the effects of the Queen drawing out the blue tesseract energy from his mind.
The sight of it being drawn out from Loki’s head and dangling from the tips of Frigga fingers had made Isla feel sick. It had lashed out with strands of energy, desperate to get back to its host, however Frigga’s magic was too powerful for it. She’d managed to draw it out, bottle it, and seal it off completely so it would not escape.
Loki had not been able to sleep through it. He’d been awake, unfortunately, and had tried so hard to hold himself together as the energy was extracted. Isla had gripped his shoulder tightly and hovered over him.
She’d wanted to hold onto his hand throughout it all however Thor had put a stop to it. Affronted, hurting, and desperate to provide some form of comfort and ease his suffering, Isla had whipped around to face Thor, to demand why.
“It is likely he will crush your hand in his grip, My Lady,” he murmured, the ending of it cut off by Loki’s loud gasp of pain. He had his hands fisted in the sheets on his bedside as Frigga started her work.
So, Isla had taken up a post by his shoulder while Thor gripped onto Loki’s hand. He lifted it and clasped it between both of his to hold on tight. Isla offered assurances and quietly told him how proud she was, but Isla wasn’t sure how much had gotten through. Still, she tried and didn’t stop until Loki had fallen into an exhausted sleep.
As she watched over him Isla felt her own exhaustion creep up on her. It had been a few hours since the Queen had finished, and the threat had been removed. Loki hadn’t stirred since and Isla couldn’t bring herself to leave his side. She felt emotionally drained, wrung out, and now hung out to dry.
She stood from her chair, suddenly compelled to do so, and pressed a kiss against Loki’s forehead. His skin was cold beneath her lips and clammy.
“Mum and Dad are here, Loki.”
Isla whispered quietly to appraise him of everything which had transpired over the past few days. It was a nice way for her to get out of her thoughts as well, which was much needed.
“I asked Thor if they could come, and Odin had said yes.” She laughed to herself. “I still can’t quite believe he allowed it. I haven’t really seen them since they arrived. As soon as they did, Thor announced they thought they’d found you, so I dived into the Bifrost after him without another thought. I couldn’t stand aside and do nothing any longer. Dad didn’t seem to mind, though. He nodded to me right before I left, so I think he approved.” She chuckled and shook her head.
A tear escaped.
“I think they like it here,” Isla continued after releasing a shuddering breath. “Mum was amazed by the city from the observatory.” Isla wished she’d been able to show them around properly, but alas, she hadn’t been able to. “Your mother welcomed them in with open arms. It was really sweet, actually, and I can’t believe our parents have met. That’s a big step,” she joked, “that’s when you know it’s serious.”
More tears escaped from her lids, but she still smiled down at the man she loved in the bed.
“I can’t wait for them to get to know you better, Loki.”
Someone clearing their throat from the doorway caused Isla to turn. Thor stood there looking rather sheepish.
“Come in, Thor,” Isla beckoned.
“I apologise for my interruption.”
Isla waved him off. “It’s all right. I was just… thinking out loud,” she replied as a light blush coloured her cheeks, embarrassed slightly at having been found out, but not minding it too much.
“How is he?”
“No change,” Isla sighed. She stroked a finger down Loki’s cheek. “Your mother analysed him a few hours ago and couldn’t find the energy, which was consuming him before, though, so that’s something.”
Thor nodded. “She told me he was simply resting now.”
Isla swallowed thickly and nodded. “He did go through a lot,” she nodded.
Thor sat down heavily in the chair across from Isla and sighed heavily. “He always seems to do so,” he lamented.
“Loki always seems to bear the brunt of everything while I get off with next to nothing,” he murmured, mostly to himself. Then, he caught Isla’s eye. “I apologise, I too was merely thinking out loud.” The edges of his lips tried, but failed, to quirk upward into a smile.
They both observed Loki for a moment longer.
“If I could take this from him and shoulder it, I would,” Thor admitted. “I hate to see him like this.” He too swallowed thickly and blinked once, twice, three times. “Especially now that my eyes have been opened to all he has gone through recently.”
“I do too,” Isla admitted. “I would as well. He deserves so much better.”
“On that, we agree upon wholeheartedly, dearest sister.”
A tear escaped and trailed down Isla’s cheek. It was quickly wiped away, but Thor still saw and offered his sympathies.
“Fear not, Lady Isla. He will come back to us, and you both will live a long, happy life together. I am certain of it.”
She appreciated his sentiment but Isla did not meet Thor’s eyes and instead turned to watch back over a sleeping Loki. Still, she smiled for Thor’s benefit, but it did not meet her eyes.
“Lady Isla? Have I said something to upset you?”
She shook her head despite the tears in her eyes.
“I may be a fool,” Thor said with jest, “but I am not blind. What did I say, sister, to leave you looking so heartbroken?”
“It’s nothing, Thor,” she replied with a subtle wipe to her eyes.
“It clearly is,” he replied, and she could hear the frown in his voice. He was like a dog with a bone with this and Isla sighed in resignation.
“What brings such heartache to you? How may I assist?”
“You can’t,” Isla whispered as the reality of their different mortalities came crashing back down upon her.
“I can certainly try. I will certainly try. Please,” he pleaded.
The determination in Thor’s voice caused Isla to glance over at him. She almost laughed at the alarm she saw on his face the sight of her tears.
“I cannot bear to see you so upset, Lady Isla. Tell me, what saddens you so?”
Isla sighed and looked back down at Loki’s sleeping form. She brushed his already perfectly positioned hair further away from his face in an attempt to keep her hands busy to hide how much they were shaking. Then, the settled and curled around the forearm closest to her.
“I’m scared, Thor,” she admitted finally.
“Of what, my dear?”
“Of the future.” Isla swallowed. “I would happily tie myself to Loki and marry him. I…” She swallowed past the lump which had formed inside her throat. “After all that has happened recently, I wish I had already and hadn’t allowed my own fears hold me back. I love him so much,” she whispered as she stroked a finger down his cheek, “but how can I do that too him?”
Thor looked thoroughly confused. “Do what?”
“How can I marry him?”
Thor frowned. “Lady Isla, I do not understand.”
Isla hiccupped and tears fell down her cheeks. They overspilled and there was no stopping them. The stress from the last few days finally tipped her over the edge.
“How can I marry him knowing I will be gone in a few years? I’m mortal, Thor, in case you had forgotten. I will be gone, leaving him heartbroken and leaving him behind.” She squeezed her eyes tightly closed. “I don’t want to subject him to that.”
“And that is your reason for holding back?” Thor’s voice was even and quiet. It was respectful as they discussed such a sensitive topic.
Isla nodded. “I can’t… I can’t do that to him,” she choked out.
A heavy hand rested upon her shoulder. “Lady Isla…” He sighed and looked away, across the room towards nothing, for a moment. “I do not wish to get your hopes up,” Thor said hastily. “I will not make promises without guarantees, but such fears may be eased very soon.”
Isla froze. “What?”
“I cannot speak of it just yet. I’m surprised Loki has not brought it up with you before,” he added, glancing down at his sleeping brother.
“Brought up what, Thor? What is it?” She sounded so desperate, but Isla didn’t care.
“Please, let me seek wiser counsel first,” he implored. “As I said, I do not wish to get your hopes up, but the fears you spoke of may not come to pass.”
Isla’s heart thudded inside her chest. It battered against her ribcage as her heart rate picked up. She turned and latched a hand onto Thor’s forearm tightly. “What?”
“Please, let me speak upon it with my mother and father before asking me about it further. But think on this, in my absence.” Thor gently grasped the back of her neck in the palm of his hand moved in close. “We are a long-lived race, Lady Isla. There are not very many of us in Asgard, but there are enough. The Norns, while sometimes tough, are not unfair in the blessings or lessons they bestow upon us. They would not grant Loki – one of the Gods of Aasgard – a mate with such a short life.” His eyes twinkled with knowing that made hope stir inside Isla’s chest.
“You mean…” She gasped quietly with the realisation of what he was saying.
“Let me speak with those wiser than me first. But I have a very strong feeling your fears will be eased soon, my dear.” His grin was wide and filled with delight.
Tears sprang to Isla’s eyes when he pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her head.
“Look after yourself, my dear. You cannot look after my brother if you are worn out yourself.”
She glanced over at him. “I don’t think I can move from his side.”
“I never said anything about moving from his side.” There was the sound of scraping – which made Isla jump – and suddenly there was a bed at her back. “If you could please move your chair, I can place this by Loki’s bedside to allow you to get some rest.”
Once the furniture was settled Isla hugged Thor tight. She threw her arms around his neck with such enthusiasm it made him laugh quietly to himself as he stooped low.
“Thank you,” she whispered against his chest.
“Of course, My Lady,” he replied fondly. “I must away to speak to Mother. Will you be all right with me gone?”
Isla nodded. “Go,” she urged. “I won’t keep you.”
“I will return with glad tidings, I hope, but I may need to return to Midgard first to assist Father with its protection.”
Worry sparked in her heart. “Be careful, Thor. I know…” Isla trailed off and swallowed thickly. “I know what they’re capable of.”
His easy grin fled, and a seriousness overtook Thor’s features. “I am aware too. Do not fret. Not about me, or about my troublesome brother,” he added with a fond smile. “He will be back before you know it.”
He offered her a jaunty wave before he left, leaving Isla and a slumbering Loki in the healing room.
Her mind whirled with thoughts and implications. It felt like it was fit to burst with her worry over Loki as well, and her head thumped with pain.
Perhaps a nap wouldn’t hurt her. She hadn’t been able to sleep much while Loki had been gone but now he was back, he was asleep, and he was healing, she could possibly gain some semblance of rest.
Isla curled under the covers and pulled the sheet up to her chin. She remained facing Loki and reached over to grasp his hand tightly. She’d hate to know he woke up for the first time while she was asleep, but if he did, at least he knew she’d be near. Isla clutched onto his hand tight and willed herself not to let go as she slept, while her eyes drooped closed with complete exhaustion.
*          *          *
Loki’s consciousness returned to him slowly. His limbs felt heavy, exhausted, and held no desire to move. Even twitching his fingers felt like a feat. He let loose a sigh and batted his eyes open. The sight of Asgard’s Healing Room’s high ceilings welcomed him, causing relief to shudder through his chest and trickle down his leaden limbs.
He was back home.
A grunt escaped him as he shifted on the bed. The miniscule movement made his head pound furiously. It thumped inside his skull as if threatening to burst from within.
“Loki? Loki!”
His eyes snapped open at the familiar voice calling his name. Suddenly Isla’s face appeared before his eyes and encompassed his whole world.
Nothing else mattered when he set his eyes on her bright green ones, shining in the golden light of the room. A tear had already escaped and hurried its way down her pale cheek. Loki’s fingers twitched with the desire to wipe it away and offer her comfort.
“Isla,” he breathed, feeling more relief settle upon his weary bones. He hadn’t the strength for much else.
She looked exhausted. Worry had paled her complexion and the skin beneath her eyes was bruised due to lack of sleep. Loki immediately felt concern sweep over him as he took in her form.
Isla let out a strangled sob and threw her arms around his neck. She buried her face into the crook of his neck, soaking his skin with her tears as she cried.
“My love,” he forced out. His voice sounded like a hoarse croak. “My love, breathe,” he urged. Her distress worried him, and he sought to discover the reason for it and ease it completely.
“You’re awake,” Isla hiccupped. Her breath tickled the wet skin of his neck.
“I am. I’m here,” he soothed. It was an effort, but he managed to place a shaking hand on her back to hold her even closer against him. Loki turned his head into her hair and inhaled deeply. The scent of her washed over him like a welcome embrace.
Isla pulled away. Her face, though tear stained, broke out into a wide smile as she gazed down at him.
“How are you feeling? Do you need anything?”
Loki shook his head but winced when pain lanced through his head.
“I’m all right,” he croaked out. “Head hurts,” he replied in as little words as possible to save his pounding head.
“I’ll get Frigga.”
Before he could protest Isla had dashed away from his bed and out the room.
The smile on his mother’s face as she walked through the doorway with Isla anxiously in tow was bright as the sun. “Loki,” she sighed in relief. She came to his bedside and bent to press a kiss to his forehead.
The action caused a warmth, long forgotten within these halls, to spread through his chest.
“Lady Isla said you had a sore head. May I?”
Loki nodded as she gestured towards his head.
He expected pain. He expected more prodding. He gripped onto Isla’s hand tightly when she slipped it into his to prepare and steel himself against more pain, but it didn’t come. His mother’s presence within his mind caressed it gently and soothed all aches. It was a startling difference compared to Thanos’ attempt at control.
“Everything is gone. There is no trace of the energy which once lingered within. The protective barrier I sent to you did its job,” she smiled, pleased.
Frigga nodded at the necklace around Isla’s neck.
Loki blinked in surprise.
“I sent the protective spell through the bonded piece of jewellery you share with magic. It was a gamble and one I hoped would pay off and offer some protection.”
She’d tried that? For him?
“Wait, when?”
Frigga chuckled at Isla’s confusion. “When we had our conversation in the gardens, Lady Isla.”
“Oh… I thought it was an electric shock.”
His mother just smiled knowingly and shrugged. “Anyway, I shall leave you both be for now.” She bent over Loki and cupped his cheek. “I’m so proud of you, my son.”
Loki swallowed at the sentiment. How she could be so proud of him, he did not know. But did not have the energy to dispute it.
“Thank you, Mother.”
“Now, get some rest. Both of you.” She flicked her gaze over to Isla. “I will ensure you will not be disturbed for the rest of the day. If you need anything, just call for me.” She gave Loki’s hand a squeeze and left them both be.
“Isla,” Loki breathed.
She hurried over to his side. When she arrived he managed to force an arm to lift so he could cup her cheek tenderly. “I am overjoyed to see you safe.”
She clutched the wrist of the hand resting against her face. Isla held on tight as she gazed down at him with tear filled eyes. “Same here,” she replied in a whisper.
“Are you all right?”
She nodded when the first tear fell. “And you?”
“I am better now, after seeing you.”
The tears came thick and fast. Loki opened his arms instinctively which Isla fell into without a word. She curled into a ball against his side and tucked her head beneath his chin as her frame shook. Loki cupped the side of her head and held it against him while his other hand rested upon her back, rubbing circles into her spine. He hushed her quietly, his heart hurting at the pain she was experiencing.
“It’s all right,” he murmured into her hair. “It will be all right, Isla.”
She shook her head. “I know,” she whispered. “I know it will be. But I can’t help but worry.”
“Why?” Loki asked his question gently but was desperate to understand.
“Just… About everything. You, Th – Thanos,” she stuttered over the Titan’s name and inhaled sharply, “and everything else that might happen because of him.”
If possible, she curled into an even tighter ball against his side.
Loki wrapped his arms tight around his beloved. A deep feeling of calm rooted in his soul with her returned there, where he could know she was safe and protected. Where she would not be harmed by those against him.
“I would not let anything happen to you, my love,” he vowed, with a tightening of arms around her. “And I am in no rush to leave Asgard again after this.”
Isla nodded and Loki felt her relax slightly.
“I apologise, though. I will not be able to accompany you to see your parents…” Loki frowned after trailing off. There was a memory of something tugging at his mind at the mention of them.
“That’s okay. They’re here, Loki, on Asgard.”
He paused. “Here?”
Isla nodded. “I asked Thor if they could come. I… I didn’t want to be alone… with you gone. Odin said yes to it.”
“I remember…” It came to him in a brief flash. She’d told him this already.
Isla shifted and turned her face up to his. “Remember what?”
“I remember you telling me they were on Asgard.” He frowned down at her, his confusion evident. “But how can that be?”
The way her face lit up so brightly almost stole his breath away. “You heard me?” Amazement laced her tone.
“Heard you?”
“I –” She blushed as she began her confession. “I told you about it all when you were asleep,” Isla confessed. “I wasn’t sure if you’d hear me and I thought it might help,” she mumbled, mostly to herself in her embarrassment.
Mum and Dad are here, Loki.
I dived into the Bifrost after him without another thought.
I would happily tie myself to Loki and marry him.
“I heard you,” Loki replied with wonder. “You broke through the fog which settled upon my mind.” Then, Loki paused and lifted an unimpressed eyebrow. “You dived into the Bifrost after Thor?”
Isla blushed. “Of course I did,” she replied defensively. “He said he’d found you and I wasn’t going to stand around anymore and do nothing.”
Fondness enveloped around his heart and his expression softened. She was so unapologetic of her spontaneous, hasty actions when it came to him.
“I cannot decide if you were extremely foolish in your recklessness or extremely brave.”
“And you might be a little bit biased,” Isla huffed. “I wasn’t going to sit around. Not when they’d told me they’d found you. I couldn’t Loki.” She looked up at him with such bright, earnest eyes, that Loki caved. He knew he would do the exact same, would tear apart any worlds to find her, if she’d been taken from him and harmed.
“I know,” he soothed. He cupped her chin with his fingers. “For I would do the same for you, my beloved.”
She all but melted in his arms. “That’s a new one,” she quipped as she relaxed against him.
“What is?”
“It is simply the truth,” he stated. “You are the one person I cherish above all others, after all.”
She hummed happily against his chest and sighed. “I’m so glad you’re okay, Loki.”
“I’m right here.” He pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
A hand snaked across his stomach and held on tight. “I’m not letting you out of my sight any time soon. I hope you know that.”
“Oh, my love,” he chuckled, “I am counting on it.”
A quiet yawn interrupted their conversation.
“Sleep, Isla,” Loki soothed. “We shall speak more once we awaken.”
She relaxed completely against him, and Loki felt his soul soothed, his mind at rest, for the first time in days.
5 notes · View notes
lowkis · 2 years
you put your hand in mine - chapter 39
summary: when loki falls from the bifrost he lands on earth. isla finds him while out walking her dog one night and takes him under her wing, nursing him back to health as best she can. it’s hard, trying to juggle work, life, and looking after a fallen asgardian prince. with nowhere else to go and limited access to his magic, loki must heal, wait patiently, and adapt while trying to wrap his head around life on earth after everything that happened on the bifrost
rated: t
words: 4365
tags: post-thor (2011), eventual romance, slow burn, mutual pining, fluff, drama, romance, angst, comfort/angst, canon divergence, protective loki, good loki, confused loki, loki needs a hug, he’s trying his best to understand earth, he’s trying his best full stop
read from the beginning: tumblr | ao3 | fic tag
Chitauri flooded the area around Isla once she landed. Their shrieks pierced the air, as did the sound of screams, but she couldn’t see anyone in her immediate vicinity. A few feet away she saw Thor fighting off the aliens, swinging his hammer and battling against the things which had threatened Isla what felt like a lifetime ago.
But the screams were human.
The thought did not cause Isla to relax, nor did it bring her any semblance of comfort. In fact, it made her tense in fear and horror. The muscles in the back of her neck went stiff and when she turned her head to look around her they trembled.
They’d landed in a park. People were running in the opposite direction of them, herding their animals and children along with them.
But at least they were on earth. Where they’d landed would not kill her. It was not an inhospitable planet she’d recklessly thrown herself towards in an attempt to go with Thor to go after Loki.
“Lady Isla! Are you all right?”
Her head whipped round to locate Thor. She also noted his frustration. It seemed he didn’t expect her to leap into the Bifrost after him.
“Fine,” she called back. “I’m all right, Thor. Where’s Loki?”
“Across the way!” With a large backswing he caught the jaw of one of the Chitauri with a resounding crack.
Isla hadn’t really expected an answer to her question about Loki’s whereabouts if she was being perfectly honest. It felt almost too good to be true. She’d expected they’d have to go in search of him but Isla’s head swivelled round to try and finally find him.
Across the field Loki stood by Thanos’ side, both staring in the direction of Thor.
Thanos turned his back on them but paused. He said something to Loki who nodded stiffly, then disappeared in a swirl of grey smoke, leaving only Loki and the Chitauri behind.
“Lady Isla, be careful!”
“I do not believe he is safe,” Thor warned. He grunted as he fended one of the Chitauri off with a deafening blow from his hammer.
Suddenly, the smell of ozone filled the air and thunder rumbled overhead, startlingly loud, overhead. It was so loud Isla had to clamp her hands over her ears to try protect them and block it out. A blinding flash of white filled the world around them, and Isla clamped her eyes closed. A pained gasp involuntarily escaped her as discomfort seared her eyeballs due to the sudden light. Thunder boomed so loud it rattled her chest and lightning cracked in the air above. When Isla opened her eyes the Chitauri were floored which left only her, Thor, and Loki standing.
At any other moment Isla would have taken the time to marvel at Thor’s might. She’d have been astounded by how easily he commanded lightning and channelled it, but as it happened, she was far too distracted. All that mattered was Loki.
Across the field, Loki smirked at them both, and Isla’s blood ran cold. Her stomach dropped and she froze in place. From behind him more Chitauri piled through a portal of smog and rushed towards them.
“We need to get him to Asgard!” Thor yelled as he readied his hammer.
Loki didn’t look well at all. He looked sickly and stood slightly stooped, as if in pain. His eyes… They were sunken in his sockets and those deep oceans she adored were swimming with something sinister. As was his smile. When it spread across his face, directed towards Isla, she shuddered but remained in place.
She wouldn’t back away from him. Not when he needed her.
A vibrant, false blue light swam within his irises, curling within the orbs. It was nothing like the oceans she was so accustomed to. There was no love surrounding him. No softness or adoration which had always made Isla melt. He was all sharp angles and equipped with a menacing energy.
When Loki turned his attention to her and smiled, Isla felt her skin crawl.
This was a stranger across from her. He wouldn’t look at her like that normally. He wouldn’t. Isla believed it so strongly she took a step towards Loki despite the protests of Thor behind her.
Isla didn’t know why the Chitauri left her alone and didn’t attack, but they did. She didn’t question it. All of her focus and attention was taken up by Loki.
But this wasn’t her Loki. Someone had done something to him. Something terrible. They’d warped him and turned him into something which wasn’t his true self.
As Isla approached, Loki’s smile faltered for a moment and there was a brief flash of… something across his face. It happened too quickly for Isla to discern the emotion behind it.
“Lady Isla! He’s not himself,” Thor called over to her. “I must insist you keep your distance.”
At least Thor could see the change in him too.
“We need to get my brother to Asgard. Heimdall!”
Isla took another step forward.
“Lady Isla,” Thor barked. “Stay back!”
She couldn’t. Not when Loki was so obviously hurting. Someone had done something to him, to his mind. They’d twisted him, creating something different. Creating something she knew he wouldn’t want to be.
Flashes of memories appeared within Isla’s mind. His soft smiles as he gazed down at her so tenderly. His mischievous grins as he teased and laughed with her. His joy as Maya eagerly played with him and welcomed him into her “pack”. His love as he cradled her head within his palms, dipping his head to kiss her with such a passion it left Isla breathless.
This person before Isla was not her Loki.
But he needed help.
“Loki?” Her call was uncertain but she wanted to see if she’d get a reaction. If she’d get anything from him.
Thor’s continued warnings remained unheeded. She continued forward and Loki’s mask slipped back on his face. His smile was wicked, a distorted thing that caused a stab of pain to shoot through Isla’s heart. His eyes glowed nearly neon blue as he lunged for her.
A rough hand grasped her bicep and yanked her backwards. Isla was lifted off her feet as the air whooshed out of her lungs with her surprise. Thor grasped her tight and jerked her away from Loki in an attempt to protect her.
“Do not touch her!” Loki snarled. He’d once been aiming for Isla, but now he conjured a long, golden staff with his magic and leapt at Thor on the attack.
Thor dropped Isla from his grasp and shoved her away so he could engage his brother in combat. He remained only on the defensive, blocking Loki’s precise strikes. They were moving as if in a sparring session, practicing moves they’d rehearsed together so many times before.
Isla watched on, heart still aching. Loki wouldn’t want to fight his brother. Isla knew he wouldn’t. He’d admitted as much to her before.
Loki’s… Loki’s eyes weren’t clear. They were neon blue still.
“Loki, stop it! This isn’t you!”
His head whipped around, eyes furious as they met Isla’s, but there was a lingering emotion behind it. She could tell in the way one of his eyebrows quirked upward for the briefest moment.
Thor knocked him onto his back as he was distracted and pinned him to the ground.
“Thor, stop! Be careful!” Isla chastised harshly.
“Lady Isla, please stay back. He aims to hurt you!”
Isla shook her head as she fell to her knees by Loki’s side. Her fall was not graceful or light. Pain lanced through her kneecaps from the jarring impact. She tried to shove Thor out of the way with her shoulder, but he was too large and sturdy. “He wouldn’t hurt me.” She knew that as certain as she knew her own name.
Loki’s eyes snapped to Isla’s as he struggled beneath Thor’s restraint. But even then, he started to falter. Isla placed her palms on his cheeks to cup his face and keep him still. So she could keep his eyes on her.
“Loki,” she called to him gently. Slowly, his struggling grew weaker. “I know you’re in there,” she whispered. “I know this isn’t you. Tell us what happened. Tell us how to help you.”
He said nothing. Loki stared up at Isla in disbelief but the rage she expected wasn’t there. Instead, there was a silent plea for help. His eyes had cleared. There was no blue light illuminating them and his face turned pained.
“I do not know how,” he whispered.
Suddenly Loki’s eyes screwed up in pain. His head jerked out of Isla’s grasp. The force of his reaction was enough to knock his brother off him. Thor tipped to the side but quickly righted himself and picked up his hammer to go on the defensive if need be. But Loki was too busy clutching his head within his hands. He rolled from side to side and a pained sound escaped his mouth, followed by a loud gasp. When his eyes sprang open in pain they were swimming with blue light, but he didn’t attack them as he’d threatened to do so before.
Whatever was in his mind, he was currently battling against it to maintain control.
Isla’s chest ached and tears ran down her cheeks. He was suffering and she didn’t know how to help. And he’d already suffered so much in life. Loki didn’t deserve to do so even more, but it seems the universe thought differently.
It wasn’t fair.
Isla sat back helplessly, watching, and feeling her heart break within her chest. Loki’s eyes were wide as his chest heaved with breath. His eyes begged someone, anyone, to stop his suffering.
“Loki –!”
“Lady Isla!”
Grey smoke curled around her feet and without warning she was blasted backwards but an unseen force. The wind was knocked out of her when she landed a few feet away from Loki, but she was relatively unharmed.
“Such a weak creature.”
Isla’s eyes snapped open. She recognised that voice.
He appeared within the smoke. It swirled around his being and clung to him. He was shrouded within, and it did not relent or disappear.
“Release my brother!” Thor commanded of him, but the Titan just exhaled air through his nose in amusement.
“What has been done cannot be undone so easily.”
Thor growled. He did not accept that prognosis and levelled his hammer at Thanos. “Do it. Now!”
Thanos opened his mouth to reply but a blast of energy hit him square in the face and he took a step back in surprise. In that moment Isla had no idea where it had come from but it was extremely satisfying.
Isla tensed as somebody new (a… robot?) descended from the sky and levelled its hands, glowing with energy, at Thanos.
“Who’s the big guy?” a male voice she didn’t recognise asked the question.
No one answered him.
“All right,” the stranger continued, “well, you’re trespassing on Earth, so I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”
Thanos smirked.
The conversation was forgotten when Isla heard Loki gasp in pain. Her head whipped round and she scrambled to her feet to get to him. She almost tripped and fell but somehow, she rushed to his side without incident.
Thor was restraining him as they both now stood and Loki struggled. From the look on Thor’s face it appeared he didn’t want to do such a thing to his brother. He glanced helplessly at Isla.
“Loki?” Isla called as she fought back the tears.
“Get away from me,” he hissed. Anger twisted his face but there was a desperation in his voice.
Isla pushed down the hurt which surged in her heart at his sharp words and hate filled gaze, knowing it wasn’t the truth. She continued with her gentle movements and reassurances, offering him the kindness he always deserved but so rarely seemed to receive.
“Loki, we’ll get you help, I promise.” Isla peered up at him and brushed his hair away from his forehead gently. It was stuck there, clinging to his skin thanks to the sweat drenching his skin, and Loki jerked stiffly away from her touch. His eyes weren’t clear, but they weren’t flooded with neon light either. He was currently battling against it, trying to maintain control.
“Please,” Loki begged. His eyes were filled with pain, but they were his eyes. The eyes she loved. The eyes that always looked at her with such adoration and worship burning within them. “I do not wish to harm you.”
Isla cupped his cheek. “You could never,” she promised him.
“Isla, please. Distance yourself from me, I’m begging you.” He sucked in a deep breath. “I do not trust myself,” Loki admitted as bright blue swirled within his irises.
“Listen to him, mortal,” Thanos commanded, his voice amused. “He is... Not entirely himself.”
Isla shook her head in denial and ignored Thanos. She only spoke to Loki. Her eyes only knew his. “No,” she whispered to Loki, and Loki alone. “He is. He’s the man I love.” She ran a gentle hand from his temple to cheek as a tear spilled over from her lids.
“Thor, please.”
He looked uncertain.
“Remember what I asked of you, Brother,” Loki growled as he started to become more agitated. “Remember your promise to me!”
Thor’s expression suddenly turned pained. “Loki –”
“Enough of this.”
For a third time Isla was forced to part from Loki. Whatever it was that struck her, Isla didn’t see it. The next thing she knew she was on her back staring up at the sky.
And Loki was back in Thanos’ grip once more.
The robot was gone, Isla noticed absently. To where, she could not hazard a guess.
“Loki has joined my side,” Thanos smirked. “He has... agreed to assist me. And we shall be leaving. If I have to take you with us mortal to ensure his fealty, then I shall. Consider this your warning.”
“No!” Loki’s protest was quiet and weak but it rang clearly across the battlefield.
Hope swelled within Isla’s heart.
Before it chilled with dread.
Thanos smiled, showing all of his teeth. “No?” He hummed after considering the question. “Let us add a little heat into the mix again for further co-operation.”
He pressed his knuckle to Loki’s temple, who’s eyes flew open, coming to rest upon Isla’s, now watching on in horror. For a brief second their eyes met before Loki’s screwed shut in pain. A purple light glowed by the side of his head as Thanos unleashed a power on him.
He was torturing him.
“Stop it!”
Thanos didn’t. He smirked instead.
“Stop!” She scrambled to her feet and started to run. She would do nothing against him, Thanos may even kill her with one swipe of his hand, but she couldn’t abandon Loki to this. She had to try something. Anything.
Desperation is a powerful thing. A Chitauri soldier charged at her, screeching loud enough to pierce Isla’s ears, but she slipped past it. She ducked and sidestepped and kept on running. And the thing missed as it swiped at her. Isla had successfully dodged it’s attack.
This came as a surprise to everyone, but her luck ran out.
Loki’s body slouched to the side in Thanos’ grasp, exhausted and unable to hold himself upright any longer, after Thanos relented upon his attack. His fist moved from Loki’s temple but only so he could dismiss Isla. She was thrown backwards a few feet – knocked completely off her feet – and she landed with a hard thud on the grass below. Pain bloomed across her back as it contacted roughly with the hard ground and the impact jarred her spine. Isla’s back arched off the ground as she gasped and choked in pain.
But at least Thanos has stopped hurting Loki.
“Thor,” she managed to croak out. Her voice was barely audible after recovering from her brief flight but he understood her desire.
With an almighty roar – a battle cry filled with the promise of revenge and retribution – Thor was already sailing through the air towards the Titan.
Loki was let go and dropped to the side, discarded, as Thanos engaged Thor.
“Hey!” The unnamed red and yellow flying robot had returned, coming careening through the sky to join the fray. “Y’know, that was really rude knocking me flying like that. I didn’t appreciate it!”
They continued on but the world fell away for the moment. Because Loki opened his eyes blearily and immediately made contact with Isla’s.
But they were swirling neon blue and Isla’s stomach sank.
Before anyone could blink – not that Thor or Thanos were even paying attention while they were locked on their battle – Loki, in his exhausted state, lunged for Isla and snaked an arm around her waist. His hold was not harsh or tight though. It was secure. Isla was pulled quickly to stand and tugged flush against his chest as Loki rose with her on shaky legs.
In her dazed condition she forgot what was going on in the world around them and relaxed into his arms.
It felt like she had returned home.
“Loki, stop! Wait!”
Her eyes snapped open as Thor’s protest was ignored. Loki sent a bolt of green light towards his brother, and that was the last thing Isla saw from the battlefield as Loki teleported them both away.
*          *          *
Loki staggered upon their arrival away from the battlefield. He hadn’t gone far, just far enough to be out of sight and away from the ongoing battle. Far enough that Isla was now safe.
But she wasn’t really. Not next to him.
He set her steady on her feet and backed away almost immediately. Isla swayed, disorientated by the sudden teleportation, and Loki forlornly remembered how he’d assisted her with her ailment in the past. How he’d provided comfort and returned her wits to her.
That was too risky now. He would never attempt such a thing without being fully in control.
The entity inside his mind thrashed and bashed against the inside of his skull. It demanded to be let free, for him to let go and give into its urges. It wanted to hurt Isla, just as Thanos wished, but Loki would not let that happen. If it would be the last thing he did, he would ensure no harm would come to her. He would protect her until his last breath, and if Thanos followed through on what he’d promised, what he threatened, should Loki fail in the task set to him, that may come very soon.
But Isla first. He’d get her back to Asgard and ensure she’d stay there. He’d already called on Thor’s assistance to protect her should he no longer be able to. To ensure she lived a happy life. He’d asked his brother to put a stop to him if he dared threaten those he held dear, and, although hating the very thought of it, Thor had begrudgingly agreed.
“But that will not come to pass, Brother,” Thor had growled so certainly. He’d clasped his hand on the back of Loki’s neck and drew him in close, their foreheads almost touching. Familiarity and nostalgia had washed over him then, the gesture from their youth so familiar to them both. “It will not come to pass because I believe in you. You will be here with Lady Isla yourself, and you will both live a long, happy life together.”
Loki winced as the entity tried to force its hand and take over control once more.
He risked Isla a glance and noted how she had a hand clutched to her head. It quickly fell away and she made to rush towards him.
“Stop,” he ordered. It carried the length of the space between them sharply. Loki put up a hand to halt her as his head now started to throb. His eyes fluttered closed against it without his permission.
Isla faltered and slowed, but she didn’t stop from moving closer to him.
“Isla, stop,” he snarled, desperate now. The pain in his head was growing.
“I could very well kill you.” He turned and stood to his full height. He towered over her and glared down at the mortal who stood so defiantly against him. The fire in her eyes brought him surprise, but it morphed into irritation, because she wouldn’t listen. If she would just listen, she would be safe from him. “What about that do you not understand?”
“Do you want to?” Her voice sounded so small and quiet it made him falter. Loki managed to blot out the pain in his head for a brief second.
And in that brief second, his heart ached.
This was not what he wanted. This was not what she deserved. This was not what he deserved. He wanted to be on Asgard with Isla and Maya, in his grove, basking in the sun of the hot afternoon as they spent a lazy day together. Instead he’d been forced against his will to work for the Titan who was hell bent on making his life a misery. Who was trying to rob him of the life he so desired with the woman who loved him entirely, despite his faults.
“Loki, do you want to kill me?” Isla asked it of him a second time with a much stronger voice. There was a confidence held within her eyes, directed at him, which caused Loki to pause.
The invader inside his mind screamed the positive. It tried but failed to override his true answer.
“Of course not.”
Before Loki knew it Isla had slipped her hand into his. “I believe in you Loki. I love you with everything I am. And I want to help you. We all do.”
This wonderful woman… One who stood so certain by his side when he was a danger. When his resistance could snap at any moment and bring about the worst. She believed in him so strongly – Loki could see it in her eyes as he studied them helplessly – that he started to believe what she was saying. The voice in his head was drowned out and it felt like he could breathe easily for the first time in days.
He was not used to being rendered so helpless. So vulnerable. Loki hated it. He was of Asgard, a proud warrior, a prince, and yet he’d been made to submit to the whims of the Titan. Shame would follow him for the rest of his days. His resolve should have been stronger. He should not have given in so easily. But he’d been so tired. So tired from everything that had happened to him prior to meeting Isla. Exhausted and wrung out after being subjected to Thanos’ and the Chitauri’s torture. Both so different from one another in their methods, but both just as effective and painful. He could break at any moment and yet, she stood firm and unyielding beside him. A pillar of strength. One he would now draw on.
For he did not mind that Isla would see the more vulnerable parts of him. It was a realisation that came to him in that moment, but a truth he’d known for months.
No, Loki hadn’t wanted her to see him like this. So twisted and angry and trying to harm her and his brother. More shame piled on top of his heart, and yet she persevered and fought for him, once again, without question.
This foolish woman… Whom he loved entirely.
“Please, Isla,” he pleaded brokenly. “Please, do not stand so near to me.” He had to try one more time to push her away, but Loki still didn’t move or retract his hand from her hold.
“You won’t hurt me,” she replied with certainty. Her hand gripped onto his tighter.
“I do not trust myself.”
“But I trust you. Whatever you do, whatever happens, I know it isn’t really you.” Her eyes swam with tears despite the firmness of her tone. “I know you would never do anything to endanger me.” Isla brought both her hands to rest lightly upon his chest. Loki exhaled shakily as he tried to maintain his control. “I know that you love me, as I love you.”
“Isla…” Her name came out strangled from his throat. Emotion clouded him and restricted his speech, despite everything happening inside his mind.
“Come with me to Asgard,” she whispered. “We can fight this. Together.”
Slowly, Loki nodded his consent.
Movement to the left had Loki whirling and drawing Isla behind him, out of sight from whatever now approached. He put himself between her and it. Isla let out a yelp of surprise as he drew a blade and levelled it to the interloper. The entity in his mind screamed, finally satisfied at the bloodlust which surged in Loki’s veins and called for blood.
Thor stood from his crouch after landing. “Loki?”
He struggled to find the will to lower his blade but managed to do so. His movements were stiff when he finally vanished his knife.
“I got your message asking to meet here.” He still looked uncertain and on guard.
Good. Loki was glad the magic he’d sent Thor’s way before teleporting had reached him.
“It’s all right, Thor,” Isla called from behind him. She rounded his side and slipped her hand back into his. “He’s all right. But we need to get home.”
Thor nodded. “Asgard has come. Heimdall is ferrying our warriors through now to quell Thanos’ forces.” He cast his gaze up the sky. “Heimdall! We need your help and quick passage to Asgard!”
There was a silent pause before the rainbow light lit up the world around them.
Loki felt Isla give his hand a squeeze. When he looked down he saw nothing but pride lighting up her beautiful face and for a moment his heart stirred.
Taking a deep breath Loki squeezed her hand in gratitude. With careful, controlled movements he stepped into the light of the Bifrost to return home.
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lowkis · 2 years
you put your hand in mine - chapter 38
summary: when loki falls from the bifrost he lands on earth. isla finds him while out walking her dog one night and takes him under her wing, nursing him back to health as best she can. it’s hard, trying to juggle work, life, and looking after a fallen asgardian prince. with nowhere else to go and limited access to his magic, loki must heal, wait patiently, and adapt while trying to wrap his head around life on earth after everything that happened on the bifrost
rated: t
words: 4344
tags: post-thor (2011), eventual romance, slow burn, mutual pining, fluff, drama, romance, angst, comfort/angst, canon divergence, protective loki, good loki, confused loki, loki needs a hug, he’s trying his best to understand earth, he’s trying his best full stop
read from the beginning: tumblr | ao3 | fic tag
The Allfather granted Isla’s request for her parents to come to Asgard.
Isla wasn’t sure what Thor had said to the King, or what he’d done to make it possible, but she didn’t care. She simply threw her arms around Thor’s neck tightly in her gratitude – much to Thor’s surprise – and hugged him tight when he shared the news. If she shed a tear or two in relief, neither mentioned it.
As Thor expected, travel by the Bifrost had been put on lockdown by the Odin for the foreseeable future. Only those with the Allfather’s approval were allowed to travel into and out of the realm, and Isla could hardly believe her parents were granted that honour. Still, she didn’t question it, simply prepared to bring them here by speaking with the Queen to organise their arrival.
Frigga had been a never-ending pillar of support for Isla in the days she’d spent on Asgard since Loki’s capture. As Thor had promised, she was never alone. The Queen had readily made herself available and assured Isla her doors were always open should she require company or wish to visit and talk. With permission granted for Isla’s parents to arrive and visit the realm, Frigga was the one who’d ensured rooms were prepared for them.
Whether Isla would move to live beside them for the time being, she hadn’t decided yet. She knew Loki had his own rooms within the palace walls from his childhood, but they were unfamiliar to Isla still. The realisation hurt her heart, to know she’d never made the effort to get to know him more and the place he’d grown up.
She vowed she’d do better when he returned.
Isla had been staying in their hidden cabin overnight, alone. The sense of familiarity which existed there was a comfort to her, as well as how Loki’s presence seemed to wrap around Isla within these walls, despite his absence. She’d curled up in the bed they’d shared and made their own each night. Isla had lain awake for hours each time before finally giving into exhaustion and falling into a dreamless sleep. The connection to Loki in his private space, his place of respite, was strong and one she could not bring herself to part with. Not yet.
The portal to and from the hidden cabin was granted by Frigga, so that should Isla ever wish to travel there, she wouldn’t have to wait and seek out the Queen to open a portal for her.
Portal was the preferable form of travel, because the horse they’d travelled on the first time to his grove, although he knew the way, was far too large for Isla to even consider riding. Plus, she had no experience with horses, so wouldn’t even know where to begin. But she had visited the stables once in a sudden bout of loneliness, a moment where Isla had desired to be as close to Loki as possible. She’d found the palace walls too oppressive after visiting Frigga. The vastness of it reminded Isla of just how small she was and how unfamiliar she was with this place. Without her space prince guide by her side she’d suddenly felt very small and lonely.
Isla had wished she’d returned with Maya. With her parents being granted access while the Bifrost was on lockdown Isla did not want to push her luck and ask Odin if she could return to earth to pick up her canine companion while she waited. So, Isla had suffered through it on her own and had sought out the other animal she knew liked Loki as much as she and Maya did. And one who missed him just as much as Isla did as well.
As soon as she measured up his size – even despite her lack of experience – Isla knew right away she’d have no chance of riding Midnight to Loki’s grove. The horse had eyed her quietly and tossed his head after his assessment. Isla had cringed and taken a step backwards as the massive beast stepped towards her, but he pressed his head against her chest and kept it there in what she guessed was an affectionate gesture.
He expelled air through his nostrils when Isla patted his forehead and nudged her again with his nose. Slowly Isla grew more comfortable around the horse as she’d continued to stroke his forehead lightly. Midnight birred happily and kept his head in place to accept more pets from Isla. Of course, she indulged him.
It was there, Frigga had found her.
“He was always a stubborn, ornery beast in his younger years, if I remember correctly,” she told Isla with a wry smile as she watched on. The Queen stopped at the edge of Midnight’s stall and rested her hands, clasped together, against her stomach as she observed them both.
“He’s not so bad,” Isla murmured as she rubbed at his chin.
Midnight seemed to agree with Isla’s assessment. He bobbed his head gently – mindful of hitting Isla’s chin – then nudged her again to try and receive more attention from her.
“I see that,” the Queen grinned. Amusement twinkled within her eyes. “He is quite taken with you.”
Isla blushed. “I don’t know about that.”
“Lady Isla, I have never seen him so calm around someone before. Loki’s stallion adores you.”
She fell quiet for a moment as she rubbed her hand up and down the horse’s neck. “Do you, now,” Isla asked Midnight quietly.
The horse peeled his head back and it was as if he was staring straight into Isla’s soul with his large, dark eyes.
Frigga chuckled. “Take that as a yes, my child. He definitely does.”
“You seem very certain.”
“A mother knows these things,” she replied in a conspirative tone. “I must admit, I did not expect to find you here.”
“I…” Isla trailed off, unsure how to respond. Finally, she sighed and settled with the truth. “I just wanted a connection to him.”
Her sad announcement caused Midnight to let out a quiet, distressed sound so Isla returned to petting his forehead. She hushed him softly.
“I understand,” Frigga replied quietly. She pushed off the stall with her shoulder and magicked a carrot into her hands. Almost instantly Midnight abandoned Isla and moved his head over to greet the Queen.
“I’ll have to remember that trick,” Isla smiled as Frigga chuckled.
“It is merely a distraction so I can talk to you in peace,” she announced with extra emphasis, focussing her stern, but playful, gaze on the horse. The Queen turned her attention to Isla’s neck, where Loki’s necklace still hung. “If I may?” Frigga asked, gesturing towards it.
Isla tugged at the chain around her neck and gripped onto the pendant.
The same necklace Loki had gifted her and placed measures upon to ensure her safety. Isla thought of him, in that moment, wishing she had something similar to shorten the distance between them and return him to them.
The Queen nodded. “It has strong ties to Loki. I can feel his magic strong within it. He’s right here with you.”
The thought made Isla smile for what felt like the first time in a while.
She gripped the pendant tighter in her palm.
“I can enchant it to allow you to conjure a portal to yours and Loki’s cabin. Returning there will be more preferable than the palace walls for you, I bet.”
Isla nearly gaped at her but still handed the necklace over. “Me? Conjure a portal?”
Frigga’s knowing smile sparked mischief within her eyes. “With the correct enchantment, placed by a skilled sorcerer, and with the truest of intentions from the caster – you,” she nodded at Isla and handed the necklace back to her, “you will be able to do such a thing, my child.”
Isla had hardly dared to believe it.
“Grip your necklace tightly,” Frigga instructed, “and think of the small home you have both created. Request to be taken there and the portal will open.”
“That easily,” Isla questioned doubtfully.
“Give it a try.” Frigga didn’t give anything away. She simply waited patiently and expectantly.
Sure enough, a portal opened at Isla’s request.
Despite the deep well of worry, fear, and sadness which appeared to follow her like a storm cloud all day, wonder now coloured Isla’s features and joy managed to filter through and warm her heart. Before her was a square of golden light – a doorway – and through it awaited the warmth of Loki’s magic and his small home.
Isla could see it, clear as day.
She’d done that.
Forlornly, she wished she could share the experience with Loki. She wished she could tell him about it and could share her wonder and excitement at her ability to do such a thing. Isla could picture how he’d grin down at her, eyes so full of love and joy, all directed at her. The rest of the world would fall away, she was sure, and all that would exist would be him. And Isla would find herself so happy.
“You look as though you have stars in your eyes, Lady Isla,” Frigga smiled warmly. She spoke gently, though, as she interrupted Isla’s thoughts, and it looked as though it she was pleased at Isla’s response to magic. Her eyes crinkled at the edges with her joy.
A deep blush coloured Isla’s cheeks, but her chest warmed with unexpected delight. “I never expected I’d be able to do something so… magical before.”
“Ah, see, you already do.”
“Excuse me?” Isla was completely baffled by her reply.
Frigga paused, then sighed. “You do something magical every day, my dearest Lady Isla. You make my son happy. You stand by him as an equal, one he has never been fortunate enough to find in his life before you, and also one he deserves wholeheartedly.”
Isla’s eyes filled with tears at her declaration.
Frigga smiled at Isla and cupped her cheek. “I have never seen him so full of joy before, and it is because of you, Isla.”
When the first tear fell Frigga drew Isla into an embrace.
“I’m sorry for crying,” Isla managed to force out, fearing the wet stain she may leave on the Queen’s clothing due to her tears.
Frigga hushed her as her mother would. “Do not apologise. You have made him, and in turn, me, very happy. I am so glad you both found each other.” Frigga gave her a quick squeeze after announcing that.
“I miss him,” Isla sniffled. “I miss him so much. I'm so worried all the time and I feel so… restless. I don't know what to do.”
The Queen held Isla at arm’s length to examine her face. “I know. But you are not alone. And your parents will be here with us shortly. While we do everything in our power to find him and ensure his safety, you are also safe here with us, Lady Isla, and won’t be left without support and comfort.”
“Thank you.” Isla offered the Queen a watery smile of gratitude. As she was pulled back into another embrace a jolt ran up her arm. It was like an electric shock which struck her in the chest.
“Ah!” she exclaimed in surprise, though the sensation didn’t hurt. It just startled her.
Frigga had looked at her with concern. “Is something wrong?”
“Nothing,” Isla dismissed. She glanced down at her hand, then her arm, seeing nothing amiss. “Just an electric shock.” That’s all it must have been, and Isla didn’t think much more about it.
As the Queen comforted her with a hug, Isla missed how the necklace Loki had gifted her with now suddenly hummed once more with warmth and magic.
*          *          *
Reality came back to Loki in flashes.
Control of his own limbs and mind was granted when he was commanded to don his armour. His mind was too exhausted to do much else than obey. He’d do anything to keep his captors happy so long as they did not set the flaming blade they’d used previously upon his skin.
That was what someone had called his actions once before. When Loki tried to cast his mind back to remember who or remember what the context of such a conversation had been, he was unable to. A blue fog was swirling around the channels of his brain, obscuring facts, hiding answers.
He couldn't explain why, but it bothered him.
There was something important he was required – no, was desperate – to remember. He felt the truth of the matter so deeply and honestly it managed to penetrate the hold the blue, taunting light had on him.
Loki jolted at the memory of the name but wasn’t given any time to recover or think upon it further. Someone was attacking him, and he’d been ordered to stop them. In an action which was not his own, Loki rolled his shoulders and drew himself up tall. A blade was conjured into his hand, and he started to walk forward through the complex of bland tunnels to the threat.
His consciousness, however, was beginning to stir and the desperation from earlier only started to grow now he had a name to hold onto.
It gripped his mind tightly and tried to force its way to the forefront of it, despite the blue light’s attempt to push it back. But such a desire to remember who this was would not be supressed so easily.
“You are my everything.”
“Come back to me.”
Loki’s body jolted and his own mind suddenly returned to his body. It was like he’d slammed back into control of his own brain. The world around him looked much clearer and appeared to be at a much closer distance. Everything was brought back into focus and he could feel the lingering feeling of pain within his limbs. His back was pained, as if it had been scratched by something sharp, but it did not feel as though the skin had been pierced. His arms and legs felt heavy with fatigue and strain. There was the memory of a burning feeling in the left side of his torso and in the centre of his chest, near his heart.
But all that was forgotten in his moment of clarity.
Emotion surged to the surface and fought off the blue invader of his mind so strongly even it appeared surprised by his sudden strength.
He had to return to her. Loki had promised he would, and he would not let his love down.
In a show of force the blue light within his mind reacted violently to the return of his consciousness. It shoved and pounded at his brain, fighting to take back control. His skull throbbed with pain and Loki’s steps faltered as he and whatever was invading his brain both wrestled for control.
One of the Chitauri soldiers from the escort surrounding him grabbed Loki’s arm and jerked him back upright with a screech of indignation, which pierced his eardrums painfully. The surprise, the momentary distraction, was enough to allow himself to slip, and the blue light took over. Once more the world appeared to be viewed from a great distance. As if Loki were seeing it through a fisheye lens.
Loki’s body was forced to walk forward as he recovered from the assault on his being.
He had to get back in control.
He had to return to himself. To rid himself of whatever Thanos had forced upon his brain to attack it.
He had to return to Isla. He’d promised.
“If you do then we can talk about… us. About what your brother is rather insistent upon with his endearments towards me.”
 Loki had to break free of this. His future wife was waiting on him.
*          *          *
“It’s… not the most pleasant experience,” Isla warned her parents as they nervously stepped up to the Bifrost site.
Maya looked in her element as she strode forward, like she already knew the way. Her tongue lolled from her mouth as she walked, panting happily up to the rune mark burned onto the grass.
“It might make you feel sick,” Isla added.
“But it’s safe?”
Isla nodded at her mother’s question. “Perfectly safe. Just… intense. Keep a hold of my hand as we travel.”
Her mother nodded and gripped onto her father’s arm tighter as she walked.
It had been four days since Loki went missing.
The pit in Isla’s stomach had become a constant feeling which never really shifted or left her. Her sleep was not filled with nightmares, but sweet moments between her and Loki, surprisingly. While grateful, it still made her cry when she awoke. Not in fear, but in longing.
She wanted him back so badly. She missed him so much it felt as though she may split into two.
Thor had made plans the Odin and his council. Apparently they had every person, ever ally, in their arsenal looking for the lost prince of Asgard. Those who hadn’t particularly been very vocal about Loki’s return joined the search without question or complaint, but Isla had made a point to examine their faces closely to remember their faces. They did not rub her the right way at all, but they were offering resources and methods to search for him so for the moment, she let it go.
The Bifrost site was familiar. It was the same one they’d used before near her parent’s house.
“Um, Heimdall?” Isla called uncertainly out to him. She still wasn’t entirely sure how it all worked.
The Guardian had assured Isla before she’d left that apparently he’d be able to hear her whenever she called from now on, but Isla still held her doubts about it –
The Guardians voice echoed around the trio, making them all jump.
Isla hadn’t known what to expect when he’d assured her they’d be able to communicate. His voice filling the air around them was not it.
“Lady Isla,” he greeted. “Is your company ready to travel?”
Isla’s doubts were now banished. In all seriousness, after all she’d witnessed about Asgard’s technology and abilities, Isla didn’t know why she even bothered to doubt him.
She glanced at her mother, father, and Maya in response to Heimdall’s question. Both her parents put their trust in her and nodded after a brief pause of uncertainty, which most likely stemmed in disbelief at their current situation, more than anything else. Maya continued to pant happily while sitting patiently by her father’s side.
“We are ready.”
“Keep a tight hold of honoured Lady Isla,” Heimdall announced. “She will guide you on your journey. You may experience a bout of nausea but once you arrive I will see to your comfort and ensure you are well.”
Both her parents shared another glance.
Before Isla could open her mouth to reassure them the rainbow light filled her vision.
Once they landed in the observatory of the Bifrost her parents swayed once, twice, but remained upright. Her father’s complexion looked startlingly white while her mother looked thrilled. Both were windswept but appeared to be experiencing feelings at complete opposite ends of the spectrum regarding travel by the Bifrost.
Isla felt the familiar feeling of nausea, but it was not as potent as it had been previously. She was pleased about that, at least.
Maya staggered and took one step to the side. She sneezed and tossed her head, but she quickly recovered. She barked once and bounded up to the Guardian to greet him.
Heimdall chuckled and placed a large hand upon Maya’s head after he closed the bridge and retrieving his sword. He strode towards the three of them. First, he checked Isla was all right, which she confirmed with a nod. She was certainly better than the last time and didn’t feel the urge to empty the contents of her stomach onto the floor. But perhaps she was too concerned by her parent’s wellbeing to be focussed on her own.
Her poor father looked like he was ready to pass out.
“Breathe,” Heimdall instructed. He placed a hand on her father’s shoulder and guided him through the disorientating feeling while her mother detached herself from her husband’s arm to stare slack jawed at the world beyond the entrance to the observatory.
“That’s…” Margaret trailed off, unable to finish her sentence.
“It’s amazing, huh?”
She nodded in response, too overcome to formulate a response to Isla’s question.
“Dad, are you okay?” Isla hurried to his side when she saw him bent at the waist with his hands on his knees and his head lowered towards the floor.
“He will be all right,” Heimdall replied. “I would suggest taking him to the Healers to ease his discomfort.”
“Please,” her father pleaded desperately.
Her mother, on the other hand, was still staring in awe at the golden palace in the distance. She appeared completely unaffected by their travel.
“I’ve got you Dad, don’t worry,” Isla soothed as she linked her arm through his. “We’ll get you to the Healers and they’ll be able to make you feel better.”
“I have sent word to the Queen.” Heimdall’s golden, all seeing and ancient eyes focussed on Isla’s. “She will be arriving shortly with an escort and will greet them upon their arrival.”
“Queen,” her mother asked, voice faint, as the gravity of her situation finally settled upon her.
“Yeah,” Isla replied softly. “Loki is a prince, remember?”
“I remember –”
She never got to finish her sentence because, as if the Guardian had summoned her with his speech alone, a golden portal opened and Queen Frigga stepped through it.
“Welcome, parents of Isla,” Frigga greeted warmly. “My name is Frigga.” She even bowed her head to them both. “Welcome to Asgard. May your visit be a pleasant one.”
Her parents appeared dumbstruck, and Frigga smiled warmly at them both after shooting Isla a quick glance to check she was all right.
“You daughter has been a blessing to have here with us on Asgard. May the Norns bless you both, and I feel I must thank you for raising such a fine woman, who has made myself and my son incredibly happy.”
Isla’s face flushed pink.
“Come, I shall show you the way to the Healing Rooms to right your equilibrium and see you fit and well once more –”
A crack of thunder – which made Isla jump about a foot in the air – interrupted Frigga. Her head turned to look through the observatory door to see Thor flying in and landing on the rainbow bridge.
“It’s Loki,” he murmured quietly to his mother. He cast a glance over her shoulder to see Isla pale at the sight of the strained look on his face. “I believe we have located him.”
Isla sucked in a breath and all her emotions from the first day of his disappearance came flooding back to her.
In that exact moment, she felt terrible. She’d been moping and playing house in Asgard while Loki had been out there, captured and taken against his will. He’d been left to the mercy of Thanos. Isla knew there was not much she could have physically done to ascertain his location. She had no magic or ability to locate him. All she could have done was wait, but her mind was cruel. It reminded her of the fact she’d been stagnant and hadn’t done anything to assist while he was out there, most likely suffering at the hands of the Titan.
She hadn’t done a damn thing to help him.
In this time of fear, her mind was especially cruel.
“What?” Isla’s voice sounded strange to her own ears as she blurted out her question.
Her mother appeared to have missed what had happened, as had her father. They’d both been rendered stunned by the Queen before them, but at the sound of her barked question they looked immediately towards her.
“Truly,” Frigga questioned. A hand tightened into a fist by her side.
Thor nodded. “I believe so. Father has instructed me to leave now.”
Frigga stepped aside and nodded to Heimdall. He straightened and returned to his post immediately. He readied his great sword to open the Bifrost.
“Please,” Frigga had ushered Isla’s parents with an urgency in her voice. “Come this way. I will see you both settled and shown to your rooms.”
They both made their way across the room, still slightly stunned by all they’d witnessed since their arrival. Isla didn’t doubt they were probably overwhelmed. It was certainly a lot to take in, meeting a Queen, travelling through space, and seeing a completely new world laid out before their eyes.
“Lady Isla?”
She hadn’t moved from her spot, nor had she approached the Queen to assist her parents.
In truth, Isla was torn.
But, in a single, silent moment, her eyes met her father’s. He still looked green around his gills, but he nodded to her once in acceptance.
“Lady Isla –”
Thor appeared to have some inkling of what she was considering doing, but whatever he was about to say was overtaken by the whooshing sound of the Bifrost activating and the gateway opening.
Thor stepped into it, and Isla bolted after him. Frigga and her mother shouted and called out to her to stop as Isla desperately ran after Thor.
She couldn’t not go with him.
She had to do this.
Isla followed after Thor and leapt into the open gateway of the Bifrost.
Thor hadn’t told her where they were going. In a brief flash of common-sense Isla had no idea if wherever they were landing would even be hospitable for her, but it was too late now. The rainbow of colours was flashing before her eyes, and she could see Thor sailing through the passageway a few metres in front of her.
Despite the pain it caused her to think such a thing, Isla only hoped they weren’t too late now that the moment had finally arrived.
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lowkis · 2 years
you put your hand in mine - chapter 37
summary: when loki falls from the bifrost he lands on earth. isla finds him while out walking her dog one night and takes him under her wing, nursing him back to health as best she can. it’s hard, trying to juggle work, life, and looking after a fallen asgardian prince. with nowhere else to go and limited access to his magic, loki must heal, wait patiently, and adapt while trying to wrap his head around life on earth after everything that happened on the bifrost
rated: t
words: 3148
tags: post-thor (2011), eventual romance, slow burn, mutual pining, fluff, drama, romance, angst, comfort/angst, canon divergence, protective loki, good loki, confused loki, loki needs a hug, he’s trying his best to understand earth, he’s trying his best full stop
read from the beginning: tumblr | ao3 | fic tag
Isla couldn’t think.
Thoughts, worries, fears all invaded her mind and made her anxiety skyrocket but she still couldn’t think. Everything was too jumbled within her brain for her to begin thinking rationally.
She was currently pacing a hole in the carpet in her parent’s living room.
She didn’t even hear her father’s soft call to her. How could she pay attention when Loki was gone? When Thor had told her Thanos had finally taken him, threatened to twist him to suit his own purpose, and had ripped him away from them all to take him God only knows where? To a place where Heimdall couldn’t even see him anymore?
Tears dripped down her cheeks as her chest tightened. Isla sucked in a breath and tried to push down the panic trying to rise within her to the surface.
Her frantic pacing was stopped when arms wrapped around her tightly. While they grounded her and stopped her thoughts from rung too amok, it brought reality crashing back down upon her.
Isla crumpled.
Her knees gave out beneath her, but she didn’t fall. Her father steadied Isla and held her upright, but as her quiet sobs permeated the tense silence of the room he gently followed her to the floor. He rocked her back and forth just like he had when she was a child.
“Lady Isla…”
“Give her a minute,” her father commanded urgently.
Isla couldn’t see Thor as her face was pressed into her father’s shoulder, but she heard him sigh and shift at the opposite side of the room.
“It’s all right, sweetheart,” her mother soothed from behind her. Her hand ran comfortingly up and down her back. “It will be all right.”
“Your Loki is a tough guy,” her father added. “I’m sure he’ll be fine. He’ll be back in no time, you’ll see.”
Thanos had been most insistent on Loki joining him. He’d hunted him down, had attacked him in an effort to do so. Now, he had his hands on him, what length would he go to, to get Loki to bend to his will?
Isla swallowed against the bile in her throat and squeezed her eyes tightly closed.
“Lady Isla, I must return to Asgard,” Thor interject quietly but earnestly.
She peeled her face away from her father’s shoulder to look up at him. His sorrow was as clear as day but he’d remained steadfast and urgent. He hadn’t broken down like her. Not yet anyway. Not while Loki was still out there and needed them.
 “I must inform father and begin our search. Will you return with me?”
It wasn’t even a question that needed to be asked. Isla nodded and stood from her place on the floor.
Her parents quickly rose after her and started to make their protests.
“I have to go,” Isla whispered, silencing them all.
“Isla…” Her parent’s faces were full of sympathy, but also concern. They were worried about her.
“I have to help find him.” Isla’s eyes lifted to face her parents. They were still wet and sore from her sorrow, but she felt the determination and resolve solidifying within her. “It’s what he’d do for me.”
Both looked pained but her father nodded and accepted her decision.
“Yes, Lady Isla?” He stepped forward after she called.
Isla bit her lip, suddenly uncertain. “Would they be able to come with me?”
Thor blinked at her before he realised her meaning. Her parents had a similar reaction and both shared a glance.
“To Asgard?”
“Please. I... I don’t want to be alone.”
Thor looked torn.
“Lady Isla –” His tone was one of warning however he didn’t get to finish.
“Thor, please?”
The look on his face showed his displeasure at being the bearer of bad news for a second time. But Isla had felt the need to ask. She wanted them there both as a comfort, but also to ensure their safety.
“I will speak with my father,” he offered. “Only he can extend the invitation at this time due to the nature of the situation.” His eyes dropped for a second as he swallowed. “The capture of one of our own will be seen as an act of violence against Asgard and travel by the Bifrost will be limited, however, you will not be alone. I swear it. I will see to Father myself and fight to ensure they may visit you.”
It wasn’t great but it was something. Something to hold onto to keep her world together as it threatened to tear apart.
“Okay,” she relented.
“Be safe, honey.” Her father’s hug was tight and she clung onto him just as strongly. She didn’t see him cast a warning glance at Thor over her head, silently asking him to ensure her safety.
Her mother’s hug mirrored her father’s and Isla was loath to let them go.
But they had work to do. They had to find him.
The trip to the Bifrost site was silent. As was the journey back to Asgard.
After all the turmoil of the afternoon Isla threw up once they landed. Thor rubbed her back and told her to rest, to take her time, as Heimdall waved his hand and magicked away the contents of her stomach.
Fresh tears fell when she remembered Loki had used his magic to make her feel better after each time they’d travelled this way.
She couldn’t take her time hunched over in the observatory of the Bifrost. For all they knew, Loki didn’t have time.
*          *          *
There was something invading Loki’s mind. An energy, a whisper of it, so small it was almost imperceptible. A test, perhaps, to see if he’d succumb to it. It pushed and prodded at his mind gently and felt like a fly buzzing around his head. It was irritating.
Loki jerked against his bonds. He was furious. He was incised. The manacles surrounding his wrists were heavy but did not break the skin. A more fragile being’s skin may have been rubbed raw by the weight and the tightness of them, and by the way he’d been jerking against them to try and free himself, but he was of Asgard.
But was he really, though? That was the issue which has sparked this whole chain of events. That lie, that betrayal of who he really was and where he belonged, was the reason he was currently in this position.
Regardless, as he struggled to free himself, his Jotun physiology was barely impacted by it.
His magic had been restricted by the cuffs, hence his physical struggle. It felt like something was weighing heavily upon his chest. It felt wrong, and the familiar feeling of his magic lying within him was gone. Not forever, but for the moment. Loki tried not to panic at the sensation. It would only be temporary. He just had to free himself.
His body sagged against the wall he’d been chained to. He didn’t pay attention to how hard he was breathing or how silent and eerie the world beyond his cell was. The sheen of sweat covering his body was ignored and he did not think about or reflect on his earlier... conversation with the Titan and the Chitauri. Loki’s thoughts were focussed inwards, his mind racing.
Thor was free at least. He would return with assistance. Loki was sure of it. He’d seen the look of horror on his brother’s face as Thanos vanished them in a puff of smoke. It was similar to the one he’d worn after Loki had let go of Odin’s staff.
The thought comforted him as they’d tried to break him.
Sorrow burned deep within his bones. It was likely she knew by now what had happened to him. He could picture her tears. Her anxiety. Her fretting. Oh, that was not what he wanted for his love. He wanted her to wear nothing but smiles, to have no worries at all in this world, for he would banish them all.
Not be the cause of them.
She’d been so tense and anxious over him the day he and Thor had left that it made Loki pause. Her level of love and care always astounded him. Most of the time he dared not to believe it, but she was always there to prove him wrong. To banish his insecurities and make him feel like the most adored person in the Cosmos. She looked at him as if he’d hung the moon and the stars within the night sky and it was… indescribable, after the life he'd lead before there's found each other.
Walking away from her that day and entering through that portal had been the hardest thing he’d ever done.
And now, it would be even worse for her.
He’d broken his promise to return to her.
He’d failed her.
Another one to add to your list, a voice in his mind hissed cruelly. It is all you are good for.
Disappointing and failing his loved ones.
No… He wasn’t. He was more than that. Isla had helped to show him that.
No, you are nothing more than a failure.
He wasn’t…
Was he?
Little did he know, much to his luck, small fractures were beginning to appear in the metal clamped around his wrists.
*          *          *
Isla watched from off to the side within Asgard’s Council Room as Odin’s court and advisors discussed what had transpired on earth. She clutched at her elbows and bit her lip as she listened in to the different people speak around the table.
Some were angry, crying for retribution and the return of their prince. Others were quiet. Too quiet, in Isla’s opinion. They did not fight for Loki. They remained silent and almost impassive, as if content to leave him to his fate. 
Frigga had not chosen a seat at the table, as was her right. Instead, she came over to Isla and stood with her. A gentle hand was placed upon her back and had rubbed soothingly when she heard Isla’s exhales turning shaky. 
Worry pulled at the Queen’s eyes and was accompanied by a deep sadness. She feared for her son and openly let it show. Isla didn’t want to dwell on why the Queen appeared so worried. She couldn’t. If she did, she’d break apart. 
When Thor had gravely announced to the court what had occurred, Odin had sighed, long and deep. A heavy weight appeared to press down upon his shoulders as there was an sudden and loud outcry of disbelief and anger around the table. His eyes fluttered closed, lingering there for a moment. But once his eyes opened he rose to his feet. His staff was called to his hand in a flash of gold magic and he thumped it on the ground once, silencing everyone instantly.
“Make no mistake,” he said in an even and calm voice. “We will be going after those who have taken my son.” He met the eyes of everyone in the room as he spoke, lingering on those who’s reaction had been too quiet. “Thor,” he beckoned, gesturing to him. “Tell us everything you know.” 
He remained a stoic ruler, a true King, as plans and efforts were made to rescue Loki. His voice remained even as he spoke, his words measured after careful consideration. 
Isla could barely make heads or tails of it all. Her mind was still reeling, her stomach too much of an anxious mess, to truly take anything in. 
“Lady Isla.” The Queen smiled at her in sympathy as she finally managed to capture her attention and break through her frantic thoughts. 
“Lady Isla, would you like to accompany me to my gardens for a short while?” 
She opened her mouth to protest. She couldn’t leave while Loki’s safety hung in the balance. However, the Queen would not permit her to say no. 
“Thor will update us on any plans which have been made once they are finalised. You will not be kept in the dark, I promise, however I can see you are worrying yourself in circles.” She smiled at her kindly. “Let us get some fresh air. Allow it to clear the mind.” 
Isla nodded tiredly in agreement. 
“Loki is strong, my child.” The Queen gave Isla’s hand a squeeze as she led her to her own private gardens.   It was a beautiful place. Colourful blooms were a rainbow on a backdrop of thriving greenery. They were cheerful and bright, and given different circumstances, it would have brightened up Isla’s day, seeing such a stunning sight. 
“And he has you to return to,” Frigga reminded her. “He will not be beaten so easily.” 
She nodded and clung onto the woman’s words. She spoke with wisdom and grace. Her belief was so strong and while Isla refused to believe anything less, she still had her uncertainties. Not about Loki or his skill, but about this whole situation in general. 
The image of his body bowing under the illusion of fire which the Titan had used last time made her flinch. 
“What troubles you, my child?”
“I’m scared,” Isla admitted in a whisper. 
Frigga’s expression turned to one of sympathy. “Understandable. I too share in your fear, as does Thor and Odin. Remember, you are not alone in this, and Loki will return to us.” 
 “Are you scared for him?”
The Queen paused for a moment. “I am. Of course, I am,” she answered honestly. “I fear for my son as any mother would, on top of all he has suffered throughout his life.” Her face turned contemplative, and Isla didn’t interrupt the Queen’s thoughts. “I worry about what they are forcing him endure. But we will fight to return him to us and will oppose all who dare to stand against us.”
In a startling moment of clarity Isla could finally see the warring nation Asgard proclaimed itself to be. While the Queen embodied gentleness and care, she knew in that moment she meant every word. There would be no stopping them. And – although she didn’t want to entertain the thought – God help Thanos if anything happened to Loki.
Her talk with the Queen settled Isla somewhat and relaxed her shoulders a little bit. Some of the tension released from her body with the knowledge there was a whole realm willing to stand against the Titan menace and fight to find the man she loved.
She only hoped they would be quick about it. Isla didn’t know how much more of this uncertainty she could take.
*          *          *
“That’s enough for now.” 
Loki’s body sagged against the sharp stones jutting from the wall as the Chitauri stepped away from him. He barely felt the roughness against his back anymore. Patches of blue covered his skin as his glamour faded the longer their interrogation lasted. Loki had not been able to conjure up the ability to cover them, so left it. 
It was not out of vanity or displeasure he wished to cover the appearance of his Jotun form. It was a desire to hide how Thanos and his ilk were cracking him. Not mentally, but physically. 
Fire was not kind to those of Jotun heritage. 
The burns had been left untreated at first however were quickly healed so they could begin anew. There was no physical evidence of the injury, but the renewed efforts were sapping slowly at his strength and endurance.
“Leave us,” Thanos commanded quietly, yet holding absolute authority. 
His Chitauri minions scuttled from the room, chattering together, and left Loki alone with the Titan. 
His mind was as sluggish as his body. It struggled to realise he was alone with him until the silence became startlingly apparent. Looking across the room Loki saw Thanos had remained still to stare Loki down as he waited for him to recover and return to the room. 
“What do you want with me,” Loki asked. 
“I have told you my reasonings.” 
“And I expressed my feelings on the matter,” Loki snapped with more force he thought he’d be capable of. 
“It’s no matter. The Chitauri can be very persuasive, so can my children. We shall bring you over to our side. In time.” 
“Do not count on it,” Loki muttered and resisted the urge to snort in disgust.
“Oh, I shall count on it, Odinson.” Thanos’ smile made Loki pause. “With the correct… persuasion, whether that be continuing what we do here, or venturing to other methods involving those you care for,” he grinned, “I’m sure we can come to some kind of arrangement with one another.”
Growing up in Asgard Loki hadn’t had much to fear. There were the terrors of children, for sure, but after growing into adolescence there hadn’t been much. There hadn’t been a reason for him to fear anything. He was a god. He was a master of sorcery. But in that moment, looking into Thanos’ cold eyes and seeing the sinister smile growing, Loki felt pure fear. It rushed through his veins and caused sweat to break out over his already damp skin. It slammed into him and caused him to buck against the chains surrounding him with renewed strength. 
Unnoticeable to Loki – he was too angry to pay any attention to it – the glamour returned to his skin, covering the blue patches of skin.
Thanos would not touch Isla.
“You would not dare,” Loki hissed. 
“I would,” Thanos replied without missing a beat. 
Loki’s teeth grit together with a force so strong one would be afraid they’d shatter. Protectiveness surged through his veins and in a fit of desperation and fury he called his magic to him. Although supposed to be hampered, it did respond. It stirred and reacted to his call, as if it was recognising the threat made against his beloved. 
“You will not touch one hair upon her head otherwise you will not only answer to the might of Asgard, you will answer to me.” 
“None will find you. I can assure you of that.” Thanos straightened and uncrossed his arms. 
Something in the back of his mind tingled. It was barely there, so tiny he almost missed it. But it was familiar. It knew him as well as he knew himself. 
An explosion rocked the ground beneath his feet but all Loki did was grin at the way Thanos tipped to the side. 
Asgard was coming. 
“You will not win against them,” Loki warned. 
Something flashed within Thanos’ eyes and Loki knew he would pay for what had come for him. He would suffer for their incursion. But so long as it freed him from his bonds and returned him to his home, back to the arms of the woman he loved, he’d bear it. 
So long as it kept Isla safe in the long run, and kept the Titan away, that was all he was concerned about
Furious at the attack, Thanos strode towards Loki. He lifted his large purple fist but whatever was glowing with blue energy was hidden from view behind large fingers. Something hard and sharp was pressed against Loki’s temple and accompanying it was an enormous pressure pressing on his skull. Blue light filled his vision and distorted the colours and lights around him, turning the hues so bright and iridescent it was painful.
Loki wanted to close his eyes against it, but it was too much. It was too intense and all he could do was gasp in pain and let out a pained sound as he felt something slither into his mind. His magic fought it off as best it could, but it was so strong. It was compelling him to give in and let it take over. 
Loki fought it. He wouldn’t give into it. He wouldn’t. 
But the Titan pressed harder and the pressure on his skull increased. It was too much.
The blackness which enveloped him was tinged around the edges with icy blue light. It swirled over his vision and curled in the centre before fading, and his eyesight returned to him.
However it was as if he was viewing the world from a distance.
Loki shook his head to try and right his vision, but it remained the same.
The pressure on his skull had relented, but not entirely. His head throbbed once, forcing him to squeeze his eyes shut. 
When Loki next opened his eyes and took his first step forward he was not entirely in control of his own body.
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lowkis · 2 years
you put your hand in mine - chapter 36
summary: when loki falls from the bifrost he lands on earth. isla finds him while out walking her dog one night and takes him under her wing, nursing him back to health as best she can. it’s hard, trying to juggle work, life, and looking after a fallen asgardian prince. with nowhere else to go and limited access to his magic, loki must heal, wait patiently, and adapt while trying to wrap his head around life on earth after everything that happened on the bifrost
rated: t
words: 3148
tags: post-thor (2011), eventual romance, slow burn, mutual pining, fluff, drama, romance, angst, comfort/angst, canon divergence, protective loki, good loki, confused loki, loki needs a hug, he’s trying his best to understand earth, he’s trying his best full stop
read from the beginning: tumblr | ao3 | fic tag
“How did you find me?”
Loki glanced up from where his fingers were trailing up and down Isla’s arm. She’d shivered in both pleasure and delight thanks to his ministrations before promptly turning into a pile of putty beneath his hands.
“When I was out walking with Maya. How did you find me?”
He tapped a long finger against the pendant pooled on her chest. “I followed the trace my magic left when creating this. Though very faint and diminishing, it was enough to follow.”
Isla lifted the necklace to view it. She turned it over in her hand slowly. “Okay. That’s cool. I didn’t know it worked like that.”
Loki pressed an open-mouthed kiss against her bare shoulder before lying back down beside her. As soon as he did Isla wriggled over and curled close against his side.
Maya lifted her head by their feet. Their movements had been still beforehand but now she’d been interrupted in her rest. After a quick check to ensure they were both all right she settled once more and let out a sigh.
“It doesn’t.”
“It doesn’t?” Isla glanced up at him in surprise. “Then how...?”
Loki pulled her more firmly against him which ended up with Isla practically laying across his chest. “I followed the spark left by its creation. Just as you have told me you can recognise my magic, the pendant holds a part of my magic within it, therefore I could follow the trail it left. I could not discern your location and didn’t hear you call for me.” He peered down at her. “You should have called for me.”
Isla cringed. “I really didn’t mean to get so carried away and wander far. I didn’t even realise. Just as I did, you appeared. I remembered about your necklace and grabbed it as you popped up.”
“I would like to go on these adventures with you, Isla,” Loki murmured as he ran a hand through Isla’s hair. She practically purred as he repeated the action. “Even if duty calls me away I will always have time for you and whatever you wish to do.”
“I know, Loki,” she sighed as her muscles relaxed under his touch.
“Wait for me next time?”
Her eyes cracked open to see Loki looking at her pleadingly. His head lowered so he could press his forehead against hers.
“Please don’t do something like that again. If anything happened to you…” He trailed off, unable to finish the thought or entertain it further.
“Of course, Loki.” One hand lifted to cup his cheek. “I will, I promise. I want to do it with you too.” Isla cracked a smile. “I want my space prince guide by my side.”
Loki’s chuckle lightened his features and softened his eyes. “I think I can manage that, my love.”
“Good. Because I wouldn’t take anyone else.”
A kiss was pressed to the inside of Isla’s wrist.
“I have a request, if you’d be willing.” He looked so hopeful, yet hesitant.
“What is it, Loki,” Isla asked kindly. “You can ask me for anything.”
An eyebrow twitched up and his hesitancy fled him. Suddenly he looked far too mischievous. “Anything?”
That earned an eye roll from Isla which made him laugh.
“In all seriousness, I do.” His fingers lightly brushed over the necklace. “There is a tracking spell I can use on this to enchant it. It will allow me a direct link to you at all times and will not be hindered by anything.”
“Like a tracking device?”
She wasn’t entirely sure how she felt about that. While Isla had no issue being tied to Loki or him knowing her location, the idea of being tracked was… strange. It left her feeling slightly uneasy, even though it was only Loki who would know.
Loki nodded. “Purely to be used in case of emergency. Such as this afternoon if I am suddenly unable to find you. It is a simple locator spell and if you prefer, if it would make you more comfortable, I can change the necklace into something else?”
“I have no problem with you knowing where I am in an emergency, Loki.” She thought back to the initial visit from Thanos and swallowed. About what might have happened if Loki hadn’t been with SHIELD and hadn’t been informed of the invasion happening on her home. It would settle some of her worries, at least, knowing he could find her in a crisis. “I want you to do it.”
“Are you sure?” His eyebrows lifted as he implored her to think upon his suggestion further.
Isla nodded. “I’m sure. Although the idea of being tracked is odd and strange it would make me feel better knowing you were out there and that you had my back should I need it.”
He exhaled slowly at her acceptance and nodded. His fingertips glowed green and gold before he lowered them to touch upon the pendant. It warmed considerably and Isla gasped softly at the feeling of it. It warmed her skin, leaving her slightly flushed, before it cooled. It hummed against her skin with Loki’s magic and made her smile.
“Thank you, Loki.”
“My love, thank you,” he murmured earnestly. “You have eased my soul with your faith and trust in me.”
“You will always have them, Loki.” Isla drew him in close for a kiss. “In everything.”
His kiss turned fierce as Loki tugged Isla with him as he lay back down on the bed.
“Have you made a decision about where you wish to stay while I am gone,” Loki asked as his hand skimmed up and down her back.
Isla nodded. “I’d like to go home to see my parents.”
“As you wish, Isla.”
“I know you’d probably prefer me to stay here but…” Isla bit her lip. “I need to know they’re okay. I need to be with them to stop worrying myself in circles when I’m alone.”
Loki was contemplative for a moment and didn’t meet her eyes. “Are you worried for them now?” His question was a quiet. Only a murmur.
Isla nodded. “Only because I know what’s coming,” she whispered.
“Isla, no harm will come to them. I promise you this.”
Her smile was small, but grateful. “Thank you, Loki. But I can’t help but worry.”
“If I have to bring them all to Asgard, I will. They will not be left to fend for themselves.”
“I’m sure the King would love that,” Isla muttered.
“He will have no choice. I swore an oath to you, and it extends to your family. My word is binding.”
“Binding, huh?”
He smirked at the way she glanced up at him through her eyelashes.
“Does that please you, my love?”
Loki clutched gently at her neck. His fingers curled around it, securing her in place, as he moved his lips to brush feather light against hers. He didn’t kiss her yet, though. He hovered above her, teasing her, causing Isla’s breathing to quicken in anticipation.
Whatever Loki had said completely fled Isla’s mind and she didn’t answer his question. When he noticed, Loki pulled back slightly and lifted an eyebrow questioningly as his smirk returned.
“Well, my love?”
“Well, what?”
He chuckled and kissed her sweetly, putting her out of her misery. Isla nearly whimpered at how loved and cherished she felt with that one action alone.
“I was simply asking if you enjoyed the fact that I was bound to you. Does it please you to know the control you have over a God?”
His smile turned wolfish.
Isla giggled and rolled her eyes. “As if I could ever have control over you.”
Loki hummed. “My love, you have no idea.”
Her confusion was evident, which Loki appeared to find adorable.
“There is nothing I would not do for you, Isla. No length I would not go to for you. You will never be left wanting, for I would do everything in my power to give you anything you asked for.”
She gaped up at him.
“If you asked me to destroy a world for you, I would do so.”
“Oh… my…” Not that she would ever ask him to do such a thing, of course, but that was… quite a declaration.
“I love you with everything I am,” Loki murmured as a finger stroked the skin of her face, moving from temple to chin, which he grasped gently within his long fingers. “Like I never have towards any other before.”
Tears sprang to her eyes as her skin flushed with pleasure and the intensity of his words.
“Sometimes I can’t believe this is my life now.” Her laugh was watery as Loki gently wiped away her escaping tears. “I love you, Loki. It runs so deep that it… astounds me.” Her tears fell faster now but her smile was bright like the sun as she looked at him.
His own happiness was reflected within his eyes. Those deep oceans that Isla would dive headfirst into with no hesitation every time.
“You are my everything.” She blushed at her deeply honest confession, but an overwhelming sense of rightness settled on her bones. Isla knew deep in her heart that this was the truth.
“As you are mine.”
The words curled around her body and held her tight, just like Loki’s arms. He held on tight to her, just as she did, and the pair simply existed together. Nothing more needed to be said. They lay there in the dawn light in their own little bubble, perfectly content to exist in each other’s arms for as long as fate would allow it.
If Isla could bottle up this moment and live in it forever, she would. She’d never felt such peace before or felt such deep, never-ending love. When she clung onto Loki tighter with her revelation he returned the gesture in kind. Fingers ran gently through her hair before a kiss was tenderly pressed against the top of her head.
She was so cherished and loved.
Isla let out a quiet, happy sigh and drifted on Loki’s love, enjoying their moment of peace while they had it.
*          *          *          *          *          *          *          *
Thor was waiting for them both as they stepped into the Observatory of the Bifrost.
“Good morning, Brother.” He winked at Isla. “Sister.”
Apparently, getting a rise out of her by insinuating she and Loki were married tickled him.
He was just as mischievous as his brother.
“Brother,” Loki nodded. His smile was wry as he noted the blush on Isla’s cheeks but didn’t push further to avoid making her feel uncomfortable.
Not that Isla was completely uncomfortable with the insinuation, or didn’t yearn for what it meant, but it was… so soon. They’d only known each other a few months. And while Frigga had explained with great amusement that Asgardians did things differently – and much more quickly – than those on Midgard, it was still a culture shock.
Isla would adore to tie herself to Loki and marry him, but it was still a concept to get used to. Not to mention the issue of her mortality.
Would she really want Loki to tie himself to her when she would be gone in a few decades, leaving him behind? Alone?
Thoughts and worries for another time.
 And bless him, Loki respected her and didn’t push anything further.
Just subjected her to teasing from his brother.
They landed back on earth close to where she and Loki had last time when they’d visited her parents. Their house was just across the street. Maya had already let out a happy bark upon spying her doting grandparent’s house, ready to be spoiled for the few days they’d be staying with them.
“This is where we must part ways,” Thor announced.
Loki lifted Isla’s hand to press a kiss to the back of her knuckles.
She watched every movement as he did so. The way an eyebrow twitched upwards and how his love shone through his eyes. How his smile lit up his face and softened the hard edges she’d first seen so many months ago. She memorised every feature, every line, and was overcome with the urge to leap into his arms and never left him go.
So she did.
“Isla,” Loki chuckled with amused delight, but his tone was gentle and soothing as well. Understanding. A hand ran down her back as he eased her fears without her even voicing them.
“Be safe,” she whispered against the skin of his throat.
Their kiss lingered. Isla felt a tightness wrap around her heart and squeeze as he pulled back slowly.
She didn’t want him to go.
It felt like he’d been with her for so long, nearly a lifetime, and now he was leaving. Albeit temporarily, but she didn’t like the idea of being parted from him. Especially not when she knew what he was potentially going off to face.
To busy her hands she straightened the lapels of his overcoat, however it was already sitting perfectly upon his lithe frame. Isla trailed her eyes down his body, noting his Asgardian armour and committed that to memory too.
“Come back to me,” she whispered down to is boots.
 “Isla…” Loki sighed when he heard her breath catch as she tried to hold back a few tears.
It was silly, really, but she couldn’t help it. Not when the memory of their last time facing Thanos here on earth flashed through her mind.
Just as he’d professed to her a few days ago in the bliss of their cabin, if anything happened to Loki Isla didn’t know how she’d cope without him.
Her chin was quickly guided back up to face him.
“My love, I cannot leave you like this.”
“No,” she shook her head, taking a deep even breath. “I’ll be fine. Sorry, I was just having a moment.” She smiled but Loki’s expression turned dismayed when he spied the sheen she knew would be in her eyes.
“Lady Isla, you have nothing to fear,” Thor interjected gently. “I will be with my brother. I’ll keep him out of trouble,” he quipped with a grin.
“You better,” she replied sternly, but kept her smile light. “Both of you better keep each other out of trouble,” she added, waggling her finger at the two brothers.
“Yes, dear,” Loki replied dutifully, causing Thor to snort. He shot his brother a scowl and stuck his tongue out at him.
Their banter made her heart lighter.
“I promise I will come back to you. You have my word.”
Isla nodded and exhaled slowly.
“Now, are you all right?”
She nodded again and her smile was genuine.
Loki wasn’t alone. He had Thor with him. That thought alone helped her push down all her fears and worries.
“I am. I’ll hold you to that promise,” she added while lowering her voice. “If you do then we can talk about… us.”
His head cocked to the side and his brows furrowed, not understanding.
“About what your brother is rather insistent upon with his endearments towards me,” she explained cryptically.
Loki’s confusion lingered then he froze. He blinked at her. Then blinked at her again.
“Are you bribing me, Lady Isla,” Loki teased lightly, cheekily, but there was a hint of hope and trepidation behind what he said. As if he didn’t dare believe what she was saying but hoped with all his heart it was the truth.
She laughed but shook her head and took a deep breath. Sincerity replaced her amusement and Loki stilled when he noticed. “I’m not teasing. I’m…” She took a deep breath, knowing in her heart this was what she wanted, despite her reservations and fears for the future. “I’m serious. We can talk about it.”
“My love…”
The kiss he gave her left her feeling breathless and giddy.
Thor just laughed quietly to himself in the background but at least he’d turned his back to give them some privacy to have their moment.
“The moment I return…” Loki brushed Isla’s bottom lip with his thumb.
“Better get that butt moving then huh, My Prince?”
He let out a small growl and grinned at the challenge. “As my lady commands.”
After a final, dizzying kiss, the two brothers set off. Thor clapped – more like thumped – Loki enthusiastically on the back and offered his congratulations. Loki grumbled and snapped at his brother to get off him, but Isla still caught the grin on his face.
He looked so boyish and ecstatic when he turned to see her a final time, sporting a dopey smile, before they walked through the portal to the SHIELD building. He even offered her a jovial wave which made her heart soar as Isla returned it.
Her worries still teased the back of her mind, but she was happy. Excited for the future she and Loki were building and looking forward to the brothers return.
*          *          *          *          *          *          *          *
Isla spied a flash of red through the frosted glass at her parent’s front door. Her heart rose into her throat and excitement flashed through her body as she lengthened her strides to hurry to the door.
Her face lit up when she opened the door and saw Thor.
She felt relief wash over her body. They’d returned –
Before she promptly froze.
Loki wasn’t with him.
Her stomach clenched and when Thor turned Isla felt bile burn her throat.
He had a graze on his forehead – not deep – which was seeping blood. A hand clutched at his side to cover an injury. Glancing down Isla say his hand was covered in blood and her blood froze within her veins. Thor looked rather worse for wear, bloodied and beaten. Crushed. His eyes swam with emotion, the most prominent being regret. Pain came a close second.
“Lady Isla…”
Even his voice was filled with sorrow.
“Loki?” She just managed to choke out his name. It sounded like a bark as she tried to force it around the lump forming in her throat.
“Lady Isla –”
“Where is he?”
A deathly calm settled over them both, as though time were standing still.
She could barely breathe as she waited for him to answer.
“Thanos…” Thor sighed, and he appeared to age before her very eyes. Regret and grief weighed him down, squashing him beneath their combined weight.
Horror burned through every vein in her body, filled every cell. She felt hot. Too hot. Like she was burning on the inside.
Blood roared in her ears and she didn’t hear her parents calling out to her and asking what was wrong. She didn’t hear Maya’s concerned whine as she appeared by her side. She didn’t feel her tongue licking her fingers. How could she when her world was cracking at the seams?
“Thanos and his army attacked SHIELD. Loki was taken by the Titan by force.”
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