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Hello Tumblr, 
Are you busy over the Christmas period? Perhaps you would like to take part in BlakeFest.
blakefest is a multimedia fest celebrating Blake's 7 around the holiday season. Sign up from now until the 14th of December to prompt and make fic and art, podfic, meta and graphics and/or vids. Assignments go out on Gauda Prime Day and are due back in between the 23rd and 25th of February.  Rules are here.  Sign-up post is here.
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Pinned them twice :D http://pinterest.com/pin/246220304599268536/
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After spotting these Tatty Devine Christmas crackers we’re getting in the Christmas spirit extra early this year.
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This is today. 
Dress: Dorothy Perkins Top: Joules (sale) Tights: Bought from America - where tights stay up!  Fake Converse: Primark! (I bought the navy blue ones as well. V happy) 
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Yer, I know these earrings don't go with the top. But I just wanted to wear them! I thought it would be sort of... quirky. And kind of nautical. Because popcorn is very nautical. 
This was definitely yesterday, anyway. 
Jumper: Whistles (charity shop) Cami: Boden (alas! The strap broke while I was queuing for the toilets at Les Mis! Will just have to sew it back on, but still: alas). Jeans: M&S Earrings: Tatty Devine  
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No idea when this was. A time. Maybe my iPhone would tell me, but I can't be bothered to ask it. 
Top: Joules (sale). I can't decide whether I love this top and want more in different colours, or if it makes me look fat/splits my breasts in an odd way in profile view. It is very soft. Necklace: Tatty Devine (ah, I remember now. It's all coming back to me. I wore this necklace the day before as well. With... ? Something I got wet while washing up. That's why I didn't photograph. And clearly why I need to photograph, otherwise I forget.)  Jeans: M&S (charity shop) 
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Been really slacking. Missing a few days this week (not including the weekend, which I didn't take photos of - for some reason) because I thought they were a bit similar to previous posts. But I still should have taken photos For Science. I don't know. Anyway - this was last Friday. I said I'd been slacking.
Jumper: Joules (sale) Top: Next (charity shop) Chinos: Boden (Erin doesn't like these - but I like them a lot. Indeed, I am considering getting them in the rust colour, I like them so much. My only criticism, if indeed I have one, is that they are a bit too dark. I should have got the petrol ones. But now sold out! Woe is me.) Necklace: Tatty Devine (sale) Earrings: French Connection (gift. Great colours, but so heavy). 
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Today! And it's Primarkalicious.
Top: Primark Skirt: Joules Spotty tights: Primark (I both love and hate these tights. Love because they are v nice colours and feel OK and only cost me something like £3. Hurrah. Hate because the large Primark tights I bought earlier in the year are substantially too large, i.e. falling around your ankles all day, looking like an elephant too large. The small/mediums I am currently wearing... are Far Too Small. Really. I mean, I am wearing them anyway. But I should probably have given them to a small friend instead. Fake converse: Primark! These are so great. I talked about it earlier, but I am still so excited about how cheap and not rubbish these are. Must go back for some navy-blue ones if they have re-stocked.  Necklace: Tatty Devine (it is Movember, as well as the more relevant - to moi - NaNoWriMo) 
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Dress: Joules Top: Stolen from Erin Blue tights: Oasis or similar Shoes (also unseen): Pale blue Converse, though I ripped them even more badly yesterday. I don't know how long they are for this world. Speaking of breaking things - I started this day wearing my Tatty Devine fox brooch. It had to go back to the shop when I snapped off the brooch catch. Well done. They are good at fixing these things, though.
Wasn't wearing a jumper at all yesterday. Weirdly.  Although this is obviously a summer dress being worn in November...
Erin really likes this outfit. I think I look like Maria Von Trapp. Not necessarily a bad thing - that is my aesthetic. If such one can call it. 
A lot of bath in this picture...
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Dress: Joules (surprise surprise) Top: M&S Tights: Stolen from Erin Socks: Boden Boots: Primark. I like a Primark boot. If a boot is going to fall apart on you in less than half a year (Office) it should only cost £15. 
I wore a massive grey jumper over this a lot of the day. Because it was cold....
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This is the kind of thing I used to wear all the time (at work, not like... all the time all the time). Now I don't because I like to be able to move more... I do like a massive cuff though. And a cufflink. 
Jumper: Gap Shirt: Hawes & Curtis (charity shop) Cords: Boden Cufflinks: Tatty Devine (prize!) 
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Dress: joules Beads: joules Cardigan: white stuff Tights: stolen from Erin Boots: dr martens
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I enjoyed this competition (and hope I win, obviously).
My (very tasteful) entry is here http://pinterest.com/aralias/magical-menagerie/
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Enter our competition on Pinterest for the chance to win 5 items* of your choice… (via Magical Menagerie)
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Today is Boden and navy blue day. Also the first day of nanowrimo which I am avoiding by writing this post. Top: Boden Jeans: Boden Socks: Boden! (Not shown. Nice though. Also navy) Necklace: Lauren Riley on folksy
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Yesterday was Halloween. Obviously. I am not that into Halloween really, but I am into dressing up in slightly rubbishy Doctor Who costumes. This year's theme was Day of the Dead - other people went dressed as skeletons; I was Iris Wildthyme: Transtemporal Adventuress (who shares a striking resemblance with some of the Day of the Dead looks). 
Coat: Boden Boa: John Lewis Playsuit: Primark (my only playsuit, soon to be my ex-playsuit, and such a mistake even from a cosplay POV)(this is the only item of Iris clothing I didn't already own) Tights: Probably Topshop Shoes: River Island Hat: Accessorize Paper flowers: Added during the evening. Made by me.  
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Top: whistles (charity shop) Cardigan: gap (charity shop) Jeans: m&s Necklace: stolen from Erin Brooch: etsy
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Jumper: gap Shirt: miss selfridge (charity shop - I didn't remember where it was from last time I wore it) Jeans: m&s Brooch: tatty devine
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Dress: cath kidston (bought yesterday at gunwharf quays. Still at mother's and have run out of seasonal-appropriate clothes. Oh well) Tights: tabio Shoes: layered pink converse Brooch: Tatty Devine
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