loyalsweetness-blog · 8 years
1. I can’t shut up about you. If someone stopped me in the street and asked what I was thinking about, your name would spill out more easily than any of my anxieties. 2. I swear to God, every time I listen to a good song you’re the first person I want to tell. Every song has you in it. Every song is about you now. 3. Let’s mix each other’s laundry. If I find your shirt and you get my sweater, we can take each other out of our own clothes. 4. When you call me babe, and your voice is still a little sleepy, I swear to fucking god my heart feels it. I feel it behind my eyes, and sometimes even in my fingertips. The love spreads, you know? 5. Let’s stay up till 3 am and make ourselves pasta we can eat out of the bowl while we sit on the kitchen counter and talk for hours. We can take pictures of the sunrise through the window while we laugh our six a.m. laugh, because it’s early and we’re a little dizzy with love.
Love Thoughts, Pt. 2 (via loveserum)
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loyalsweetness-blog · 8 years
People who try to keep everyone happy often end up feeling the loneliest.
Read more psychology facts Here
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loyalsweetness-blog · 8 years
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loyalsweetness-blog · 8 years
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Ease your soul here
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loyalsweetness-blog · 8 years
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#loveyourself #positive #strength
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loyalsweetness-blog · 8 years
I’m not interested in your past, I’m interested about what makes you tick, what makes you angry, what keeps you sane - tell me those things. You have my undivided attention. People waste so much time on reputation that they simply forget that you aren’t the same person who did those things back then, this is you. This is now… I want to watch you happen in this single moment now. Everything else is time wasted.
Unknown (via thelovejournals)
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loyalsweetness-blog · 8 years
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💛 #qotd #happiness #positive
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loyalsweetness-blog · 8 years
August 4,2016
Today I received a call and got the worst news anyone could get. I was told I have something I never thought I’d have. My world made a 180 turn. I have never felt so numb in my life. I don’t feel anything. I feel void and hatred towards myself. I feel alone and don’t know how to cope. I have no one to talk to about this, if only I had my best friend around. I feel like my life has ended because of what I have. I try to smile for my families sake but I can’t. Im being positive and that I'll be okay but it's hard. I look as pale and see through as a ghost. I’m vulnerable and weak. I don’t want to eat. I just want to be alone. I only hope everything turns out okay in the end. I only hope that I’ll be fine and be able to say I survived. Please god I beg you to help me get over this, I need your guidance at this point in my life than ever before. I've struggled and strived but this time I need you more. Please God I beg you to look out for me and hear my prayers. Please God I beg you to help me strive and that this is only an obstacle in my life.
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loyalsweetness-blog · 8 years
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loyalsweetness-blog · 8 years
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Ease your soul here
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loyalsweetness-blog · 8 years
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Follow for more quotes about life
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loyalsweetness-blog · 8 years
Relax. You will become an adult. You will figure out your career. You will find someone who loves you. You have a whole lifetime; time takes time.
Johanna de Silentio (via fy-perspectives)
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loyalsweetness-blog · 8 years
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More inspiring quotes here
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loyalsweetness-blog · 8 years
You inspire me everyday. You got me back into drawing. You love the passions I have as I do yours. You tell me you're proud of me. You tell me you believe in me in times of struggle. You call me beautiful. You are as dorky as I am. You are as much a kid as I am. Spending time with you is all I need in a day. Laying by your side, stroking your face as you sleep. Waking up to you laying by my side is my happiness. Being our goofy selves with our onesies on. In general, You are my inspiration and you make me happy.
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loyalsweetness-blog · 8 years
You act like you don’t care about any of this. You don’t care what happened to us. I’m nothing to you. I feel invisible to you. You’re happy without me and I can’t change that. I always think about you and me and the memories we had together. Honestly, I can’t talk to you anymore. It’s gonna be hard for me but for you I guess it should be easy. I never thought someone could hurt me so much.
Follow for more quotes about moving on and letting go (via thelovewhisperer)
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loyalsweetness-blog · 8 years
I didn’t lose you, you lost me.
Anonymous (via wnq-anonymous)
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loyalsweetness-blog · 8 years
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