lronryan · 9 years
     Ryan leans back against the door with a slight groan. This is really going to suck. Going to jail won’t be fun. Stripping off his clothes he lifts and moves his mattress up to reveal a hidden compartment. Twisting his left hand he pulls it from the socket with a slight clicking noise.       From within the space he pulls a plain brown wallet with Seamor’s information in it. A new crappy looking prosthetic also comes from this container. Odds are the prison will confiscate it anyway, and he won’t be around to get it back.       As he shrugs on a graphic tee and stone washed blue jeans he thinks about Sarah’s questions. For a brief moment he considers sharing something. However it’s probably for the best. This is his blank slate. He should leave sleeping devils where they are.
She bites her cheek, a short huff of breath escaping her mouth. He was good at deflection, she’ll give him that. She’s quick with her shower and soon settles on his couch, an apple in one hand, the television remote in the other. As an afterthought, Sarah leaves a message on Michael’s phone, telling him she was with Ryan and gave a quick synopsis of their time together. To her, it was odd he didn’t answer, but if he was ‘under the weather’ as Ryan had said, she let him reserve the right to turn his phone off.
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lronryan · 9 years
     Ryans expression falters for a second before returning to a smile. He closes his fist and extinguishes the flames with his hand. Rubbing the back of his head he looks up into the sky. “Uh -- maybe?”      Hastily he continues. “But it’s not easy. And I’m not sure how well your blood would mix with magic?” Pretending to be following a cloud drifting overhead with his eyes Ryan shifts enough to hide his face from view. The last time he taught someone magick.. he’d had to move towns just to keep from the memories.
"Oh my god that is beautiful!" Rosie bounces on her toes , watching the flames dance in Ryan’s hand. She has always been fascinated about controlling fire but she has never had the chance to learn.
She giggles at him and holds her hand out as if asking for the flame. “Could you teach me, Mr. Georgia?” Her wide eyes flicker from the flame to his face, a hopeful smile on her lips.
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lronryan · 9 years
     Ryan nods his head in understanding. “Can you spawn fire or is that not an ability you’ve learned yet?” As if to demonstrate Ryan removes his right glove and opens his palm to the sky. With a strange hum in the back of his throat and a green flash in his eyes a small blue ball of flame appears in his hand.      He rolls her eyes at her impression. “Well y’all over here on the west side just don’t understand how to keep things to yerself now do ya?” Ryan maintains a serious face for most of it but laughs towards the end. The ball of flame floating above his hand grows and shrinks with his laughter. 
Rosie giggles and rubs his arm. “Calm down, don’t have a heart attack. But I’m the daughter of Hephaestus. Hence the reason I work with cars and machines.”
Her smile widens into a beam seeing the usually stoic beast acting like a kid in a candy shop. She knew Ryan wasn’t ‘normal’, but, she didn’t know what exactly. This is the perfect time for her to find out then. "You gonna share your secrets with lil’ ol’ me?" She speaks with a bad Georgian accent, mocking her friend.
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lronryan · 9 years
     With a slight huff Ryan catches up with Michael only to be assaulted with a question. Rolling his eyes Ryan gestures around them and up to the sky. “Even on the cloudiest night you can still see the sky in Los Santos. This isn’t Vinewood Hills.”       Looking around in awe Ryan notices the place seems to be completely deserted. It’s actually kind of creepily empty. There’s nothing to admit much light but somehow he’s still able to see and make out signs around them. Almost as if there’s some supernatural force keeping everything lit, however faintly.       Walking slowly closer to a sign it suddenly flashes into bright electric lighting. “Madame Urmandas Palmistry Parlor?” He whispers under his breath and looks back at Michael. “Well? I mean we ARE tourists here right?”
     “Yeah, I got that,” Michael says, salt clear in his voice. His joints felt like they could easily lock up, stiff and cold. He rubs at his arms slowly, hoping to get the blood pumping again. He didn’t like any of this shit. Ghosts and magic and whatever hell-hole they’d dropped down into? The man huffs. He was a criminal— a killer— and he didn’t need this shit. But he did need Ryan to lead him out of here; he had a usefulness that would keep him breathing for now.
     He follows Ryan towards the curved floors, his arms crossed the entire time. Michael shivers, so envious of the investigator’s coat he might as well be ripping it off Ryan’s shoulders. He accepts the glowstick, tucking it in the crook of one arm. “Down it is then.”
     With that, he storms quickly ahead. He was eager to get to an exit, to the open Los Santos sky, and so leaves Ryan in his dust. Michael comes to the far mouth of the tunnel and it feeds out into… what looks like some bad part of LS. Like, some real tourist-y corner of Vinewood Hills bad. Broad eyebrows knit together as he looks at this place, unable to form words. His head rolls up to look at  what should be a ceiling, but it’s far out of sight. 
     And although this is totally fucking weird, and it feels like a fever dream Michael just can’t wake up from, it feels… like home, almost. He scoffs, a searching look finds Ryan’s eyes. “—Abandoned tunnels, huh? How’d we get to Vinewood Hills?”
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lronryan · 9 years
"I’m not going to kill you or anything or even try to hurt you if that’s what you’re concerned about…" She smiles softly at the blonde. She doesn’t know how he’ll take the news but she hopes he won’t be too angry with her. "I may kinda sorta be a demigod…"
     The disappointment from before quickly turns to wild excitement and Ryan whirls around. The sudden mood swing, and maybe the actual swing, offsets his stomach. Shakily he grabs Rosies shoulders and nearly shouts. “Of which god? Or goddess?!”      To meet a demigod is extremely interesting. Moving to Los Santos was a good idea, it falls perfectly on so many magical lines on the map. He was bound to find some creatures and subhumans here! But a demigod...he can only imagine the kind of powers she might possess. Or be able to possess with a little guidance.
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lronryan · 9 years
     Ryan flicks a light-switch revealing a pale blue living room with a modern arraignment of furniture.  Taking a second to think over how to explain it he starts slowly. “More like... researching them. I was planning on coming down this way and looking to see if there was anyone to be concerned about through record systems and digital trails.” With a laugh Ryan cant help he removes his mask and hangs it on a coat rack. “Geoff was impressed I’d found so much, he had a little hacker try to get me and I fried his systems. That’s when I got a threatening phone call and it turned into a job offer. Here I am now.”       Ryan finishes his long winded speech and opens one of two doors leading out of the room revealing a dark bedroom. “I’ll be right back.” Pointing to the other door he says. “Kitchen and bathrooms that way, feel free to take a shower or eat something if you want.”  With that he slides quickly into his room before turning on the light and locks the door behind him.
Rust flakes from the ladder, dusting her clammy palms orange. It was light conversation, just to break the early morning silence, but Sarah was now curious. “Traced? What’s that mean, like, you were gonna kill him or somethin’?” When she gets to the top, she wipes her hands on her jeans before glancing at Ryan. “Nice digs,” she quirks. “It’s just you? No kids, no wife, no pets?” She doesn’t mean to pry, she’s just trying to figure him out. A partner cloaked in mystery was hardly a partner at all.
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lronryan · 9 years
"Ry... I haven't been completely honest with you..." {GreaseAndLipstick (paranormal verse!)}
      Ryan eyes Rosie up and down apprehensively. His stomach drops and he clenches his fists so hard his right hand crackles. He should have known. There’s nobody he can trust, not even someone who’s shown him such compassion in the past.     With a dead look in his eyes he turns away and speaks hollowly. “Should I be concerned?” 
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lronryan · 9 years
     Ryan watches the ghost pass through Michael glad he isn’t the one subject to that. “Sorry you had to deal with that one. Ghost passing through you feels so...gritty. Makes your joints all stiff.” Looping around Ryan starts walking backwards, following the specter. As aggressive as Michaels being he seems intrigued by the world around him.       Stumbling along at a slow pace Ryan gets fed up with the suffocating blackness that’s around him. From inside his vest he pulls two glowsticks. He cracks both of them and they give off a dim white glow. Handing one to Michael he shakes his own. Soon it takes on the same light as a dim led and reveals the tunnel in front of them slowly curving down out of sight. Looking at Michael Ryan raises his eyebrow. “Well I mean...we can turn around, but I’m pretty sure they both curve down..”      The ground lurches slightly beneath Ryans feet but he’s sure it’s just a trick of his mind and the tense situation. 
     Michael sticks close to the other as he walks forward, having abandoned his own flashlight somewhere. When Ryan’s flashlight goes out, too, it isn’t much of a concern to Michael. He had just spent several hours in an underground sewer system— darkness sure as hell didn’t bother him. Eyebrows bunch together as his escort starts chanting some weird shit under his breath, and the redhead stops walking. “What’s—”
     As if answering his question, candles flicker to life around them. Ryan’s smile surprises Michael and he goes to make a face back, but the breeze catches him off-guard. The water still sitting in his clothes gets a chill, but he doesn’t have any time to complain about it. 
     When his eyes catch on the ghostly figure rushing them, the normally unflappable man jumps. Although everything tells him it’s not real, he can’t help but question it. It looked pretty fucking real. Still, he tries to stay rooted in what he knows. Michael tightens his jaw and shrugs defiantly at it. “What the fuck is this, now? Is this a sheet on a pulley?”
     The figure passes right through Michael’s body, chilling him to the bone. His arms fold around himself, gripping tightly to his shoulders as the shiver rips through him. Real or not, he knows he’s sick and tired of being cold and wet. “What the fuck was that thing?” He pauses, having realized Ryan’s question. “—Yeah, asshole. Backwards. Where the fuck else would we go? Down?”
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lronryan · 9 years
     Ryan chuckles a little at the question while leading the way down a dark alley. “Well, how does anyone get involved with the crew?” He asks aloud not expecting an answer. Jumping a little he pulls down a fire escape ladder and starts climbing up to the roof.      Calling down to Sarah he answers his own question. “Geoff traced me. Or rather, I traced him. Instead of hunting me down like most bosses he offered me a spot in his crew.” Reaching the top of the building Ryan climbs on to reveal a decent sized glass roofed apartment.       Heading forward in the dying light he pulls a key from inside his jacket and unlocks the door, stepping back he holds it open for Sarah with a mask obscured grin on his face.
Sarah nods, climbing on the back of the bike. Weaving through the streets of Los Santos, Sarah realised how utterly lost she was. When she stayed with Michael, she was never concerned with navigation because she trusted him to keep them safe. She’d only just met Ryan, and with what little bit of trust she’d given him, he’d already begun to hang himself with it. When they step off the bike, the sun is just beginning to peak on the skyline. The street is quiet, and Sarah wonders aloud, “So how did a crazy genius like you get mixed in to the crew?”
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lronryan · 9 years
     Ryan leans forward and clasps the necklace. He didn’t have to stretch far in order to do it but still he gasps lightly as his shirt pulls on his body. An expensive item but it’s totally worth giving it to someone who genuinely has heart.     Stretching back from Lindsay he grins. “Happy no occasion day.” In the distance an animal call can be heard. Ryan looks behind him sharply and says in a dead voice, “Heh, damn coyotes, always causing trouble..”
Lindsay watched him carefully. She was honestly concerned for him. Lindsay was pretty much laid back but once her friends or family were hurt she would protect them at all cost.
Lindsay looked at the necklace and then back at Ryan. “Oh you didn’t need to get me anything. It’s not even my birthday.” She smiled softly and moved her hair to one side. “Thank you Ryan.” She said holding her hair so he could put the necklace on.
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lronryan · 9 years
    As Lindsay looks up into his eyes Ryan widens his own. It's strange, seeing someone actually concerned for him. "I'm-" Her gaze is steady and Ryan clears his throat of his sudden strange emotions. "I'll definitely survive." A wave of nausea comes over him and he wavers slightly on his feet.
Just because he's diving in without safety doesn't mean Lindsay has to. With a soft smile Ryan looks into her eyes. "I have a gift for you!" From inside his jacket he pulls out a silver chain necklace with a strange symbol on it. Like two hollow triangles laying on each other.  He leans in towards Lindsay but stops suddenly. "Uh- may I?" He says quietly, gesturing vaguely and unclasping the necklace.
Lindsay watched him zip up his jacket and wince. It could have been someone else’s blood, but he looked horrible. She knew Ryan. He was strong and didn’t like getting people worried, but he didn’t often hurt others despite what everyone thought of him. Lindsay stepped closer to him. “Ryan..” She looked into his blue eyes. “Are you sure your okay?”
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lronryan · 9 years
"Did...did you get beat up?"
     Ryan looks down at his blood stained white shirt. Damn it this was supposed to be a solo thing. “No I-” Pulling his jacket in he zips it up completely. “It’s someone elses blood.” Ryan smooths the jacket over his chest, wincing slightly as he rubs at the shallow scratches across his chest.
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lronryan · 9 years
     Mulling it over for a second Ryan looks down at his watch. "Alright. I'll hit first national. Normally I do this electronically, doing it in persons going to be so weird." This was gonna be tedious. There's too much information on him right now. Can he trust Sarah with his hand? Looking back at her he's still not sure.       With a slightly heavy sigh he gives in. "Alright, we need to head back to my place I need to get my Semor game on." Ryan slides his mask on while getting back on the bike. Even though this was his idea he's not sure how this is going to work out.
A smile tugs at the corners of her mouth. “You’re pretty alright, too, Skeletor.” When he tosses his wallet, Sarah rolls her eyes. That was kind of a silly name. Completely different from Ryan, but still a tad ridiculous. At his question, Sarah hums, thinking only for a second before suggesting, “How about you rob a bank?” Considering the crew did them all of the time, it would be easy for Ryan to get in and out without getting caught. The tricky part, now, would be messing up.
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lronryan · 9 years
Pic of admin? xx
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lronryan · 9 years
     Ryan would very much prefer staying out of this fight. However this guards seen them now and that means he'll remember them. "Nah Renny, but we can't leave this one." Stepping forward Ryan grins darkly at the guard.      Looking down at the mans chest he reads his badge. "Sorry Greg, you've seen too much." Wow that was more cliche than Ryan thought it would be. As Ryan leans down to take the mans key-card he pushes against him feebly. Rolling his eyes Ryan presses his hand gently against his jugular.      Within a few seconds the guards eyes flutter and he passes out. Gregs ID now clipped to his belt Ryan lifts him over his shoulder. Carrying him to the stairs he drops him through the gap between the stairs. Dropping his accent Ryan comments quietly. "Hope you didn't hit him too hard, they should rule it a suicide."      
     Michael steams quietly. Ryan’s lucky they were on the job or he’d have earned some punches by now. He grumbles under his breath, eager to get away from the impending argument. The last thing they needed was a fucking fistfight in the stairwell.
      The voice surprises Michael and he turns quickly to face the man. He makes a little accepting ‘huh’ noise. He supposes he was about to eat his words— there seemed to be no better time for a fucking fistfight in the stairwell. He rolls a fist and takes the man square in the throat, sending him toppling backward. His hands grab at his throat as he gasps for air, making him unable to catch himself with the rails.
     Michael gives a little chuckle as he cracks his knuckles. "What was that, Winston? You got somethin’ to say? 
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lronryan · 9 years
     Ryan takes Michaels input and walks forward. His flashlight flutters feebly as he moves down the seemingly endless hallway. The farther he walks the more it flickers until finally it goes out completely. "Oh for the love of..." Ryan stops for a moment and raises his hands in front of him.      "Goddess Hecate I invoke thee. Let thee guiding flames be wrought forth in this hellish night." Ryan chants quietly and a little bored. A simple spell like this should.... All the candles in front of them burst to life. He turns to smile at Michael when a cold breeze shudders through the place.      Turning around he sees a ghostly pale figure fast approaching. Each candle flickers out as it passes them. With a high-pitched squeak Ryan speaks. "Perhaps..backward?"
     “God fucking damn it,” Michael growls under his breath, kicking at the dirty floor with his chucks. His arms shake angrily at his sides until he folds them over his chest. At least it was warm down here; he could feel his clothes beginning to thaw. Water dribbled from his hair as it’s freed from ice. "Baddest demon…—? Fuckin’ up yours. Flattery’s not gonna get you anywhere."
     Michael watches with suspicion as Ryan drinks the tiny vial. At first he thinks it’s more of whatever Ryan gave him, and he feels himself wanting to take it from him. But he notices the red sheen in the low light and the decided different smell and lets it go. The redhead shakes his head with a rough grumble. Each direction looked equally unpromising to him. "Forward? I guess. I don’t know."
      His eyes scan over the darkness, and they start to adjust. This place was a real freak-show. Michael just hoped they find an exit, because he really didn’t want to spend his last hours sopping wet next to this guy.
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lronryan · 9 years
    Ryan grins sheepishly at her words. "Yeah well I'm used to workin' with a crew of numbskulls, it's easier to take action than explain." He eyes Sarah up and down for a moment. "You're wise beyond your years kid, I think I like you." He continues to give a goofy grin.      From inside his jacket he pulls two wallets. He tosses her a red leather one. "That's my real wallet, I don't want them realizing they've actually got ME in prison, I'd end up in a mental institute." With a slightly mad laugh he opens the other wallet in his hands and wrinkles his nose. "God why did I pick Semor McRae? What a stupid name."      Looking back at Sarah Ryan asks, "Well, how should I get myself caught?"
If Sarah was angry before, she was seething with rage at his laughter. She turned on her heels, daggers in her gaze. She was about to strike him when he spoke again, and her anger fell away, eyes showing only pain; the pain of, essentially, a lost life. His eyes were frighteningly alight with madness, and at that moment, Sarah decided she would trust his darkness. "You could have said that in the first place, dickhead. We're partners. Partners share this kind of shit."
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