lrper · 5 years
Injury Starters
“Whoa, when did you get this?”
“Who did this to you?”
“Hold still— I need to clean it.”
“I’m supposed to believe this was an accident?”
“Damn— I’d hate to see the other guy.”
“Does this hurt when I touch it?”
“What the hell, ___? Another fight?”
“What the hell happened to your face?”
“Why are you so calm about this? You’re really hurt.”
“I think your arm is broken. It’s not supposed to bend like that.”
“Here, let me help you with that.”
“You’re bleeding a lot. Too much. Apply more pressure. I’m calling an ambulance.”
“Did you think I was gonna leave you like this?”
“Instead of helping you, they ran off? What an asshole.”
“You need to be more careful. You keep getting hurt like this and you’ll put yourself out of commission.”
“Let me grab the first-aid kit. Don’t move.”
“So, do you wanna explain to me what the hell happened?”
“You look really pale. Sit down. I don’t need you fainting before I get this stitched-up.”
“I’m not blaming you, I’m just saying this looks awfully suspicious.”
“How many of them were there? This doesn’t look like one man’s doing.”
“Sit still. I need to clean this before it gets infected.”
“Wiggle your fingers. I need to make sure it’s not broken.”
“This is gonna hurt. A lot. But it’ll be quick. I need to pop it back into place.”
“I told you not to act recklessly like that. You might think you’re protecting me, but you’re gonna get yourself killed if you keep jumping in like that.”
“That was really close this time. Too close. Please, promise me you’re gonna listen to me and be more careful in the future.”
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lrper · 5 years
A small blush appeared on her cheeks from the actions he took towards her, from reaching her chin with his big clawed hand to locking her eye contact with his gaze. In return, she gently laid her hand onto the side of his face, stroking his cheek with her thumb.
“I would say the same thing to your words.” A loving chuckle emitted from her lips, along with a soft smile.
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Usually, Viral does the initiation of affection albeit in a teasing manner. It just caught him off guard when he got embraced with the greeting. He kinda wished that kiss was on the lips yet he wouldn’t complain about that anyway and still liked it. More so, did she just actually said those three words?
“That’s quite sweet of you, darling~” he joked for a bit while it did made him blush for a second. “I ain’t into cheesy stuff but I’ll make yours an exception. Might as well make a cheesy line like say ‘I love you too’,” he then reached for her chin and leaned close to her. His gaze aimed at Leona’s eyes that are just too alluring.
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lrper · 5 years
Send “You’re Mine” for my muse’s reaction to yours being possessive of them.
For multi-muse blogs, specify which muse.
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lrper · 5 years
“Oh no, not now!” Matei would feel the familiar, yet foreign burning in his eyes. Quick to cover his eyes with his hands before he really does something he will regret.
It was a convenient timing for Leona to come in where Matei was. She was soon to see that something was happening to him, judging by the weird feeling and what he spoke. With a concern, she approached him and soon, her hand reached the side of his shoulder.
“Matei...are you alright?” She couldn’t help but ask.
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lrper · 5 years
Uncontrolled Power Starters
“I’m a danger to myself.”
“I feel it. It’s fighting to get free.”
“I need to calm down.”
“Oh no, not now!”
“I can’t control myself!”
“I told you, I’m dangerous.”
“How is this a gift!?”
“I thought powers were fun
“Oh boy, here we go.”
“I’m not safe. Stay back!”
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lrper · 5 years
Leona’s eyes opened after their kiss was broken, only then to lock themselves into his. Her head leaned into the touch once his large clawed hand reached to the side of her neck and a cheek. For her, this felt like it would last for eternity. And she liked it.
“That...actually felt nice.” A small shy chuckle followed after her comment, her cheeks still red.
w-why thank you, I-“ Her words were interrupted by his lips pressing against hers, making her widen her eyes for only a moment.
This somehow felt right for her and she could see reasons. Not only they confessed to each other, but also this kiss felt nice to her. So slowly, her eyes would close and her lips returned the kiss, her hand gently landing at the side of his face.
It was surprisingly sweet which had the beastman shrug off the anxiousness he had not too long ago. Had he also felt those touches, it calmed him down as well. A feline purr could also be heard from his chest for a second.
The kiss itself took a bit longer than anticipated, later pulling himself away and gazed at the other’s eyes. It was then followed by his large hand reached the side of her neck with its thumb caressing the cheek.
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lrper · 5 years
“Ah...w-why thank you, I-“ Her words were interrupted by his lips pressing against hers, making her widen her eyes for only a moment.
This somehow felt right for her and she could see reasons. Not only they confessed to each other, but also this kiss felt nice to her. So slowly, her eyes would close and her lips returned the kiss, her hand gently landing at the side of his face.
continued from here → x
Send in “kabedon” to pin my muse against the wall.
She slightly jumped up at the hand suddenly pinned next to her on the wall. She then looked up to see Viral being the source of it. With how close he was, her cheeks started to burn into strawberry red.
“Oh, Viral! You surprised me for a second there.” A small shy smile radiated from her.
It might’ve been too bold of this beastman to do such an act, getting too close to Leona. Perhaps instinct took over him, pinning her on the wall like that without actually thinking of possible consequences. Should he pull himself back though? While it also embarrassed himself for a second with a hint of blush on those cheeks, he just leaned closer. Besides, he already confessed so it should be fine with her, right?
“Your scent is alluring as ever,” giving a smug as a facade to hide the embarrassment, Viral snickered a bit before attempting making his attempt to press his lips against hers.
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lrper · 5 years
“kabedon” (from Viral)
Send in “kabedon” to pin my muse against the wall.
She slightly jumped up at the hand suddenly pinned next to her on the wall. She then looked up to see Viral being the source of it. With how close he was, her cheeks started to burn into strawberry red.
“Oh, Viral! You surprised me for a second there.” A small shy smile radiated from her.
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lrper · 5 years
Send in “kabedon” to pin my muse against the wall.
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lrper · 5 years
“What did you do?” She looked at him in worry while her hand gently landed onto his shoulder.
“ tell me, what happened?” ((To Andre))
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“ I just did something stupid
 I didn’t think about it
 “ He let out a long sigh. “ What a mess
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lrper · 5 years
Did...Did she hear that right? 
With those words coming out of Viral’s lips, she could’ve sworn that her heart almost skipped a beat when she heard it. The butterfly girl’s eyes slightly widened and her cheeks dyed themselves into strawberries.
With only just a moment, a shy, yet warm smile radiated from her face.
“I’m glad to hear that because...I really like you as well.”
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Send me a (✧∀✧) and I’ll randomly generate a number between 1-20. My muse will then say the following to your muse.
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“I always wanted to tell you that
 I like you
 I really like you.”
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lrper · 5 years
The girl’s eyes slightly widened and the wings twitched at the sight of a strange man walking out of shadows. More specifically, a human man. She should be running away at this point or persuade them to not tell a soul of her actual form, not wanting to bring herself unwanted attention.
But instead, only a step away from him was taken. She was not sure why, but his figure felt so...familiar to her.
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“Oh, um...hello...I didn’t expect anyone to come here in the dead of night.” 
She went on to kneel down at his crouched down level.
“May I ask why you are here?”
As soon as the sound reached to her ears, her head span to the direction of it, along with her blue morphos butterfly wings twitching in reaction. She could tell that it was a cat. Not only it was a soft mew, but barely anyone would be awake at this time unless it was an animal or someone more sinister.
Maybe it was both

Slowly, she got off the fence and onto the building’s floor before cautiously taking a few steps towards the direction.
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“Hello?” She softly called out. “Is someone there?”
Sharp eyes slowly relaxed at the sight and voice of some so familiar to the feline that he could almost cry in relief and happiness. 
impulsively, he wanted to run to her and jump into her arms and receive all the usually affection he has grown accustomed to with each interact, but
 he couldn’t, at least not in his current form. To her, at the moment, he is nothing but a stranger. And to him, she is nothing but a weird lady with wings.
 should go. He would just turn and run before she comes too close and notices this weirdo meowing at her as if they are an actual animal.
Just turn and run
  Run. Ru-

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” His impulses were stronger — too strong. For every step he wanted to take back, he took forward and slowly emerge from the shadows crouched down and ready to bolt at any sign of aggression.
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lrper · 5 years
Valentine’s Day Sentence Starters
Mixed Starters :: Cute :: Fluffy :: Valentine’s Day Gone Wrong.
“Who needs a date on valentine’s day when I have you?”
“Our waiter is so hot.”
"No, you have fun with your date. Don’t let my being stood up stop you.”
“Oh, my god
 the babysitter just cancelled on us! how are we supposed to go on the date now?”
“Valentine’s day is my favorite holiday! I know it’s lame but I can’t help it. I’m a hopeless romantic. there, I said it.”
“We’re going Dutch, right?”
“Tell me that’s not my ex over there.”
“What do you mean you’re at the restaurant across town?”
“You’re literally the worst when it comes to being romantic.”
“Babe, you know I love you, but
 last time you cooked me a meal, I ended up in hospital. can’t we just go out for dinner
“Nobody said anything about this being a cover band!”
 yeah, these are really nice and all, but I’m allergic to roses.”
Tthis is the worst valentine’s surprise ever! were you trying to scare me to death?!”
“Oh my– are you proposing?!”
“Do you think my secret admirer might finally reveal themselves today?”
“Valentine’s day is such a scam of a holiday
 it’s so stupid! I hate it.”
“We’re eating out at the Golden Arches!”
“We’re going to do anti-valentine’s day this year. we’re going to go out and do all of the least romantic date ideas ever, just to stick it to the man.”
“I can’t believe I’m actually at a wedding on valentine’s day. what a lame clichĂ©.”
“Does this have caramel in it? I’m allergic to caramel!”
“How was I supposed to know there would be a bee in the bouquet?!”
“This is not a proposal!”
“I shaved my legs for this?”
“My boss told me I have to work late.”
“I didn’t realize these tickets were for the nosebleed section.”
“Um, I tried to buy some sexy underwear, but I think they sent me the wrong size
“That movie was awful.”
“You can’t seriously be proposing right now? on valentine’s day? couldn’t you have thought of something a little more original than that?”
“Something has been nibbling on these chocolates.”
“Um, I know this is really clichĂ© and all, but it’s valentine’s day and I just wanted to say
 I really like you.”
“I’m going to be stuck at work for a little longer
 I’m sorry, I know it’s our date tonight
“I forgot to make reservations.”
“I am not going to be your fake-date to this party.”
“I wish I could do more for you today but I’m really broke
“I love them and all, but their poetry is so bad! they’ve written seven love poems just for today.”
 can I assume you don’t have a date tonight either?”
“Olive Garden is not fine dining!”
“I’m really sorry my dog peed on your good shoes.”
“I didn’t forget that it was valentine’s day! I swear! your present is just
 it’s somewhere else.”
“What do you mean these diamonds are fake?”
“We’re out of condoms.”
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lrper · 5 years
Valentine’s Day RP Meme
send 💝 to give my muse a box of chocolates
send đŸŒč to give my muse a rose
send 💕 to ask my muse out on a date
send 💍 to propose to my muse
send 💋 to kiss my muse
send 💧 to find out that my muse was stood up on their date
send 💿 to give my muse a romantic mixtape
send đŸŽ¶ to serenade my muse
“Wow is all this chocolate really for me?”
“Aw, you shouldn’t have. Really. You shouldn’t have.”
“You don’t think a literal truckload of roses is too much?”
“Will you be mine?”
“Happy Valentine’s day! Here, I got you this.”
“So, do you have a date tonight?”
“Love stinks, what do you say to a night in? Just you, me, and all the ice cream we can stuff in our faces.”
“I love you, I love you more than anything.”
“I know it’s cheesy but I wrote you a poem.”
“This is the worst day of the year.”
“Sorry but I’m allergic to strawberries.”
“Love is in the air.”
“Maybe I’m only in love with the idea of being in love.”
“Look at all those happy couples, fawning over each other. Disgusting.”
“This Valentine’s day I’m treating myself. I don’t need anybody else.”
“I’m so nervous about my date tonight. Maybe I should just cancel and say I was sick.”
“You’re the best boyfriend/girlfriend/datemate ever.”
“You ready to hit the stores once all the leftover candy gets discounted?”
“I couldn’t get reservations, are you alright with pizza instead?”
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lrper · 5 years
Being focused to a journal, a familiar voice slightly startled her, looking up to realise it was Niemand who arrived. It was then a warm smile was revealed to him.
“Oh hello, Niemand! I’m doing well.” She gave a small wave before she noticed a flower held in his hand, peaking her curiosity.
“What’s with the flower?”
Today was the day for Leona to write her small adventures into journal. Right now, she didn’t expect much for anyone to come to her right now. ((Just throw someone in there))
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 Been - been a while,” Niemand said reluctantly, approaching the woman with a flower in his hand that glowed the same color as her wings.
“Are you okay 
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lrper · 5 years
(     *     VALENTINE’S DAY ALPHABET   !    
send some letters to find out more about my muse   !
A   :   AFFECTION.   how does your muse show affection?
B   :   BOUQUET.   does your muse like flowers? which ones are their favourite?
C   :   CHOCOLATE.   does your muse like chocolate? which one is their favourite?
D   :   DATE.   what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
E   :   EMBRACE.   does your muse like hugs? what are their hugs like?
F   :   FLIRT.   is your muse good at flirting? how do they flirt?
G   :   GIFT.   is your muse good at gift - giving or do they struggle to get it right?
H   :   HEART.   is your muse quick or slow to give their heart away?
I    :   I LOVE YOU.   does your muse find ‘i love you’ easy or hard to say?
J   :   JEALOUSY.   does your muse get jealous in a relationship?
K   :   KISS.   is your muse a good kisser? why / why not? 
L   :   LOVE.   who does your muse love?
M   :   MOONLIGHT.   what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
N   :   NAUGHTY.   what is your muse like in bed?
O   :   ODE.   does your muse have a way with words?
P   :   PARTNER.   what does your muse look for in a partner? looks / personality?
Q   :   QUESTION.   would your muse ask the big question or expect their partner to?
R   :   ROMANCE.   is your muse a romantic or a cynic?
S   :   SWEETHEART.   did your muse have a childhood sweetheart?
T   :   TRUE LOVE.   does your muse believe in true love?
U   :   UNREQUITED.   has your muse had their heart broken?
V   :   VALENTINE.   how does your muse feel about valentine’s day?
W  :   WEDDING.   would your muse get married? why / why not?
X   :   XOXO.   does your muse use / like pet names?
Y   :   YOURS.   does your muse get protective easily?
Z   :   ZZZ.   how many people has your muse slept with?
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lrper · 5 years
will you be my valentine~? <3
‘ you can’t be serious, it’s a load of commercialised crap. ’  ‘ it struck me that i don’t show my feelings for you enough. ’  ‘ you have broken my heart and i will never forgive you. ’  ‘ actually, you are the most important person in my life right now. ’ ‘ i guess what i’m saying is i love you. i’m sorry, but i do. ’  ‘ oh, i wonder who my secret admirer is! ’  ‘ someone just sent flowers to the front desk for me. it wasn’t you, was it? ’ ‘ single again, another year running. at least there’s discount chocolates. ’  ‘ i know it’s kind of cliche to propose on valentines day, but– will you marry me? ’ ‘ is that a rom-com you’re watching, seriously? ’  ‘ why is it that i can’t even manage to be cynical and jaded around you anymore?’  ‘ you still only receive a valentines card from your grandma? man that’s sad. ’  ‘ this is the last time we attempt valentines day sex. something always goes wrong, it’s like we’re cursed or something. ’  ‘ the thing is, suddenly when i picture my future, all i can see is you. ’  ‘ they’re doing two-for-one at that super posh restaurant and i wanna try oysters if you want to come with? ’  ‘ this is so inconvenient. i can’t be falling in love with you right now. ’  ‘ you’re my secret admirer! don’t deny it, no one else spells my name like that. ’  ‘ wait, hang on, were you just attempting to flirt? because it was awful but i’m no better and i think i fell in love with you a little bit honestly. ’  ‘ you’re a fucking bastard and you drive me mad but i love you. shit, i really love you. ’  ‘ i can’t bear this anymore. i can’t keep lying, when it’s always been you. ’  ‘ come here and kiss me already. ’  ‘ i tried so hard to forget you, but thing is i can’t get you off my mind. ’ ‘ i just want to meet my mr. darcy and ride off into the sunset, is that too much to ask? ’  ‘ this is really hard to ask so uh, bear with me, but um– i wanted to know if– maybe, i mean, you don’t have to – would you like to go out for dinner with me? ’  ‘ dumped on valentines day. shiiit, that’s some rotten luck, mate. ’  ‘ you forgot valentines day? oh man you’re sooooo dead. ’ ‘ i think actually that you’re the most beautiful human being i’ve ever met. ’  ‘ i know you’re not the romantic type but i at least thought you’d remember. ’ ‘ you really are my everything. ’  ‘ – woah. i – wow. i mean. look at you! you look – incredible tonight. ’  ‘ wearing red on valentines is a little bit cringe isn’t it? ’  ‘ wow. just wow. cheating on me on valentines day. really nice, jackass. ’  ‘ are you breaking up with me? but i – this night was meant to be our date night! ’  ‘ the truth is, i can’t stand to be around you because i can’t stand to be without you. ’  ‘ you have wedding day jitters on valentines day? yikes buddy that bodes well. ’  ‘ you are incredible & i love you so much. i couldn’t be happier that i’m finally marrying you. ’  ‘ let’s get married. right now. let’s just be totally crazy and run off together. ’  ‘ you have saved me in every way a person can be saved. i can’t thank you enough. ’  ‘ will you do me the honour of dancing with me? ’  ‘ oh wow we’ve reached crying-in-the-bathroom level of pre-valentines despair, huh? um, want a hug? some super cheap chocolate? ’  ‘ you are the love of my life and i will love you until my heart stops beating. ’  ‘ in the spirit of valentines day, how about we try again and get it right this time? ’
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