lrsmann · 8 years
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Couldn't sleep past 3:30 so decided to get workout done. Did yesterday's leg day to make up. 15min elliptical 3x12 lat pull down, 60lbs 3x12 cable seated row, 90lbs 3x20 each exercise, 20lb dumbbell in each hand: front lunge, curtsy lunge, rear lunge 3x12 stiff leg deadlift, 20lb dumbbell in each hand 3x20 machine standing calf raises, 90lbs Stumble to car
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lrsmann · 8 years
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Well I overslept my gym alarm this morning so here I am with wet hair racing to work. Of course, this picture was taken before backing out of my driveway I was not driving and tumbling.
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lrsmann · 8 years
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Monday cardio. If nothing else, I sweated off some weight. Extremely busy week at work ahead...guess the only thing to do is just get started!
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lrsmann · 8 years
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Still sweating along....have been lazy on the blogging but hitting the gym regularly. Happy Thanksgiving!!! Thankful for all the encouragement I get from y'all!
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lrsmann · 8 years
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Back to weights today. I combined my arms workout with my chest and shoulders workout so I have more straight cardio days. Still looking for the mix to make the scale move! (aside from not taking a month off from the gym-figured that one out, haha). Today I did: 15min elliptical 3x12 fly machine, 45lbs 3x12 chest press machine, 50lbs 3x12 dumbbell squats, 20lbs each hand (used 20s for all dumbbell exercises today) 3x12 dumbbell shoulder presses 3x12 dumbbell lateral raises 3x12 alternate bicep dumbbell curls 3x12 overhead tricep extensions (35lb weight) 3x20 reverse crunch 1 minute plank Cue sweating.
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lrsmann · 8 years
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Sunday Funday got a bit out of hand and I didn't make it to gym yesterday. However, I dragged myself out of bed this morning and put in a hard 45 on the elliptical. Yesterday, I had a lot of blood drawn to help determine if I'm a bone marrow match for a woman in Germany. If I'm not her donor, I hope she has one out there who can save her. I've been on the registry for about ten years and it's my first time to be considered. I should know by the first of the year or a bit after if I'm the match and if her doctor wants to proceed with transplant. (I'll donate in Houston, not Germany, unfortunately). Have a great November! 7 days until we don't have to listen to political ads constantly!
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lrsmann · 8 years
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Before and after the elliptical. Did same sprint/jog program as yesterday with a little higher resistance on each level. Kept same goals-70, 60, 50 steps per minute depending on level. Had to work over last night (yoga canceled) and didn't eat dinner. Grabbed a spoon of peanut butter before leaving house this morning but I can tell I need fuel. My quads felt leaden after about 30 minutes but I pushed through. I learned our Tuesday yoga classes are canceled for the time being. I will talk #2 into doing yoga in the yard or living room those evenings so we stay in practice. Traveling tonight for football. Going to be a long day but a good one.
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lrsmann · 8 years
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So sweaty that my hair stays put when I run my hand through it, haha. Another 45 minutes on the elliptical. Did a sprint/jog program. My sprint definition is when I stay at or above 70 steps a minute. Jog is 50 or 60 steps depending on resistance level. Tonight is yoga, and looking forward to getting back on weight program next week.
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lrsmann · 8 years
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Not sure who won this round, me or the elliptical, but we spent 45 tough minutes together. I'm ready to go take on the world. Just need 2 cups of coffee first. Last night, #2 and I attempted to go to yoga but the instructor wasn't there. I should have texted first-I've been gone a few weeks and don't blame her at all for not thinking to let me know it was cancelled. I enjoyed having 40 minutes of one on one time with my kiddo on the drive. We finished the evening with popcorn and a movie. #1 even left his teenage lair and watched it with us. Tonight is Mom's Taxi. Can't wait!
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lrsmann · 8 years
One blink, and a month lost.
Over the past few weeks I have slid back into the routine of working later and sleeping later to accommodate various deadlines and school activities. I’ve lost nearly a month of working out. Each evening I set my alarm with the intention of going to the gym and then each morning I hit snooze for another hour.
The worst was last week, when I only set the later alarm. Wonder Woman isn’t my hero because of her uncanny ability to give up when life gets hard.
Gym schedule means I have more time home in the evenings which makes the kids so happy. When they are happy I am happy. I love how I feel when I work out regularly. I need to remember this.
40min on elliptical today. I feel fantastic. Normally, when I go to the gym I'm the only woman. There are two ladies in here this morning working out with weights and machines. I hope they are regulars now or become that way so I'll feel less self-conscious among all the guys (who are very polite-I just feel like a pile of mush next to them).
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lrsmann · 8 years
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Nasty women vote.
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lrsmann · 8 years
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Returned to yoga tonight.
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lrsmann · 8 years
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Well, I survived our big Festival weekend. I'm glad I'm not having lab work done until next month. We had a grand old time but it is nice to be back in the gym and eating healthier. The gym was really crowded this morning so I just knocked out 45 minutes on the elliptical. Our big case got pushed back for another month so I should be able to make yoga tonight! Soon as I get home I'm going to put dinner in the crockpot so that's not a hindrance to work out later. My son misses the studio almost as much as I do, I think!!
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lrsmann · 8 years
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Today's workout was 2 hours of dancing with hubs at the Rice Festival. My feet hurt.
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lrsmann · 8 years
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Sweaty at the ATM. Today's a big day at work, will find out if we are going to trial on Monday. Anxious to get there and start waiting on them to check in from mediation. Today was chest day. I did: 25min elliptical 3x12 machine presses, 60lbs 3x12 machine flies, 60lbs X2 on machines 3x20 exercise ball crunches 3x12 exercise ball pull-ins Now off to shower, drink all the coffee, and get my dudes ready to go. Short week for them due to our annual festival so they're excited.
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lrsmann · 8 years
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Had a great lazy weekend. Kids and I ran a bunch of errands Saturday morning, then yesterday we spent time with my in-laws. Didn’t win our football game Friday, but we played well against a superior team.
As for today, leg day complete!!!!
15min elliptical 3x20 (total) dumbbell front lunges, 25lb each hand 3x20 (total) curtsy lunges, 25lb each hand 3x20 (total) rear lunges, 25lb each hand 3x12 stiff legged deadlifts, 30lb each hand 3x20 standing calf machine, 90lbs 3x20 decline plate crunches, 45lbs
Now to get home and get the school and work day going. Hoping I’m not too late getting home this week but happy for the job security!
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lrsmann · 8 years
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Well unfortunately I had to work late and missed yoga again and didn’t get nearly enough sleep so I passed on the gym this morning. However, I hit 10,000 steps for the first day in a while so that was good. Also I am going to be working concession stand tonight and will probably hit it again with all of that running around.
Yes, my hair is wet in this photo because I am of course about to leave for work. I told them in no uncertain terms I had to leave by 5:15 in order to get the child to the run-through for 5:45. I of course have two backups ready to help out if work decides otherwise.
I am not working this weekend. The boys and I need some good quality time together and I’m hoping to get together some outdoor activities or we can be moving and spending time together without electronics. If the weather doesn’t cooperate I’m really thinking of taking them to see Sully.
I hope everyone has a fantastic Friday and a wonderful weekend.
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