lu-lox · 15 hours
There are some issues in the blonde community
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lu-lox · 15 hours
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felt sad. scetched wife
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lu-lox · 16 hours
they would NOT fucking have communication skills that good
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lu-lox · 16 hours
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lu-lox · 20 hours
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lu-lox · 21 hours
when ppl make historical erotica its always abt like knights and princesses and kings well what abt two peasants fucking in a barn.
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lu-lox · 2 days
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I love her
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lu-lox · 2 days
you know what. fuck this shit (turns into a salmon and 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟)
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lu-lox · 3 days
my bravest knighttt... come hither ..... mmmwah !! ok you are dismissed
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lu-lox · 3 days
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this came to me from my irl at a dennys
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lu-lox · 3 days
ppl have already pointed out the big difference in combat mechanics in dai wrt dao & da2, but tbh i think the big problem in dai is that due to no healing magic + potion limit + revival mechanic+ damage outside combat the combat ends up being saur saur boring & lacks in stakes. on dao and da2 the only death comes from combat, to revive you need either a spirit mage w/ the specialization maxed out or a specific somewhat expensive potion, every little skirmish involves soooo much stress and thought into inventory and units.... idk, i just dgaf about the hinterland bears, just zap them a bit and they go down, but the fucking bandits in kirkwall???? yeah, those had me buying grenades and making anders support only
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lu-lox · 4 days
Lesser-known steps of the writing process:
Finding all the paragraphs where you used some hyper-specific word more than once
Rearranging paragraphs that you swear you wrote in the right order but turned out to be totally backwards
Going for a walk, coming up with the perfect line, and forgetting it as soon as you get home and open your laptop
Creating a separate document where you can dump all of those nice sentences that no longer fit in anywhere
Waking up in a cold sweat because so-and-so was supposed to be barefoot but never actually took his shoes off
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lu-lox · 5 days
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also finally got around to making this, it is only half done tho
red lines are connections that have either been confirmed or there is absolutely no plausible deniability, orange lines are lines i have noooo idea (griffith — sephiroth) or am sure i'm just cray cray (anders — dimitri)
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took me until now to realize they're both gothish girlies with stupid puffy fluff on their shoulders. at least dimitri's is fur.
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lu-lox · 5 days
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took me until now to realize they're both gothish girlies with stupid puffy fluff on their shoulders. at least dimitri's is fur.
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lu-lox · 6 days
funniest thing for someone to ask on a game series where multiple people glow for different reasons
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lu-lox · 6 days
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lu-lox · 7 days
heyy can we do a sexy roleplay where im a prince from a fallen kingdom and youre the powerful warrior who has taken me for their own pleasure. yes? yipeeee ok so before we start first here's a google doc with the whole history of the fictional land we're both from and the intricate geopolitical workings of the- oh yeah and here's a supplementary doc on the agriculture and trade routes of said fictional land and stuff and yes this is important. the dirty talk has to be lore accurate
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