Doctoral defense Ella de Burca - “Modes of Viewing: How to Act”
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Doctoral defense Ella de Burca Tuesday 11.10.2022, 17u - 21u Campo Kunstencentrum, Nieuwpoort 31/35, 9000 Ghent
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A Poetic Encounter @ Cinéma Galeries, BXL
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An evening with the Poetry Film Festival of Thuringia on 12 October 2022, from 5:30 p.m. at Cinema Galeries, Galerie de la Reine 26, 1000 Brussels.
Paul Bogaert and Jan Peeters present two of their poetry films, Get a life and What Does the Sea Say?, and discuss their practices with the other invited poetry film makers.
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Photo: Ana Maria Vallejo, Jan Peeters and Paul Bogaert © Dany Deprez
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“Disaster Movie” at Open M - M Leuven
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Disaster Movie by Jan Peeters and Paul Bogaert, and featuring Volkmar Mühleis, will be on display this summer in M in Leuven. The group exhibition 'Time and Again' is the result of an open call for Open M. With this initiative, M Leuven focuses on artists who have a link with Flemish Brabant or Leuven. From the 370 submitted proposals, curator Melanie Bühler (Frans Hals Museum) made a selection of 13 artists. The selected works in this edition of Open M are about the concept and perception of time. 
Opening: Thursday 5 May 2022, 20:00-23:00. The exhibition runs from Friday 6 May till Sunday 28 August 2022.
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Setting up the work with co-ordinator Laure Vanrijckeghem and curator Melanie Bühler.
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At the opening, professor/actor Volkmar Mühleis in discussion with curator Melanie Bühler.
Photos © M Leuven, by Diederik Craps and Miles Fischler
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PhD-seminar “Intercultural Artistic Research”
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PhD online seminar Intercultural Artistic Research, 3 March 2022 In this seminar we want to explore interculturality in artistic research. PhD-students from LUCA School of Arts present intercultural aspects of their projects, responded by their supervisors, open for discussion. The session is accessible for everyone and recorded for later use.
2 pm – welcome 2.10 pm Yingda Dong on aspects of illustration between China and the West – response by Parastou Forouhar 2.40 pm Marina Kazakova on aspects of translation between Russia and the West – response by Volkmar Mühleis 3.10 Nairy Eivazy on aspects of objects/animation between Armenia and the West – response by Jan Peeters coffeebreak (20 minutes) 4 pm Mostafa Youssef on aspects of iconoclasm between Middle East and the West – response by Ala Younis 4.30 pm Eyram Azor on aspects of creating space between Ghana/Africa and the West – response by Gilbert Amegatcher
Please use the following link to join the group: https://zoom.us/j/92404474392?pwd=VEFXTWMxU1VOMVMwTVdHRE5ObXNBUT09 Meeting-ID: 924 0447 4392 Code: PAWui7
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Special mention for ‘Get a life’
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Once again good news from Berlin: ‘Get a life’ by Jan Peeters & Paul Bogaert got a 'special mention’ from the jury of the ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival in the category Best Poetry Film 2021.
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‘Get a life’ @ Zebra Poetry Film Festival, Berlin
Good news from Berlin. Get a life, a film by poet Paul Bogaert en Jan Peeters, has been selected for the international competition of the ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival 2021.
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Nairy Eivazy, new PhD researcher: The Objects We Carry, the Memories We Share
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Diaspora communities are groups of people that maintain a myth or collective memory of their homeland as their true home. They carry with them objects that are representative of their roots and create a sense of home alongside objects that represent their everyday life and multicultural identity. These objects can be considered cultural heritage as a tangible manifestation of a form of memory identified in a spectrum: starting from what has been directly inherited from one’s own family to that which remains of a group of people who lived hundreds of years ago. Bringing such objects together in a stop-motion animation and allowing the community to participate in the animation process will support the collective understanding of these objects. Furthermore, this process will contribute to the reconstruction of the collective memories stored and frozen in these objects, as stop-motion has already proven to be a way to evoke those memories through its visual appearance, animation potential and the haptic senses it triggers.
Focusing on objects of the Armenian diaspora, this artistic research seeks to study the links between formal elements of animated film and participatory practice to investigate participatory stop-motion animation by objects as a cultural heritage performance.
Photo: still from Objects of EMMA (2019)
dr. Jan Peeters (supervisor, KULeuven/LUCA)
dr. Sandy Claes (co-supervisor, KULeuven/LUCA)
Duration: 2021-2025
With the support from the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) and the Armenian International Women’s Association (AIWA).
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Final Jury Research Seminar / Elective ‘Reverse Perspective’ 
Final Jury Research Seminar / Elective ‘Reverse Perspective’ at LUCA School of Arts, campus Sint-Lucas Ghent, and the University of Leuven, Faculty of Architecture, with Wim Goes, 21 December 2018 (pictures: Volkmar Mühleis)
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Final Jury Research Seminar ‘Pathos’ 
Final Jury Research Seminar ‘Pathos’ at LUCA School of Arts, campus Sint-Lucas Ghent, with Esther Venrooy, 21 December 2018 (pictures: Volkmar Mühleis)
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Visuelle Bildung / Visual Literacy
Expert meeting with Andrea Sabisch (University of Hamburg) and Jörg Sternagel (Zurich University of the Arts) in the library of the Warburg-House in Hamburg, november 2018, preparing our research proposal on ‘Visuelle Bildung’/’Visual Literacy’ (credit: Volkmar Mühleis). 
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Methods of Dance
Impressions from our symposium METHODS OF DANCE, 12 October 2018 at LUCA School of Arts, Campus Sint-Lucas Ghent, with prof. Kris Pint (UHasselt), prof. Esther Venrooy (LUCA/KU Leuven), Felix Kindermann, Alain Franco as keynote speaker and dr. Selin Geerinckx (UAntwerp). Pictures were taken by Volkmar Mühleis & Felix Kindermann.
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"What are we looking at? What can we expect?" DISASTER MOVIE, by Paul Bogaert and Jan Peeters, has been selected for the international competition of the ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival Münster|Berlin 2018. Featuring Volkmar Mühleis!
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"Sculture nel tempo" - interview Philip Van Isacker
On 2 and 3 June Dany Deprez, Jan Peeters and Bob Mees went interviewing and filming sculptor Philip Van Isacker in his studio space, for the documentary "Sculture nel tempo". Film stills by Bob Mees.
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 "METHODS OF DANCE is not only a song by the group Japan from the 80s, it invites you to think about possible links between method and art, too. What is a method in artistic research? How does it work? What is the difference between searching and researching, method and doing?
On METHODS OF DANCE we will discuss this subject.
Keynote speaker is Alain Franco. As classic piano player he collaborates with Anne Theresa De Keersmaeker on dance performances, in the complex field of combining choreography, music and stage performance. Structure is needed to make this happen, methods, too. What can we learn from this experience in the fine arts, in design? What kind of methods do we use? How do we make methods transparent for others?
The symposium takes place on Friday 12 October 2018 at
LUCA School of Arts, Campus Sint-Lucas, Alexianenplein 1, 9000 Ghent, Belgium.
If you like to present your example of methods in artistic research, please send us your proposal and portfolio via mail.
Address: LUCA School of Arts
               Campus Sint-Lucas Ghent
               Art & Argument Volkmar Mühleis
               Alexianenplein 1
               9000 Ghent
               Email: [email protected]
General information on the research group: www.lucaartandargument.be
Deadline: 20 June 2018 (results are communicated before 15 July 2018).
There is no inscription fee, travel costs cannot be repaid by the organizer."
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"Girl with Dead Bird" by Volkmar Mühleis
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Research day by the research unit Image
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