lucarionycteus · 3 years
First things first, I just want to say I absolutely adore your characters, they're very cute together and I am just weak and susceptible to tall Lucario of any kind. If I'm gonna ask a question, uh, how tall is Lucario exactly? And does he have a name or is it just Lucario?
Ahh Thank you sm!! It makes me happy to hear that my OCs are a cute pair to you. You’re not alone in how much you like tall Lucarios. Ever since I saw the 8th Pokemon film, about Lucario, I was such a big fan of Lucario, they’ve really been the closest thing I’ve ever felt to a comfort character since like 2010. I was smitten with how cool Lucario is in that movie, so making my Lucario so tall just felt like a natural extension given how cool Lucario’s are, they may as well be big, too!~
For specifics on Nycteus and Lucario’s heights: Lucario is about 6 ft tall, and Nycteus is about 5 ft tall, despite this, Nycteus is actually one year older than Lucario: he’s 19, while Lucario is 18. For more information this ref sheet may clear it up
Since Lucario is capable of communicating with Nycteus via his Aura-speak, he has communicated that the name he goes by is purely Lucario since that’s the name that his parents gave him. In his culture, most of his family was also named Lucario, with emphasis on certain parts of the enunciation of the word Lucario. For Nycteus’ Lucario, that emphasis is on the “Lu” part. So he sometimes introduces himself as “LUcario” or just Lu.
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lucarionycteus · 3 years
I Am Open for Questions and Submissions!!
I’ve just opened my box to accept submissions of any kind, including fanart, posts you wanna share with me, gifs videos or anything.
I’ve also opened up for both anonymous and not anonymous asks. Feel free to ask Nycteus and Lucario a question and I’ll reply in character! Or you can ask me, their og creator a question about their lore!!
Thank you all so much for your continued support I’m so happy to hear that you like them
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lucarionycteus · 3 years
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Sometimes Nycteus cries, and when he does, Lucario tries to help with the tears by licking them away! Nycteus seems to feel a lot better after that. X3
Amazing art done for me by PortugueseLynx
Note: this was a commissioned work, this artist wanted me to mention that they are not a fan of Lucario, or “the mutt” as they call it. So if you go on their page, don’t expect to see Lucario being happy, they prefer to draw Lucario getting comedically trolled by other Pokemon. They say that the only way you’re going to see them draw more content like this is to commission them. But, I mean their art is absolutely amazing so they desrve it all the commissions you guys can give them XD
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lucarionycteus · 3 years
Why Brigadoon is the Pokemon Anime of Your Dreams
Before I begin thank you all so much for your positive response to my ocs, it warms my heart to hear that people enjoy seeing Nycteus and Lucario’s bond. The two of them have been my personal passion project since about 2017, so all the support really shocked and amazed me. You all are the best.
So, speaking of passion projects, I wanted to share with you my first ever video essay: The first part of a loving review I’m doing on the anime from 2000-2001, Brigadoon: Marin to Melan. This utterly enchanting and fascinating title by director Yoshitomo Yonnetani, is one of my all time favorite anime, and by far the best anime I’ve ever seen in the monster-battling genre. The show deconstructs the monster catching genre that shows like Pokemon occupy, in much the same way that a show like Evangelion does: by showing how horrifying a life full of battling would be for actual, innocent teen protagonists. It’s often that this anime is considered to be like a Pokemon-tinted version of Stephen King’s Salem’s Lot. Yes, I’m serious.
Despite the show’s more dark themes and deep, morally complex characters, I think it has the potential to truly touch a fan of the Pokemon anime’s heart. The monster designs (which are actually cyborgs, to be more accurate) are a delightful blend of cute, cool, and beautifully designed. 
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When I saw the character of Melan Blue, a blue and gray cyborg with a sword for an arm for instance, my thoughts went immediately to the Pokemon Lucario. And what’s even better about Brigadoon, is how deeply, and introspectively its written. The show explores the impact that being involved in monster battles would actually have on the life of a teen: We see, as protagonist Marin slowly transform from normal 14 year old girl to a hardened warrior who commands her cyborg monsters to victory in a badass way, although finding herself distanced from many of her peers, as the power her cyborg friends has terrifies the children in her class.
The show is not pure sadness and horror, however. It also has a gratious amount of heart-warming moments as well. The character Moe Kisaragi, for instance, subverts expectations by being Marin’s most loyal friend despite coming from a bigoted rich family, who disapproves with their daughter befriending a rough and tumble girl such as Marin.
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The relationship of these two, and the things they do for each other, serves as yet another reason to love it. All of its characters, cyborg, human (or anything in between) they all serve as the heart and soul of this lovely anime.
There’s far more reasons to discuss why Brigadoon is my favorite monster battling anime (including the absolutely awesome fight scenes, political commentary, and amazing plot and story) but I go into depth in them in this video I made about the series! So, check it out here, if you do, thank you so much! :)
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lucarionycteus · 3 years
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Thank you all so much for the support on my recent art posts! Now, I’d like to share with you all a commission I got from the fantastic SonyShock ! If you’re wondering why Lucario has a collar, well
My human oc Nycteus isn't a trainer normally, him and Lucario are just equals. But I've been thinking if I ever had a trainer AU where Nycteus was a trainer Lucario would probably have a collar like this. Thing is, Lucario is his only Pokémon so he's automatically the favorite XD
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lucarionycteus · 3 years
Why You Should Respect Ash's Lucario OR Why Anipoke Shouldn't Push a Rivalry between Lucario and Cinderace OR I have no idea what to title my first Pokemon Analysis
Now, as you read this, I know what you're probably thinking. Nycteus, tons of people have already analyzed this new season of the Pokemon Anime and Ash's team. Why are you kicking this beehive?? Well, sit down for a minute, and hear me out on this.
Ash's team this season, is a big deal. This season and the Pokemon he has adventured with are truly something special. And while there's going to be time for me to cover nearly all of them in due time there is one in particular who spurred me into action to write this post:
Ash's Lucario.
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This absolute unit, this powerhouse of character development, this loveable mothertrucker is what convinced me of Anipoke's quality. Quite simply put, this Lucario is my favorite Anipoke mon we've had in years.
Now, Lucarios in the Pokemon anime are nothing new: we've had approximately 20 billion of them (I counted). Although in the past, Lucario's were basically background characters, their trainers being non main characters who appeared for 3 episodes or little more. There were a few exceptions, such as firstly, Cameron and his Riolu/Lucario (who are adorable and underrated)
And secondly, the one we all know, the Lucario from the 8th Pokemon movie (No, I'm not gonna refer to him as Sir Aaron's Lucario, because he's his own independent doggo)! Now this Lucario in particular, from the Mystery of Mew, is well worth going into detail on because of his relevance to Ash and my current season Pokemon GOAT, which I'll get into. In this film, Lucario was from a time far in the past, long before trainers and Pokemon capturing existed. He had a human best friend, named Aaron. Well, more accurately, Aaron saw Lucario as a friend, but Lucario thought that Aaron saw him as simply his student, and treated him as if one would treat a teacher. This misunderstanding, along with several other events, leads to one of the most tragic stories in the Pokemon anime.
Aaron, who in this film is an Aura Guardian and fights to protect his and Lucario's home, suddenly finds that home being devastated by a war. Their home, the Kingdom of Rota, is connected to the Tree of Beginning, a spiritually significant tree in which Mew, the legendary Pokemon, lives. It's at this point that Aaron makes a bold decision:
Aaron decides to sacrifice himself, and before doing so, he uses his aura staff and abilities as a Guardian to trap Lucario in a protective sleep within his staff, thinking that Lucario will try and follow him and could lose his life as well. Lucario remains in stasis for centuries until the aura of one boy in particular, wakes him up: Ash Ketchum's. Ash's aura is so similar to Sir Aaron's that, when Ash is wearing a costume made to honor Aaron (an award he was given by Rota's current government), his aura is virtually indistinguishable from the hero.
This Lucario wakes up in the time period of Ash's and is confused and even angry at first, mistaking Ash for his former friend Aaron. However, Lucario then decides to help the boy (whose Pikachu had been mistakenly kidnapped by Mew to The Tree of Beginning) the two even become friends after Lucario was initially distrustful of humans. Lucario goes through great character development and learns to help Ash, even bravely protecting him and his friends from other Pokemon at the Tree of Beginning who don't understand why a human is there and aren't afraid of showing violence to Ash and his friends. However, what makes this Lucario's story truly tragic, is how he ultimately succumbs to the same fate that Aaron did: as all of the time Ash and his human friends spend trying to rescue Pikachu put the Tree of Beginning in danger and the only way to set it right, is for the tree to be given the aura of a true Guardian. Lucario offers selflessly to help, and Ash does too, as he now remembers what Lucario told him about his aura being similiar to Aarons. Ash bravely works alongside Lucario to revive the tree, but ultimately, Lucario shoves Ash to the side, not wanting the boy to sacrafice himself. Lucario smiles at Ash, and with that, he leaves his life... Someone who Ash had formed a true bond with, just gave his life to protect Ash and every other living creature at the Tree of Beginning by preventing the Tree's death.
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It's on this exact stage, that we now transition to the 21st episode of the Pokemon anime. In this episode, Ash manages to do the impossible and inspires a Pokemon to leave its egg early in the Pokemon Center purely through the inspiration with which Ash gives it.
Yes, you heard me correct, a Pokemon that hadn't yet hatched from it's egg, is so inspired by the positive energy, his aura with which Ash gives off that it hatches. And this Pokemon, is none other than Riolu the baby form of Lucario.
This, is a huge deal. This is something fans have been waiting for years to see, ever since Ash's aura was strong enough to wake Lucario up in the Mystery of Mew. Ever since the bond Ash had with Lucario in that film, fans were waiting for Ash to raise a Lucario of his own. And he did it: He welcomed this Riolu into his life with open arms. And even better, this Riolu has recently evolved into a Lucario, single-handedly from the friendship between the two of them. And... The rest is adorable Pokemon history...
Now, after this amazing first showing, something has changed. The recent Pokemon episodes have been neglecting on developing Lucario and instead focusing on cheap jokes involving it getting angry with Goh's Pokemon, Cinderace (Goh being one of several new main characters for this season. Not only is Lucario being involved in these rude and mean spirited jokes, but it is now even implied to have a rivalry with this Cinderace!
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Which makes no sense, as previously they were friends, not to mention that Ash has been shown to be more of a mentor to Goh, so it makes no sense for Goh's Cinderace to be bitter with Lucario. It would make far more sense for Cinderace to want to learn from Lucario, considering Ash and his Lucario are clearly shown to be so strong...
However, I will not harp on this point, as my friend Sunseeksday has already made a far more well written post than mine on why exactly a rivalry between Ash's Lucario and Goh's Cinderace makes no sense.
Hiya! I like to write stuff! (requests closed) — Why a rivalry between Ash and Goh WOULD NOT work (tumblr.com)
Now, after you've heard this long passioned ramble from me, I have a question: Does it truly make sense for Ash's Lucario to be forced into a bitter, meanspirited fued with Goh's Cinderace? No, it doesn't make sense, and its not what Lucario or Cinderace deserve. They deserve to have satisfying development that isn't forced...
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So, you guys feel similarly, right? OK, Good.
Tags: pokemon journeys anipoke pokeani ash ketchum pikachu lucario goh cinderace
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lucarionycteus · 3 years
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A lovely picture of my ocs Nycteus and his huge tall Lucario! Drawn for me by Dahecksajerry on Twitter
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lucarionycteus · 3 years
Phone Call - Lucario and Nycteus Fanart
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For my first post on this page, I'd like to introduce you all to my ocs, Lucario and Nycteus! Lucario and Nycteus are around 20 year olds and they met after Lucario saved Nycteus from a falling branch. Lucario is waaaaaay taller than an average Lucario and Nyctues is about normal height (5ish ft) Nycteus fell head over heels for him, although Lucario ended up making the move when he got them matching wedding rings, with Lucarionite as the gemstone!
Lovely commission of my oc and Lucario done for me by @GlitterySylveon
thank you!
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