lucian-foster · 2 years
twice now, i have been called by scammers pretending to be bankers telling me i'd been scammed by someone else, and that they, the scammer/banker, would cancel the fraudulent transactions made in my name as soon as i gave them a bit of information to confirm my identity.
the second guy called me from my local bank branch's number and told me "someone in another city is attempting to make purchases with your debit card information" and after i expressed obvious distress he told me "don't worry, this is what i'm here for. we're going to get your cards/accounts cancelled/closed and then we'll all i need you to do is verify the 6-digit code that i've sent to your phone"
that 6-digit code was the code to reset my online banking password 🙃 which i didn't realize at the time. he then got into my online banking account and e-transferred himself $2,800. my bank reclaimed the money but i had to close my bank accounts, then open new bank accounts, cancel my debit and credit cards, get new debit and credit cards, alert two credit unions that i was a victim of fraud, change all my fucking passwords, etc etc
sorry if this shit is obvious to other people but it was not to me so:
if someone calls you, claiming to be from your bank telling you that there are suspicious charges on your account, hang up on them and call the number on the back of your debit card. worst case scenario, you hung up on someone and called a different person back but at least now you know you're talking to someone from the bank. best case scenario, you just hung up on a scammer and are already on the line with someone to report it.
keep your head on a fucking swivel out there
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lucian-foster · 2 years
i want david rossi to give me a hug
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lucian-foster · 2 years
finding out telanu and ellydash are married is one of the best things that has ever happened to me
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lucian-foster · 2 years
me: i don't condone violence
also me: haha lou kelly go brrrr
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lucian-foster · 2 years
having copious amounts of imaginary friends to immersive/maladaptive daydreamer pipeline
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lucian-foster · 2 years
help single mom of twin boys with moving expenses
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hey tumblr peeps.  taking a break from my social media hiatus to share a dear co-worker’s fundraiser.  denise is a single mama of twin boys who works with me at a local daycare center. besides my abuela she is the most hard-working, compassionate woman i know, and such a diligent, thoughtful, caring daycare worker.  this month she is getting ready to make a big move from a 2-bedroom to a 3-bedroom house. luckily she has family to help through this process, but she could really use some new things like: new mattresses, bedding, u-haul rentals, etc. her community has helped her raise some, but she is still a ways from her goal. 
you can help at this lovely mama & her babies at her GOFUNDME.  thanks xx
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lucian-foster · 2 years
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lucian-foster · 2 years
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How to spot signs and symptoms of Breast Cancer 
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lucian-foster · 2 years
March 23rd
Okay, so my roomate and I are trans disabled and homeless. We are living in a hotel until we get a check that will cover getting us in an apartment, but there have been more covid delays. I found out today that the lawyer took a leave for covid related reasons and it will be a couple more weeks at most.
As of right now my roomate and I are both sick. He has antibiotics and steroids, but I just need to rest and eat a lot. We were able to get some food necessities today because of the kind people on here and we now have tomorrow covered for the hotel bill! It would be really really amazing to rest more because my health has been bad. Tonsil stones are getting out of control especially, and thats just a bad sign generally, but not expected because I've been lightly sick at best for months. All that being said, please share and d0nate to help two disabled trans ppl recover. My friend @hostile-flower is doing drawings for anyone who gives $50+, but please be patient as it make take time to get drawings to people.
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Venm0: @tab-99
Cash@pp: $creepiecrippl
Payp@l: https://www.paypal.me/creepiecrpple
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lucian-foster · 2 years
Urgent help needed
My roomate and I are disabled, homeless, and trans. We we living in a very conservative area and we were fairly recently outed to our hotel by a trans charity. We just need to survive until we get a check from a familial will, but covid delays have been delaying things a lot.
Right now, we are also both sick. My roomate has antibiotics and steroids, but we had to beg abusers for help for those. Things have been all around bad, and if we could get extra help to take care of the hotel bill so I can have a few days to get my head together from all the abuse, sickness, and stress, I would be forever grateful.
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My dear friend @hostile-flower is doing drawings for anyone who donates $50. The drawings may take time to be completed because they are disabled as well.
March 31
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lucian-foster · 2 years
Okay i guess this is my official post.
Our cat has developed Fungal Pneumonia and she's at the vet right now. There's a low chance that cats survive from something like this and she's pretty old honestly (got her in 2012)
My mom has very little faith and is talking about euthanizing her and even the vets talked about it immediately. She's gonna undergo treatment but if she doesn't start responding to treatment by Friday, she's dead. But if she does respond, it's gonna be hundreds of dollars for up to three months. Money that we just don't have.
We really need help, im really upset and honestly this is just adding onto all the anxiety i usually always have. I don't know if she'll live honestly. I don't know what will happen. All I know is we need help.
Our PayPal is [email protected]
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lucian-foster · 2 years
making a new post to get a bit of new traction since its a little dire now 😅
my roommate & myself are short about $400 on rent this month, due on the april 5th. any & all help would be very appreciated <3
my paypal is paypal.me/lizardsister, my venmo is @lizardsister, and cash app is $lizardsister
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lucian-foster · 2 years
hey! I am currently raising money to help my lesbian friend who lives in an Islamic country escape a forced marriage! she has 2 months to raise as much money as she can.
you can donate here:
all funds will be transferred to her in batches to help reduce transaction fees! USD goes very far in her country so anything you can share will help! please boost this as well ❤️
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lucian-foster · 2 years
help a broke depressed student out <3
hii! im collecting donations again cause i’m broke af and i can’t afford to pay rent and medication for depression, which is making everything hard for me. i can barely get out to go to uni and im missing out on so much study. i also feel physical pain which is making it really hard for me to just do normal tasks.
my parents will probably have to pay for university fees because of me not completing my exams - due to depression and depressive episodes - so if u have like 2$ to spare id really appreciate !! even a tiny reblog counts.
also shoutout to all the people suffering from mental illness or any kind of physical pain and disorders. i feel you. i know what it feels like to just not have the strength anymore to do simple stuff, like getting out of bed and staying hydrated, or even eating. i know how hard it can be and it makes me sad to know that most of our sanity depends on money - money which people in some countries don’t have access to. so i feel you, and i really hope we’ll get out of this !
please stay strong and don’t forget you’re not alone !!
here’s my p^ypal <3
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lucian-foster · 2 years
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― Ernest Hemingway
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lucian-foster · 3 years
these all happened in the second half of march so happy anniversary to vanessa hudgens saying “it’s a virus and i respect that and like people are going to die which is terrible but like inevitable” on instagram live and happy anniversary to ellen saying “this [27 million dollar mansion] feels like a prison” and happy anniversary to madonna calling the virus a “great equalizer” while bathing in a bathtub with rose petals in it and happy anniversary to sia posting a picture that just said “virus <3″ and happy anniversary to priyanka chopra clapping to her empty garden and happy anniversary to gal gadot et al.’s imagine video
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lucian-foster · 3 years
This is gonna be quite a different post from what I usually post, and I’m sorry about that, but I have to talk about this:
On March 3rd of this year, we lost another trans person to suicide. Milo Winslow was 30 years old at the time of his death, and we know that this is a suicide because it couldn’t be anything else. He had no support system irl, and he had no one to talk to during this time, which really pains me to hear. What’s even worse is that he was the ONLY trans person who went to his town council to fight for legal protections for trans people in his state. Unfortunately, the court had a unanimous vote AGAINST equal protections for him and trans people in his state of Nebraska. After this happened, someone made a hate petition in which over 18,000 PEOPLE signed saying that they basically wanted him dead. To them I say, ARE YOU HAPPY NOW? ARE YOU HAPPY THAT WE LOSE ANOTHER ONE OF OUR SIBLINGS? IS THIS WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY? This shit shouldn’t be happening in fucking 2022, I thought things were finally getting better for us, but no, it’s getting worse again. I don’t want Milo to be seen as just ‘another statistic’. We need to stop acting polite and actually do something about this. We can’t let this happen again seriously, because it fucking physically hurts me to see a trans person take their own life because of the hate that they’ve been dealing with for several years. He’s being deadnamed at the funeral home he was put into, this isn’t something we should be sitting down for. We need to stand up and fucking do something about it. Rest In Power Milo, I will not stop fighting for you, and for other trans people who have unfortunately gone through the same thing you had gone through the time that you were alive. 
I’m putting his memorial fundraiser in this post as well which was made by one of his close friends, so if you can donate, that would be amazing, but if you can’t, that’s also fine and I understand, but please share this post so they can hit their goal of 10k cuz he deserves a good memorial at least: https://www.gofundme.com/f/milo-winslow-memorial-donation-fund?qid=84ce1d7ac4b8547da8d1840197c268c4
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