luciaxmendez ¡ 4 years
ツ for hans
ツ —  EXCITED  TEXT  !  @hans-starke
LUCIA:  OMG!!!LUCIA:  WEDDING BELLS 🔔 LUCIA:  you know i love weddings 😢 LUCIA:  let mateo be your ring bearer & every curse word you’ve taught him will be forgiven
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luciaxmendez ¡ 4 years
✆ for juul
LUCIA: they were out of danishes so i got you a piece of fruitLUCIA: you’ll thank me later when you’re full of energy later LUCIA: because you have your 10AM campaign strat meeting. i blocked of 2 hours for it so you’ll need all the brain power!
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luciaxmendez ¡ 4 years
% (Lucy!)
%  —  CURIOUS  TEXT  !  @lucyberkeley
LUCIA:  what was the name of that one dish with the squigly noodles at the 4th of July party?LUCIA: i’m kinda uh....wanna recreate it - i’m obsessed!
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luciaxmendez ¡ 4 years
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luciaxmendez ¡ 4 years
Send “✆” for a MORNING text. Send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT. Send “☎” for a RUSHED text. Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text. Send “✿” for a SUGGESTIVE text. Send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text. Send “✘” for a HATEFUL text. Send “#” for a RANDOM text. Send “@” for a SCARED text. Send “&” for a LOVING text. Send “%” for a CURIOUS text. Send “ツ” for an EXCITED text. Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text. Send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text.
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luciaxmendez ¡ 4 years
{ open! }
She can practically smell whoever it is before they arrive at her door. Maybe it’s because her ears are still ringing from the din of the noise she’d heard from up on the podium. Loss of one sense, strengthening of the others, right? Either way, the approaching visitor makes her sigh. Not exactly their fault. Blame those mongrels she’d had to face with a smile as they gloated about Will Bell’s ‘stunning’ announcement. Stunning, yeah. Two silver-haired white men of barely-average height. Truly groundbreaking shit. Ginny’s essentially hate-watching Fox News on one of the many television screens in her office as this unfortunate soul approaches the door, and she raises a palm, not even looking back toward the doorway. "Only those who have also thought really hard about throat-punching a greasy mouth-breather from the Wall Street Journal in the last twenty four hours may pass over this threshold. Tread wisely.”
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The White House was abuzz. Seems about right, seeing as though William Bell’s announcement came with a severe amount of whiplash to the Berkeley Administration. Well, that’s what came with the world of politics right? Always being hit with the unexpected. Her arms were piled high with files, papers — everything that Julian wanted to pass down through the ranks of his team to overlook. A simple knock on the secretary’s door before entering, Lucia could practically feel the tension as she crossed over the threshold. “Well not from the Wall Street Journal, but I understand what you mean.” Or at least she could attempt to. “Just here to drop off some paperwork, Ms. Park. Nothing to get twisted about, promise.” 
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luciaxmendez ¡ 4 years
Send me a ツ to see a tweet my muse would post/make about yours
You can use this generator right here.
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luciaxmendez ¡ 5 years
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                [ HALLOWEEN  IN  WASHINGTON  2019 ]
lucia  mendez  as  selena  quintanilla (  costume  II  ) —  como  la  flor  ,  bidi  bidi  bom  bom  !  queen  of  tejano  music  selena  rocked  young  lucia’s  childhood  .  she  was  devestated  as  a  youngster  when  the  legend  passed  away  &  even  thought  of  naming  mateo  after  her  (  if  he  were  a  girl  oop  !  )  
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luciaxmendez ¡ 5 years
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Never one to say no to his son, and of course accompanying him trick or treatin’, TJ goes all out for their Halloween costumes. He calls in a costume designer friend to put together Troll outfits for Matteo, @luciaxmendez and himself. Matteo refuses to take it off to go to bed that night.
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luciaxmendez ¡ 5 years
Party In The USA // Miley Cyrus 
“I hopped off the plane at L.A.X. with a dream and my cardigan”
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luciaxmendez ¡ 5 years
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luciaxmendez ¡ 5 years
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my father wasn’t around
i s w e a r that i’ll be around
for you
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luciaxmendez ¡ 5 years
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luciaxmendez ¡ 5 years
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                                LUCIA’S SIX CHARACTERS !!
PEGGY OLSON  (  MAD  MEN  )  //   “If you don’t like what they’re saying, change the conversation.”    [  peggy is a character that was introduced as a lowly secretary - but with knowing the right people / impressing the right people , she was able to move into a position of copywriter . although lucia is now only just an assistant , she has worked with some pretty influential people that could perhaps change the course of her career . ] 
PHOEBE HALLIWELL (  CHARMED  ) //   “I know this may not sound very P.C., but I want romance. Long, slow kisses, late-night talks, candle lights. I love love.” [  phoebe , phoebe , phoebe - my favorite charmed boo . her character evolves through the seasons & i see a lot of lucia whenever i rewatch . she’s sweet , loyal , but also has a ‘ do not fuck with me ‘ streak that makes her an excellent ally . ]
VERONICA LODGE (  RIVERDALE ) //   "dADDY?” [  queen of daddy issues , veronica lodge . this is something she and lucia have in common which is not very surprising seeing as julian is only 20 years older than her , yet she looks up to him as a father . ew - but it fits since you know he reminds her so much of her own father . poor little rich girl . ]
TAI FRASIER (  CLUELESS  ) //   "If I’m too good for him, then how come I’m not with him?” [  a bean - a pure , cute bean . tai morphed a lot in clueless from being well . . . absolutely clueless to being somewhat of an asset. she has lucia energy especially lucia college energy which is cute. ]
MR. PEANUTBUTTER (  BOJACK HORSEMAN  ) //   "I was like ‘why did I say that? That was so dumb.’” [  mr. peanutbutter represents the facade that lucia shows . she knows her life is far from perfect , but she puts on a happy face like it is especially around her work environment . even mr. peanutbutter has his demons , but only the closest know ] 
JANE VILLEANUEVA (  JANE THE VIRGIN  ) //   "When he opens his mouth, will you stuff my boob in it like it’s a hamburger?” [  last , but certainly not least there’s jane - our baby uwu . literally , she had a baby and she is a cute lil thing with emotional trauma but the best son in the world with the best people surrounding her . ] 
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luciaxmendez ¡ 5 years
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luciaxmendez ¡ 5 years
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                                          LUCIA  MENDEZ:                       CBC  LIFE CHALLENGE  (  3/MATEO )
mateo is a HUGE aspect of lucia’s life for he has changed it SIGNIFICANTLY  . he takes a lot after his mother - from his smile that could light up any room to his slight sensitive nature that makes him a favorite among his peers . although mateo was a . . . well mistake ( to put it simply ) , having him was one of the best decisions lucia ever made .  life before him was repetitive : work , work , & well . . . more work . mateo being born was nothing less of a blessing . before his birth , lucia had a tendency to lean more pro choice . after all , she had gone through plenty of planned parenthood appointments before ultimately deciding just to keep him . it was a decision she doesn’t regret , after all he brought fun into her life & a sense of surprise as well . after all , no one - not even mateo knows what he’s getting into . he’s adopted father figures due to not knowing his own - although to him , tj is well . . . dad . 
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luciaxmendez ¡ 5 years
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