luciens-silly-girl · 3 days
Chapters 17-1 Wallpapers
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Under the dim sky, the city was covered in deep clouds.
The halo in the sky was like a raindrop ripple.
I looked down and saw under the still water, the square decorated with colourful lights.
I saw the figure of my own.
Against the light smiling at me.
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luciens-silly-girl · 3 days
Chapters 15-1 Gavin Wallpapers
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Through the fog and clouds, I kept falling like a bird with a broken wing.
The fog dispersed.
I was stuck between grey walls with countless threads scattered around.
I tried to escape.
A drop of scarlet blood slid off my arms.
Suddenly, the world began to shake.
The grey walls collapsed bit by bit.
A fierce wind tore at the threads.
A broken shade appeared right before me.
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luciens-silly-girl · 3 days
Chapters 14-1 Kiro Wallpapers
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I stand in an open field.
The sky is low. No winds. No clouds.
Someone’s calling my name.
I look around and see a hazy figure in the distance.
I chase after the figure, but it only gets further away.
Its colour gets lighter, as if haloed by water, starting to disappear around the edges.
Suddenly, a great fog swallows everything.
All I see now is an icy grey.
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luciens-silly-girl · 3 days
Chapter 13-1 Lucien Wallpapers
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Clear skies, a fine wind.
I hold a kite and sprint through endless fields of rye.
I fell down. I watch the kite fly away.
Like it’s going to a world never to be seen again.
I look down at my palm sliced by the string slowly trickling blood.
How it stings!
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luciens-silly-girl · 3 days
Chapter 12-1 Gavin Wallpapers
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A stormy afternoon, umbrella in hand, I walk alone in the crowd.
A soaked kitty stops besides my foot.
It seems it wanted to take me to some unknown land.
I lost it.
Before me a appears a brown haired boy.
He stands in the rain, drenched through.
I hold up my umbrella to shield him from the rain.
He turns and gives me a gentle smile.
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luciens-silly-girl · 3 days
Chapter 11-1 Wallpapers
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Early summer afternoon.
Rainbow hang in the air.
A little girl walks on the sidewalk, stepping briskly.
A ginkgo leaf falls on the girl's head.
She raises her hand, and carefully places it in her pocket.
In a shop window, a round-eyed little bear smiles sweetly at the girl.
A camphor tree on the corner rustles in the wind, and the years slip by in the breeze.
The girl turns the corner, and sees a smiling woman.
"You finally came back."
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luciens-silly-girl · 3 days
Chapter 10-1 Victor Wallpapers
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The ceiling was high and it blocked the sky.
All I could see were walls and the grass growing below.
Running around in this huge maze, I couldn't stop myself.
The wind and the cries went silent.
Only in a moment, the walls turned into some black powder and were blown to the whole world.
I closed my eyes.
My body drifting in the air along with powder at the end of the universe.
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luciens-silly-girl · 3 days
Chapter 9-14 Lucien Wallpapers
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Inside the thick fog, I was standing on a rock watching the sea reaching stars in the distance.
A flock of birds flew overhead, making an arc in the sky.
In the empty world, I was alone.
Suddenly, the fog dispersed.
The beach stretched out in front of me.
On the other end, Lycoris were blooming.
They're like fire, expelling the cold.
And the rocks began to quake.
The tide suddenly went fierce, as if the world was going to turn upside-down.
I fell into the sea.
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luciens-silly-girl · 3 days
MLQC Chapter 7-1 Wallpapers
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Thunderstorm and dark clouds like dense smoke from fires floated slowly towards the sky.
I ran up the long stairs which got darker and darker as the clouds approached.
I kept running but it seemed endless.
I heard the howling of the wind and a cry for help.
The thunder roared and all of a sudden, the stairs split apart.
I lost my footing.
The endless darkness devoured me.
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luciens-silly-girl · 3 days
MLQC Chapter 6-13 Gavin Wallpapers
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I was in an abandoned alley when a dark figure appeared.
The wind raged with the strong smell of blood as if it's tearing the whole dream apart.
I wanted to draw nearer.
Gavin remained silent.
It seemed dangerous and strange.
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luciens-silly-girl · 3 days
MLQC Chapter 5-1 Lucien Wallpapers
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Shadows under the camphor tree was gently swaying in the wind.
A boy and I leaned against the tree and closed our eyes.
The boy in the lab coat was awake.
He opened his eyes, and looked at my tiny figure.
His face mingled with aloofness.
He put his hand on his chest, trying to get something out.
As I woke up and opened my eyes, the camphor tree is still rustling.
But under the tree, there was just me.
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luciens-silly-girl · 3 days
MLQC Chapter 4-1 Victor Wallpapers
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I was walking alone through a crowd.
I looked at my little hands, and felt that his temperature was still there.
I walked forward, trying to find the boy.
I walked until late night when I reached a street by moonlight.
All of a sudden, the moon was not glowing and the wind was not blowing.
The bittersweet smell of caramel led me back to the forgotten past.
He opened that rusty door, and looked at me.
The moment he grabbed my hand, I knew, I will never forget that face.
"Found you."
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luciens-silly-girl · 3 days
MLQC Chapter 3-1 Kiro Wallpapers
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I didn't know why I was sitting on the bed alone, hugging myself.
I was in a bad mood when I saw all those locks on the window.
The sky was grey and I buried my head on my lap.
Suddenly, someone stroked my head.
I raised my head.
And saw a little bear handing over a candy to me.
He just looked at me, his head aslant and didn't say a word.
Having the sweet candy, I smiled at him.
We sat beside the bed, and looked at the sky as it gradually got clearer.
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luciens-silly-girl · 3 days
MLQC Chapter 2-1 Gavin Wallpapers
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The light of sunset descends upon a deserted alley, beautiful and quiet.
I walked alone there. I didn't know where the place was, or why I was there.
And failed to find an exit even after a long walk.
The alley seemed endless.
Somehow, I felt something strange.
As I turned back- a sharp dagger stabbing from behind!
The blade reflected the golden light of the sunset!
I was about to panic when a breeze blew the scene away.
In the pure white dream, a ginkgo leaf slowly floated in.
And landed on my palm.
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luciens-silly-girl · 3 days
Chapters 16-3 Lucien Wallpapers
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Under a deep blue sky, I stood on the edge of a cliff with someone arms tightly around me.
Familiar yet strange.
His face was blurry but his eyes were like ocean blue and crystal clear.
Rocks under my feet fell, causing vibration.
His clothes billowing in the wind, he held me and jumped off the edge.
Who is him?
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luciens-silly-girl · 11 months
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Glory Downfall and Love Halloween Wish Tree Event
Date: 26 October 2023 to 5 November 2023
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luciens-silly-girl · 1 year
I'd like to start posting Moments (and maybe SMS as well) again...
The lists they added to Moments are incredibly helpful with identifying them (their names/titles)! Before I could only add names to those I got through the Daily Tasks, and even then only if I didn't forget to take a screenshot before they disappeared from the weekly log... (oh wait, the wiki helped with older ones too!)
Currently I am still busy with RL stuff, but maybe starting in November I'll have time for it ✨️
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