The Last Humans Trilogy
Dear diary,
         I got a coupon thing to read this book series on amazon, and I have to review the thing. So here it goes:
At first I had trouble trying to download it, and that took about a day to get it working, but after I started to really read it, I just wanted to know what was going on, I couldn’t stop reading. Parts of it are a bit disturbing in some aspects, but I will refrain from giving spoilers. I did almost cry a bit, and I have not finished it all yet, but it is very good. I would fully recommend it to anyone who likes post-apocolyptic futuristic tech novels with some big words, full of witty come-backs and lots of sarcasm. Over all, I give it a 9/10 for creativity and I was fully entertained and intrigued. My only complaint is some people might not like all the big words, but I did. Good job.
If you think you sound like you would like it, get it here: https://www.amazon.com/Last-Humans-Complete-Trilogy/dp/1631421816
Disclaimer: I recieved this product for free for the purpose of review.
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Diary entry: 2/2/16
          I have slowly being moving further and further from my mind. I have decided to spite my therapist, and skip writing here for a few weeks, and I have to say that was probably not the best idea. You know, when people say things like “the voices in my head told me to do it” or “the voices in my head are speaking to me”, it’s probably the outcome of me being bored at the office. Apologies. It is rather amusing though, I won’t lie. This concludes this entry, I am tired.                                                                                           Love,                                                                                                Lucifer
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Do I need to fix this?
Very sad to report that Donald Trump, 69, remains in good health
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Diary Entry: 1/18/16
Dear Diary,      My day was unevetful. My cat avoided me, and that made me want to rip out the tongues of my enemies. But that is okay. I took my therapists advice, and stayed calm. I don’t think I’ll hear from my neighbor for a while though, kind of scared him when I ripped my car door off in a sudden rage. Guess my grass won’t be trimmed this week. Lovely.                                                                         Your’s,                                                                                 Lucifer 
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This is a pretty rad website where you can make money for promoting things. I recommend it. 12/10 would do. -http://bst.is/QQA4W8
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So my mom is super addicted to this game PandaPop (which is an app) and it seems frustrating but the pandas are so freaking cute, and I actually like it compared to most apps people get these days. I kinda wish they had it for pc XD but yea. Basically in the app you're a momma panda saving baby pandas. AND THE BABIES ARE ADORABLEE (look at the babyyyy) /)-(\ it's just so cute, oh my god -http://bst.is/GQA4W8
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