lucille--owens-blog · 8 years
A perm?! Oh, geez. That sounds horrible. Y’know, I would have to agree with you. Anything from your younger years is cringe-worthy. I’m Lucille, by the way! Call me Luci!
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You and me both! I had this horrible perm in seventh grade that I don’t know why I thought was a good idea. Basically, anything from when you were younger is cringe-worthy.
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lucille--owens-blog · 8 years
There were days that Lucille would go to the gym and work out. Today was one of these days. She was, as usual, practicing her kickboxing. Hearing someone speak, she turned to the man, “Well, that was some quick counting.” The red head teased, before finishing a few more kicks. Grabbing her towel, she wiped the sweat off her face. “With that kind of workout that you just did, you deserve all three. Just do it.” Luci laughed.
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“One…two…three…” Jackson counted as he curled fifty pound weights on each hand. “Aaaand one hundred!” He said out loud and dropped the barbels on the ground and wiped a sweat on his brow. “You know what I really need now? I need pizza - wait - a burrito or Chinese food. God I have an appetite of a pregnant woman. I’m not pregnant by the way.”
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lucille--owens-blog · 8 years
That’s pretty much the same! I’d rather not look at my old school photos. I had these horrible braces up until I was sixteen. It was bad.
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Is that anything like seeing an old photograph of yourself from, like, middle school? Because I know that is pretty horrific.
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lucille--owens-blog · 8 years
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"I'd rather downplay myself, than be a total snob, honestly. Number three?! Heck yes! I don't care if I'm number three, as long as you think I'm cool. I've talked to people who just laugh at what I do. Even though, most of them are stuck with a job that they hate."
“No way, you’re totally downplaying yourself. You’re like, number three on my list of ‘coolest people I’ve met’, which is a pretty big deal, because I met someone who did one of those commercials where the tag lines get stuck in your head. So totally famous.”
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lucille--owens-blog · 8 years
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Not if you wash them like all the time. Oh, okay. A guy with standards who broke his neck because he didn't have bathmats in his bathroom. Sounds like a great idea. You know, I could actually seeing you doing that as bad as that sounds. "Life Alert, need help?" "Yeah, hey. I need a ride down to the store. I'm stuck in my couch, man." They'd hang up on you. That or you'd call me or someone else asking for a ride.
Those things are so dirty, Luci. Geez, a guy’s gotta have standards. You know the first time I get high or drunk with that Life Alert button around me, I’d find myself in a non-emergency and call for help. They show up and I’m asking for a ride to get more teriyaki beef jerky.
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lucille--owens-blog · 8 years
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"Oh, really! That's neat! K-ON! has a pretty small fanbase, it's quite sad. Ahaha, thank you! Oh, no. I'm not famous at all! People might say that I am, but I don't think I am!"
“I’m glad! It’s a mutual feeling. I loved K-ON! One of my favorite anime series ever, I mean, not that I watch a ton as it is but still. That’s so cool, what an amazing job. You’ve done so much! You’re basically famous.”
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lucille--owens-blog · 8 years
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"You, I like you already. It's true, we're all human. Ahaha, I do! I've been voice acting since 2008. I've voiced Mikuru in 'The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya', Yui in K-ON!, Yui in SAO, Sailor Moon in the new redub and Crystal. Oh, I also voiced Homura in Madoka Magica. Just to name a few. And I've done a few video games."
“Princesses don’t need to be ladylike, they’re all human, after all. You voice act?! That’s so freaking cool, I’ve never met a voice actress before. What sort of characters do you voice? Would I know any of them?”
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lucille--owens-blog · 8 years
Mags: Well, I mean we've talked and sassed for like 3 years but never anything deep or like personal. You know? This was the first time and it was nice.
Mags: This is true. She's still a traitor though.
Luci: Well, just warning you now. If he is planning on just using you or anything. He'll have to hear from me. I'll get all up in his face.
Luci: True, true.
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lucille--owens-blog · 8 years
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You, my dear friend don't know how to furnish a bathroom. You need to get bathmats, dude. Otherwise, we won't hear from you for a couple days and we would need to send a search party. Then we would see you either dead or a cripple. Or you should invest in getting Life Alert.
I almost ate it getting out of the shower this morning and that’s one of the very few cons of living alone – the possibility being found butt-ass naked. Time to make a trip to Bed Bath and Beyond for some non-slip stickers and a couple of those grab bars.
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lucille--owens-blog · 8 years
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lucille--owens-blog · 8 years
Mags: Lol yeah, sorry about that. We just got to talking and before I knew it, it was like 4 am and I needed to sleep. You know? I went in late to the bakery that morning. Then I went down to the landlord with him, got his door unlocked.
Mags: You know, Milan LOVES him. Like she literally loves him more than me I think.
Luci: Well, at least he got his door unlocked. But, you got to know him a bit better, yeah? So, that's good. At least, you know that he isn't a monster.
Luci: Well, I think all dogs are like that. Kitsune loves everyone who comes through the front door.
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lucille--owens-blog · 8 years
Mags: Yeah, I guess you're right. I just really want to get to know him better first. You know, the other night, monday night, he got locked out of his apartment and spent the night. We stayed up late talking and I got to know him really well, actually. I mean, not the whole story but a good chunk.
Mags: Yeah... we've always done that. I like that he can take my sass and I can take his. It makes me laugh. He makes me laugh...
Luci: Of course, of course. You shouldn't rush into things. Ohhh, Monday, huh? THAT'S WHY YOU DIDN'T TEXT ME GOODNIGHT. I LOST SLEEP OVER IT, MAGS. kidding. you guys should really have a locksmith handy.
Luci: you found someone who isn't me who can handle your sass. c: that's good.
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lucille--owens-blog · 8 years
Mags: The logical part of my head knows that but like... I'm scared. Oliver scares me. He and I have what Jace and I didn't; friendship as a base. If he breaks my heart too... it'll break me even more than Jace did.
Mags: Really? How can you tell?
Luci: I understand. I get that wholeheartedly. Evan and I had a friendship first. and it killed me to break up with him. but, you're so much stronger now because of what happened with Jace.
Luci: I just can. The way he playfully teases you? I think so.
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lucille--owens-blog · 8 years
Mags: oh no. Don't talk to him. It's fine. I like having fun with him. I'm good with that for now. I don't want another relationship. At least not right this second. And honestly, if he and I ever did get together and break up, it would ruin what we have now; friendship. I like that. Plus! He probably isn't even into me.
Luci: i'll scare him off with questions. yea, bad idea.
Luci: mags, you know that being in a relationship with oliver isn't going to be like jace. trust me. jace broke your heart. jace was a piece of scum. i don't think oliver is.
Luci: i dunno, mags. he seems into you.
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lucille--owens-blog · 8 years
Mags: I'm planning on getting drunk so honestly anything is possible. I don't even know. We've known each other for 3 years and haven't banged. But idk... Anything more and I feel like he'd hurt me.
Luci: well, just don't get too carried away at the party. :c
Luci: nooo, mags. don't say that. i mean, i really don't know the guy, so i can't really make a call on how he's like. maybe i can talk to him???? that'd be weird, huh?
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lucille--owens-blog · 8 years
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Lucille Owens’ Anime Voice Work- From 2008-Present
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lucille--owens-blog · 8 years
Mags: honestly!! Nothing is going on! Am I attracted too him?
Mags: ...
Mags: ...maybe?
Luci: yeahhhhhh?! i knew that you were attracted to him! i can't really blame you, i mean he's pretty hot.
Luci: i feel the sexual tension from you two. are you two gonna sneak away at the party?!?!!!?!?
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