lucindajohnson · 2 years
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“People are weird.” Narcissa emphatically agreed, before pausing to consider.  “Mmm.  God, I wish.  I feel like all I do lately is work.  But hopefully that’s about to change.  I have four days in a row off and I intend to spend it investigating the woods.  You interested in tagging along?”
Lucy grinned as Narcissa invited her to the woods. It was a very un-Lucy kind of activity but at the same time it was 100% Lucy to agree to do ridiculous things. “Oh I am so in,” she grinned excitedly. Lucy had no idea what the whole thing was for, but she was game no matter what.
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lucindajohnson · 2 years
“Okay, okay, I’ll let you live out your best medical fantasies with your show,” she promised, laughing softly as she let her head shake. Lucy’s words brought a wrinkle to Esmeray’s nose, disagreeing entirely with what her sister said. If she were being honest, Es would say that this was the most herself she’d felt in years. She was happier and felt free for the first time she could remember. “I think I’m just happy to be back home, you know. It’s been over a decade, it’s nice to be back around everyone,” she offered as a reason, shoulders lifting. “And of course I’m hiding things from you. Can’t let you know everything I’m up to.” It was said teasingly, meant as a joke, though there was far more honesty to it than she would admit.
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Lucy couldn’t quite put her finger on it, it wasn’t a negative thing, but it just felt like there was something between them and that made Lucy feel itchy. “And I am so glad you’re back,” she smiled, and everything she was saying was truthful, “but sometimes it feels like you’re further away than before.” Lucy didn’t get serious very often, which was probably what made this whole thing so unsettling. She rolled her eyes as Es deflected and made it funny instead, “see, that right there is a total me move, I am the queen of deflecting.” Lucy didn’t exactly hide things, but when things got too deep or personal she pushed it away.
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lucindajohnson · 2 years
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“Yeah, that bad,” he says, just as one of the girls tries to hit the note again. Leo is surprised when glass doesn’t break and birds don’t fall from the sky. Because unfortunately, while he’s outside, he can still hear the ear piercing noise from inside of the bar. It was certainly not the note she was going for. “I mean, that could’ve been Mariah. Remember that whole thing where she fucked up on stage and everyone had to act like she didn’t,” he snickers a little, remembering the performance being played over and over again. “But I think you’re right. I also think you should be limited to three drinks, if you’re going up on stage,” he shrugs. That should definitely be a universal rule and if he could make a few more while he was at it, he would.
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Lucy laughed, wincing as they heard the note through the wall. “When it’s Mariah you just smile and nod,” she joked. “Maybe I won’t get in after all,” she replied. She shook her head, “oh no, more drinks makes it even better,” she grinned, “and if I’m honest it takes me a few before I am willing to get up there.”
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lucindajohnson · 2 years
Closed Starter; @lucindajohnson​​. Closed Location; Better Off Duds.
“What do we think?” Lyra’s practically the textbook definition of dramatic when she opens the dressing room door, hands grasping the frame so that she can lean backwards, the tail of the flowy palto coat falling away from her frame as if to show itself off. The female is a far cry from someone who cares all too much about statements on her fashion, or lack thereof, her only concern on whether or not something piqued her interest and felt right once it was upon her body. However, it was admittedly nice to have someone at her side on her many ventures into the thrift store, to offer advice on what clashed and what flowed. “I feel like I’m channeling my inner Howl.”  
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Lucy grinned as Lyra emerged from the dressing room showcasing her finds. Lucy didn’t frequent the charity shops as often as she should but it was nice to have an expert on hand to help, and they’d uncovered some gems. “Howl?” Lucy questioned, knowing that she’d missed a reference. “I mean I love it,” she smiled, “stylish and warm, what else could you want?”
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lucindajohnson · 2 years
“I’ll have to come watch it with you sometime and point out all the things wrong,” she teased back, trying to keep it light. Any distractions she could focus on to steer the conversation away from herself was a chance she knew she needed to take. “Oh, of course it is. It’s always calm before the storm, so I’m betting this downtime is only going to lead to a burst of chaos.” Es didn’t know how much longer she could get away with lying, but at least in the moment it felt like she was saying something that maybe could make sense. “But, okay, talk to me. What makes you feel like something is up?”
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“No, don’t ruin it for me!” she pouted. She let Es share her excuses but that was honestly what they felt like. She leaned back in her chair, taking a sip of her coffee. “I don’t know,” she admitted, “you just don’t seem like you.” She honestly had no idea where it came from, or whether there was any merit to it. “Just feels like you’re hiding something from me.”
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lucindajohnson · 2 years
open starter at the wild pony
Leo had stepped out from the karaoke night, wishing and longing for a breath of fresh air – or rather, a breath of chemicals burning into his lungs. But he’d also stepped out when the pair of girls on the stage who’s voices might just break glass or just his ear drums. He shook his head with laughter, as he pulls a cigarette from his pack, cheap beer’s linger still on his breath. He moves to stick the cigarette between his lips as someone comes walking up toward the door. Leo shakes his head, putting the hand down. “You’re not gonna wanna go in there. I can promise you that,” he mentions off-handedly to the patron. While he might be used to the terrible singing that rings through the bar at Wild Pony, he’s sure that if he had known about it being karaoke night, he might’ve went elsewhere for the night. Drinking in the midst of a cat fight was definitely not ideal. “They think they are hitting those Mariah Carey notes and I promise, they fucking aren’t.” Leo huffs. “But if you don’t mind hearing cats fight in Tripp’s you might just like their act.” 
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Singing wasn’t one of Lucy’s main things but she was pretty okay at it and she dabbled in it every so often. Karaoke nights weren’t usually her vibe but she was in the mood to get out and have a drink so she decided to give it a go. However before she’d even entered she’d already been warned off. Lucy found herself laughing, “oh is it that bad?” she asked, wincing a little. “I think that there are certain songs that should be banned from karaoke,” she decided, “and that includes anything by Mariah Carey or Adele.”
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lucindajohnson · 2 years
Open Starter: Assisting the aquarist at Ocenarium. Feel free to assume connections!
With three of her coworkers sick and calling out, it left Imogen with the task of picking up the slack and making sure all the animals were fed and properly placed for the evening. Due to being shorthand, she sent out an SOS hoping that some loving sea animals and picking up the tab for dinner at the café later would bring a friend or two out. Walking towards the entrance, se smiled as she watched her assistant for the next few hours show up. “This is your last chance to back out. Once you cross this threshold, you are trapped in helping me feed all the friends,” she smirked. Of course she was kidding. It would just mean that she wouldn’t be heading out of here until rather late. “We can start at your favorite animal first!”
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Lucy knew very little about any animals that weren’t dogs but he was willing to give it a go when Imogen asked for her help. “Hey, I’m in, I’m always in,” she beamed. It was true, Lucy had a tendency to put herself in ridiculous situations, but she never quit. “Let’s start with your favourite animal,” she countered, because honestly she had idea what the choices were.
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Open Starter: Assisting the aquarist at Ocenarium. Feel free to assume connections!
With three of her coworkers sick and calling out, it left Imogen with the task of picking up the slack and making sure all the animals were fed and properly placed for the evening. Due to being shorthand, she sent out an SOS hoping that some loving sea animals and picking up the tab for dinner at the café later would bring a friend or two out. Walking towards the entrance, se smiled as she watched her assistant for the next few hours show up. "This is your last chance to back out. Once you cross this threshold, you are trapped in helping me feed all the friends," she smirked. Of course she was kidding. It would just mean that she wouldn't be heading out of here until rather late. "We can start at your favorite animal first!"
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lucindajohnson · 2 years
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“A kink party?  Do they… are those really a thing?”  Not that Narcissa couldn’t believe it, but the thought was just so horrifying, she had to ask.  “That’s so… weird.  Like, it’s extra gross in this case but like… why do you need people who care about each other to prove it to you by kissing or holding  hands all the time or whatever?  Who died and made you judge judy?”
“I don’t know, I feel like people probably do that shit,” she stated with a shrug. In her opinon people could do what they wanted as long as they did it with consent and away from public eyes. “Honestly, people are weird,” she stated. She shook her head, “anyway, anything fun in your life?”
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lucindajohnson · 2 years
A flicker of amusement sparkled in Esmeray’s eyes as she let them roll dramatically. “Sorry, of course, you and your extensive knowledge of the medical field would know best,” she huffed out, fingers drumming against the table in front of her as she leaned forward. “I have a few consultations to pop in on later, but the morning was slow. I could be doing paperwork, but I chose to leave it for later. Paperwork is a drag,” she explained, figuring all of that sounded perfectly reasonable. Sure, in reality if she was actually working she’d be busy from sun up to sun down most days, but she was banking on the hope that Lucy didn’t know that. Popping a bite of her muffin into her mouth, Es looked up again, shoulders lifting in a shrug. “What’s going on with me?” she questioned, as if the ask made no sense whatsoever. “Believe it or not, I’m just happy. Nothing crazy going on here.”
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“I have told you time and time again, I learnt everything from good ol’ Grey’s Anatomy,” she grinned cheekily. She rather enjoyed winding her sister up. “Slow, isn’t that the dangerword?” she questioned. Lucy wasn’t really sure what it was, she couldn’t pick her finger on it but there was something off about Es since she’d come back. She’d always shared stories about her work, what she could without breaking confidentiality, but she wasn’t really doing that anymore. “I mean, you don’t seem unhappy,” she clarified, “but I feel like somethings up,” she stated.
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lucindajohnson · 2 years
status: Open
location: The Food Court
Traveling back and forth to Roswell and Vegas was never easy. Getting back into work and school mode was worse. She wanted to be back at home with her parents and sister, with little responsibilities. No payments or other huge life changing events to worry about. She thought about drowning her unmentioned worries in ramen at the food court but ice cream won in the end. “How long do you think I can procrastinate on not doing homework? I swear I can’t get back into adulting and winter break has been over for like a week now.” Christmas had brought her a new laptop, one that could reliably be left off it’s charger for more than five seconds. Having a functional computer should have been motivation to get back in school mode but that was far from the case.
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Lucy looked over at Breanne, smiling at the question which Lucy took on like a challenge, “oh I think we can procrastinate forever,” she declared, “one of the many benefits of ADHD is my pure skill at procrastinating,” she beamed. Lucy knew that she wouldn’t have done well in college, she’d never been great at motivating herself to do stuff that she wasn’t interested in, which was why she’d turned her hobby into a career.
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lucindajohnson · 2 years
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Narcissa absolutely loved the company, even when it was busy.  In the five years she had been living in Roswell, a lot of people she met were very hit or miss, depending on their own views on aliens and conspiracy theories, and it was nice to find people who didn’t think she was out of her gourd.
“Hm?”  She looked up from the glass she had been cleaning for the last five minutes - something to keep her looking busy - and wrinkled her nose.  “Ugh - yeah, fucking tell me about it.  Like cool that you’re getting laid and all, but we don’t need to see it.”
Lucy didn’t really believe in aliens or conspiracy theories but she enjoyed the discussion and she particularly enjoyed the nosiness that seemed to come with Narcissa’s other job. “Precisely, like if I was into that shit I’d go to some kink party of whatever,” she mused. Lucy honestly had no idea how you’d go about that, she’d never been one to be into that kind of thing. “I was on a carpet once with Alex, once, never again, and the paparazzi actually asked us to kiss for a photo, gross.”
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lucindajohnson · 2 years
When Esmeray had woken up in the morning and trudged over to the coffee shop, she’d spared no thoughts that perhaps she could find herself in a spot of trouble over it. Staying in her pajamas and carting her laptop with her, Es was posted up in the corner downing her caffeine before she got to work on a few things she was working on. She didn’t have a job per say, but she was starting to really see things coming together in some of her little side hustles. Requests on Etsy for custom maps were at an all-time high, she was getting requests to be paid to DM sessions, and though it wasn’t a full job yet, it was something. Better than all of that, she was happy. 
She was just starting to tap at her computer to look at requests she had to respond to when she heard a familiar voice that sent her stomach dropping out of her body. Head flicking up, she had barely a moment to process before Lucy had plopped into the seat across from her. “You know, you’re starting to sound like a prison warden,” she joked, taking an extra second to let another excuse come to mind. “Surgery got pushed back to later tonight, so I’m taking the morning to relax.”
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She looked her sister up and down as she stated about her surgery being pushed back. “That sounds like bullshit to me,” she declared, though she really had nothing to base that on, she had no idea how hospitals worked or how they decided upon their staffing. “Surely they have other shit for you to do?” she asked, a perplexed look across her face. She took a sip of her coffee, eyes trained on Esmeray, “what’s going on with you?” she questioned. For a while it had seemed like there was something off about Esmeray, that she wasn’t quite herself but Lucy couldn’t put a finger on what it was that was different. Sure they hadn’t spent that much time together since Lucy moved back from LA but she still knew her sister inside out.
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lucindajohnson · 2 years
Who: @alexxclem​ Where: Alex’s recording studio
Lucy was finally getting used to being a ‘girlfriend’ again, though it still didn’t feel natural. She’d never been particularly good at relying on anyone else, the proof was the statements in her care file, ‘fiercely independent’ had always been used to describe her. She had grown though and she knew that this time it was even better, it was more equal, Lucy didn’t feel so strange. Then there was the subject of Alex’s career, in theory Lucy had no issue with it, she was immensly proud of Alex but Lucy had always found it hard to reconcile Clem and Alex, it was like dating two completely different people. Today was one of those days when those worlds collided as Lucy sat on a desk in the recording studio that Alex had built. Her legs swung back and forth as she sand along softly to the song that Alex was rehearsing. When she stopped Lucy smiled, “you are incredible,” she complimented.
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lucindajohnson · 2 years
Where: the wild pony Who: @narcissazhang​
Lucy was often found at the wild pony, not for the atmosphere or the drinks but because that was where Narcissa was and on quiet nights Lucy liked to find herself a barstool and provide some company for her friend. Sure Narcissa was working and Lucy wouldn’t want to stop her doing her job but she also knew that sometimes it could get rather boring. Today she sat on a stool in the middle of the bar, her body facing away as she surveyed the room. She span back around to take a sip of her drink and look over at Narcissa, “you know, I find couples nauseating, there should be a rule about sucking off someone else’s face in public,” she stated. Sure, Lucy was in a relationship but she wasn’t that kind of couple, those people couldn’t seem to keep their tongues in their own mouths.
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lucindajohnson · 2 years
Who: @esmeraykj​ Where: a coffee shop somewhere
Lucy was a regular at pretty much every coffee shop in town, she hadn’t picked one as her usual because she liked to change it up, plus it was less embarassing if you wanted a coffee an hour after you’d just bought one. What she didn’t expect to see when she walked into a coffee shop in the middle of the day was her sister sat at a table definitely not dressed for work. She decided to get her drink first before confronting Esmeray and luckily it didn’t take too long. Holding her coffee in her hand she walked over to Es’ table, taking a seat without being invited.
“Es fancy seeing you here...” she mused, “according to my schedule you are supposed to be at work.“ She spoke as if she was a parent who had just caught her child coming in past curfew.
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lucindajohnson · 2 years
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NAME: Lucinda Yua Johnson GENDER & PRONOUNS: Cis woman / She/her AGE & DATE OF BIRTH: 27 years old / March 19th,1995 NEIGHBORHOOD: Neptune Ave TIME IN Roswell: 17 years (but moved away for a few years) OCCUPATION: Fashion Stylist
TW: pregnancy, death
Lucinda Williams wasn’t exactly a wanted child, she was an accident, a drunken one at that. Tiffany Michaels was a twenty-something with no desire to be a parent, she lived off support from the government and spent most of her money at bars. Steven Tanaka was a deadbeat drug addict who disappeared as soon as he found out Tiffany was pregnant, which wasn’t until her second trimester. Her mom was too busy living her own life to really bother about the child that she had at home. Lucy was raised pretty much full time by her grandmother, a caring woman who felt she had screwed up on her first daughter so was using Lucinda as a do-over. Unfortunately she wasn’t available as much as Lucinda got older and she became very self sufficient. Lucinda was able to make her own meals and she organised the house whilst her mom was away. She likened herself to Matilda, but without the super intellect and ability to move things with her eyes, though she did test it every so often.
She did okay in school, but with no-one to help support her with her homework she wasn’t able to succeed to her highest potential. She floated by in the middle, not really catching the attention of teachers in either a positive or negative way. No-one noticed that her lunchbox was practically empty or that her shoes were almost worn through. Clothes were her outlet though. With no money to buy clothes Lucinda got inventive and she scoured charity shops for bargains that she hand sewed into things that resembled the newest fashion. She was creative and crafty and managed to convince most people at school that she had money, despite struggling to get food together each night.
When Lucy was 7 her grandmother died, the only person in her family who had ever showed her any kind of empathy. Without her grandmother’s support her mom was investigated by social services and they quickly realised that there wasn’t any parenting happening. Her mom didn’t put up a fight and soon Lucinda found herself in foster care. It was bittersweet for Lucy, she hated her mom so it felt good to be leaving her but as much as she didn’t want to, she did love her too and it hurt to know that she didn’t even fight for her. Luckily she had big doe eyes on her side and she was rather good at presenting herself, so she got adopted; to her social worker’s surprise.
She found herself part of the Johnson brood, a family of mis-fits that together just seemed to somehow work. Lucinda didn’t fit in at first, she rebelled against the parenting and the control, she was used to making her own decisions. She wouldn’t eat with the family, choosing to make her own meals when she was hungry and she rejected the rides to school, used to cycling there on her very rusty bike. Lucinda was a one woman show and it was hard for her to allow others into her bubble, her walls were high and well built and it took a lot of time for them to be broken down.
They eventually won her over, with a sewing machine. It was the perfect gift, she refused to use it at first but her curiosity won out and soon Lucinda was able to customise her outfits at speed. The need to uplevel clothes became less of a necessity as she was bought new ones but Lucy continued to show her individuality in how she styled her outfits. Going from being an only child to one of a bunch was a hard adjustment but Lucy quickly became very proud of being an Johnson. The family became part of her bubble and she became as fiercely protective of them as she did herself. She got herself into some trouble at school defending her family, one bad word against them and Lucy was quick to show how she felt, often using her fists.
When she was 10 Lucy’s life was uprooted again, but this time she did it with a family around her. Her father got a job in America and they all headed to the small town of Roswell. Lucy was pretty good at fitting in and she made friends pretty quickly. School was still not really her thing, she got by but her grades were pretty average. She excelled in two areas, language and art. Her creativity spilled from her clothes to her words and Lucy was always keen to learn new languages, she wasn’t great at the reading and writing but she could hold conversations in a range of languages.
At 21 she moved to LA after getting an apprenticeship at a big styling company. Suddenly she was styling known people and her outfits were appearing on red carpets and paparazzi photos. It was a whole new world and it took Lucy a while to adjust. She lived there for 4 years but the LA life didn’t quite sit right with Lucy and she headed back to Roswell, leaving the love of her life behind.
Now an adult, Lucinda is doing well, she has a high paying job as a stylist, getting to do her hobby as a way of making money. Lucy isn’t one for commitment though, she changes her mind constantly, repainting her apartment far too often and constantly changing her image. She spends money far too easily, choosing to spend it rather than save for the future. The one place that Lucy really works hard is on her job, the only thing that she loves above her job is her family, they are her world.
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lucindajohnson · 2 years
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Hey everyone, I’m Jess and this is Lucinda Lucy.
So Lucy’s about me will be posted asap but long story short she is a fashion stylist who is fiercely independent and rather tactless. She is one of a large family and was adopted at 7 years old, before that she wasn’t exactly used to a regular family dynamic.
She makes good money as a personal stylist but tends to spend it on trivial things or trips away, she’s not careful with her money. She is caring but she’s also rather blunt, she’ll tell you the truth and it will usually come from a good place but won’t often be sugar coated.
Lucinda’s been in the area since she was 10 so I’d love some old connections, a bestie and probably some people that she’s pissed off. I’m sure she will also have connections through her family too. I’d love some exes, though that’s probably too serious a word. Lucinda tends to have a lot of one night stands and friends with benefits, so applications for that are open. All genders may apply.
Lucy lived in LA between 2016 and 2020 but other than that she’s lived in Roswell the rest of the time. She is 27 and has a habit of not sugar coating her words. Lucy is loyal to a fault but also very truthful. She’s brazen and blunt and some see it as loveable whilst others just find it plain rude.
Wanted Connections:
High School Ex: I don’t see this being particularly serious but they were a definite thing in HS, maybe on and off?
Bestie: This person would have to see through Lucy’s bullshit and put up with her ridiculous ideas. They’re probably one of the few who know the details of her life before the Johnsons and they are the person she goes to when she needs anything.
The pissed off one: Lucy could’ve annoyed them in anyway, never really on purpose but she could’ve said something unkind or made out with their boyfriend/girlfriend without knowing they were in a relationship (issue being is that she wouldn’t apologise for that).
Assistant: Lucy could do with an assistant, again they’d need to put up with her shit and only get paid minimum wage. It’d be a good stepping stone for someone wanting to work in the fashion industry.
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