luckyboypictures · 6 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01n5CfJ-1-c)
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luckyboypictures · 6 years
What did I do wrong?
According to Tony Robins, I was so concentrated on making my website just like Apple, I forget, what was the most important thing to do, ASK FOR WHAT I WANT? First of all, what made Aretha Franklin such a great entertainer or more importantly a trailblazer, like Oprah Winfrey, Martin Scorsese, Martin Luther King Jr, Mohammad Ali, Winston Church Hill, was their message for not giving up. These people all had to overcome many adversities or huge walls, while trying to make it. Aretha, was pregnant at 12 and then at 15, (most likely from rape), and then Married an abusive husband for eight years, her father was roped and shot, leading him to a Comma for five years, until his death, without even saying a word to a grieving Aretha. Look, the list goes on, but what stayed with us was their message to fight and carryon, whether it was through story, song or cause. Look, these people had a choice, like everyone else. You see, in life, there will come a time or two, when you are faced with a huge obstacle, whether it is poverty, illness, racism or inequality. It is very easy, just to give in and accept the hand you are dealt with, or try to make your own hand and beat the dealer. But if you decide to play on, be prepared by mostly everyone around you, to just accept your bad hand and drop out. And unfortunately, “it is normal and sane people who do just that, while, according to Steve jobs, “The crazy ones, the ones who see square begs through round holes,” are the ones who play on.   There is a very good life coach and no he is not a Mentor, called Tony Robins. He too was dealt with a bad hand in life, grown up in abusive household. And then being unemployed and overweight in his twenties, he started to look at his life and asked what did he wanted in life and why? And how can he achieve it? He realize that the most important thing in life, was not the activities that leads to the outcome, but what Results he wanted? Imagine if Aretha did not make the move to start her singing career? Just stayed home dwelling in her problems, Songs like R-E-S-P-E-C-T or I am an EVERYDAY WOMAN, which helped inspired a woman movement would not ever been created. Look, whatever you are facing right now, don’t look at the activities to get to your goal, just look at the target you want to reach and your will get there. And as a film producer and TV show creator that is what I am going to do, concentrate on my target to change the world, through entertainment. You can say, “This will be the film company God created” but with a difference, it is for everyone. And that is what I am going to do. So my new website will have less pictures and more direction, as of where this film and entertainment company is going to go and how I will help you, because I remember what my 11th grade English teacher said to me a long time ago, Mrs. Moffat, “Pretty picture does not tell the whole story.” And that so true in life. We are so captivated by what is all around us, we forget what is in front of us. And that person or thing, could be the solution to our problem. So my friend, by the end of next week my new website should be finished, but this time with more direction, and more results.
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luckyboypictures · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ss6qQM054B0)  
The internet changed Hollywood forever, it gave the power, not to the elite or the so-called, "A-listers" but the Audience. And it's these same people that now have a voice to make changes in an industry so desperately needs to change. Keep voicing your opinions and never settle for less.  (And whether you like this comment or not, I am proud of Oprah, keep aspiring for change.)
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luckyboypictures · 7 years
I was listening to TD Jakes...
I was listening to TD Jakes last night on YouTube and for those who are not spiritual he's a pastor, anyway I consider him to be more than just a man of God, I consider him to be a motivator. Anyway, he was talking about entrepreneurship, that's right entrepreneurship! How many ministers or pastors do you know that actually talks about entrepreneurship? Incredible but it's so uplifting, anyway he's talking about entrepreneurship and each and every one of us has a special gift that God gave us, if you believe it or whatever you believe in but the most important thing is that we all have a unique gift and it's very important for all of us to share those ideas with others because ideas are about people and not being selfish could help you to pursue whatever dream or goal you want in life. Whether it's creating an app, writing a script or starting a small business, Whatever you dreaming about, you can do it. People who work for somebody else are usually entrepreneurs and if you are miserable at work or you don't like your job there is probably something better out there for you. So start your dream job now, start looking at the world differently and be sure that Lucky Boy Pictures and Marcus Bodington, the man behind the name, will do everything he can to inspire you to pursue Your Dreams.  Marcus Bodington, creator of Lucky Boy Pictures.
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luckyboypictures · 7 years
Are we doing enough?
Yesterday what happened in San Antonio is wake up that something needs to be done about mental illness. It is the one disease that is claiming more innocent lives than all combine. Stress is a real killer, and instead of doing something about it, we are making it worst. Poverty, depression, and bullying are just a few key triggers that are setting off this killer. More than ever there are more mass shooting in America, than ever before. Does gun control have a big part to play, the answer, I think you know already? Anyway, as a filmmaker and a motivator, I will like to do something about it. If society leaves it up to the government nothing will ever get done. Only by all of us working together, things will ever get done and for the Friends and families that lost loved ones in this senseless act of violence, my prayers and thoughts go out to you and yours. And let's do something about mental illness before you or someone you love is affected by this awful disease.
Marcus Bodington - Motivator, Filmmaker and Founder of Lucky Boy Pictures
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luckyboypictures · 7 years
Is what happening in Hollywood a wake-up call for everyone?
This year, is a year of change and whether you think it's bad or good, there is no denial change is here and it is here to stay. The days where the few who thought they were untouchable is no more and the so-called victims or now the victors! What we all need to do, is start being accountable for our actions and if we had a shady past, admit to it first before it bits you hard in the ass. And if that happens it's usually a career breaker. So do the right thing first, and think before you act. That's why God gave you a brain. - Marcus Bodington Founder of Lucky Boy Pictures and a man on a mission to change the Film Industry for the better.
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luckyboypictures · 7 years
What example are we showing to Girls?
Today is International Day of the Girl, and even though we live in a much different world than most of our parents did, there is still a lot of barriers women must and will have to face in the future, but just remember girls your drive to make a difference is going to make all the difference in the world, so dare to dream and be strong and don't be afraid just to be a girl.
Marcus Bodington - Creator of Stalker Girl
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luckyboypictures · 7 years
Dirty Laundry in Hollywood...
Today with all the dirty laundry coming out of the entertainment world, more than ever people with leadership roles, especially men, need to show a better example of how to treat people, especially women, with respect and dignity. Unfortunately, our educational system is designed to produce followers, not leaders, who can think on their own and are not afraid to speak out when the time calls for. But the workforce doesn't work that way, even though it may want you to feel that way, The sad part about all this, is how can there be change when a leader from the top is rewarded for his bad behavior while his victims are ostracized? As a filmmaker, I think we can be a voice for those who are afraid to speak out and make changes to a system that does not want change. Entertainment can be an escape from the real world, but with so much turmoil going around do we really need an escape or a change?
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luckyboypictures · 7 years
Prayers and Thought, Vegas Shooting.
My prayers and thoughts goes out too all the victims and their families by this senseless act of cowardly violence in the Vegas shooting.
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luckyboypictures · 7 years
GAGA: FIVE FOOT TWO Press Conference | Tiff Festival 2017
youtube.com/watch?v=fM8yID63CSA … Watch it live At Tiff
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luckyboypictures · 7 years
EVE OF DISRUPTION Tiff  2017 Watch live
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wx0HKwTKTzY Watch live   Technology has changed everything, if we go to traditional methods how can we grow? - Marcus Bodington
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luckyboypictures · 7 years
Watch Live..David Sorkin Tiff
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-4t2tFExKY  Part of being a great filmmaker is showing your audience how you got there - Marcus Boidngton 
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luckyboypictures · 7 years
Tiff coming soon...
I will like to take the time to welcome all members of the press and Film/TV Industry and to all the amazing movie fans that will be attending Tiff (Toronto International Film Festival) Looking forward to seeing you there. (Sept 07-17 -   http://www.tiff.net/) - Marcus Bodington Independent Film/TV producer and founder of Lucky Boy Pictures
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luckyboypictures · 7 years
Hurricane Harvey has caused widespread...
Hurricane Harvey has caused widespread, catastrophic flooding and damage in Texas and along the Gulf Coast. The best way to help Texans affected by disasters is to donate money to charitable agencies that are experienced in disaster relief, officials say. Here is more info  
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luckyboypictures · 7 years
Don’t get lost in a sea of special effects, allow your story to rise and get notice before your movie drowns
Hello movie fans, I'm in the works of making a new website, All I have right now is just a front page, but recently I've been getting a lot of emails from web designers interested in building my website, for a fee of course!. Look, there is nothing wrong with a designer building my website, but just remember they are just ,"Designers!" not marketing specialist who knows there is more to selling a product than just having pretty pictures and glittering animated effects! You have to research who your customers are and what problems you can solve for them. Trust me, no designer is no going to take the time and spend all that time researching who your customers are. The only person who knows that is you! The person in charge. Remember it is best to show your ugly baby and conveys your message, than having a website with pretty pictures that gets lost in translation. I always remember what my 11 grade English teacher said to me along time ago..., "Pretty pictures does not tell a story!" And as a filmmaker this is huge problem in Hollywood. Many studios and now thanks to modern technology, it makes it easier for many small independent filmmakers to be at the same playing field as there big counter parts are. But there is one major problem, they only concentrating on the fancy effects and forget the story all together and at the end what do you get? ...Look there is nothing wrong CGI but just don’t get lost in a sea of special effects, allow your story to rise and get notice before your movie drowns in the CGI abyss and is lost forever...
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luckyboypictures · 7 years
I didn’t realize how important or relevant a show like this would be, until today.
When I wrote the script for Disconnected Lives a couple of years ago, I didn’t realize how important or relevant a show like this would be, until today when I saw the news report about a NY police officer being slain for just simply being a cop, by a black man who just had enough, but enough of what? That’s a good question, a question we hear a lot of today and a question that will probably be around for a very long time to come. The police officer that was slain reminded me a lot of one the characters in my TV series, a dedicated cop trying to make a difference in a city that is very much divided, like many big cities around the world today. I tried to get this project out of my head, saying it is way too big for just one person to do, but the more I tried, the more it pulled me back. I realize it is a show that needs to be seen. There are too many problems not enough answers to go around, I just hope one day, if I do get this show off the ground it might inspire you to come up with one that will make all the difference in the world. If you like to know more about my project don’t be afraid to ask, always glad to help.
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luckyboypictures · 7 years
Tumblr media
Do you remember, what I said on my Website: At Lucky Boy Pictures we believe that the film industry is about breaking barriers and not accepting the status quo. And even though this studio may be considered one of the crazy ones for trying, we see ourselves as trailblazers that will inspire a new kind of audience to think differently about this planet and themselves. Not by fitting in but stepping out and never settling for less. Well, the director and the creator of Wonder Woman is the perfect example of this and applaud her and everyone involved in this production. It is not easy being different or especially having a dream or vision to change the Status Quo, but if you see it through, it will be worth it! Especially looking in the eyes of children when they say, “Yes it is possible, I can do it!” And that’s what Wonder Woman did for many little girls and boys too. It gave them the confidence to be strong and to step up one day when society will them no! Great job Warner Bros and Patty Jerkins (director). The movie not affiliated with Lucky Boy Pictures or Marcus Bodington.
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