We live in a civilized world where in every country there is rules- regulations & duty-law for the safety and wellware of it's own country according to their beliefs and constitution. I know no constitution is perfect, so it's our duty to bring changes little by little through proper regulations path. In the current time to respect the law -order and decisions of the justice department like court. In a society everything is arranged in a systematic way and we should follow it so that we should not cause problems or trouble for others. India is of the greatest exanples. We were able to change an entire empire and become a new Nation with new rules and regulations through coming together in a unified way and through non violence protest.
But what we are now ? People coming together to do criminal activity like killing somebody through "Linching ". We we the descendants of the same Indians or we are some animals came from an uncivilized area. There is proper law and order body to handle the culprit and we don't have the authority to judge and give punishment. We just to cooperate with thise department so that Every criminal get what they derserve.
Be a Respectful citizens
Respect Law and Order
Respect Himan
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