luckytrashgooprebel · 5 years
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Archbishop James Ussher claimed that the Heaven and the Earth were created on Sunday, the 21st of October, 4004 BC, at 9:00 a.m. This too was incorrect, by almost a quarter of an hour. It was created at 9:13 in the morning. Which was correct. The whole business with the fossilised dinosaur skeletons was a joke the palaeontologists haven’t seen yet.
and :): 
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luckytrashgooprebel · 5 years
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To The World: A Good Omonths 2020 Calendar
We’re so excited to share our calendar with you! GoodOmonths is a 2020 calendar perfect for experiencing the months through a rainbow. It is 11x8.5″ folded, 11x17″ hanging. Our bundle pack features four 4x6″ postcards in a CMYK color theme!
In spirit of our rainbow theme, all proceeds will go towards a LGBTQ+ charity. 
The pre-order ends November 8, 2019. Packages will be mailed in December. 
To celebrate the launch, we’re hosting a giveaway on tumblr and twitter! It is for one calendar including shipping (postcards not included), and is open worldwide. Enter by reblogging this post (number of reblogs not limited). If you’ve already ordered from our shop, we will reimburse you for the calendar and shipping costs. If you want to purchase the postcards as well, you can upgrade to a bundle after winning the giveaway.
The giveaway closes November 4, and a winner will be contacted Nov 5.
Keep reading
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luckytrashgooprebel · 5 years
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luckytrashgooprebel · 5 years
This is great!
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69K notes · View notes
luckytrashgooprebel · 5 years
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The New Doctor
(based on #10)
The man walking down the street of the parallel earth was more extraordinary that his looks – and he was handsome. But if you looked closely, his eyes held a sadness that was so profound, one wondered how he bore the pain. He was tall and slim, long legs clad in blue jeans topped with a white t-shirt and blue jean jacket. His brownish hair was tousled due to his habit of running his hands through it, but it added to his looks rather than distracting.
The Doctor walked the streets of the parallel world with all of the memories of his counterpart, but although they were identical, he felt inferior. All it took was the words on one particular human being. A human being that was the reason for his being here – Rose Tyler.
Ever since that night on Bad Wolf Bay. The night the original Doctor gave Rose a great gift. A gift that has now been rejected.
Things were great in the beginning. He and Rose had begun a life together. They were both living on Pete’s estate outside of London. Having lost his wife Jackie in the parallel world, Pete had found himself falling in love with the other Jackie. He opened up his home to Rose and the Doctor and even had gone so far as to fund a computer shop for the Doctor – he had to earn a living somehow in this new world and he did have a way with computers. The shop kept him busy and gave him purpose, something he desperately needed.
Entering the shop, he stopped and wearily leaned against the counter. The words spoken this morning rang through his head like a movie on a loop. “I don’t want a regular Doctor. I want the Doctor who took me around the universe, exploring the stars. I want the excitement of that Doctor, not a 9 to 5 Doctor. I want MORE!”
More. One word that broke his heart. He had given up everything to be here in this world with Rose, and it was all for naught. In hindsight, he should have seen it coming. Rose was growing distant and, even though they never shared a bed, the intimate moments were fewer and fewer until they stopped. It was time for him to move on.
The shop housed a garage at the rear. In the center of the space sat a police box that he had been working on for almost a year. The TARDIS was not a machine, it was a living entity, grown and nurtured over time – and it was just hours away from completion. After a glance to make sure that all was going well, the Doctor turned to the workbench to make the final adjustments on his new sonic screwdriver. Today was the day – all was ready. The only question in his mind was does he tell Rose? Does he want someone who only wants him with conditions?
The closet at the back of the garage held his suit and iconic Converse high tops – his identity as the Doctor. The blue pin-striped skinny suit hung at the rear and he held it up almost reverently. It only took a minute to transform from the ordinary man on the street to the Doctor, and the suit was an instant boost to his self-esteem. As he looked into the mirror, the TARDIS shimmered to life in the background.
He had a couple of things to do before he left. Things that would be hard, but had to be done. The call to Pete was the first.
“What’s up Doc?” was Pete’s standard answer upon seeing the Doctor’s face on this screen. “You still at the shop?”
“Yes. But I won’t be for long,” the Doctor replied. “It’s ready. The TARDIS is complete.”
He saw the surprise on Pete’s face. Pete knew what he was working on at the shop, but thought it was a pipe-dream. “You’ll be going then?”
“It’s time. I’ve been here too long. Things aren’t the same,” came the reply.
Pete could see the sadness in the Doctor’s eyes, but, since they lived in the same home, he had seen the distance growing between the Doctor and Rose. “And Rose? Are you taking her with you?”
The Doctor saw the concern in Pete’s eyes. He knew the life that the Doctor led. There were lots of exploring and adventure, but equal amounts of danger.
“No. Rose needs to live her life here, with you and Jackie. I’m just going to be a memory – hopefully a fond one.” Eyes full of both sadness and excitement, the Doctor continued, “she is my next call. I’m not sure it will go well. I need to make sure that you and Jackie are there for her.”
“We will be Doctor,” came the immediate reply. “We will take care of her for you.”
“Thank you, Pete,” the Doctor answered. “Goodbye.”
The Doctor walked into the TARDIS and up to the console. Setting the coordinates, he looked at the phone sadly as he punched in Rose’s number, taking a deep breath as he waited for her to answer. He could clearly see the inside of the TARDIS in his display, knowing that she would see the same. It took 4 rings for her to answer. “Hello.”
In his display, the Doctor noted that she wasn’t looking at the screen, but rather off to the side. “Rose, look at me. It’s important.”
Her reluctance to look at him was evident, but eventually she did and her eyes opened wide in recognition. “You’re in the TARDIS!”
“Yes. I wanted to talk to you one last time before I leave.”
Rose’s face fell as the truth became clear. “And I’m not going.” It was a statement, not a question.
“I’m sorry,” the Doctor responded wistfully. “It’s time for me to move on – alone. It’s been a great ride though, hasn’t it?”
Tears rolling down her face, Rose couldn’t do anything but nod in agreement. She knew at that moment what she had lost, what she had thrown away. At his “Goodbye” all she could manage was a wave.
The connection broken, the Doctor allowed the tears to flow freely. Wiping them away, and engaging the TARDIS, his shout of “Allons-y” rang through time and space. The Doctor had returned!
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luckytrashgooprebel · 5 years
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The New Doctor
(based on #10)
The man walking down the street of the parallel earth was more extraordinary that his looks – and he was handsome. But if you looked closely, his eyes held a sadness that was so profound, one wondered how he bore the pain. He was tall and slim, long legs clad in blue jeans topped with a white t-shirt and blue jean jacket. His brownish hair was tousled due to his habit of running his hands through it, but it added to his looks rather than distracting.
The Doctor walked the streets of the parallel world with all of the memories of his counterpart, but although they were identical, he felt inferior. All it took was the words on one particular human being. A human being that was the reason for his being here – Rose Tyler.
Ever since that night on Bad Wolf Bay. The night the original Doctor gave Rose a great gift. A gift that has now been rejected.
Things were great in the beginning. He and Rose had begun a life together. They were both living on Pete’s estate outside of London. Having lost his wife Jackie in the parallel world, Pete had found himself falling in love with the other Jackie. He opened up his home to Rose and the Doctor and even had gone so far as to fund a computer shop for the Doctor – he had to earn a living somehow in this new world and he did have a way with computers. The shop kept him busy and gave him purpose, something he desperately needed.
Entering the shop, he stopped and wearily leaned against the counter. The words spoken this morning rang through his head like a movie on a loop. “I don’t want a regular Doctor. I want the Doctor who took me around the universe, exploring the stars. I want the excitement of that Doctor, not a 9 to 5 Doctor. I want MORE!”
More. One word that broke his heart. He had given up everything to be here in this world with Rose, and it was all for naught. In hindsight, he should have seen it coming. Rose was growing distant and, even though they never shared a bed, the intimate moments were fewer and fewer until they stopped. It was time for him to move on.
The shop housed a garage at the rear. In the center of the space sat a police box that he had been working on for almost a year. The TARDIS was not a machine, it was a living entity, grown and nurtured over time – and it was just hours away from completion. After a glance to make sure that all was going well, the Doctor turned to the workbench to make the final adjustments on his new sonic screwdriver. Today was the day – all was ready. The only question in his mind was does he tell Rose? Does he want someone who only wants him with conditions?
The closet at the back of the garage held his suit and iconic Converse high tops – his identity as the Doctor. The blue pin-striped skinny suit hung at the rear and he held it up almost reverently. It only took a minute to transform from the ordinary man on the street to the Doctor, and the suit was an instant boost to his self-esteem. As he looked into the mirror, the TARDIS shimmered to life in the background.
He had a couple of things to do before he left. Things that would be hard, but had to be done. The call to Pete was the first.
“What’s up Doc?” was Pete’s standard answer upon seeing the Doctor’s face on this screen. “You still at the shop?”
“Yes. But I won’t be for long,” the Doctor replied. “It’s ready. The TARDIS is complete.”
He saw the surprise on Pete’s face. Pete knew what he was working on at the shop, but thought it was a pipe-dream. “You’ll be going then?”
“It’s time. I’ve been here too long. Things aren’t the same,” came the reply.
Pete could see the sadness in the Doctor’s eyes, but, since they lived in the same home, he had seen the distance growing between the Doctor and Rose. “And Rose? Are you taking her with you?”
The Doctor saw the concern in Pete’s eyes. He knew the life that the Doctor led. There were lots of exploring and adventure, but equal amounts of danger.
“No. Rose needs to live her life here, with you and Jackie. I’m just going to be a memory – hopefully a fond one.” Eyes full of both sadness and excitement, the Doctor continued, “she is my next call. I’m not sure it will go well. I need to make sure that you and Jackie are there for her.”
“We will be Doctor,” came the immediate reply. “We will take care of her for you.”
“Thank you, Pete,” the Doctor answered. “Goodbye.”
The Doctor walked into the TARDIS and up to the console. Setting the coordinates, he looked at the phone sadly as he punched in Rose’s number, taking a deep breath as he waited for her to answer. He could clearly see the inside of the TARDIS in his display, knowing that she would see the same. It took 4 rings for her to answer. “Hello.”
In his display, the Doctor noted that she wasn’t looking at the screen, but rather off to the side. “Rose, look at me. It’s important.”
Her reluctance to look at him was evident, but eventually she did and her eyes opened wide in recognition. “You’re in the TARDIS!”
“Yes. I wanted to talk to you one last time before I leave.”
Rose’s face fell as the truth became clear. “And I’m not going.” It was a statement, not a question.
“I’m sorry,” the Doctor responded wistfully. “It’s time for me to move on – alone. It’s been a great ride though, hasn’t it?”
Tears rolling down her face, Rose couldn’t do anything but nod in agreement. She knew at that moment what she had lost, what she had thrown away. At his “Goodbye” all she could manage was a wave.
The connection broken, the Doctor allowed the tears to flow freely. Wiping them away, and engaging the TARDIS, his shout of “Allons-y” rang through time and space. The Doctor had returned!
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luckytrashgooprebel · 5 years
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The New Doctor
(based on #10)
The man walking down the street of the parallel earth was more extraordinary that his looks – and he was handsome. But if you looked closely, his eyes held a sadness that was so profound, one wondered how he bore the pain. He was tall and slim, long legs clad in blue jeans topped with a white t-shirt and blue jean jacket. His brownish hair was tousled due to his habit of running his hands through it, but it added to his looks rather than distracting.
The Doctor walked the streets of the parallel world with all of the memories of his counterpart, but although they were identical, he felt inferior. All it took was the words on one particular human being. A human being that was the reason for his being here – Rose Tyler.
Ever since that night on Bad Wolf Bay. The night the original Doctor gave Rose a great gift. A gift that has now been rejected.
Things were great in the beginning. He and Rose had begun a life together. They were both living on Pete’s estate outside of London. Having lost his wife Jackie in the parallel world, Pete had found himself falling in love with the other Jackie. He opened up his home to Rose and the Doctor and even had gone so far as to fund a computer shop for the Doctor – he had to earn a living somehow in this new world and he did have a way with computers. The shop kept him busy and gave him purpose, something he desperately needed.
Entering the shop, he stopped and wearily leaned against the counter. The words spoken this morning rang through his head like a movie on a loop. “I don’t want a regular Doctor. I want the Doctor who took me around the universe, exploring the stars. I want the excitement of that Doctor, not a 9 to 5 Doctor. I want MORE!”
More. One word that broke his heart. He had given up everything to be here in this world with Rose, and it was all for naught. In hindsight, he should have seen it coming. Rose was growing distant and, even though they never shared a bed, the intimate moments were fewer and fewer until they stopped. It was time for him to move on.
The shop housed a garage at the rear. In the center of the space sat a police box that he had been working on for almost a year. The TARDIS was not a machine, it was a living entity, grown and nurtured over time – and it was just hours away from completion. After a glance to make sure that all was going well, the Doctor turned to the workbench to make the final adjustments on his new sonic screwdriver. Today was the day – all was ready. The only question in his mind was does he tell Rose? Does he want someone who only wants him with conditions?
The closet at the back of the garage held his suit and iconic Converse high tops – his identity as the Doctor. The blue pin-striped skinny suit hung at the rear and he held it up almost reverently. It only took a minute to transform from the ordinary man on the street to the Doctor, and the suit was an instant boost to his self-esteem. As he looked into the mirror, the TARDIS shimmered to life in the background.
He had a couple of things to do before he left. Things that would be hard, but had to be done. The call to Pete was the first.
“What’s up Doc?” was Pete’s standard answer upon seeing the Doctor’s face on this screen. “You still at the shop?”
“Yes. But I won’t be for long,” the Doctor replied. “It’s ready. The TARDIS is complete.”
He saw the surprise on Pete’s face. Pete knew what he was working on at the shop, but thought it was a pipe-dream. “You’ll be going then?”
“It’s time. I’ve been here too long. Things aren’t the same,” came the reply.
Pete could see the sadness in the Doctor’s eyes, but, since they lived in the same home, he had seen the distance growing between the Doctor and Rose. “And Rose? Are you taking her with you?”
The Doctor saw the concern in Pete’s eyes. He knew the life that the Doctor led. There were lots of exploring and adventure, but equal amounts of danger.
“No. Rose needs to live her life here, with you and Jackie. I’m just going to be a memory – hopefully a fond one.” Eyes full of both sadness and excitement, the Doctor continued, “she is my next call. I’m not sure it will go well. I need to make sure that you and Jackie are there for her.”
“We will be Doctor,” came the immediate reply. “We will take care of her for you.”
“Thank you, Pete,” the Doctor answered. “Goodbye.”
The Doctor walked into the TARDIS and up to the console. Setting the coordinates, he looked at the phone sadly as he punched in Rose’s number, taking a deep breath as he waited for her to answer. He could clearly see the inside of the TARDIS in his display, knowing that she would see the same. It took 4 rings for her to answer. “Hello.”
In his display, the Doctor noted that she wasn’t looking at the screen, but rather off to the side. “Rose, look at me. It’s important.”
Her reluctance to look at him was evident, but eventually she did and her eyes opened wide in recognition. “You’re in the TARDIS!”
“Yes. I wanted to talk to you one last time before I leave.”
Rose’s face fell as the truth became clear. “And I’m not going.” It was a statement, not a question.
“I’m sorry,” the Doctor responded wistfully. “It’s time for me to move on – alone. It’s been a great ride though, hasn’t it?”
Tears rolling down her face, Rose couldn’t do anything but nod in agreement. She knew at that moment what she had lost, what she had thrown away. At his “Goodbye” all she could manage was a wave.
The connection broken, the Doctor allowed the tears to flow freely. Wiping them away, and engaging the TARDIS, his shout of “Allons-y” rang through time and space. The Doctor had returned!
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luckytrashgooprebel · 5 years
Gotta be Good Omens. Doesn’t make sense as Mary Popins considering the voice actor is David Tennant.
During today episode of Ducktales I was like, that one cane looks familiar…
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Then I remembered this
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We were all looking for Doctor Who references in this time travel episode so those assholes sneaked in a Good Omens one!
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luckytrashgooprebel · 5 years
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Post-Who role haircuts
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luckytrashgooprebel · 5 years
Not looking well - looking super HOT!
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You’re looking well. Clean living.
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luckytrashgooprebel · 5 years
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Our panther Toothless❤️
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luckytrashgooprebel · 5 years
Virgo. Deacy. Don’t Stop Me Now.
Reblog this with your sign and your favourite Queen member and song,,,it’s for science
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luckytrashgooprebel · 5 years
Reblog if you love John Deacon
look at that smile
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smile lights up the whole world
plus great teeth
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cuter than a baby lamb eating a cupcake on a rainbow
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yeah okay let me know when you find a cuter stage exit than that
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disco deacon’s got moves
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party hard
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um wow check out that deaky fro
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b u l g e
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holy guacamole you got a nice stromboli
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mirror mirror on the wall who’s the sassiest of them all
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thank you for shopping john deacon your whole life is 3294384% better now
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luckytrashgooprebel · 5 years
When engineers make paper airplanes
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luckytrashgooprebel · 5 years
David Tennant fans - if you haven’t watched Broadchurch yet, make sure it on the top of your list. Just finished season 1 on Netflix and was hooked from episode 1. Superb series.
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luckytrashgooprebel · 5 years
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john: *muttering through clenched teeth* if i had more than a bloody pencil, i could open the control panel and fix this shit up… roger: would it help if i jump up and down again? brian: roger no. freddie: *mimicking reporter voice* …and they eventually found their bodies in an oxygenless lift, while ironically their album dominated the charts -for never was a story of more woe than this of freddie and his bros.
because this anecdote of QUEEN being stuck in an elevator while Bohemian Rhapsody reached #1 in UK, is one of my fav ever, i had to draw something for it, so… TADA!! (sorry for the bad quality, i added colors rather quickly -i just didn’t know what to do with them :P)
slightly bigger version here
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luckytrashgooprebel · 5 years
sorry what
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453K notes · View notes