lucxboyce · 1 year
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Despite being undead as a hellhound, it seemed that Lucas retained heat. It was another weird and odd thing about his species that he had yet to fully understand but whatever. It seemed that Leo really enjoyed that warmth.  Following Leo to the bar, he places an arm over his shoulders as they walk and laughed at the lie that comes forth. “You’re such a liar, y’know that? I can see right through you, babe.”  Once they reach the bar, Lucas places his order and waits for Leo to place his as well. He turns around and leans back against the bar top, resting his elbows against it as he looks at the vampire. “Nah, you don’t have to. I don’t mind going upstage though if you really want me to.” It wasn’t the first time he’d make a debut at the Ugly Duckling but it was always something he adored to do. “It was a few years ago - I backed out of it though. No point when you live forever, but it was nice to know I could have done it.”
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Leo loves staying in Lucas’s arms/hugs. he misses the warmth he used to have, the blood flowing in his veins. since he is always cold with no heartbeat he enjoys hugging and cuddling people who are warmer than him. he is legit a lizard. The small vampire enjoyed as Lucas combed his hair. he likes when someone plays with his hair.
“it’s worth a try isn’t it” he pouts as he takes his card to order more drinks for mostly lu since he legit can’t get drunk anymore. How sad, but he still will “drink” as if he is normal to the human eye. He smiled at Lucas and just laughs “I lost on purpose by the way”. he lies a little but it’s legit obvious since he can’t lie for shit.
“Since I lost do I still gotta sing… I really don’t want to I rather listen to you sing.” Leo was honestly amazed by the fact that Lucas almost had a record label. which is why he brought up the singing. "I can’t believe that you were almost signed to a label record.“
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lucxboyce · 1 year
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“it was not a lucky shot, i’m just good at this. natural skill.” sabine said, laughing. going to the ugly duckling wasn’t a thing she always did. she was shy, most times. but she’d had a few drinks before trying her hand at darts and doing pretty decent. now she had a dart buddy. and the music wasn’t bad at all. rather, it was atmospheric. “don’t be a damn sore loser and i won’t be a damn show off.” she shrugged with a confident smile. she scoffed at his comment though. “hey, hey, you’ve never heard me sing properly. i wasn’t trying ten minutes ago and i’d argue it was my shitty singing that lured you over here.” damn, how many drinks had she had? singing to herself like no one was watching? embarrassing. but she was having such a nice time she wouldn’t let it ruin her time.
sabine took her darts from him. “thank you—what?!” before she could say anything, his dart flew at the dartboard. “i didn’t agree to that, a,” she aimed and shot her dart, similarly using her own powers properly for once. while it hit the bullseye, it was too close a call. “and b…” she rushed to see whose dart was closest and grinned, spinning to look at him. “you can buy the drinks, since you wanted that bet so badly.”
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“Lies!” Lucas rebutted without missing a beat, a large smile on his lips, eyeing the girl before him. He wasn’t sure how they ended up being dart buddies but he really liked her spunk so far and the air of confidence around her, drawn to it like a moth to a flame. “Oh! Someone is a little cocky, aren’t they?” Lucas laughed as he walked back to her and handed the darts with a wink.  “True, fair, but I have professional experience - can you say the same?” When he had lived in Nashville a few years back, Lucas had dived into his music interests, dabbling in professional recording and singing. If he had wanted to, he would have signed with a record company but he had left to come back to Los Santos before taking it to the next level. What was the point - fame had never interested him. 
From his vantage point, the dart was almost right to the bullseye, it would be interesting to see if she could beat him. Confidently, Lu waved at her to go with a laugh. “By playing with you, you agree on default.” He watched the dart fly and he could already tell he’d been outshot but let Sabine go and check. “Like I said, lucky shot,” He sighed, finishing his card out and handing it to the familiar. “Alright, alright, let’s go.” He motioned for her to head to bar and once they got there, the hellhound flagged down the bartender. “Whatcha drinkin’?
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lucxboyce · 1 year
all the excitement and energy left damien at the sight of lucas like this. he gaped at luc for the way he seemed so completely unbothered. and sure, maybe it was fine that luc was hurt. clearly not dying, which is… the best of signs. but still, damien didn’t like seeing luc in any kind of pain ever. “uh huh,” he answered, unsure of how he was supposed to feel since… luc was so excited for styx. “you’re fucking bleeding out, damn it!” damien found his footing and reached out for him. “oh don’t touch it,” he smacked luc’s hand away. “you’re impossible.” he let out a deep sigh, looking at the wound and looking all over luc in case there was anything else, but it didn’t seem so. “will you just get in here? holy fucking shit.” he tugged luc inside and closed—and locked—the door. emmy meowed anxiously and was quick to run over to luc. she was always good about being there for those who may need her. cats were weird that way.
“sit the fuck down,” damien scolded at him, pointing at the couch, feeling and looking murderous. “oh my god.” he followed him everywhere in the house, desperate to get luc to just sit down. “hey, i know you’re gonna be fine but please for the love of god SIT DOWN. and let me do this for you.” he picked luc up easily with his hands, an arm under his legs and the other under his back and carried him right to the couch and set him down on it with a plop. and damien was back in less than a second with a first aid kit. “mmhmmm,” he listened, already thinking of going after this asshole. “what the fuck is wrong with you?” damien’s anger wasn’t directed at luc really but just at the reminder, always, that luc wasn’t like him. he still could die. he glanced up, a wash cloth in his hand and a glare in his eyes. “congrats.” he took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly. for a moment he applied pressure to the claw marks and then looked at luc with a small smile, relaxing. he was okay and that’s what mattered. “sorry, it’s not my favorite sight, you know. you coming home like this, i mean really, what the fuck? if i could have a heart attack, i would’ve had one right there. but hey, he must look like absolute shit if you look like… regular shit. you can’t look like shit if you’re going to styx, you just can’t.” he said fondly.
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🔥 -- 🔥
“I’m not bleeding out!” Lu protested with a deep roll of his eyes, though he knew the concern was coming from a genuine place within damien. However, as a hellhound, death wasn’t that easy. Furthermore, being undead, he wasn’t even sure he needed his own blood to live but whatever. “I’m fine!” Lucas assured once more bending down to pet Emmy for a second before continuing his way to the bathroom. His step was suddenly interrupted when his feet were no longer on the ground. “Wha---” The rest of his sentence was cut off as he tried to process when his feet had stopped walking on solid ground. 
He was dropped on the couch, he blinked in surprise, only seemingly coming to when Damien returned with the first aid kit he had been searching for originally. “Okay, you’re kind of adorable when you get this way,” Luc commented, throwing Damien a playful wink as the other settled before him and went all doctor mode. The irritation wasn’t all that surprising to Lucas - he knew Damien enough to have predicted this outcome when he came home and replayed the events. Still, it was a little endearing how much the other seemed to genuinely care. “I’m a hellhound,” Lucas reminded Damien gently, lifting his blue gaze to find the others. For a second, he resisted the urge to run his fingers through Damien’s hair. weird, and shook it off. “You can’t have a heart attack, your heart is dead.” Lucas teased, settling back on the couch as the other kept working on the multitude of wounds that were well on their way to being gone. “I wouldn’t have fought the little shit if I didn’t think I could make it, Damien. Don’t worry - honestly, I’m fine. He just got a few good hits in.” It wasn’t the whole truth, Doug had him at one point. Lucas knew that but whatever had made him hesitate had allowed Lucas to regain the upper hand. “I’m going to be back to my pretty self in an hour, but now that you brought it up...” He jumped up from the couch, arms outstretched in excitement. “You got tickets for Styx?!?”
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lucxboyce · 1 year
        “ Only 8/10? The amazon reviews really weren’t all that truthful then, It’s probably for the best he only uses it recreationally. ” Of course, Niko had actually checked the reviews for it because that was exactly the kind of person he was. Sincerely concerned that his vampire brother would find it uncomfortable as if that was the biggest of their issues. It was ultimately an issue he could solve though & he would do anything to lighten the weight of the burden Leo carries.        He moves to sit catty-corner from the coffin, perching on the couch’s arm with ease. “We only had shitty television to go off of for reference, he literally just stuck his arm out in sunlight to test if it hurt and if that was true, well …” He trails off, leaning to knock his knuckles on the outer shell of the coffin. “ It’s a good thing I paid off my student loans before this all happened, I didn’t think it’d be quite so pricey. ”
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🔥 – 🔥 
“You checked the amazon reviews?” Lucas asked with a laugh and then fell back into the coffin in another fit as it hit him. “Wait! You bought a coffin on Amazon?! Oh, man! The delivery driver must have been so freaked!” The whole thing was outwardly absurd and that was saying something from someone who had been walking this earth for almost two centuries. 
“You didn’t check out any of the lore found in old books? Lots of that stuff is actually pretty accurate, the older the better. I knew a hunter once who wrote about it. Many do the same thing.” He paused then, lifting his head from the pillow in the coffin to look at Niko. “We did teach you guys about the hunters, right?” There was so much to teach a newbie that it could be hard to cover everything. “You know... we can also ask Damien to compel someone to accept the return and get your money back?”
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lucxboyce · 1 year
🔥 -- 🔥
“Well, duh.” Lucas threw the young vampire a charming smirk and a wink but was it cheating? Luc wouldn’t say so since they were both supernatural beings after all. Satisfied with his shots, Lu leaned back against the wall and nursed his drink as his blue eyes stayed on Leo, his smirk growing even more when a wink was returned back to him. “I do - actually. Did I ever tell you I dabbled in professional singing a few years ago? Almost got myself a record deal back in Nashville.”
“Absolutely,” The hellhound drawled with a chuckle, his voice laced with playful teasing. He knew the transition period for Leo had been rough, especially before Damien and Lu had found them. It had been similar to his - left to fend on their own. It was incredibly sucky, but Leo had found Vanessa and now he was trying to be some sort of mentor - as much as he could since Damien was better at it - but mostly, he wanted to be a friend to him 
He motioned with his hands for the other to go forward, eager to see if he could show him up. With squinted eyes, he watched each throw of the darts and when the final one hit, he cheered and pumped his fist. “Fuck yeah!” He laughed, opening his arms when Leo came over in defeat. “Bet I did.” He teased playfully, looking down when his head rested on his chest and he let his fingers comb through his hair for a moment. “Being adorable and all that ain’t gonna get you out of buying us those drinks.” Lu teased, reaching around to wrap an arm around the young vampire.
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The little vampire boy laughs softly into his fist. “you’re using your abilities to show off huh” He didn’t really protest since it’s only fair. Leo leads against the wall just watching as lu throws his darts. He bites his lip in fear of losing and not really wanting to sing. “I bet you do have an Amazing voice.. if I win you should still sing for me”. he gave a small smug, winking at the boy.
he was taken aback when he got called twilight. "ha ha very funny, it’s ‘cause I’m a vampire isn't it". he gave a small punch on Lucas's shoulder. shaking his head with a huge smile on his face. Lucas has always given Leo a great time since they met. they bonded a lot with the whole thing about this supernatural shit. how it was unwanted and bizarre. Leo trying to get used to not being able to drink or eat.. god he misses food…. but Leo appreciates Lucas and he knows that the hellhound before him knows, and very obvious.
Leo walked over to the line with the darts once more. “alright lulu watch this. I’m gonna show you” he smiled at Lucas giving him a wink before he went to focus on his dart play. he takes a deep breath.. like he can actually breathe… he throws the first dart with full force. the dart hit the edge giving him a low number. “FUCK”. he groans knowing well that he gonna lose. he takes the last few shots. One dart hit the bullseye but it wasn’t enough to win. Leo walked over to Lucas. “you win” he signs groaning. he gently places his little head onto Lucas’s chest, hiding from the failure.
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lucxboyce · 1 year
Rio was glancing over a couple of applications that were turned in, making a couple of notes on them. When the door was swung open, it actually made him jump a bit and had him actually scribbling up one of the papers. “What have I told you about doing that?”, he grumbled, dark eyes only drifting up briefly before they returned to the applications, finishing off the note he was making. But he couldn’t really be mad at Lucas. He was far from being in the mood to deal with applications and calling people in to interview. So in a sense, the hellhound was saving him.
“Just because the strip club isn’t your thing, doesn’t mean it isn’t fun. But no offense taken.” Putting the applications away in one of his desk drawers, Rio looked up at Lucas with a quirked brow, shaking his head. “… I don’t karaoke…” Hell, he barely played pool, only in the rare times that the hellhound actually managed to talk him into it. The vampire looked him over and breathed out a very small semblance of a laugh. “And just what makes you think I want to leave my own club and go to the Ugly Duckling?”
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🔥 -- 🔥 
“I think you said to stop doing that but when have you ever known me to listen?” He wasn’t known to be defiant for no reason, after all, even if Lucas was all fun and games. Curiosity peeked, and Lu leaned over to glance at his friend’s desk. “Whatcha working on?” Though it was clearly none of his business, he couldn’t help but ask. 
“It’s just naked dancing - how is that fun?” Lu asked, eyebrow quirked. Lucas loved the human body as much as the next guy and he was no stranger to flirting or even hook-ups, but there was something about strip clubs that just never did it for him. “Karaoke, pool, darts, good music! - that’s entertaining!” He tried to convince his grumpy old friend and rolled his eyes at the dismissal of karaoke. “Well, you’re gonna learn so buck up.” Standing up from the chair, Lucas huffed a laugh as he wandered around the office, picking at decorations on his bookshelves. “considering how fast you put away your paperwork, I say, you were just waiting for the right excuse to go. Besides, I’m starving and the Duckling is right near my friend’s place that has blood bags.”
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lucxboyce · 1 year
The broken will always be able to love harder than most. Once you've been in the dark, you learn to appreciate everything that shines.
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lucxboyce · 1 year
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Lucas couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled from within his chest at the playful shove or the ridiculous nickname he let only Leo call him by. Lulu - couldn’t really blame him when his most common name was Lu. Still, the special nickname brought a sense of fondness to Lu. 
“Well now that I’m going to be using my abilities to their full potential, I’m going to kick your newbie butt!” The hellhound teased, enjoying the immediate look of hesitation that crossed Leo’s features at the mention of singing. “Exactly why I said it. Unlike you, I have a great voice!” 
The hellhound watched the first dart hit close to the bullseyes but still hit a decent number, his second doing the same until his third hit the center bullseye. Leaning back against the wall they were closest to, Lucas grabbed his drink and took a sip from it, motioning for Leo to go ahead. “Come on, Twilight, show me what you got.” He said teasingly, throwing a wink at his companion. 
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Leo hella proud of himself getting a bullseye In playing darts. He has no clue if it was his supernatural abilities helping him at all. He legit didn’t know his own strengths anymore. He laughs and cheers loudly. Walking over to the tall hellhound. He pushes him playfully giggling to himself
“Let’s see how you do lulu huh?” He grins as he stand there handing the boy the darts. The moment Lucas threatened him with karaoke he pretends to tumble since he can not sing “don’t you dare, I legit am a terrible singer” he mumbles.
He really wanted to win. Once Lucas mentioned the next person who wins buys them drinks. He was about to say something but was cutting off with lu throwing the darts. He made a snarky comment “I hope you miss your shots”
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lucxboyce · 1 year
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Niko and Leo’s place was becoming increasingly familiar to the hellhound. He had grown to care and like the two brothers and with Damien mentoring Leo in the vampire ways, it had been given that Lu would end up bonding with them too. 
The biggest thing he loved about their place wasn’t the floor plan or even the decor, it was the damn coffin in the middle of the living room. It still threw Luc for a loop every time he crossed it and in true Lucas fashion, the hellhound could never pass up the chance to do something as stupid as lie inside the thing. It's where he was now, lying still in the coffin with his arms crossed at his chest. He might not have been a vampire - but close enough. After all, as a hellhound, he was undead too. “What! Someone has to put some use to this! It’s actually not bad, 8/10 in comfort levels. He set up, resting his chin on his arm along side the edge of the coffin. “Did you seriously buy this for Leo?” He huffed, eyes twinkling in amusement as his gaze followed Niko along the room. 
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✧   closed   /    lucas   @lucxboyce​ 
         “ I didn’t think to check the return policy before buying it, “  Vague hand gestures with something akin to embarrassment tinging his tone. Neither of the brothers knew anything in the beginning & a coffin had seemed like a necessity at the time. Niko’s entire world had fallen apart in one fell swoop & somehow they’d survived a year or trial & error.         Niko stops just short of the coffin in question, dark eyes scanning the room before landing on the vampire that’s currently occupying his purchase. Lips curve, choking back a laugh. “Seriously? … Well, at least it’s getting some use that isn’t Mr. Mittens scratching the outside. “
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lucxboyce · 1 year
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“Right,” The hellhound drawled, leaning against the counter as well but being mindful of the space between them. “I think he mentioned that.” Lu knew Damien did at some point, but he’s often forgetful. She’s a minx, if nothing else, danger on two legs if Lucas had to classify her as something. It was proven by that predator-like gaze on him and the devious smile on her lips. “Oh really?”
It suddenly dawned on him that -duh - she could have just come here for a tattoo and he immediately morphed into his work persona. “Okay, small, got it. How small?” He tried to ignore the teasing, the taunting, and the pull of her words, focusing instead on fishing his iPad from one of the drawers.  He faltered then - something hidden - and almost dropped his iPad before composing himself. “Right.... and where exactly are planning to place to this small and hidden tattoo?” She was walking on a tightrope - and Lucas was determined to keep his mask on and not let this original get to him...again.
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“    hi  lucas  .    ”    letha  rolls  her  eyes  ,    leaning  on  the  counter  .    “    i’m  not  here  for  dame  .    not  this  time  ,    at  least  .    we’re  having  dinner  tonight  ,    anyways  .    ”    if  she  wanted  her  brother  ,    she’d  find  him  .    it  isn’t  so  hard  ,    not  after  a  thousand  years  .    she’s  relieved  ,    almost  ,    that  he’s  not  there  .    even  if  she  can  look  after  herself  ,    her  many  brothers  have  always  been  overprotective  .    “    no  ,    i’m  here  for  you  .    ”    her  lips  lift  at  the  corners  ,    eyes  following  his  movements  .
“    i’ve  been  considering  a  tattoo  .    something  little  -  of  course  .    you  won’t  see  me  asking  for  a  sleeve  or  anything  but  .  .  .   maybe  something  small  ?    ”    she  does  so  love  to  tease  .    and  it’s  too  easy  ,    even  when  nothing  comes  of  it  .    “   something  hidden  .    ”
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lucxboyce · 1 year
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For once in his long life - maybe twice - Lucas was grateful for his advanced healing. Despite the long and treacherous fight with Doug, he had come out of it a victory. The werewolf had run with his tail between his legs and Lucas was on cloud nine! He should have killed the mangy mutt - but that wasn’t who he was. Even someone as twisted as a brainwashed dog deserved a second chance at life and it’s why Lucas had taken mercy on him and let him run. He was sure that being who he was, it would come and bite him in the ass later but he’d deal with that when it happened. For right now, Lucas was riding a fucking high!
It was noticed in the skip to his step and the grin on his face, even if the blood staining his clothes made it look like an odd combination. Most of the smaller wounds had already healed but the larger bites and claw marks were still bleeding and stitching together. That didn’t seem to bother Lucas too much as he let himself into the apartment and was greeted with the most ridiculous sight of his nearly 200 years. “Oh shit! Styx?! Are you kidding me!” Lucas grinned - he adored Styx and loved being able to see them perform. “This fucking rad, Damien - did you do all this for my birthday?!” It touched Lucas that he cared so much to do all this and it reminded him, again, how lucky he was for the other. But just as he was about to start headbanging too, the question suddenly reminded him of his physical condition. He looked down at his tattered clothes and bleeding wounds and shrugged a shoulder, clutching at the claw marks on his abdomen. “I got into a fight with a Hunter’s mutt - who just so happens to be a werewolf.” 
The hellhound reached for the hem of his shirt and pulled it off his body, holding it to the largest gash on his abdomen as he walked towards the bathroom in search of a first aid kit. He didn’t need but he didn’t want to bleed every where while he finished healing. “That loser mutt captured me for his hunters a few years ago. I managed to escape and I ran into him this time. I think his hunter is dead but I couldn’t resist teaching him a lesson. And guess what?”  His voice was elevated as he spoke from the bathroom, even if he didn’t need to thanks to Damien’s supernatural hearing. “I fucking kicked his little furry ass!”
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closed for @lucxboyce
location: their place
damien was a person who didn't know what to get people for their birthdays unless he cared about them a lot. so, even though it was about a week or so past luc's birthday, damien didn't want him to go on thinking all he got was a fun etsy platinum record full of very playable songs. no, that wasn't enough, clearly. he had managed to score some tickets to one of their favorite bands that happened to be touring. and sure, those guys should probably stop touring since they're pushing 80 probably, but if they were touring, why would damien ever pass up the opportunity? he was over the moon excited, just knowing luc was gonna love it. he had rock music blasting on speakers and stupid streamers even put on an 80s rock wig for the theatrics. after what damien's been going through the past month, he really needed this too. this was for them!
waiting for luc to come home sucked, though. he waited, and wondered what was taking so long. shouldn't his shift at the record store have ended by now? damien looked at the time on his phone and waited, waited... until eventually he did hear keys at the door. damien shot up with excitement and stood in the living room, facing the door, a stance hed seen only at concerts and started headbanging like there was no tomorrow. the wig flew off, too. "WOO! happy birthday—again! we're going to see styx!" he exclaimed, arms in the air and a big smile on his face, but as he got to looking at luc, his smile faded and his arms lowered. "what the fuck happened to you?"
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lucxboyce · 1 year
Who: Lucas Boyce x @rioxramirez​ Where: The Glass Slipper What: Lucas comes to bother his dear friend at work - because why not?
The Glass Slipper wasn’t a place Lucas would normally be seen out of his own decision but lately, he’d had more and more reason to spend time there. Between visiting Leo during his shifts at the bar and the friendship he had with Rio, he was becoming a regular for entirely opposite reasons of many who were there.
Slipping through the crowd of people around him, the hellhound made its beeline for Rio’s office in the back. It had been a few days since he’d seen the vampire and that could only mean he was back to his broody self and Lu was there to change that. Bursting through the door with a charming smile on his face, Luc greeted Rio. “Good evening, Sunshine!” 
He settled on one of the chairs by his desk and propped up his legs on Rio’s desk. “So, I was thinking - we blow this club and head to the Ugly Duckling. Free pool and it’s karaoke night. So much more fun than your place - no offense.” He winked at the vampire, running a hand through his unruly brunette hair.
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lucxboyce · 1 year
Who: Lucas Boyce x @faetells​ Where: Scarlet Rose What: A while ago, Lucas and Letha shared one night of passion - a secret he kept deep because it had been a mistake. Despite that, it’s always awkward when the other original comes by. Tonight, it’s no different at the Scarlet Rose. 
The bells above the door jingled alerting the hellhound to the customer that had entered the tattoo shop, even if he had heard them more than a block away. Livin’ On A Prayer was blaring across the tattoo shop’s speaker - much to the dismay of his co-workers but when Damien wasn’t around, Lu always took over the speaker system. Going through the motions of air drums, the hellhound made his way from his station at the back of the shop to the front. Their receptionist had called out sick so the front desk remained shared duty and he was the only one without a client at the moment. “Welcome to Scarlet Rose; how can I help you?” He greeted cheerfully as he reached the front desk. 
It was only then that his bright blue eyes lifted up to see who had wandered in and he paused momentarily at the sight of Letha - Damien’s sister. There was a flash of memory - of their one night of passion that he often buried deep. It was a night he didn’t speak up because how was he supposed to explain to his best friend that he slept with his sister? Besides, it had been a one-night mistake that would never happen again. Composing himself, Lu clicked his tongue and ran a hand through his messy hair. “Your brother is not here but I’m sure if you wanna stick around, he’ll be back soon.” LJ provided, assuming that’s why the original had come to Scarlet Rose in the first place. 
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lucxboyce · 1 year
Who: Lucas Boyce x OPEN Where: The Ugly Duckling What: Needing a night out, your muse and Lucas hit the Ugly Duckling for a night of booze, darts, pool, and general fun, and yes - the threat of Lucas making them sing on stage. If we haven’t plotted, feel free to assume connections!
“Okay,” The hellhound huffed out with a mild laugh, “that was such a lucky shot!” He defended as the dart his company had thrown hit bullseye. A feat he could accomplish if he wanted to but what was the fun in using his supernatural abilities all the time? The 80′s rock playlist he had paid to be played at The Ugly Duckling had Lu nodding his head along to the beat as he went to the board and collect their darts. “Don’t be such a damn show-off or I will sign us up for karaoke and unlike me, you can’t sing worth shit.” Lucas teased with an easy grin - he actually could sing and it had been briefly something he pursued many years ago when he resided in Nashville for a couple of years. 
Walling back up to his company, he handed the other their darts and gave them a playful shove. “Alright, the next one who wins buys the next round, deal?” He didn’t wait for an answer and took his spot, aiming for the dartboard and letting his dart fly. Perhaps....the dart was thrown with some of his supernatural skills for once...maybe.
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lucxboyce · 1 year
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                ❝ I like storms. they let me know even the sky screams sometimes. ❞   ❝Oh, we’ve got to hold on, ready or not.                                                              You live for the fight when it’s all that you’ve got. ❞ 
Is that THOMAS DOHERTY? no, you’re mistaken, that’s actually LUCAS BOYCE {  cis man, he/him }. He is/are a 27/150 year old HELLHOUND. He is an TATTOO ARTIST can easily be found at SCARLET ROSE PEIRCING & TATTOO or GRAFITTI SKATE PARK. He is known for being STUBBORN, SARCASTIC, and REBELLIOUS but also ENERGETIC, CHARMING, and LOYAL. You could probably bribe them with A RARE VINTAGE VINYL or piss them off by BEING A GENERAL ASSHOLE. { marie, 27, est, she/her }  .
Character Name: Lucas James Boyce
Nickname: Lu, Luke, Luc, LJ
Age: 150 (27)
Birthday: January 18th, 1772
Gender/Pronouns: Cis male, He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual
Face claim: Thomas Doherty
Occupation: Tattoo Artist/Shopkeeper at the record store
How long they’ve been in Santos: 150 years
Currently Lives: Sunnyside - roommates with Damien Ardeleanu
Inspo: Spotify | Pinterest
Key Points:
Lucas was born into a family full of trouble and dismay - unwanted. His parents tossed him to the side and he found himself part of the foster care system which had only started about twenty years prior in 1852.
It was hell - he was given to one family after another, each one finding a reason to give him back. He was too loud, too aggressive, too temperamental, too hyperactive.
Eventually, Lucas landed with the Boyce family that took him in when he was twelve and adopted him into their household located in Saints, Alaska. He became one of three kids, the youngest of all.
From that point forward, Lucas finally felt like he somewhat belongs but still, he always searches for the unfilled need to be wanted. Perhaps it’s something he’ll never have.
Growing up in Saints meant that the supernatural were not anything new or different. It became quite normal and Lu had made friends with various supernatural creatures.
He had one great love when he was twenty but the person completely broke his heart. They were a werewolf and Lucas had fallen entirely in love with them. So much so that after being together for two years, Lucas decided to become a werewolf so they could be together forever.
The change didn’t go as planned, however, and Lucas died in the process of turning. But the kicker was... he didn’t stay dead.
Lucas came back as a hellhound - an abomination.
His partner left and Lucas was unwanted and alone.
It took him a long time to find his footing and it wasn’t until he met another hellhound  that helped him figure out his new life that he was able to settle into his life.
However, in the process of readjusting, Lucas has taken more lives than he cares to even think about. Feeding without killing was absolutely impossible and he was so grateful when the knowledge of blood bags came to his knowledge. It doesn’t sate the inner monster in him but he doesn’t care.
Lucas has travelled in and out of Los Santos through out the years but for the most part, he’s stayed in town and made a life for himself and is known in town.
He lives a pretty solitary life - partially due to his new nature but partially because, once more, he feels unwanted. unwanted by humanity, vampires and werewolves.
He currently works at the tattoo shop under Damien and as shop keeper of the record store.
More to come, i'm sure!
Head Canons:
A flirt through and through but anything more than sex is a no-no. You can’t be hurt if you keep a distance!
Will forever think that the 90′s were the best years of humanity. He wears typical 90′s grunge 85% of the time and is stuck in 90′s rock era.
Absolutely - absolutely - plays Livin’ on a Prayer in the tattoo shop whenever he can get away with it. On repeat and gives zero fucks. Come at him!
Is a skateboarder and loves to skate.
A chronice silly tattoo person - his tattoos are all over the place and have no central theme. He gets what he wants regardless of how dumb it is. This man has a tattoo of a cartoon cat licking itself and like 5 SpongeBob tattoos. 
Music snob - he will love to bond over vinyls
Lucas hates being a hellhound and rarely shifts because of it, outside of the new moon. He absolutely refuses to show any one his hellhound form. Not even his best friend has seen him. 
Can speak English, Latin, French and German.
Wanted Connections:
His Ex and The One who Turned Him: Lucas thought he had found the love of his life. They have been dating for a few years and Lu was on the verge of marriage with this person but he wanted to be turned to share their life together before that. Their partner agreed, eager and excited. What neither expected was that the bite would ultimately end up killing LJ. However, he didn’t stay dead. Shortly after, Lucas was resurrected as a completely different being - a hellhound. With the hatred surrounding the species, his partner couldn’t stick around and left him behind. Leaving a heartbroken and lost Lucas to fend for himself, that was the start of Lucas building walls sky high around him.
Hellhound Mentor: Though often solitary creatures, this hellhound took pity on the newly turned Lucas and began to teach him the ropes of his new life. Starting with, teaching him to shift back from his form to human. Though they wouldn’t call each other a pack, they do look out for one another and it’s the closest thing to a pack he has. 
Hunter who might have been after him: TAKEN BY DOUG AND CHARLES
Family friends
Childhood friends
Hook ups
One night stands
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lucxboyce · 1 year
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lucxboyce · 1 year
Do you play any sports?
I run away from my feelings
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