lucy-sa-kim-blog · 7 years
Progress Blog 10: Not end!!
Now, the dead week is almost gone, and the final essay also have done. However, my fandom study is not over.! In fact, at the first time, I choose this fandom, because I felt like I know a lot of things about the Harry Potter. But it was not. I did not know those every details of the fandoms, and I have forgotten some factors of the original work. So, according to this course, I could have chances to realize my passion as a fan, and also I love this one. However, the course can be ended up and I will might not anymore writings about the Harry Potter, my fan-works are not stopped. I will start my own fandom and fan-world of it. And according to this experiences which came from the course study, I could definitely build a little more developed fandom. Also, due to those fan-works which does not have any limitation of the themes or the forms, I really believe that I could find my own form of fan-works, like calligraphy, or novels. Maybe, the blogs cannot upload anymore, and the Tumblr looks like stop working. However, my fandom is just started and it will go forever!
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lucy-sa-kim-blog · 7 years
Progress Blog 9: Ends up!
At this stage, I found out some lack of my writing skills on the whole semester. For example, I was keeping use several similar words continuously, And the theme of my fandom study was slightly changed from the start point. However, I really feel great and happy with my study. I could have some time to remember my really younger time, and some childlike minds. Also, in this period, I went over the series of novels, and movies, and I got some points which I forgot. Maybe, if I have some more chances to go over this field more, I could do some more fan-works. However, now, I really do not have time for that. So, sadly, I only cover the really easy parts, like movies or not handy works. However, these days, I am stick to the calligraphy, or drawings with little developed skills. So, I might become a part of the fandom, who produces their own work, not just only doing rebloggings. And also after I started the fandom study, my passion as a fan of the series came back from the grave. So, some of my friends and I are planning to go to the movie places, and some meaningful trip in this vacation, too.
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lucy-sa-kim-blog · 8 years
Progress Blog 8: Calligraphy!!
The calligraphy is a part of the technique of drawing. Normally, when we say about the drawings, normally we think about the real paintings. However, there are a lot of forms of the drawings, and the calligraphy is a specific type of them. There is some personal reasons why I fall in love with the calligraphy. First, when I was majored in the Chinese language, I love to write the Chinese characters, Han-ja. Those are really looked harmonious and symmetric themselves. That is one of the reason that I am doing the calligraphy, because I love to write the beautiful words. Second, I am not that much good at drawing. I have not studied it seriously, only have done some school art classes, in the elementary school. So, for me, working with only the drawings is not proper. And sometimes, I felt really depressing feelings because of my pool drawing skills. However, even though with my awful drawing skills, I can do the calligraphy in the great way. And with the interests of it, now, I spread it to the fandom works. And I hope that this can refresh my fan-arts and give the other way of having fun with the fan-works.
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lucy-sa-kim-blog · 8 years
FieldNotes 5: What will I write in my field notes for each reblog?
Well, on the field notes, I am normally writing about the field note questions. Those are little bit different from my thoughts sometimes. And also they are sometimes helping me to build the path of the community’s ethics. At the beginning point I did not build the frame of the community in the specific ways. Only stick to the broad objective of the community, I just let the Tumblr work by itself. However, that is not right way of doing fandom study. I needed to build details of the blog and also frame by specific purposes of the fan-work. And those helped me to build them. And also, may be, the field notes will include those frameworks of the community.
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lucy-sa-kim-blog · 8 years
FieldNotes 4: How do I add tag, and What tags should I add?
In fact, I really stick on the only the Facebook style of the SNS. So, I am really not accustomed to using the tags on my each blogs. However, in each of my blog postings, I am normally working with the several fixed tags like, ENG1302, Pottermania, or Lucy’sTumblrrr. However, I think the tags are not really need to fixed with several forms. So, these days, I am trying to build some more new examples of the tags on my blog. And every post which is related to the Harry Potter has to have some tags with Harry Potter related tags, like Harry Potter or Pottermania. 
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lucy-sa-kim-blog · 8 years
FieldNotes 3: What Should I Reblog?
I think the limitation of the reblogging is not existing on my Tumblr. It can be any of them, like some good fan-arts, or bad fandom acts. If there are some really great fandom-works, then those can be reblogged and say those are great. However, even though I met really awful works, it dose not means that those should be not shared with others. Those bad works also have their own worth to share and spread out to our community. Also, we can build our own eyes to gather fan-arts and to reblog them.  
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lucy-sa-kim-blog · 8 years
Progress Blog 7: These days?
          When I met the Pottermania community in the websites, It was really stunning experience for me. In fact, after graduating from the high school, I was forced to stop pursuing those of the fandom works. Because of the cultural reasons, or the personal reasons, I almost buried those enthusiastic part of my heart, which was really ridiculous behavior in my life. I have been seeking the tiny satisfactions by only watching those movies and reading those books. However, it was not enough to release stresses from the real-life, because I have been using the fandom works to release stresses, and get some fun from the unrealistic world, like websites, or community group meetings. And by doing the ENG 1302 works, I found out the previous passion about Harry Potter fan-works. Also, these days, I have some enthusiasm on the calligraphy. So, I am trying to combine the love about Harry Potter with the calligraphy to produce fan-arts. Also, I feel little bit up-dated by myself because of the change of the fan-art form. When I was young, I concentrated on only the drawings or costume-plays. However, now, I am grown up enough to accept those diversity of the fan-arts, and also to enjoy with the different types fan-art forms.
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lucy-sa-kim-blog · 8 years
Field notes 2: What should I include with the reblog?
I believe that every single fandom works are valuable, and have to be respected as a fan-works. So, I want to reblog some of them, like quotes, or fanarts. However, I believe that some of posts which are not respecting the individual fans, and showing discontent about my consents, are not needed to be reblogged on my dashboard.
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lucy-sa-kim-blog · 8 years
Field notes 1: What is an artifact?
We use a lot of forms of craft for the building our own fandom, like novels, drawings, knitting, or recordings. Also, I think those forms which are used to make the fandom are the artifacts. For example, I am not good at writing novels or poems. So, I am normally drawing some pictures, or playing the original sound tracks. 
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lucy-sa-kim-blog · 8 years
Progress Blog Posts 6: I cannot happy with the adults!!
Few weeks ago, I made a phone call with one of my oldest friends in Korea. We just started with simple olde friend cares and girls' cheats, like "how about your boyfriend", or "is that girl who was in the same class in our high school going to get married?" And I was little bit happy with the finding my younger age's memories with doing this course. So, I said about what I am doing these days, and I started drawings for this fandom study, and for my further bloggings. Anyway, I told about it for more than one hour, I think. And she suddenly said "So, childish, Lucy." Then.... I was frustrated and decided not to care about those adult like thinkings. I will do my fandom work like I am only 10 year old kid. Also, I believe that naive feelings and love about my fandom will help me to keep doing this.
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lucy-sa-kim-blog · 8 years
Progress Blog Posting 5: FINALLY!!!
Few days ago, finally I did a Ravenclaw Halloween costume, which I continuously said about from at least two months before. Also, I was little bit upset about it, because in Korea we are not celebrating the Halloween thus much. Anyway, sadly, I bought the costumes from Amazon, which I did not want to do. Well, from a few years ago-in fact, from when I turned into twenty years old-I was imaging that making my own Halloween costume by myself. Especially, on my eyes, Hogwarts' robes are looked kind of easy to make. However, I failed to accomplish it. 😭😭😭But, still, with the costume, my Halloween was really happy and a lot of people said "Go, Ravenclaw!!" on me, too. I strongly believe that it is also a part of the fandom actions according to my dictionary. @Lucy's Tumblrrr
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lucy-sa-kim-blog · 8 years
Progress Blogs 4: Halloween is coming up!!
In fact, I struggled to choose which Halloween costume for this Halloween day. There is a list of the costumes that I want to wear someday, like Alice from the Alice the Wonderland, a pirate from the series of Pirates of Caribbean, or Naruto from the Naruto, animation. However, during working on the writing assignments, I went over the Harry Potter movies. Well, of course, when I was young, I wanted to join the Gryffindor house, and I did not like the Ravenclaw house because of Chang. However, on the first movie of the series, there is a scene that the shorting hat is singing, and explaining the characteristics of the Houses. On there, the hat says that the Ravenclaw with the full of the students who is much more honest, and faithful than others. At that point I was fully involved into the story. And finally, it makes me buy the costumes of the Harry Potter, especially the robe of the Ravenclaw House. Maybe, after I will get the robe, I could post the follow-ups. Anyway, I believe that this is a part of the fandom of the Harry Potter. And I am really looking forward to wearing it!!!!
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lucy-sa-kim-blog · 8 years
Progress Blog 3: Some imaginations for the Magic!
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  In the movies of Harry Potter, there are a lot of scenes with carrying the magic broom, and flying all over the castle. Like, I said before, I really wanted to enter the Hogwarts at the younger age-in fact, I am still waiting for their letter for the entering the magician courses. And, once, as I saw the flying scene on the movie, I went to my mom asking for the having that kind of a big and thick broom to fly. And, few years later, when I was in the middle school, I loved to make the doll with knitting. I planned to make a big golden snitch as a cushion on my bed. And also, after I became a college student, I finally bought the Harry Potter character model with my allowance. Like this, I have been trying to have some of the items from the books, or the movies. And, now, I am planning to have some Halloween costumes with Harry Potter! It will be really fascinating, isn't it?! Well, the coat from the book has a big hood on it! And those of the skirts, and blouses also are also needed! I cannot be waiting for that day!!!
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lucy-sa-kim-blog · 8 years
Progress Blog 2: My young age fan fiction
When I was reading the Goblet of Fire, I really wished the happiness of Harry-Hermione couple. However, the writer made Ron-Hermione couple!!! At that time, in fact I was really young, so I stopped reading books because of anger. Still, I cannot understand why Ginny was married with Harry!! Hermione was much more attractive girl on the entire story!! Anyway, few months before, I went to my parents' house to clean and get some of my stuffs, and I found out really old notebooks which have some short imagine stories of Harry becomes a husband of Hermione. It looks really cute, and I realized that I tried to write some fan fictions even at that time. In fact, there were some stories for revenging of party couple selection scene, because Cho rejected Harry, and I hated that girl, how she could do that my hero!! Of course, early teenager, young Lucy's stories were really sloppy and unorganized. However, even at that time, I was reading some Korean fan fictions. And now, I am looking for another website to find some English fan fictions for Harry Potter. Anyway, I can say that my first fan fiction was Harry Potter's one, after that I read some idol members' one, and some of Sherlock fan fictions, too.
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lucy-sa-kim-blog · 8 years
Progress Blog 1: Why I fell in love with the fan arts.
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When I met the books, I felt sad about the illustrate on the books.  The books are for the magician and the world of fancy imagination. However, the illustrations for the books were looked like some.......elementary school students' works!!! How they can put that kind of rough and amateur picture on it!!!!! So, when I was really young, I tried to create my own drawings of one of my favorite scene, which is the dormitory sorting part. However, my drawing was much worse than the official one. At that time, young Lucy was frustrated and stopped imagine those kind of drawings.
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 However, few years later, someday, I suddenly did some internet searching-I think that was around the first movie releasing point. And I found about really fancy and pretty drawings of the fans, and I knew those works are called as "fan arts". At that time, I was falling in love with Japanese anime, and one of the famous illustrator was working on Harry Potter's fan arts. Sadly, I had some collections of his works, but I cannot find any of them. So, still nowadays, I am searching for some new fan arts for fun and entertain!! Look these! Are they looked fancy?!?!
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lucy-sa-kim-blog · 11 years
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There are white parts at the ceiling of the Korean Palaces.The part, which is called "Yongmaroo" is symbol of the King.
Interestingly, at the Queen's building and the King's building don't have this white part. Because, at the King's building, he is a king of the kingdom, so not need to be there, and at the Queen's building, she will have a baby who will be a next king, so it also doesn't need to be there, too.
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lucy-sa-kim-blog · 11 years
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Joss Whedon ft. The Avengers
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