lucyfer-null · 4 months
Long time X']
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lucyfer-null · 7 months
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I'm learning how to use Tumblr. I introduce myself a little gsggs You can tell me Fen, it's shorter and easier, I really like to draw and I'm making an AU comic (?) of Rain World, I have another comic called Jone&Eco but currently it's a little dead haha
Estoy aprendiendo a usar Tumblr. Me presento un poquito gsggs Me puedes decir Fen, es más corto y fácil, me gusta mucho dibujar y estoy haciendo un cómic AU (?) de Rain World, tengo otro cómic llamado Jone&Eco pero actualmente esta un poquito muerto haha
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lucyfer-null · 7 months
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Tear of Cobalt is an Iterator installed in a huge desert, her structure is surrounded by four mountains that collect water. Cobalt is the older sister of four iterators (I can change this later), she only gets along with her second brother, he is Parallel Extension. Cobalt is unpleasant to the other iterators due to her character but she managed to make a friend, her name is Contemplative Silk and she is installed on the other side of the world.
Tear of Cobalt es un Iterador instalado en un enorme desierto, su estructura está rodeada por cuatro montañas que recogen agua. Cobalt es la hermana mayor de cuatro iteradores (puedo cambiar esto más adelante), solo se lleva bien con su segundo hermano, él es Parallel Extension. Cobalt es desagradable para los demás iteradores debido a su carácter, pero logró hacer una amiga, su nombre es Contemplative Silk y está instalada en el otro lado del mundo.
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lucyfer-null · 7 months
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Vulturecats!! Mother and BP (Battle Pup) are small animals that are related to slugcats, they are adapted to live at heights, they are mostly carnivorous and live in packs. Lizards fear them and vultures hunt them (they are their mortal enemies), they have a good relationship with scavengers. Mother and BP are separated from their pack and now survive in the ruins of a structure.
Mother y BP (Battle Pup) son animalitos parientes de los slugcats, estan adaptados para vivir en las alturas, son en su mayoría carnívoros y viven en manada. Los lagartos les temen y los buitres los cazan (son sus enemigos mortales), tienen buena relación con los carroñeros. Mother y BP son separados de su manada y ahora sobreviven en las ruinas de una estructura.
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lucyfer-null · 7 months
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The Kepper
His name is 66, I know he looks like Hunter XD, I did the entire AU in one early morning and I was sick haha. 66 is an experiment, is the creation of Cobalt and his purpose was to reach Contemplative Silk to carry very important information, unfortunately fails and returns to his creator, but Cobalt becomes enraged and expels him from her structure. 66 has a normal slugcat life until the day he dies... But his body reanimates and 66 wakes up, he has become a monster with an insatiable hunger that until is satisfied he does not regain consciousness. 66 on multiple occasions tries to die but the cycle always repeats, now is much closer to the problems of the iterators and tries to find meaning in his existence.
The Kepper
Su nombre es 66, yo se que se parece a Hunter XD perdonenme, todo el AU lo hice en una madrugada y enferma haha. Bueno, 66 es un experimento, es la creación de Cobalt y su propósito era llegar hasta Contemplative Silk para llevar información muy importante, lamentablemente falla y regregra con su creadora, pero Cobalt enfureze y lo expulsa de su estructura. 66 tiene una vida normal de slugcat hasta el día en que fallece... Pero su cuerpo se reanima y 66 despierta, se ha convertido en un monstruo con un hambre insaciable que hasta no quedar satisfecho no recupera la conciencia. 66 en múltiples ocasiones intenta morir pero el ciclo se vuelve a repetir siempre, ahora esta mucho más cerca de los problemas de los iteradores e intenta encontrar un sentido a su existencia.
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lucyfer-null · 7 months
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Mother likes the heat XD
A Mother le gusta el calor XD
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lucyfer-null · 7 months
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Call me Cobalt Intrusive Thoughts
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lucyfer-null · 7 months
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66 hates Cobalt/ 66 odia a Cobalt
C- Do you forgive me?
66- >:(
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lucyfer-null · 7 months
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lucyfer-null · 7 months
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C- Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!...
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lucyfer-null · 7 months
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lucyfer-null · 7 months
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Mom, where is dad?/Mamá, ¿Donde esta papá?
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lucyfer-null · 7 months
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We used to be friends/Soliamos ser amigos
She is Contemplative Silk, she was Cobalt's friend, she used to call her Silky affectionately.
Ella es Contemplative Silk era la amiga de Cobalt, solía llamarla Silky cariñosamente.
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lucyfer-null · 7 months
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Cobalt feels less alone when they are around
Cobalt se siente menos sola cuando ellos están cerca
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lucyfer-null · 7 months
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Paint scav
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lucyfer-null · 7 months
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Sweet night
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lucyfer-null · 7 months
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Hollow 66
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