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favorite outfits ★ lucy preston (season two)
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Lucy Preston from Timeless
a list of female characters who stop the apocalypse by being massively, unapologetically enthusiastic about history:
Evie Carnahan from The Mummy
Patty Tolan from Ghostbusters
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Just finished binging Timeless and now I understand the pain the entire fandom is in because wow, how could Rittenhouse cancel such a quality show??? - er, I mean NBC.
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me to 2x11 & 2x12 wyatt vs me to 2x04 - 2x10 wyatt
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Ship wars are unproductive, puerile, and just plain stupid. Ship (or don’t) and let ship. It’s not your job to convince anyone of the “right” way to love a thing. Just love it your way and stay in your lane.
I’m not a Garcy fan so I just keep scrolling. It’s real easy and keeps my blood pressure normal.
I do believe the instigators on both sides are still a minority. So let this be your wake up call. Play nice or get out.
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Here’s my struggle.
On one hand I want this Timeless movie to open the door for someone to pick up the series for season 3. On the other hand, the toxic fandom is pushing me to just say “fuck it” and not care anymore and hope Timeless never comes back, and I really, really hate that this has happened.
Do you remember a few months back when it seemed everyone (IIRC) on both sides of this apparent “ship war” was on here almost begging for the Timeless fandom to NOT get into ship wars? Yeah, I was a vocal participant in the please-do-not-destroy-this-fandom-with-ship-war-pettiness campaign, and I still feel this way. 
There is no reason in the world why people on either sides of this “ship war” to hate on, attack, stalk, spy on, attempt to instigate fights, create anti-ship gifs or memes, etc. There is no reason in the world to bring so much hate and negativity into the Timeless fandom. Hate is ugly. Negativity can be contagious. And quite effing frankly, the side most active in spreading hate and negativity is actually pushing fans away from not only the fandom, but the series itself.
This is not what fandom is about.
Fandom is supposed to be a little corner of the internet (on various social media platforms) where fans can take part in celebrating and enjoying whatever it is that they love about any given television series, movie, book, etc. Fandom is supposed to be about talking and discussing characters, relationships, and even theorizing about storylines with like-minded fans. Fandom is supposed to be fun. And for the past few months the Timeless fandom in general has not been fun. This is wrong. This isn’t how the Timeless fandom is supposed to be.
I’ve had to retreat into the tiny corner of the fandom where we are actively trying to avoid conflict every single day because the other side is actively stalking and spying on us, looking for any little opportunity to try to start a fight. I’ve been called a bitch simply because I create a fansite for my favorite relationship pairing on the series (by people I had never interacted with). I’ve had to block over 200 people on Twitter due to their attacking the Garcy relationship and its fans, or for supporting such behaviour (through likes and retweets). This is not the Timeless fandom that I enjoyed being a part of during season one. This is an entirely different fandom now and it seems to be becoming more toxic every single day.
I love Timeless. I love the history lessons we got with each new episode. I love all the characters (good, bad, and flawed). I love what each relationship, or potential relationship, brings to the overall structure of the story the writers set out to tell. I fought hard by tweeting, voting in all the polls, writing emails to possible outlets that could save Timeless. I want(ed?) season three, and I can accept this upcoming movie as a temporary band-aid if it opens the door for someone to pick up this series to allow the writers to tell the stories they want to tell, and end the Timeless series in the way they intended.
Having said that… the toxic fans are pushing me closer and closer to saying “fuck it, just keep Timeless cancelled, the toxic fandom doesn’t deserve to have this series saved.” This is how I feel probably 95% of the time now, and it hurts to say that because Timeless is such a special show, and it deserves more seasons, and it deserves a better (more well-behaved and respectful) fandom.
Then there’s the part of me that worries that if we do get season three that things will only get much, much worse. In my previous fandom experiences (which include two toxic fandoms) I learned that the longer a series continues, the worse the toxic fans become, and if that is the future of Timeless with more than two seasons and a movie, I don’t want it to continue.
Timeless deserves a better fandom. 
We all can do better.
So I (speaking only on my behalf, I’ve not consulted with any other fans about this post) would like to offer up a truce. Let bygones be bygones. Forgive and forget and let us be better, and respectful of one another. We’re all fans of Timeless before our ships. There’s no reason in the world to continue hating on each other, attacking others, and stalking and spying on fans. I like to believe we are all better than what has been transpiring in the fandom this year.
Let us try our best to make the Timeless fandom an enjoyable place again. I’m exhausted of the daily drama. I’m tired of seeing fans getting hurt and upset about personal attacks based on a work of fiction. We have to respect each other and give everyone room to breathe and to enjoy whatever it is they enjoy about Timeless. This fandom used to be so welcoming. With a little effort on all our parts I believe it is possible to get there again.
Thank you for reading.
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Why Timeless is Important
I don’t think these networks and streaming services understand the importance of the social impact of this show.
Showing history as opposed to telling it makes a lasting impact, especially when the portrayal is honest. We have a pretty sordid past and seeing it up close and personal is important. Black people being openly harassed in public for existing, women being ignored and treated like servants—it shows a reality we don’t fully appreciate in our society. We take for granted certain things, think things aren’t important anymore—they are.
Not only does this show show history, it also impresses on us the ramifications of actions taken. If women’s suffrage had failed? If they had believed they weren’t deserving of a voice? Imagine how history would have played out. It makes us think about the domino effect of history—each piece falling in time.
This show isn’t just a silly show about time-travel. It’s a public service. I considered myself a feminist before Timeless but I’m a much better one now. My mom thought feminism was outdated because life couldn’t have been that bad and it’s equal now—she doesn’t think that anymore.
The reality of this show is important. It’s not just a tv show. It is SO much more than that and I can assure you I will never give this show up. Even if I’m the only one I will never let this go.
Refusing Timeless is refusing to acknowledge our history and I do not accept that.
I don’t and I never will.
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It seems silly, the world being what it is, to be so upset about a television show. But Timeless is so much more than a show to me. I will miss it and I will mourn it. I’m confident I’ll never love a show with such intensity again because I can’t imagine a show drawing me in the way this show has with its perfect combination of history, science fiction, storytelling, and beautiful, flawed, brilliant characters. Most of all, I will miss Lucy Preston and I will long for what could have been. My heart is broken today.
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Can I have all of her clothes???
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Hollywoodland BTS Stills
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I’m more Team Lucy, but.... let’s face it. Wyatt’s hot and they love each other.
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Reblog if you are Team Lyatt
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look, i have complete trust in our writers, they’re amazing.  but let’s be real, there’s no way that anything is going to be satisfying about a movie, especially one coming from nbc.  there’s no possible way to give timeless the sendoff it deserves in two hours.  and yeah, maybe getting picked up by another network is a long shot, but damn it, i’d rather fight for something that could be great (like a season three), than settle for something that may not even happen (a movie).
if sony thinks there’s a chance, then there’s a chance.
tweet, write emails, call, sign petitions.
we gotta keep fighting.
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Lyatt Fans: I’m gonna be mad as hell if Garcy becomes endgame!
Garcy Fans: I’m gonna be mad as hell if Lyatt becomes endgame!
Me: I’m gonna be mad as hell if NBC cancels Timeless!
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Vote. Vote. Vote!
Vote for Timeless as Best Drama !
@rittenhousetl @everythingtimeless @modernlifehistorian @keirgreeneyes
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Timeless || 1x15 “Public Enemy No. 1” [HQ]
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Timeless || 1x15 “Public Enemy No. 1” [HQ]
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i’ll always protect you.
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