ludcvicas · 5 years
Out of all of the people to see Bryony right now, why did it have to be her?
“N-no,  I just… wanted to be alone,” she lied, and hoped she was convincing. Still, she tried to start putting her supplies and book away as subtley as possible. “Y-you can have the room if you want.”
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"Really?” she asked, glancing towards the other’s work. “But you look busy.” Ludovica didn’t really care about having the room to herself now. This piqued her curiosity. “What’s in the cauldron?”
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ludcvicas · 5 years
Somebody else was inside—that much she could tell, but as she approached and recognized who it was, she resisted the urge to roll her eyes. “You know the castle has an actual room where you can do that, right?” she said, though as a thought occurred to her, the corners of her lips curled upwards. “Unless you’re hiding something?”
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Bryony had been using the room of requirement as her own personal potion’s lab for the past week. Whenever she had time, she would go into the room to practice every part of the animagus potion that she could given her current resources. She was working on getting the stirring just right when she heard the door open.
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ludcvicas · 5 years
         Rose nodded at the logic and turned in the direction of the tank. “The tank it is, as well as the poor soul who volunteered to be dunked.”
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She chuckled, shaking her head. “The poor soul? Oh, I don’t pity them at all. They volunteered, they should know what the dunk tank’s about.”
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ludcvicas · 5 years
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She wasn’t sure what she was looking at when she had first entered the room, though at Mason’s words, she couldn’t help but let out a snicker. “Sure. I absolutely believe you.” It didn’t look great, but Ludovica was willing to assume that he had it handled. She started to approach him, studying the damage done as she spoke. “What in Merlin’s name have you been up to?”
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    Mason had been going through a book he had found about more ancient magic when a spell ended up going south. It wasn’t the first time that it had happened and thankfully it wasn’t too bad but he did have slight burn marks along his arm. He was putting on some aloe vera he had from home when he heard the door open and peeked up to see the other giving him an odd look, “I’m fine. Honestly.”
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ludcvicas · 5 years
        “Well, we can dunk someone at the dunk tank. I have a good arm and aim,” She suggested. “The Zipper ride looks like fun.”
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“Oh, absolutely. I’m not leaving this place without going on The Zipper,” she said. “Queue looks a bit long right now though, so let’s do the dunk tank first.”
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ludcvicas · 5 years
           “No one is quite as lucky as me to be known as that,” Adelaide replied and she studied the other girl for a moment. She didn’t take well to curiosity. “Well, I won’t stop you from asking questions.”
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Ludovica took the other’s words as a go signal, though she wasn’t sure where to start. She mulled it over in her head for a moment. Well, it wasn’t like she wasn’t aware of the foremost question nagging in her thoughts, but did she really want to ask it? She let out a near-silent chuckle. “What makes you think I’m here to ask you questions?”
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ludcvicas · 5 years
“This and that.” She replied with a shrug. Nothing particularly interesting had happened since the Veritaserum incident. Or at least nothing that Ludovica would find super interesting. “I reconciled with Fred, I hung out with Noah, I…” Her voice softened. “I spoke to Albus.”
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The first two things she mentioned, Ludovica would have asked about out of general curiosity if Mul hadn’t mentioned speaking to Albus. That definitely took all of Ludovica’s attention. She knew how strained things have been between them, so this was unexpected. “How did it go?”
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ludcvicas · 5 years
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   “Well, thank you.” Tobias said with a goofy smile on his face.  He then reached over and grabbed the shot glass, “Two..” He followed her lead and then brought the glass up to his lips, “Three!” With that, he drank down the shot.
At the count of three, she brought the glass to her lips and tilted her head back, drinking down the shot in one go like it was meant to. She chuckled as she looked back at Tobias. “Not bad, huh?”
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ludcvicas · 5 years
“Figuring out what it means.” Albus shifted on his feet and glanced away. “He’s been my best friend forever,” he said. “How…How do you tell the difference between being in love and just having a really strong connection with someone?”
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She knew exactly who he had been referring to without him having to name names, and really, she wasn’t so surprised. She could relate to falling for a best friend. Did she really just think that? She offered Albus a small smile. “It does become confusing. I’m only just learning the difference too,” she admitted. She was certainly no expert on the subject. “But I think ultimately it comes down to whether or not you want to make that leap of faith with that someone.”
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ludcvicas · 5 years
The word alone struck a cord with her and gave her a small painful pang in her chest which she attempted her best to ignore, or at the very least push aside for the moment. Still, she answered the question. “Yeah, I came alone. But I mean, am I really alone? I’ve got you here.” At least for the moment, a voice in her head reminded her.
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It was a strange answer. Maybe a little defensive, and Ludovica wasn’t sure if she should continue the line of questioning or if she was just hearing wrong. She did want Andromeda to have fun though—her friend deserved a break, and so she left it alone. “You’ll always have me, Andy. I’ll be bugging you still, even as an old lady. We’ll have old lady parties together. You’ll be so sick of it.”
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ludcvicas · 5 years
“Maybe? I wouldn’t be opposed to finding out.” She replied as a smirk came onto her face. She’d never tried pumpkin pie shots before, but they sounded interesting. “Definitely.”
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“Great!” Ludovica said, calling for a round of pumpkin pie shots for the two of them. “So tell me what’s been going on in your wonderful life.”
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ludcvicas · 5 years
“My friend, Gabriel and I made him up when we were joking about how my grandfather would murder me if I ever talked back to him the way Gabriel said to. We just said I’d go into hiding instead with a new name and so forth.” He shrugged and picked up the shot glass, “On the count of three?”
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“Hm.” She looked at him for a moment before shrugging. “You can pass for a Marcus.” She nodded. “On three. One…” she started the count, taking the little toothpick that came with the jello shot and running it around the edge of the glass, getting it ready for consumption.
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ludcvicas · 5 years
“No,” he lied coyly, moving back towards her after being shoved. “I honestly wanted him to pass along the message. I mean it wasn’t like I asked him to let you know I thought you looked ravishing, even though you do, or that I wanted to snog you or anything like that. Unless you’re up for that sort of thing.” His explanation was a complete lie filled with truths. 
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She raised an eyebrow at him. “Haha, very funny, Noah. Don’t you remember that we stopped doing that a while back? What’s this, you suddenly want what you can’t have?” This was all still banter, she hoped. “You’re playing a dangerous game.”
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ludcvicas · 5 years
Her eyebrows shot up as she took another sip from her drink, her interest clearly piqued. “Really, that sounds absolutely enticing. I can imagine it looked like a night sky. I’m with you on that one, we’ll get that one next.” She was always known for going to parties, though not necessarily known to be one to get drunk. “Oh, I’m absolutely sure. No doubt about it.” She hadn’t actually spoken to Ludovica about her breakup with Jude, but then again she hadn’t asked either, so she assumed her methods to get over it and avoidance on the subject were working.
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“It did! A sky full of little stars,” Ludovica said. “I hope it tastes as nice as it looks.” She was spacing her drinks out through the night. She still did want to remember it, after all. “So. What’s new? Did you just get here?” she asked, glancing around momentarily. “Did you come alone?”
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ludcvicas · 5 years
“Good.” Not only did she not want to start a fight, but she was hoping that her friend wouldn’t either. She didn’t want Lu to get detention. At the mention of Coraline or Maude doing something dumb on their own, Mulci clapped her hands together in delight. “Ooh, I certainly hope they do.” Changing the subject, the blonde continued. “So do you know what you’re going to get?”
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Ludovica nodded. “I haven’t tried the pumpkin pie shots. Think they’re any good?” she asked. “Want to do one together?”
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ludcvicas · 5 years
“Are you saying I carry this children’s costume well?” he asked, clarifying. He smirked and shrugged. “I suppose that’s some sort of compliment, though I don’t know how to interpret it.” His expression then went stern. “The aquaman costume this room would have provided would have been somehow even more atrocious, and you know that.” At her question, his smirk returned. “Well…” he started, looking up as if considering it. “I suppose, if you’d like me to, I can come to one of these every so often. Just no more ridiculous outfits, agreed?”
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She shrugged, only giving a coy smile in response. The costume was always going to look a little ridiculous, but they were having fun, weren’t they? “I do know it. Don’t worry, I like you in this one enough not to request for a change.” She chuckled. “Aw, I was going to say that for every silly outfit, you get to pick out my outfit as well.”
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ludcvicas · 5 years
“As much as I loathe this costume,” he sighed with a smirk. “I am willing to admit that it was not the most noticeable costume you could have chosen for me.” He held up the glass to clink to hers before adding “Though a few fifth years did laugh at me as I walked back. I must have given them detention before, since they seemed to realize how out of character this is for me.” He took a sip before giving a tiny nod of approval. “Alright, Rory Smith, well done. Something you’ve done has won my approval.”
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“See, you have to carry it well. Don’t let them laugh at you. Laugh at them,” she said with a chuckle. “Good thing I didn’t choose Aquaman though, huh?” She took a sip of her drink after he did, smiling as he gave his nod of approval. “Does this mean you’d be willing to come to parties with me more often now? Because I’m not gonna lie, that’d be great.”
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