ludobxmxn · 6 months
he glances down at his disheveled look, chuckling to himself - "er, yeah. if you've got a moment," he nods in appreciation, taking another step forward towards andromeda; less cautious this time. "'preciate it," he adds with thanks, glancing up towards the ceiling as andromeda continues to fix up his tie. "here with anybody special?" he asks, trying to make simple conversation; he doesn't know much about andromeda but he has a feeling she likes it better that way. "it's been ages since this school's had something fun going on," the hufflepuff continues, glancing at himself in the silver goblet once more. "hey, thanks!"
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Andromeda was deep in her own personal thoughts to be paying attention to much that was going around her. Rab was off doing his own thing and she felt no need to police a grown man. Bella and Cissa were with their friends. Andromeda had already poked around to speak to a few around her, but, as normal, she held herself close to the walls. So, when someone seemed to try and get her attention, she looked towards him with wide eyes.
At first, her brown folded into a neat line at his first statement, unsure if it was meant to be rude or genuine. As his compliments continued, Andromeda's expression softened. This was much better than their previous interaction. While Andromeda's original thought was to pull away from Ludovic and sneer away, she elected to entertain his pleasantries. "Would you like me to fix..." she trailed off while making a gesture with her index finger near her neck. Small circles were a collar to a shirt would be.
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ludobxmxn · 6 months
he trusts alex word above almost anybody else, so ludo nods in agreement when they finally settle on the right side. "you're so smart, mo chara." the quidditch player smiles, stepping back to admire himself. "why would she be upset with you? what've you done?" ludo asks curiously as he turns his focus to alex, brow creased with wonder. "i think it's, like..." he pauses, unsure how to answer the question. "a food, or something. i dunno. doesn't sound very good." he shrugs, saving his smile for the compliment that followed.
"say the same for yourself, selma's the lucky one." he winks playfully, before taking a deep breath. "right then, better get back out there. fancy grabbing a drink at the table?" he asks, hoping somebody had the decency to spike something - it would settle his nerves just a little bit.
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"I think you look great!" Alex exclaims confidently as he also gives himself a once over in the mirror. He wasn't nervous really, unsure was the better term for it. He hadn't thought Selma would have actually agreed to a date with him, much less to the yule ball, so when the other had, he suddenly cared a lot more about how he presented himself tonight. It's not like Selma was someone who was easy to please, she spent more time scolding him than anything else. "her right!" He answers his friend confidently before pausing, a frown forming on his face and he turns to look at Ludo "I think? Wait..." This was a dilemma, clearly and while, Alex thinks Ludo looks better with it on his left, which, would be right to everyone else, but was Nancy the kind of person to just flip it around for the sake of confusion? Was she aware it only made it more confusing? "I think it looks best right now" he finally says, if Nancy didn't like it then, in his opinion, she should be more clear. He gives a small laugh at Ludos encouragement "Well, she always looks nice, especially when shes not upset with me," he said before making a face of annoyance "Thats rich coming from someone who goes to a school called ilvermorny. Our accent sounds weird? Their names sound weird. What the hell even is a Pukwudgie?" He asked sarcastically before nodding his head "Oh absolutely. I reckon if you ask she'll dance with you, you're killing it in that suit!" He says encouragingly.
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ludobxmxn · 6 months
ludo | rita
*♡ ˙ ˖ ✧・゚  —  holiday ask meme  !  —  ・゚✧ ˖ ˙ ♡ *
send  🎄 for  our  muses  to  decorate  the  christmas  tree  together .
send  🌿  for  our  muses  to  be  caught  under  mistletoe .
send  ⛄️  for  our  muses  to  build  a  snowman  together .
send  ❄️  for  our  muses  to  be  caught  indoors  due  to  a  snowstorm .
send  🛩  for  your muse  to  surprise  mine  by  making  it  home  for  the  holidays .
send  🍪  for  our  muses  to  bake  cookies  for  santa  together .
send  🎁  for  my  muse  to  try  &  guess  what  yours  got  them  for  christmas .
send  🙈  for  our  muses  to  stay  up  waiting  for  santa .
send  🥶️ for  our  muses  to  warm  up  by  cuddling  close  to  a  fire .
send  💝 for  my  muse  to  give  yours  a  handmade  gift .
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ludobxmxn · 6 months
he'd left for just a few moments because, well, to be fair, ronan was a bit of a brat. he likes his meals at very particular times - once at 9:18 in the morning, and once again, at 10: 18 at night. he preferred his food wet, with a half a cup of water beside his bowl - ludo guesses his mouth gets dry, that's the reason why. he likes to be watched - appreciated? adored? idolized? ludo doesn't know, doesn't care, why; he's just a stupid cat. but it's been that way since he'd gotten ronan for nigel as a gift only a few months before for his first birthday. routine, at this point really. if he hadn't gotten it so young, he might've thought it was a person in disguise.
only, ludo didn't so much have the time to sit and watch a kitten eat it's food. there were people waiting - mainly, nancy, he hoped - and ronan had only been keeping him. instead, he rushed the feline by attempting to pick him up too early from his meal and the black kitten hisses with displeasure, writhing around in his light grip. the kitten's claw had caught onto his tie and pulled the whole thing apart - leaving a bit of a tear in it, as well.
when he finally does make his way back downstairs after begrudgingly giving in and finishing watching ronan eat his meal, the quidditch player was able to make his way back downstairs, only to run into - "nancy," he grins, instantly feeling better - he'd no idea where his date had gone in his absence, though truly he doesn't care. he takes another moment to appreciate the woman in her dress, a sight truly too beautiful for words. "have i told you how beautiful you look?" he asked sincerely with confusion, unsure.
"oh, this old thing? pfft," he scoffs with a wave of his hand, rocking on his heels for a moment as he runs his tongue along the inside of his bottom lip. "you know ronan. always the drama queen." he assures her, flipping the fabric of his tie for reassurance. "er, i dunno. you could try. it's a bit torn up, as well." he shrugs, poking his finger through one of the holes. "are you uh...enjoying the evening? where's captain america?" he asks, looking behind her.
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who : ludo bagman ( @ludobxmxn)
where : the doorway of the great hall
Nancy had ditched her date, and finally things were beginning to look up in the evening. After much time spent with dear Charity. Nancy was about to call it a night, it was only ten-thirty in the evening. So Nancy’s appearance at the ball was somewhat cut short. It wasn’t as though she had imagined dancing until the sun rose, but the young woman had expected somebody slightly entertaining.
The only topics her date seemed well versed in was ancient runes and the inner workings of the wizarding postal service, two hobbies that Nancy feigned interest in for the first hour. Only to find that he did not share the same level of tolerance as dashed her belief in astrology within a mere few seconds. That was the final straw. Nancy was moments away from telling him where to shove his post, but instead settled for a “let’s spend the rest of our evening apart.” That was slightly sweeter.
Nancy had almost escaped the Great Hall when she came face to face with Ludo. “Oh,” Nancy expressed, shocked.
Someone Nancy hadn’t set eyes on from the beginning of the night, and opted to avoid incase any of any awkward encounters with her date. She didn’t want Ludo to have to awkwardly stumble over the fact that she was the mother of his child in-front of a woman that he had only just met. Her eyes falling to the tie around his neck, that hung loose at either side of his shirt. Nancy tried to push down any glimmer of jealousy that may have risen to the surface at the implication, returning to the great hall disheveled could mean that his date was going particularly well. A factor that Nancy tried to tell herself was none of her business, and that as co-parents, she shouldn’t care about.
“Merlin, Ludo.” Nancy chuckled, “what happened to your tie?” Should she ask? Especially, if the answer could send her to bed with a worry that Nigel could have a sibling in another nine months? “Do you need me to fix it? Or is it too late in the evening for that.”
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ludobxmxn · 6 months
where: boys lavatory outside the yule ball
who: alex diggory @alexdiggory
"what do you think?" the hufflpuff asks as he looks himself over in the mirror above the sink, smoothing his hair to one side with his wand - when it came to his hair, he often had no trouble performing simple charms. "right, or left?" he asks, glancing over at alex momentarily. "nancy usually likes it on the right," he suggests, before furrowing his brows, "or...my left. right? mine or hers..." he mutters to himself, too focused on his hair to really care. "how's it going, then? selma's looking quite nice tonight. i reckon she did that for you." he snickers, finally deciding on the right side and standing up straight to wash his hands. "that ilvermorny girl," ludo adds, wringing his hands dry, "says we talk funny. we talk funny," he laughs with a shake of his head. "she dances alright. light on her feet. you think nancy noticed me?" he concludes, obviously having one thing on his mind.
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ludobxmxn · 6 months
where: yule ball
who: andromeda black @blackestrose
"d'you think this is right?" he asks as he tries to adjust the neck piece around his chest - nancy had done it for him initially, but she was off somewhere with...well, who cares, anyway. ludo huffs to himself as he tries to shift the piece a bit more, growing frustrated from his thoughts. the fabric is backwards but he's unaware, though knows something looks off as he looks himself over in one of the large decorative silver goblets that adorned the room. "hello?" he asks the person to his right, before turning and seeing andromeda paying attention to something else entirely. "well you're looking awful sparkly," he compliments with a pop of his lips, admiring her dress - almost wanting to reach out like a toddler to feel the glitter, but knowing better with andromeda. "you're like the star on top of the tree," he chuckles in amusement, "i mean - in, like...a good way." ludo saves himself with a nod.
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ludobxmxn · 6 months
"oh, she's smart. probably helping people, she seems like the type. or maybe she's a badass. y'know, like that guy, who dresses like a bat and beats up people. i don't think she'd be a bat, though. probably, like, er...i dunno. maybe an owl? or a black cat. something scary." - @aliceelspet
send me a 🔮 and i’ll tell you where i think your muse will be in 20 years.
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ludobxmxn · 6 months
🔮 (for eavan)
"i dunno. probably have a lot of cats, i reckon." - @valeriaeavan
send me a 🔮 and i’ll tell you where i think your muse will be in 20 years.
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ludobxmxn · 6 months
"oh, mum said they tried to squeeze him into a pumpkin costume, but he wasn't having it." he answered, "took 'im round the neighborhood in his nappy." he shrugs, knowing he didn't get his stubbornness from ludo. but he was just a baby doing baby things - things ludo wished they didn't have to miss out on. it wasn't fair.
"that's good," he smiles, knowing the transition back to school after having spent all summer with the boy was a hard one. "we'll be home for the holidays before you know it," he assures her confidently, "and we've still got to go out and look for more things for christmas. it'll be brilliant." the huffepuff adds with a nod, smiling brightly. he's not filthy rich by any means, but he likes to spoil nigel. "oh, m'alright." he answers her question, shrugging. "been getting my sleep back, at least." he chuckles, not particularly missing the middle of the night crying from the toddler. "ball's coming up. you excited?"
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It was hard - to be away from Nigel. Especially as Christmas approached, she was jealous of all the older students who could live off campus. If Nancy had that option, Nigel would be with her. They wouldn't have to be relying on Nancy or Ludo's parents. They wouldn't be missing the big moments. At Ludo sitting down beside her, Nancy scooted to the side a tad to give him more room. A smile on her face at the revelation that they would get there to be there for his first haircut. "Thanks, Ludo." She appreciated those gestures. "What did he dress up as for Halloween this year, did your mum mention?"
"I'm good - better than when I first came back," She reassured. Leaning into his touch instinctively. A small pang of guilt in her chest at the mention of Nigel singing for her all day. Other students their age didn't quite understand, but she was reassured knowing that Ludo felt the same. "This time of year - these are the moments you don't really want to miss." Nancy nodded. "How have you been, Ludo?"
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ludobxmxn · 6 months
"cause you've got bludgers kissing you left and right," ludo continues in jest, standing up and grabbing the paper with him as he makes his way over to amos. "are you asking me to the ball?" he asks with amusement as he throws the paper back across the table, sitting across from the gryffindor. "because if you're shy, you know, i'm quite nice and approachable. you don't have to throw paper at me." he continues on with a smirk, reaching over and grabbing more bread from the table and picking at it roughly. "unfortauntely, mate, it's gonna be no. not that you're not handsome," he shakes his head truthfully, "just, y'know. there's lots of fresh fish coming in next week, with the other school, and all. i don't want you cramping my style." @diggoryxamos
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Okay so the paper aeroplane didn't end up where it needed to, but arguably this could be more interesting anyway. Amos loved banter, aside from flirting it was one of his favourite forms of communication. He laughed at Ludo's comment. "I don't hear people saying that on the quidditch pitch mate" he jested "maybe your big head just got in the way of it's path." He shrugged throwing the boy a cheeky grin. "Least you can do is send it back, there's top secret communication on there i'll have you know, real v.i.p stuff." Amos was lying, the actual message he had written was along of the lines of 'please help, i'm dying of boredom.' But honestly where was the fun in admitting that. This conversation was already helping with the boredom anyway.
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ludobxmxn · 6 months
he hesitates a moment - he's had plenty of other things keeping him busy over the summer, so it's no surprise he can hardly find the time to head over to ollivanders. "you try and get anything done with a little monster at your ankles," he mutters to himself, despite loving nigel - really, he does. "alright, well, we're not all able to just do things, 'kay, burke?" he snips back with a shake of his head, flinching slightly at the pain of his nerves.
"because i want a fucking mouse," he hoots back sarcastically with a roll of his eyes, never really having been a fan of the woman's tendency to be very compassionate. "i can't see," he stresses, fingers massaging at his eyes momentarily. "y'mind helping a bloke out?" he asks through a breath, knowing that if he'd tried to find the hospital wing himself, he'd end up falling off the moving staircase in no time.
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Eavan saw what Ludo was about to do just before he did it, but she held her tongue. It was better if she wasn’t too observant, if no one knew just how much she noticed; she’d learned that from her mother. Instead, Eavan subtly flicked her wand, sending Ludo’s discarded wand spinning away from them so the sparks that inevitably followed bounced off the walls. With the immediate danger out of the way,  Eavan refocused her glare on Ludo. “That is all the more reason to do something about it. You had an entire summer to visit Ollivanders.” Eavan did not disagree with the elder Bagmans’ apparent assessment that Ludo should take responsibility for his own wand, but neither was she terribly surprised that he obviously hadn’t.
Eavan declined to answer Ludo’s impertinent question. Just because she had perfectly acceptable reasons for being where she was, didn’t mean she had to share them, and she didn’t want to give him the impression that he had any right to information about her life. She watched his rapid blinking and cataloged it along with the way he was listing to one side, as if favoring his ribs, and the coughing fit he’d had. Obviously, he needed the hospital wing, but she didn’t particularly want to offer help unless she had to. “Why are you blinking like a deranged owl?”
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ludobxmxn · 6 months
he just scoffs; his head's a bit too big to consider the slytherin's as worthy opponents. it didn't matter what penelope said. he doesn't notice her change in demeanor, he's too focused on himself. "i seriously doubt that," he shakes his head, yet a part of him knows that she's right - it was becoming more and more evident that he would need to learn how to defend not only himself, but his family, as well. he doesn't like thinking about it. he focuses on penelope's words instead, trying to follow her instruction. his bird flutters slightly trying itself afloat - but it's afloat, and that much is enough for him to be satisfied. "wicked," he smirks with delight. "thanks, pen. hey, you want to go for a session later?" he asks, knowing that their time together on the pitch, racing, was one that tended to put the both of them in better moods. "i'm happy to, y'know," he shrugs, "make you eat dirt."
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No matter the years, the name was still hard to heard. Whether he meant Bellatrix or Regulus, it all ended the same. They each were a reminder of what had been lost the day the hat had called out for Gryffindor to be her house. A choice made, between the badgers and lions; not once had looked at the other seeker without knowing that nothing would ever be the same. "Honestly, they're a good team. Don't underestimate them, Ludo." Her eyes had begun to drift off, focused entirely somewhere else.
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There were thoughts that circled her mind at that comment, unsure how to put them into words. "You know, it may be of benefit to you to consider charms and transfiguration something worthy of your time." The Gryffindor turned back to him. "At the end of the day transfiguration or charms may one day save your life on a broom. And don't give me that speech about never falling off of one. Even the best may fall." Ludo had a talent on a broom, one the brunette could not deny, but it felt as though there was much the other had yet to learn. "You had the right idea but don't swish your wand as much. You're not trying to chase a paper bird across the quidditch pitch, now are you?" Her hand raised up, wand aimed at yet another parchment. "See?" With a flick another bird took off, flying around the table. - @ludobxmxn
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ludobxmxn · 6 months
15. how many hours of sleep does your muse typically get?
ludo is a good sleeper, he'll get a rough 9-10 each night. and those are heavy sleeping hours, too.
25. are their any conditions in where your muse absolutely cannot fall asleep (ex. bug in the room, temperature, smell, etc)?
usually no. but lately he's been having trouble sleeping without one of nigel's blankets under his pillow.
30. how long does it typically take your muse to wake up in the morning? can they make it by without coffee or do they need caffeine?
forever. no coffee needed, it just has to happen naturally. a shower usually does it. but ludo is a tough one to wake.
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ludobxmxn · 6 months
31. does your muse wake up hungry or do they need some time to feel hungry?
ludo is hungry all the time, always. he goes to bed hungry, and he sure as hell wakes up hungry. he needs a lot of the calories and energy to get through the day and practice.
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ludobxmxn · 6 months
ludo's face deep in a bowl of chowder while he's reading up on something for potions - fucking potions, the biggest thing to get him down even on a great day. there wasn't much activity going on around him; most people were in class or catching up on sleep, he's sure. but there's a few familiar faces and he's got to fight the urge of distraction. this proves difficult when he feels something smack into the side of his head, and ludo lets out a 'ow!' before rubbing his temple, and looking around to find the culprit. "oi, diggory," he calls out to the only other person who seemed to be paying him any amount of attention. "your aim's dog shit," the irishman taunts with a mouth full of food, picking up a piece of bread and breaking a piece off, flicking it towards the gryffindor a few feet away at his own table.
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Where: Great Hall Who: Open
Study period was something Amos hated. There was nothing worse than been forced to concentrate in complete silence in the Great Hall for an hour. Amos was much more of a study in the comfort of his room person, preferably with Elrond curled up, purring in his sleep next to him. He had been at least attempting to get some of the essay done, but he just couldn't concentrate in this environment. When Amos felt penned in like this. It was when he wanted to create the most chaos. He took a new piece of parchment, scribbled down a quick note with a smirk. Folding it into a paper aeroplane, before sneakily aiming it towards his friend further down the the table.
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ludobxmxn · 7 months
"oh, sure, sure, we'll get him loads..." ludo mumbles off as he re-reads the letter, setting himself down beside the other without an invitation. "move over, mate," he grumbles to the boy beside them, squeezing himself in. "i told mum to save his hair for when we're home, so we could be there when it's cut for the first time." he knew small things like this would please nancy; and despite them not being together, ludo liked keeping nancy happy. it's what he would want from her, too. nigel's childhood was a partnership, he wants them both to revel in it.
"she's told me he sings mummy all day long," he adds in afterthought, smiling back at the toddler in the photos as he waves. "you doin' alright?" ludo asks, a hand coming up to rest on her shoulder in support. "i miss him, too."
Her head in a copy of The Daily Prophet and half a mouthful of cereal - Nancy raised her head in confusion as she heard her name be called from a distance. Her confusion disappeared upon the realisation that it was Ludo, the father of her baby. A glimmer of amusement as Ludo passed her by before backpedaling back to in front of her. Swallowing her cereal as he sat down in front of her.
"Morning, Ludo." Nancy greeted, folding the copy of the paper. It was better not reading the Daily Prophet these days, so Nancy stuck to the horoscopes. She might not be able to predict the future through politics, but a daily star reading made things a bit simpler. As Ludo placed the letter on the table, Nancy leaned towards Ludo, peeking over the letter herself. A beaming grin on her face. "He's going to be a Quidditch star," Nancy agreed. "Perhaps, one of us should get him a toy Quaffle for Christmas. A soft one of course..."
Nancy was all set to go home this holiday season. Not having been apart from the boy at the holidays since he was born. At the mention of poo, Nancy grimaced. "That's not pleasant." Nancy was sure the Bagman's had the situation under control but she still longed to be with him. "His hair is getting so long.." She couldn't help but gush as she caught a glimpse at the photos.
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ludobxmxn · 7 months
"and that's why you'd never stand a chance against darth vader," ludo shakes his head in disappointment to her line of questioning, stowing the weapon away upon her request. he figures that pureblood wizards that are raised without any exposure to muggle things, especially media, are missing out. it's been a great part of his own upbringing, and he can't imagine growing up a different way.
"alright, then. don't get your knickers in a twist," he teases her as he snickers, beginning to lead her towards the three broomsticks to grab a pint. "what are you supposed to be then?" he asks as they walk long, him taking long, playful strides. "i get so confused. everyone's pretty creative," he nods, seeing those around them. "i would've gone as a quidditch player, but," he shrugs, "y'know. i go as one every day. seemed pointless."
So many things factor into her reaction that, if asked, the witch could not have pinpointed precisely what causes her to go from a slightly confused smile to a face that leaves little to the imagination when it comes to the very obvious annoyance displayed upon her features. "Destruction of your reputation and people's good mood, perhaps. Beyond that I do have my doubt about just what this stick of glowing light can do exactly." Selma couldn't tell whether it was his speech about the greatest warriors or the way he behaved himself in that moment. It all seemed rather odd to her.
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"If this drink you speak of is an offer of peace, I will gladly take it." The Ravenclaw was willing to give him a chance to present himself as more than this walking shade of chaos present in front of her and yet there is doubt about how well this may work out. All she could do was hope. "Will you stop poking me with this thing if I do agree?" Life was all about taking chances given and she was not about to waste any of them. "Just please, stop it or I'm going to shrink it. Don't tempt me because I will." Selma looked at him with a serious expression, showing willingness but at the very least tempted to actually go ahead with it. Part of her couldn't wonder about just how comical the other may appear with a tiny form of glow stick instead of this swing, swooshing piece of muggle magic. - @ludobxmxn
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