lugrsq · 2 years
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Nessa vez fiz esses conjuntos de ilustrações e mais e especificamente coloquei como Texturas UV no 3d! ____ This time I made these illustrations sets and more ones and specifically placed them as UV Textures on 3d!
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lugrsq · 2 years
Prefiro a primeira animação pro Shaman King, na segunda animação a Asanoha aparece e fiz a voz, mais um lazer meu
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lugrsq · 2 years
Interpretei personagens meus aleatórios, nesse vídeo melhorei o áudio nas falas, porém não gosto de modificar muito, fica parecendo que não sou eu falando, o chiado e o volume baixo é pela minha câmera ser simples e, de todo modo, não tive a intenção de fazer um vídeo com grandes recursos
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lugrsq · 2 years
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lugrsq · 2 years
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lugrsq · 3 years
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lugrsq · 3 years
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lugrsq · 3 years
Gravei cantando ‘Shaman -- For Tomorrow’, 08 Fevereiro 2022 Angra fez parte da minha infância e acompanhei com Shaman Que o Andre Matos esteja no Céu (2019)
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lugrsq · 3 years
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lugrsq · 3 years
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lugrsq · 4 years
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One reason they do not kill the Hashira
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lugrsq · 4 years
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Fiz com lapiseira, rascunhos com tratamento
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lugrsq · 4 years
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lugrsq · 4 years
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Lapiseira, caneta e lápis de cor __ Mechanical pencil, pen and colored pencil
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lugrsq · 4 years
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Rolling ‘Persuasion’ Intention, to convince Muzan not to kill them
Lower Moon 6 -- rolled 1 Lower Moon 4 -- rolled 4 Lower Moon 3 -- Tried to run away | 'disengage' | fail Lower Moon 2 -- rolled 8
Muzan -- "Any last words?" Lower Moon 1 -- [rolling] "Let's see | Aah"
On 'diplomacy' test -Chaotic Evil- Hateful | Tells how it is like a dream being to be killed by Muzan and how pleasant it was to see the others suffering
'I am so grateful for saving me to the end!' rolled 20 | Criiitical It was almost a TPK
On 'constitution save' rolled 1
Enmu said he was not going to let his guard down, then
(Me talking to Enmu) 'Kept waiting the nightmares to happen instead of eating everyone already!' [Not that I was waiting for that to happen]
'Said you merged with the train, it is obvious they would think the head was on the locomotive!'
'You are so pretty, do not needed to be in that disgusting looking!'
'I was not even sad when you died as happened with other oni!'
[Was he aware one of the ones he put to sleep is the sleepwalker of the team?] | Zenitsu
(Arrow pointing me) The illustrator
[Enmu replying] 'Oh yes, what a blunder' | (Arrow pointing him) Mocking himself
(Me) 'Ah, it was almost morning anyway' Caressing him
In the end it is all Gotouge's fault =}
(Notes) Joking with RPG [Role-playing game] Kimetsu no Yaiba, episode 26 TPK -- 'Total party kill', when all the group members dies
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lugrsq · 4 years
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Até onde vi até hoje, a Gotouge, autora do Kimetsu no Yaiba não falou se os oni podem ou não procriar, mas como falei antes, após mais de 10 anos sem inventar personagens relacionados a uma obra de outro autor, fiz esses e anotações sobre como aconteceu e todos os outros acontecimentos entre esses personagens O vestido de preto é o Enmu __ As far as I know until today, Gotouge, Kimetsu no Yaiba author have not said if oni can procreate or not, but as I said before, after more than 10 years without inventing characters related to other author’s work, I made these ones and annotations about how it happened and all the other happenings between these characters The one in black is Enmu
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lugrsq · 4 years
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In the first one, some english translations will not work for the real mocking about 'passengers', so the homonymous word 'pass' fits a bit
Lu GR -- Today we have learnt 'Everything in life.... Enmu -- .... Is up to how it is desired to eat someone ~ Lu GR -- .... will pass'
Enmu freaks out catching the joke about 'train pass'
Enmu [about the movie] -- You see, if they had watched 'Inception', they would have known it was only needed to push your mate from the seat that they would wake up, you noobs
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