lukas-acosta Ā· 10 years
Lukas could see that this was different. He wasn't naive enough to assume it was because of the lack of debt. There was a debt that Lukas owed Xiomar that was something that was worth far more than money. Something that couldn't be repaid with it either. The Adreottis had given Lukas' life purpose, and the only way to pay that back was with his life. The rest of what was left of it dedicated to serving them.
He could feel the blood hit the heat of the blood hit his waistband as Xiomar continued. Ā The second cut was faster, Lukas' body didn't even have a chance to tighten his muscles or prepare them. The mark was quick and Xiomar was finished. A single word to close. It had taken a little longer than he expected, but it was done. Lukas looked down at it. It would hurt like hell to clean the way that Lukas would take care of it.
It would scar.
Lukas was quiet for a moment, looking at it. It didn't have the desired effect he was going for. It worked well as a nostalgic piece. As upkeep, but the more Lukas looked at it, the more he was reminded of something that had passed. Something old. Xiomar was still part of his life, but things were different. Things were always different. Shifting. Changing. Lukas was certain that the other man who think he was purely set in his ways, but he knew differently.
The man that stood before him was different than the one who had the mark the first time.So Lukas had been wrong. This was something different. It should be different. "You should add some more." Lukas suggested.
Do You Really Want to Hurt Me? | Lukas and Xiomar
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lukas-acosta Ā· 10 years
This was something Lukas was used to. He held the boy tight, watching Xiomar. When Xiomar asked a question, Lukas waited a moment. Long enough for Theodore to answer. When he didn't, Lukas moved to box his ear. He didn't need to say anything.
Tilting his head as he watched Theodore, he now had no doubts that Lukas had the sitatuon handled. It allowed him to keep his focus rather intently on the young boy. ā€œDo you know who I am, Theodore?ā€ He asked with a raise of his eyebrows. Clasping his hands behind his back, he took a step away from the two of them.
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lukas-acosta Ā· 10 years
"Hazel's a fuckin' annoyin' name, so I guess we're even."
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"Lukas. Well at least I got a name to match my irritation now."
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lukas-acosta Ā· 10 years
"Got no problem showin' ya." Lukas answered, gun still pointed at the woman. There had been something satisfying about knocking her on her ass. Something more satisfying he felt would come from actually shooting her. Though something in him said that Xiomar would be disappointed to have his meeting ruined by Lukas killing someone right outside it.
Still, there was an extreme urge to do it regardless. Instead, he moved to kick her. On the ground in front of him was the exact level he needed.
When Lukas let go of her hair, he shoved her slightly, sending her back onto her ass. One arm went behind her, catching herself on the sidewalk. He was over here, gun drawn, and her smile widened a bit. If she wanted to, ,she could have drawn her own. It would be easily enough. Instead, she dropped her chin slightly, looking up at him through the heavily applied dark makeup around her eyes.Ā 
"That sounds like fun." She smiled wider, tilting her head and once more drawing her tongue across her lip. "I bet you know how to use that gun really well."
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lukas-acosta Ā· 10 years
"Always been in charge, Sammy-boy."
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"Oh? Youā€™re in charge now, are you?"
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lukas-acosta Ā· 10 years
Lukas shrugged, "I'd hate to see them end up with another dealer while you were gone." Lukas paused for a moment before musing, "you have plans for those who have?" He was curious, so he didn't mind asking. If Terry didn't want to tell him, he didn't have to. Lukas did nothing with information unless it was something useful for Xiomar, rarely such things were. Instead he was just curious.
He had no business in drug dealing. Rather his business was in protection. "Right," he continued, nodding as Terry shoved his hands in his pockets. "That's my job," he finished, motioning to himself with his thumb. "What do you think about then?"
Bullshitting on the Corner || Terry and Lukas
"Arenā€™t they always?" Terry says, not with confidence so much as with definitive knowledge. That was the thing about addiction, need; it could always be counted on. He wasnā€™t one of those accountants or professors fresh out of college worrying about a plundering job market or work locations. For him, wherever he set his feet down, there would be money to be made. It was, in a way, a blessing and a curse.
Lukas was right. There were far less agreeable people in Fontana, people who would do worse to you for less. There were things to be feared in this town, no matter where you were living or how you were living. But, Terry had other things on his mind. He scarcely had time to think about this sort of thing. ā€ Man, you know I donā€™t worry,ā€ Terry said, shaking his head at the guy, hands stuffed in his pockets. ā€ Itā€™s not in my nature to think about death and murder and shit like that.ā€
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lukas-acosta Ā· 10 years
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lukas-acosta Ā· 10 years
"Lying then." Lukas answered instead. He couldn't help but think that Xiomar was going to wake with a horrible hangover. Lukas would be certain to get the man some water. Coconut water maybe, he heard that hydrated better. Lukas never bothered with hangover cures, but he knew Xiomar would prefer skipping the hangover if at all possible.
"I drank too. Not as much as you though." Lukas answered, pulling himself up. He crouched over Xiomar again, this time instead of offering him his hands, sliding them under the other man's armpits and hooking him under his arms to lift him.
I'll Follow You || Lukas & Xiomar
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lukas-acosta Ā· 10 years
"I'd be a mistake, Hazel."
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"Who knows I still might." She said, trying hard not to sound bitter towards the man.
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lukas-acosta Ā· 10 years
"Apologies," Lukas answered in a way that was nowhere near apologetic as he waved a hand dismissively. He crossed his arms as he listened to the rest of Terry's story. "Hope you made bank on it. Your regular customers are probably itching for what you've got."
Lukas smirked. "You know it's not my bad side you've gotta worry about." While Lukas was an inflammatory person, he knew there were far worse people to irritate in Fontana. Usually his badside meant you got shot. Someone else's could mean far worse than that. Lukas had found it was fairly difficult for Terry to truly piss him off. He just hoped Terry remained on the good side of the people Lukas answered to. It would be fairly easy for the other man, considering his line of business was one that Lukas' family never touched.
Bullshitting on the Corner || Terry and Lukas
Terry pushed the manā€™s hand away, rolling his eyes. His next question drew out about the same response. ā€ I donā€™t sell crack,ā€ Terry said,shaking his head in annoyance. Stereotypes of drug dealers just seemed to cling to him no matter where he went. He may not have found his job elicited pride, but it could have been worse. There were worse ways to make money. ā€œBut nah, Fontanaā€™s still treating me fine. Just had an opportunity I couldnā€™t pass up a state over. Lined up nicely with something else in Phoenix so I thought why the hell not.ā€
It wa sad that talking about the murder of a man was casual gossip between the two men. There was so much going on in the town, between the two gangs and all, that it was nearly impossible to keep track of every one who went missing or died or was found days later with their fingertips cut off. Terry sometimes wondered how the cops dealt with it but realized it was probably their inability to deal with it that made the city theirs, the gangsā€™. ā€ ā€˜Atta boy,ā€ Terry says, shaking his head at Lukas with a casual smirk on his face. ā€ Remind me not to get on your bad side.ā€
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lukas-acosta Ā· 10 years
"First off, it's a shitty idea to get in with a mob boss who's using the same shit you're selling him. A walking fucking time bomb." Lukas stayed away from the stuff. Maybe you unpredictable. Unreliable.Ā Dangerous. Sure he had dabbled when he was younger, but never since his own crime family had taken him in. No one with any sort of power did. "If a crazy motherfucker wants to shoot you, he's gonna shoot you no matter what you're waving in his face. Get a bodyguard. Make yourself untouchable. Set an example if you have to. Make yourself so.Ā Fucking.Ā Important--" Lukas poked the other man's chest on the last three words, "--they know if they try to cross you, they're better off digging their own graves."
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"Look, itā€™s like this," Terry says, visualizing a scenario. " I go in to some sketchy warehouse to meet a coked-up mob boss and give him his shit. Whatā€™s to stop him and his guys from stealing my supply, from jumping us, killing us? That kind of protection. Not walking to the corner store protection." He pauses, gestures with his hands, " So what do you, Lukas, recommend?"
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lukas-acosta Ā· 10 years
As the knife was driven into Lukas' side he growled more than cried out. He didn't have time to worry about the pain of it. He was good at compartmentalizing those things, placing that into his drive to beat her instead.
"Crazy bitch," he snarled, as she recovered from the hit he had landed. She was smiling and Lukas intended to wipe that look right off her face. Ways he could get away with this were coming to mind, but he pushed them to the side as his free hand moved to pull out his gun. While Lukas knew he may be making a bigger problem of this than it needed to be, that problem wasn't one he typically solved. Rather it was the problems in front of him that he tackled. "Now why don't you run home before I finish the shit you shouldn't have started?"
There were pros and cons to fighting a larger opponent. Mostly, there were cons. But Aspen never really let the negative outweigh the good. Besides, the asshole had been in her way. Why should she have moved? She was feeling particularly invincible today; feeling on edge and ready to jump. Anything to get her heart rate spiking, and this certainly hadnā€™t disappointed. The knife, though not the largest she carried by any means, was a decent sizeā€”enough to hurt as it broke the skin and was shoved into his side. Some of the momentum was lost before it could be plunged all the way to the handle due to Lukasā€™ fist slamming into the side of her face. The blow sent her stumblingā€”or would have, had his fingers not been buried in her hair. She was gasping anyway, vision blurring and stars dancing in front of her eyes. It didnā€™t stop a smile though, her tongue flicking out of her mouth to taste the blood across her lip. Aspen blinked up to look at him, her smile widening, tongue still tracing the cut of her lip.
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lukas-acosta Ā· 10 years
Lukas pulled harshly at the handcuffs, not caring for the kid's comfort. The kid was squirming so Lukas yanked him down onto the chair harshly, keeping the cuffed hands behind the back of the chair. Lukas noted it looked uncomfortable but did nothing about it, instead looking to Xiomar in wait.
Xiomar indicated the chair at Lukasā€™ small table, stepping back and out of the way so that he could be deposited there. His gaze returned to the boy, a tilt of his head for a moment as he studied him and finally sighed a bit. ā€œI find this quite the surprising coincidence.ā€ He clasped his hands behind his back as he spoke, clearing his throat a bit before continuing.
"I was just thinking of you today, Theodore."
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lukas-acosta Ā· 10 years
"What are we playing?"
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"Just play your card."
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lukas-acosta Ā· 10 years
It had been over a decade since Lukas had been in this position. Or at least one similar. It had been when Xiomar made the first scar. In reaction to a sort of disagreement. Lukas never had problems with scars. In fact he welcomed them. If a situation went in such a direction to leave him a scar--then the scar deserved to sit there on his skin until his body was either finished with it or he died. In a way, tattoos had always been a way to create a physical show of something that had left marks, but rather none that where apparently and immediately physical. It was a sort of comfort he had, placing himself within the space he entered in a way that he could see and that other could see as well.
When Lukas had first experienced what Xiomar did, he could see there was a similarity between the two. The other man was leaving his mark as well. Literally carving a place for himself, but their property was different. The only thing Lukas had ever consistently owned and knew he would own until the day he died was himself. If Xiomar wanted it, he'd be given--or would take--the world. He didn't need to mark up his own body to remember that. Lukas had watched as Xiomar had put people in their place.
But this was different. There was no punishment here, no confusion or fear. Just an exchange of ideas. In this moment, Lukas' and Xiomar's ideas collided. Lukas watched as Xiomar readied himself, stepping over him and examining the old scar. "See what I mean?" Though his voice inclined, there was really no reason to answer the question. Ā "Faded as hell."Ā 
Lukas knew now would be different from the first time. Xiomar had years of practice. A whole new sense of control. Lukas didn't flinch as Xiomar pressed the knife tip in, instead inhaling deeply, almost moving into it. Pain wasn't something Lukas had ever feared or shied away from. Though as Xiomar moved the blade slowly, Lukas couldn't help but tighten his grip on the seat of the chair, muscles tightening involuntarily as the blade ran over nerves. He could feel a warmth drag down his chest and Lukas reminded himself he didn't care about these pants anyways, his eyes still focusing on watching Xiomar. He had never been on this side of it before. Not like this.
Do You Really Want to Hurt Me? | Lukas and Xiomar
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lukas-acosta Ā· 10 years
Xiomar was completely drunk off his ass. That was apparently enough for Lukas to see, if not by the way he was acting but by what he was saying. It was a good thought for Lukas to be told he wasn't nothing--but he knew without the family he was. He'd been there. Xiomar had always been part of something. Able to move from that and create something more. Lukas knew his position was to follow. He was a support. If he were to crumble, Xiomar may shake but the man was resourceful enough to bring in more support.
"What you are is joking." Lukas answered, reaching over to pat the man on his chest. Two pats and Lukas' hand was back on the floor. "And drunk." Xiomar would come to his senses in the morning. "You tired, too?" Bed was likely the best place for him.
I'll Follow You || Lukas & Xiomar
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lukas-acosta Ā· 10 years
"Next time. You and me."
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"Whenever someone tells me to get in the ring and start throwing punches."
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