lululighthouse · 1 year
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“Right here,” Lucy answers, steadily running her hand over the cat’s striped coat. “She was just sitting here. I think she was waiting for me.”
( @herbsandsorcery )
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Continued from x; @herbsandsorcery
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lululighthouse · 1 year
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@helreginn liked for a one-line starter from a random muse!
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“You’re really pretty.”
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lululighthouse · 1 year
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Michael Fassbender The Light Between Oceans
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lululighthouse · 1 year
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Alicia Vikander as Isabel Sherbourne in The Light Between Oceans (2016), dir. Derek Cianfrance
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lululighthouse · 1 year
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lululighthouse · 1 year
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Ocean waves by ryanpernofski
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lululighthouse · 1 year
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Yaquina at sunset
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lululighthouse · 1 year
Tag Dump pt. 2
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lululighthouse · 1 year
Tag Dump pt. 1
#🐚 • threads | lucy-grace & isabel •#🐚 • threads | lucy-grace & hannah •#🐚 • threads | lucy-grace & isabelle •#🐚 • threads | lucy-grace & cardan •#🐚 • threads | lucy-grace & jude •#🐚 • threads | lucy-grace & ulysses •#🐚 • threads | isabel & ulysses •#🐚 • verse | the light between oceans •#🐚 • verse | the child of elfhame •#🐚 • verse | lost and found •#🐚 • verse | daughter of the sea •#🐚 • interactions | rubykissed •#🐚 • interactions | laviexenrose •#🐚 • interactions | words-of-elfhame •#🐚 • interactions | deepseawarlock •#🐚 • lucy-grace | love’s what children do •#🐚 • isabel | you are so full of life •#🐚 • tom | i have loved you as best as i’ve known •#🐚 • hannah | because you only have to forgive once •#🐚 • isabelle | some people care too much - i think it’s called love •#🐚 • cardan | if I know what love is it is because of you •#🐚 • jude | she taught me that fear is not an option •#🐚 • ulysses | the ocean washed into my soul and never left - it became a home •#🐚 • lucy-grace & isabel | know that you have always been beloved •#🐚 • lucy-grace & tom | for my dada with love forever and ever and ever and ever •#🐚 • lucy-grace & hannah | you may be gone from my sight but you are never gone from my heart •#🐚 • lucy-grace & isabelle | some paths are destined to cross •#🐚 • lucy-grace & cardan | her little hands stole my heart •#🐚 • lucy-grace & jude | and suddenly you were my everything •#🐚 • lucy-grace & ulysses | the sea always filled her with longing but for what she was never sure •
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lululighthouse · 1 year
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@rubykissed’s Isabel said: “I’d promised I’d stay away from you, and I’ve stuck to my word. However hard that was for me."
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“I wish you wouldn’t have,” Lucy-Grave replies, blue gaze somehow happy and sad all at once.
She remembers the smallest bits and pieces from those four years out on Janus Rock, but they are just old faded images in her mind now. Nothing concrete. Nothing whole. Sometimes, though, when she stands on the shore and watches the light spin around and around the lighthouse, she pictures a man and a woman standing there beneath it, and a little girl between them, her hands in each of theirs. But that’s just her imagination trying to fill in the blanks. She has a feeling that is what most, if not all, of these little memories truly are.
“I wish I could have known you too, though I understand it.”
Christopher lays sleeping in Tom’s arms and looking at him, she understands it all the more now. It must have been so hard on everyone….
“I’m glad we could meet again now all the same. I’ve hoped we would be able to someday.”
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lululighthouse · 1 year
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@rubykissed’s Matthew sent: The child couldn't have been older than four or five years old, close in age to Matthew's own son. And if the girl's mother was to be believed, she'd been through a lot.
Kneeling in front of the little girl, the young lawyer smiled.
"Hello, my name is Matthew. What's yours?"
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“Lucy,” the child answers despite the countless attempts to call her something else entirely, to convince her that somehow, Grace was her real name and she never knew it. She does not believe them and though she stands tucked against Hannah’s leg, it is a gesture performed more out of necessity than affection. Still, it was a baby step in the right direction.
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lululighthouse · 1 year
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@rubykissed’s Hannah said: “I’m sorry. I know it hurts.”
Small fingers cup her knee, hiding torn stockings and a large scrape from whatever it was that Hannah was going to use to clean it. Lucy-Grace had never exactly been a cautious child when it came to play and she had had her fair share of scrapes and bruises, enough to anticipate the way this would sting.
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“No,” she whines, drawing her leg closer. Though she had taken the call with no more than a little surprise, tears now sprung into her eyes. “I don’t want that.”
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lululighthouse · 1 year
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@rubykissed’s Isabel sent: 🎶 for my muse to sing yours a lullaby. (Accidentally reversed. 😅)
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Lucy curls into Isabel’s side, eye blinking heavily. Despite her obvious exhaustion, a persistent cough and a stuffed nose had kept her awake almost all night - the unfortunate outcome of a visit to the mainland, where illness could be more easily found than on their secluded little island.
Just as her eyes close for what seemed then like the final time, she startles awake as deep, hoarse coughs once again wrack her little body. They end with a high-pitched whine that sounds just as hoarse and small arms curling around Isabel’s neck as Lucy climbs into her lap.
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lululighthouse · 1 year
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“Yes, you can take it,” Lucy nods. She is quick to add more, however. “You can come with me to the lighthouse when I go home. My Dada can show you how it works. He knows everything about it.”
( @laviexenrose )
“Mmhmm,” Lucy gives a few quick nods of her head. “My dada taught me all about it. We live on our island so he can work on our lighthouse.
“My dads has to go up there every night and light it and then it spins and spins all night long so the ships know which way to go. It’s a very important job.”
Her hands moves to point at the lighthouse she’s drawn with it’s solid yellow beams of light.
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“Have you seen our lighthouse? It’s very big. You can see it from the beach here.”
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lululighthouse · 1 year
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“Thank you,” Isabelle says with a single nod as she watches him turn and leave.
Just as she said, she takes a rather long shower, letting the warm water and steam relax the too tense muscles in her neck and back, and climbs into bed with Lucy. She lays there for what feels like hours, one arm wrapped around the child’s small frame, but once she finally falls asleep, exhaustion pulls her deeply down and she does not stir until morning.
( @deepseawarlock )
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“I ate with Lucy,” Isabel answers, “but I haven’t made it to the shower yet. I’ll get to it before I go to bed.”
She wasn’t entirely sure when that would be yet, though. The shower she would probably take as soon as she went back to her room but sleep still felt so far away despite the exhaustion weighing on her. Her mind was still reeling and she couldn’t help but be worried about Lucy and her safety. It wouldn’t be too surprising if sleep was still hours off.
( @deepseawarlock )
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lululighthouse · 1 year
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Semi-plotted starter for: @herbsandsorcery.
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“Raf, over here!” Lucy calls from where she sits in the corner of the courtyard. A big tabby cat sits at her side. “Look what I found!”
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lululighthouse · 1 year
Isabel did not have many photographs on her, just a few of her favorite that she carried with her everywhere, but Ulysses seemed delighted all the same when she offered them to him one picture at a time.
First, Lucy as a newborn in her first little outfit. It was nautical themed, of course - a striped blue jumper with a big smiling whale by the right hip and a purple octopus over the left side of her chest, it’s tentacles trailing under her arm. She had meant to cut ties completely but the outfit had just felt right.
Then it was Lucy at her first birthday party, covered head to toe in cake and pink frosting. Her first and last trip to the beach, small chubby arms laden with a collection of colorful shells, feet caked with wet sand, and the biggest grin on her face. Her affinity for the ocean that day and the ease with which she maneuvered around the shore, no apprehension at all, had unnerved Isabel some but she had looked so cute in a blue-green mermaid scale swimsuit and a wide brimmed hat that she treasured the photo anyways.
Isabel only looks up from them herself when Ulysses speaks.
I wish I had been there.
She did not think long on that statement. It came with too many questions, too many regrets, too many “what-ifs.”
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“Not scared, no,” Isabel answers. “It takes her a little time to warm up. Spend some time with her. She’s got this fascination with lighthouses. I’m not sure where that comes from but try talking to her about that.”
( @deepseawarlock )
Isabel softens at the memories and not for the first time, she wonders if she made the right choice separating Ulysses and Lucy. It felt right at the time. It felt like keeping her daughter safe, like being a good mother. It seemed to be all for naught, though, and now not only were they in danger anyways but their relationship had suffered because of it. To Lucy, he was a stranger and to Ulysses, she was five years of lost time.
She moves to sit next to him, smoothing out her skirt as she does.
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“At first,” she says, “but Lucy was an easy baby for the most part. The worst was when she was about four months old, I think. She ended up pretty sick and she just cried and cried if she wasn’t sleeping. Of course, she ended up fine but it was terrifying in the moment.”
She plays with a thin chain around her neck, a tiny pendant pinched between her fingers.
“I have a couple baby pictures if you want to see them. Most of them are back at my house but I carry a couple with me.”
( @deepseawarlock )
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