luma-the-schola · 5 years
RP Icons of Ariel from The Little Mermaid
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261 stylized 100x100 icons of Ariel from Disney’s The Little Mermaid. Please REBLOG this post if saving or using. 
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luma-the-schola · 5 years
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RULES / ABOUT / VERSES / follows from mirroredmuses
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luma-the-schola · 5 years
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Home // Rules // Mun // Ratchet Bio // Dark Ratchet Bio // Backstory
🌌Promo Template Credit [ X ] // Icon Credit [ @zombiy & @farorest-art ​]
🌌Penned by Mary/Fallen [2 years roleplay experience]
🌌 Independent/Semi-selective
🌌OC, AU, and Canon friendly/Crossover and Multi-verse friendly
🌌SFW with NSFW themes/Mun and Muse are 18+
🌌Multi-ship & duplicate friendly
🌌Also runs:
@rebelexiled Alister Azimuth from Ratchet & Clank (active)
@eternalidealist Lloyd Irving from Tales of Symphonia (active)
@zerowitch​ Zero from Grimoire of Zero (Semi-active)
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luma-the-schola · 5 years
Ratchet’s hand felt fur or feathers beneath it, and he smiled.
“Thank you, they seem very nice.”
He honestly wondered what species they were, and followed it as the creature began to move, towards this nice lady’s ship most likely.
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“Yeah, he’s a sweetheart,” Luma laughed as she led Stellar - and consequentially Ratchet - through the foliage and back to her ship. “He’s a Magnus companion critter. Been with me for, mm... going on about ten years now, I think.”
It was right around when they reached Luma’s original relaxing space - just a mile or two from the ship - before she turned back to Ratchet.
“Oh! Ah... I don’t think I caught your name,” she realized. “I’m Luminara. Or... Luma. For short. Either’s okay. What’s your name?”
Figured it would be better to ask the standard introductory questions before bombarding him with questions about his species. She’d already been on over a dozen planets and hopped into another solar system, and she’d never seen anyone like him before.
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luma-the-schola · 5 years
Ratchet grinned, a hint of light in his clouded eyes.
“You’d do that? Thank you so much!”
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“Of course!” 
Luma hummed slightly, wondering for a moment how to lead him back to her ship. She whistled for Stellar, and he chirped alertly, his wings vibrating to fly him off of the ground. Once Luma pointed to Ratchet’s hand, he forced his head under Ratchet’s hand to get his attention, chirping delightedly.
“Tell you what: You just keep ahold of my little buddy Stellar there, and we’ll lead you back to our ship. Sound good?”
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luma-the-schola · 5 years
Ratchet heard the sound of sniffing, but brushed it off.
“I, I guess you’re right. My friend would have my head if I didn’t.” 
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“Hm...” Keeping her eyes on Stellar to make sure he didn’t try to pounce, Luma tapped her chin in thought before giving him a sheepish smile. “I do have my own ship and I have a pretty good layout of the planet. If you don’t mind it, I could spare you the trouble and give you a ride there myself.”
Aka she’d put it on auto-pilot since her piloting skills left something to be desired. But, same difference. 
Stellar lightly pawed at Ratchet’s tail, giving it a few curious swats and trying to playfully grab ahold of it. 
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luma-the-schola · 5 years
Ratchet smiled nervously.
“Uh, is there any chance I could walk there? I don’t exactly know how to drive, or see for that matter…”
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Luma’s smile fell and her eyes grew slightly with surprise. He was completely blind... He really couldn’t tell where in the galaxy he was. She hummed to herself with thought for a moment, trying to recall how far away civilization was. Bless Ratchet’s soul, but she had to wonder how he got there in the first place.
Though pondering that wasn’t going to help much. Best to focus on solutions.
“Oh... Oh, I’m sorry, I couldn’t tell for a second,” she murmured anxiously, rubbing the back of her neck nervously. “Uhm... Well, we’re kind of on an island in the middle of the ocean? We ARE connected to a few other islands via shallow sandbars, and one of those should have a ferry-ship that could take you to the resort. But if you can’t see, I don’t think trying to walk all the way there would be a good idea.”
Stellar slid off of her shoulders and crawled closer to get a sniff of Ratchet’s hands and tail, exploring curiously.
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luma-the-schola · 5 years
Ratchet gasps slightly and turns towards the voice, his ears lowering slightly from fear and nervousness.
“U-um, yeah, do you know what planet this is? I think there might be someone here who can help me get to my home.”
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Oh, dear. Poor guy was lost. Not that Lumawasn’t directionally challenged herself, but something about Ratchet’s gaze seemed somewhat unfocused… Was he visually impaired? 
Stellar leaned closer to sniff him curiously as Luma stepped closer. Still didn’t seem uneasy yet; not nearly as uneasy as Ratchet was. So she felt safe coming closer. On the one hand, she couldn’t help feeling bad that they were so far away from civilization, as though it had been influenced by her decision somehow. On the other, it was a good thing she had picked this spot. Otherwise, Ratchet likely would have been completely on his own out here.
A very chilling notion.
“Ah… Yes, I do. This is Pokitaru. We’re a pretty fair distance away from civilization, though,” she explained, fidgeting and wincing shyly, almost awkwardly. “257 miles, to be exact…”
“Oh… Well, uh, I’m sure I can get there.” 
Ratchet pauses.
“Uh, could you tell me which direction it is?”
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“Hm...” It took a second for Luma to recall properly, but after turning around to face where she originally landed, she finally recalled, nodded and turned back to Ratchet. “Yes, I can!”
She turned to face west and pointed in that direction; she only had a hunch that he was somewhat visually impaired, unaware that he was completely blind. So she didn’t think to do anything besides points and gestures.
“Uh, Jowai Resort is closest, aaaand you’re gonna go straight-shot that-a-way to get there.”
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“You’ll pass over a couple islands before you hit it, but you’ll know it when you see it! You can’t miss it!” She assured him with a more positive tone, proceeding under the assumption that he had a ship to work with. 
If not, he’d correct her. And she could work with that.
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luma-the-schola · 5 years
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”Okay, Stellar, it’s official: Pokitaru is our new R&R planet.”
Day four on Pokitaru, and Luma was still amazed at how tranquil and pretty it was. The flora and fauna of the planet were so diverse for being primarily aquatic-based, and the population was no different. Her camera’s memory system was almost full again, filled to the brim with pictures of trees, fish, birds, ponds, oceanic views, and people, and a full cam was a happy cam!
But after a full day of exploration and documentation, it was nice to park her ship, find a quiet, shady place away from civilization with her small silver-and-blue, four-legged, moth-like pet Stellar, and settle down. She couldn’t say that she would settle down on this planet, but it definitely made sense that it was deemed a vacation destination for the galaxy.
And at her announcement of Pokitaru being their new getaway planet, Stellar quietly chirped in agreement. It was unanimous!
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Then they heard Ratchet’s voice.
She had made a point of finding a place away from civilization to get some peace and quiet, so the last thing she was expecting was to overhear someone calling out through the trees. She and Stellar both sat up and twisted around to look towards the voice, and Luma’s brow pinched curiously. Was she just hearing things…?
“Strange… I thought there wouldn’t be anyone out here…” Luma muttered to herself.
Stellar crawled up to drape over her shoulders as she stood up and started moving in the direction she heard the voice from. Stellar wasn’t getting nervous, but he had definitely focused on the voice; so there was a presence, but not a dangerous one. From the sounds of things, probably just lost.
“Hello?” She called back as she made her way through the thin layer of trees, not taking very long to locate Ratchet; she couldn’t tell what he was, but she could tell right away that he didn’t belong. “H-Hi, um–Sorry, are you lost?”
Ratchet gasps slightly and turns towards the voice, his ears lowering slightly from fear and nervousness.
“U-um, yeah, do you know what planet this is? I think there might be someone here who can help me get to my home.”
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Oh, dear. Poor guy was lost. Not that Luma wasn’t directionally challenged herself, but something about Ratchet’s gaze seemed somewhat unfocused... Was he visually impaired? 
Stellar leaned closer to sniff him curiously as Luma stepped closer. Still didn’t seem uneasy yet; not nearly as uneasy as Ratchet was. So she felt safe coming closer. On the one hand, she couldn’t help feeling bad that they were so far away from civilization, as though it had been influenced by her decision somehow. On the other, it was a good thing she had picked this spot. Otherwise, Ratchet likely would have been completely on his own out here.
A very chilling notion.
“Ah... Yes, I do. This is Pokitaru. We’re a pretty fair distance away from civilization, though,” she explained, fidgeting and wincing shyly, almost awkwardly. “257 miles, to be exact...”
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luma-the-schola · 5 years
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”Okay, Stellar, it’s official: Pokitaru is our new R&R planet.”
Day four on Pokitaru, and Luma was still amazed at how tranquil and pretty it was. The flora and fauna of the planet were so diverse for being primarily aquatic-based, and the population was no different. Her camera’s memory system was almost full again, filled to the brim with pictures of trees, fish, birds, ponds, oceanic views, and people, and a full cam was a happy cam!
But after a full day of exploration and documentation, it was nice to park her ship, find a quiet, shady place away from civilization with her small silver-and-blue, four-legged, moth-like pet Stellar, and settle down. She couldn’t say that she would settle down on this planet, but it definitely made sense that it was deemed a vacation destination for the galaxy.
And at her announcement of Pokitaru being their new getaway planet, Stellar quietly chirped in agreement. It was unanimous!
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Then they heard Ratchet’s voice.
She had made a point of finding a place away from civilization to get some peace and quiet, so the last thing she was expecting was to overhear someone calling out through the trees. She and Stellar both sat up and twisted around to look towards the voice, and Luma’s brow pinched curiously. Was she just hearing things...?
“Strange... I thought there wouldn’t be anyone out here...” Luma muttered to herself.
Stellar crawled up to drape over her shoulders as she stood up and started moving in the direction she heard the voice from. Stellar wasn’t getting nervous, but he had definitely focused on the voice; so there was a presence, but not a dangerous one. From the sounds of things, probably just lost.
“Hello?” She called back as she made her way through the thin layer of trees, not taking very long to locate Ratchet; she couldn’t tell what he was, but she could tell right away that he didn’t belong. “H-Hi, um--Sorry, are you lost?”
To say the Lombax was confused was an understatement, this new place he was in didn’t light any muscle memory, he didn’t even recognize the sounds around him. He was all alone, no Clank, no Grim, no Ella. There was a tinge of nervousness building in his chest, but it was so small that he didn’t even notice, Ratchet had gotten lost like this in the past. Best thing to do was remain calm and try to find someone that might be able to help him. “Hello!” He called. “Anyone there?!”
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luma-the-schola · 5 years
RaC OC Roleplay Promo
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Hey, all! Comin’ back into the RaC fandom with a new OC, Luma! Luma’s an adorkable but sassy science-snake-plant alien with Zoni powers, and I’d love to find new people to talk to and RP with!
Multi-Verse, Multi-Fandom, Multi-Ship, Semi-Selective but very open! Come on in if you’re interested, we’d love to have you!
PS: I’m a sideblog so I have to follow/follow back through my main blog, ProfessionalWritingNerd. So don’t panic if a personal follows you! Das me!
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luma-the-schola · 5 years
↖ is now accepting curious anons.
Be nosy pls
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luma-the-schola · 5 years
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is ya brah Ren here with yet another blog, now for Ratchet and Clank from the Insomniac game series… well, Ratchet and Clank!
Canon-divergent, semi-selective n’ all that jazz – please like/reblog if you RP Ratchet and Clank, Sly Cooper, Jack and Daxter or tbh, any video game or alien stuff! I need people fam.
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luma-the-schola · 5 years
like if you save and credits iconshey if use
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luma-the-schola · 5 years
120 100x100 static icons of Mulan from the Disney movie Mulan. Part 2 of 2. Screencaps and edits by me. Please like or reblog if using.
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Keep reading
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