lumibean · 1 year
innovative moves from elon today huh
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lumibean · 1 year
So yeah the evil CEO space man ruined the bird app 
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lumibean · 2 years
sir if he's your rival and you hate him with every inch of your body and you desire for him to experience the ultimate demise but would without a doubt jump in front and catch an incoming bullet for him to save his life and in return trust him with yours...that's not rivalry anymore sir i regret to inform you that's something else
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lumibean · 2 years
How many marshmallows do u think he roasted while doing this ?? I think at the very least if he didn’t he xuan would.
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lumibean · 2 years
They really should teach people how to cook in school.
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lumibean · 2 years
You can all thank the perma paywallers / patreon exclusive cc “creators” for ruining it for everyone.
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lumibean · 2 years
Patreon Sims CC Tracking - (trying to) help you understand the situation
I know the situation is alarming, and you want to act and judge quickly but I’d like to take a few minutes to help you understand the situation better and easier, as I see people panicking and unpledging from every creator, even without understanding what it is about. Your safety is the first, there is no doubt in that, there is a good post that summarizes how to safely pledge on patreon and what info creators see when you pledge to them. Please do read it and make changes to your information if needed!
Not gonna lie, I don’t have very big knowledge on tracking, haven’t heard about it till a few days ago, I have no idea how it works exactly, I gathered all my knowledge after reading this post and its replies, so correct me if I am wrong. I still want to share my knowledge though to help to understand it better.
Now the part I want to clarify, probably 95% of sims 4 content creators don’t track or doxx you!!
Who probably does it then? And how? You might be aware, that sadly quite a few people paywall their content forever, using NO early access, only so called exclusive content! Since these contents are not available unless you pay, there is a chance some people will reupload them for others! To prevent this, these creators put trackers to their downloads to see, who reuploads their content! Very important to mention, that these downloads are always personalized, sent you in DMs or in privately. Trackers only work if they are in individual downloads, not in a download file in a post that is accessible to all the patrons. I am no way saying that creators who send you their stuff in DMs all put trackers of course, but it is the only way to do so, so I warn you to be cautious with these types of methods of sharing content!
I am making this post to prevent us - who play by the rules, safe to download from, doing only early access - getting involved and put into the same bag as these ‘creators’ mentioned above. It honestly makes me super sad and angry to see that a few bad apples could spoil the whole bunch, and make us all look bad. Please be careful who you support!! 
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lumibean · 3 years
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lumibean · 3 years
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on tt!
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lumibean · 3 years
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lumibean · 3 years
Pussy? Throbbing
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I would kill anyone who hurts him
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lumibean · 3 years
the CDC's like "how could covid cases be RISING?! all we did was tell the dumbest, most selfish population in the history of the world that they didn't need masks if they got vaccinated, entirely on the honor system"
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lumibean · 3 years
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Rich Hall’s Working for the American Dream
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lumibean · 3 years
Urgent Donation Post
Have you ever used this lesbian flag? Want to support the person who designed it? Or just want to spread some holiday cheer to a struggling person? Please keep reading and reblog.
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So I've been unemployed for a while now- trust me, I am doing everything in my power to get a job -and am living off unemployment payments. Unfortunately, after rent and paying my phone plan and half of my health insurance, I'm out of money. Thanks, government that thinks people deserve to live under the poverty line for the crime of being unemployed.
Tw suicide mention below
I also suffer mental health issues... I have severe PTSD and deal with psychotic symptoms. I pay for health insurance because it allows me to be hospitalised, and I also pay for meds and psych appointments.
To be honest, I should be in hospital right now. I have episodes, and in my most recent one I tried to kill myself. The public system didn't admit me because by the time I was at the hospital I had calmed down, and because my friends had prevented me from doing any harm to myself. They just let me go home.
So my only choice is private hospital. The gap after insurance is $500. I don't even have enough money to buy groceries, and my family won't help because they basically disowned me for being gay.
I need this hospitalisation, desperately. It has helped me before when I am at my worst. It stabilises me and helps me regain my mental strength. My life is hard sometimes. Sometimes I just break. I wouldn't e-beg if this wasn't vital.
Basically, I need financial help. To save the $500, but also to eat this week. I have a ko-fi account, which is currently the only place I can accept donations:
Donate here
Disclaimer: donations through ko-fi are sent to my friend's old paypal account. My own account got limited and I am having trouble getting them to unrestrict it. I get notified of all ko-fi donations so my friend can't sneak any of the money, not that she would anyway. If you wanna talk to her, send me an ask off anon for her tumblr url.
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lumibean · 3 years
An actual picture of me after seeing,Fate:The Winx Saga and reading the leaked script of The Powerpuff Girls Reboot™:
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lumibean · 4 years
Word of Honor [Spoilers for ep16]
Sometimes a family can be a lawful good gay, his chaotic neutral husband, their little idiot son, their dumbass daughter/sister, her dumbass boyfriend, and a grandpa with a great skincare routine who regularly argues with his chaotic neutral grandson-in-law. And sometimes they just hang out in caves with this one kid the grandpa kidnapped.
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lumibean · 4 years
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Is this how It ends? 👀
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