lumoslunaire · 11 months
IV. How to Join
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"Embrace the magic and let your spirit stirs."
Make sure you have followed us and read our rules carefully.
Fill out the form that we provide, paying attention to the following details:
a. As mentioned in our concept explanation, there will be plotting activities, although they may not be conducted every time. Therefore, please prepare your original character's background story or storyline. Write it in relation to our concept of the wizarding world of Harry Potter or the magical world in general. You do not need to mention specific details like year, house, blood status, etc. A brief explanation of how your character was introduced to the wizarding world will work as well. Unleash your creativity! b. Please list the houses (Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Slytherin) in order of priority from 1 to 4 in the section provided on our form. We will apply a "first come, first served" system to ensure fairness and equal distribution of members among the houses, along with other screening criteria. c. You may refer to the HP Wikia or other sources to help you gather inspiration or gain knowledge.
After submitting your application, retweet our registration tweet, and do not unfollow us.
Once you are accepted, please put the identity, ‘Lumos!’ somewhere on your profile.
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lumoslunaire · 1 year
III. General Rules
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"Our magic unites, our spirits align."
We are a 90% English-based open agency, therefore make sure you interact with other members using English.
Only one account per person is allowed. It would be great if you use your main account.
We accept GENRP, MVRP, and OCRP with participants of any nationality, race, and sexuality. Twins are not allowed, unless your character has a twin in real life.
Multi-agencies are allowed, but limited to a maximum of two, including us.
We accept a newly created account, but you must have interactions and be active for at least a week or five days before the grand opening.
Please regularly do update about your character. Be mindful of out-of-character tweets and use brackets appropriately.
Throwing local jokes, creating drama, engaging in any form of circle-in-circle activity, and interacting with NSFW content are strictly forbidden.
Once you are accepted, you need to follow and befriend all members, and engage in interactions with them. If any problems arise between you and other members later on, please let us know.
Please inform us through direct message if you are unable to join our scheduled event, go on hiatus, perform a temporary swap, change your muse or account or wish to leave the agency. The maximum duration for hiatus and temporary swap is only three days.
We will unverify you without warning if you:
Remain inactive for 24 hours after verification.
Remain inactive for 2 consecutive days.
Fail to join game or event for more than 3 times without informing us of the reasons.
Deactivate your account without notifying us.
Break our rules.
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lumoslunaire · 1 year
II. Caretakers
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"The guardians of secrets in the wizarding maze."
Name: Cordelia Gifford
Date of Birth: March 12
House: Ravenclaw
Blood Status: Half-blood
Patronus: Dove
Occupation: Hogwarts teacher
Cordelia, a former Ravenclaw student, found herself at a crossroads when she was presented with two options: becoming a teacher at Hogwarts or pursuing a career in magical research. However, she turned down these offers to join the forbidden artifact retrieval expedition. Fueled by her expertise in the field of ancient runes, she joined a team organized by the Ministry of Magic. Her role involved venturing to various locations in search of artifacts protected by intricate runic enchantments. Over the years, Cordelia faced numerous challenges and encountered curses on her journey. Eventually, she felt the need to take a well-deserved break and decided to share her experiences and knowledge by becoming the ancient runes teacher at Hogwarts.
Name: Sebastian Daley
Date of Birth: 22 November
House: Slytherin
Blood Status: Half-blood
Patronus: Wolf
Occupation: Auror
Ever since the sorting hat placed Sebastian Daley in Slytherin, he harbored ambitions, yearning to ascend to greater heights in his life. One of his aspirations was to become a respected auror within the coming years, and through his determination, he finally secured the opportunity after graduating from Hogwarts. Yet, the path to becoming an auror was far from easy, as the role entailed difficulty and responsibility in combating dark activities. Nevertheless, he achieved his goal. Amidst his duties, Sebastian found himself occasionally returning to Hogwarts. There, he shared his specialized knowledge by delivering support during career talks and giving lectures on defense against dark magic, combat tactics, and magical law enforcement.
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lumoslunaire · 1 year
I. About Us
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"Within these walls, a world unfolds."
Taking inspiration from the enchanting lumos spell in Harry Potter, this agency finds its radiant energy in the wondrous wizarding world. We aim to create an enjoyable space where individuals can engage in writing stories and relish the nostalgic charm.
While this agency is centered around the Harry Potter, we extend a warm invitation to everyone. There is no requirement to be a devoted fan or an exceptional writer in order to participate. We welcome all, regardless of their background or level of familiarity with the magical universe.
In addition, we offer various activities such as game nights, a creativity corner, and more. Plotting is not the main focus, as we provide a diverse range of experiences for our members.
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This agency will operate for a duration of two weeks, implementing a point system. The point system entails that each member will earn points for participating in various activities, such as games, plotting, and more. These points will then be accumulated as house points, and the house with the highest point total will be awarded the “House Cup” at the end of the journey.
Additionally, every member retains the right to maintain their individual points, which can potentially lead them to attaining title of "Best Student" at the end of each week. From each house, a member with the highest points will be selected as the best student.
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lumoslunaire · 1 year
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