lun-tao · 2 years
“I have all these OCs! But no story…”
make a fighting game
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lun-tao · 4 years
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May the 10 of Pentacles bless your account with more money than you can spend. 💵✨
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lun-tao · 4 years
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lun-tao · 4 years
She-Ra changed the way I will consume media forever, not specifically because of the story or because literally all of my ships became canon, but because it's a show so full of love.
It's a show that you can feel was made with an insane amount of passion, where the creators were not afraid to show how much they cared about it. The entire show is a love letter to the characters they created and to the fans who love them, it's a show that tells people who watch it that they deserve a story that will make them happy and that it's worth their time and passion.
This show is so fulfilling and validating and it showed fans that they can have stories which care about them, that they shouldn't just be happy with crumbs because creating well written, hopeful and satisfying content is possible. It just... feels so good.
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lun-tao · 4 years
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Howl’s Moving Castle (2005) dir. Hayao Miyazaki
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lun-tao · 4 years
good things will happen 🧿
things that are meant to be will fall into place 🧿
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lun-tao · 4 years
important anatomy tips!!
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these are very common mistakes do not feel bad 
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lun-tao · 4 years
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lun-tao · 4 years
The planet that represents action, passion, sex, and desire! It is important to understand this placement when you want to learn about your drive to obtain your heart’s desire. Where Venus speaks of romance, Mars speaks of sex and aggression behind closed doors. Mars rules Aries and Scorpio so it’s essential to think of these two sign’s qualities when thinking of Mars. Both signs are passionate and bold. Scorpio is more mysterious, while Aries is more evidentiary of how they feel about you. People with Mars in Scorpio will be more secretive about pursuing a love interest, while Aries mars will not be afraid to show you they are chasing you. If you’re looking for love or want to be a better love partner, tap into your Mars sign. You cannot obtain a love interest without using your Mars sign to get what you want. If you are struggling to make moves or shoot your shot, your mars sign might be the reason why. Signs that are more careful or stubborn about making moves would be, for example, Cancer or Taurus. Whether you are a passive or aggressive type of person, Mars lets you know. Learning about this placement can really help you guide your life to go in the right direction. If you struggle with pursuing what you want, you might want to read about your Mars sign and figure out ways you can improve. The energy of mars is intense because it is a physical placement. It’s hot and sweaty, like doing cardio or having sex. Where the moon is emotional, mars is all about the physical pleasures of life. Mars gives you the courage to do what you set out to do. It can be also how you get angry and go about showing your passionate side whether it be sexual or non-sexual. What ticks you off and how do you react to it, are you impulsive or think things through? Mars is also about survival and how you ensure living through chaos. It is said that our Mars sign is the leftover of our animalistic nature out in the wild and how we would do in battle. Mars is ambition, drive, intensity, impulsion, determination and comes in every range of the spectrum, from mild to extreme. When you want something really bad and will do nothing to stop and get it, this is your Mars sign at work. 
Mars in Aries: The most positive signs for Mars, you are naturally strong, aggressive, and dominant. Depending on your sun sign, you can be impulsive and a thrill seeker. You are intelligent and decisive with your goals so you’re always actively pursuing something you have set out to do. Adventurous, you like to involve yourself in physical demanding activities. Your stamina is very high so you have to find ways to exert all that energy somewhere otherwise you may feel frustrated at home. You can be argumentative and really know how to debate a person. People are too scared to go against you because they know you have a hot temper. Try to tone it down sometimes and let others speak if there is an argument so both sides can be heard. You’re an honest person so you always speak from the heart and are extremely passionate. However, you sometimes are only involved with your thoughts and opinions, you can be impatient, and want to quickly move on while others are still pondering and processing. For the most part you are naturally confident and carry yourself all knowing. You like to teach people what you know but are also willing to learn. Adaptation is easy for you since you like to overcome obstacles and challenges, otherwise life is too boring. Depending on your sun/moon signs you may be a calm Aries mars or a loose cannon that starts fights wherever they go. Ultimately, you are not afraid to stand up for yourself or others. You have a big heart and will stop at nothing to get who and what you want.
Mars in Taurus: The most sensual of all the signs, you need all your senses to be heightened in order to receive full pleasure. Slow and steady, you chase your dreams at your own pace. You are very practical about the things you pursue so you may take your time ensuring that you are making the right choice. This is what makes you dependable and reliable, because you know what is best for everyone involved. However, this also makes you stubborn because you are not open to seeing anyone else’s point of view. You are extremely stuck in your ways and you might find that this is the reason people are frustrated with you. Impatient, quick-witted types won’t do well with you unless they learn to compromise to your needs, but it’s you who needs to be more open to others. On the contrary, whatever you have set out to do, you will do all the hard work that is required. As the Venusian Taurus, comfort, stability, and everything aesthetically pleasing is essential to you. Finances won’t be an issue since they are detrimental to your lifestyle of wanting to settle down and build a home. This is your strong suit because things that require discipline and focus is where you excel. You’re an honest, confident individual that walks with integrity. You may be hungry for sex because you have a strong appetite for it. You may feel shame for having such a high sex drive because it can often times get you into trouble and have any meaningless hookups that aren’t good for your soul. Learning to control your urges is important because letting your life be controlled by sex is never good. In a relationship, finding someone who allows you to express your sexual urges is key otherwise you will feel suppressed.  And once you do find that connection and are in a relationship, you are the most loyal and trustworthy. Overall, Mars in Taurus are sensual, practical, and need patience from those around them. 
Mars in Gemini: Quick witted and easily bored, the mind of this Gemini is ever changing and constantly searching for something new and exciting. In sex and love, you need constant stimulation otherwise no one has a chance with you. It is important that you don’t commit to anyone until you know for sure that you will be loyal to them. You can flirt more than most and don’t get attached easily so it’s likely that you may be roaming from acquaintance to acquaintance never being fully satisfied. However, when one thing does peek your interest, there’s no stopping you from going after it. A natural debater, you love to argue and thrive in situations of chaos where you have to put your mind to work and brainstorm a solution. You are intellectually competitive and care more about what people know rather than who they know. Your mind is an erogenous zone for you so you can get turned on by the words of people and in turn, use your words as your choice of weapon as well. Sex is a fun activity for you, with usually no strings attached, and you’re willing to try anything or anyone just once. It’s easy for you to ask for what you want, but hard for you to tap into your emotions since you think with your mind and less with your heart. For you, it is important that you stop and smell the roses every now and then because of how quick you are always moving. This can also make you appear cynical, irritable, and/or aggressive. You do need attention from a partner and it’s the partner that mixes poetry + lovemaking that will truly win your heart.
Mars in Cancer: Since the moon rules Cancer and Mars gets along with the moon, there is an evident friendly vibe with the two. This Cancer makes a home and uses the Martian energy to protect their safe haven and loved ones. So far as going overboard to do the most when it comes to protecting your loved ones that it might come off abrasive to others. You can be over sensitive and manipulate people to get what you want, but this is only when you feel threatened. Contrary to most Cancers, in this placement you actually value your physical energy vs. your emotional strength so you may be more physically active through body and soul. Where you struggle, however, is fully expressing yourself because of how intense your emotions can be and you might feel like no one can handle them. So you may repress unwanted anger which can lead to health problems, such as digestion. Crying can help with releasing the tension. In love, sex and love go hand in hand for you so may tend to fall in love with people that you sleep with even if they’re no good for you. You want to be showered with love and affection so you may have multiple sources of people who make you feel this. You don’t make moves unless you are secure of the outcome. But you know what you want and that’s usually the most secure option so choosing for you is not hard. This is why you work better alone since you like to be in control of the situation. Your imagination runs high but try not to use it to imagine worse case scenarios. Overall, you are intuitive, passionate, secretive. You use these traits to best show how you love and how you would want to be loved in return. 
Mars in Leo: The world is your stage! This Leo is passionate and shows their love in a dramatic manner. You enjoy being the trophy partner and/or want your significant other to be the trophy, parading them as something only you can have. You want someone you can show off and be in the spotlight with. The way you treat others is how you want to be treated, so expect a lot of attention and generosity from this Leo. All you want to do is be showered with love and affection and vice versa! Your ego is big and you get insecure when people mess with it so you may struggle with your pride getting in the way when it comes to pursuing what you want. Romance is important to you so your partner never has to worry about you being disloyal because you are extremely faithful. You want to be praised and admired for everything you do, especially when it comes to sex and romance. However, be careful to not let your wants and needs undermine those of people you love, their desires matter too. You are irresistibly charming but it is important to not let it get to your head and understand you can’t just do whatever you want without facing repercussions. People who lack drama and pizzaz will bore you way too quickly because you need excitement in your life. You are not afraid to show your emotions in public, whether it be crying, laughing, or fighting. New loves are exciting to you so if you feel the spark has died with a current partner you will most likely pursue a new fling. You can be possessive and jealous as those are both dramatic traits which you find enthralling. Overall, your ego can be too much for someone but learning how to balance it and finding someone who understands it is what makes you happy.
Mars in Virgo: This is the mind of a naturally scatter brained person. Like Gemini, you usually have lots of things going on to keep your mind busy, you can blame that on Mercurial influences. In love, you are no different, you need to be of service to your partner in order to feel satisfied. You take on more than you can handle but in the end you always get shit done. Logical and disciplined, you set out to accomplish all goals. You become difficult when you are annoyed thus making you stubborn and critical of yourself and others. Your mind is nervous and restless so it is hard for you to decipher your emotions. Jobs in public health are where you can perform best since you like helping others. You are a subtle romantic because you can be quite shy and only like to shine in front of your partner. Whoever cuffs you up is lucky because you will make sure they have everything they need. People normally associate Virgo placements to be picky but here you actually like people with imperfections because you want to help them improve. You don’t really go for types that get a lot of attention because it’s not something you’re equipped to handle. You like people that are quiet, sensitive, and clean. Also not a fan of one night stands and casual sex because you’d rather wait to be with the right person before performing acts of sex. Virgo mars are extremely sensual and curious but they only show this side of themselves with someone they are in it for the long haul. You are devoted in your love affairs and have high standards. Usually you are right and give the best advice but it is important to not constantly boast about this. Health is important to you so you will go out of your way to stay healthy. Yoga is a common practice with this placement as it helps you center your mind and feel at ease. 
Mars in Libra: The ever so hard to resist natural charm that comes from Libra is most evident in this placement since it is shown in their pursuit of love. There is a regal presence within you that everyone loves to admire and watch from afar. People tend to treat you well because of this. You’re all about peace and harmony when it comes to confrontations so you may struggle with saying no or speaking up for yourself. Dislike rude and vulgar people, you are turned off by obsequious types. You might choose the sneaky route and hide the truth from people if it means there’s no conflict. However, this usually bites you in the butt because when people do find out the truth it causes more of a disruption. On the contrary, you are great at solving problems that are not yours, acting as a mediator coming up with a compromise for the conflict. You are usually better with other people’s concerns instead of your own. You are likely to accommodate your partner and want someone to adore but can lose sight of your own desires because of them. Sex for you is not the most important thing so you may need to be motivated by your partner in order to get the mood going. Being subtle is usually how you go about romance so like Taurus you take your time to chase what you want, especially since you can be picky, even more than Virgo. On the contrary, you can be manipulative to get what you want since you don’t like to speak up. Even though you claim to be a lover and not a fighter, you still cause drama. When it comes to choosing a relationship you are picky almost thinking that no one is perfect enough. However, you may also have love affairs since it’s hard for you to say no to anyone that comes on to you regardless. Notice why the term “two faced” for Libra is constantly used. They say they want one thing but act on another. No shade, Libra! 
Mars in Scorpio: This Scorpio loves a good challenge when it comes to matters of love. You are very determined to pursue what you want. Whether you want to show that to your love interest or not is entirely up to you. You are a quiet opponent making silent moves but once you go after who/what you want, it’s yours for good. Not really being one to show how you feel as you put on a calm exterior even though you are a seething pool of emotion. Because of this, you are a very intense, passionate lover and know how to hold it down like no other. If you come off possessive it’s because you care a lot about your loved ones and are afraid of losing them. Common fear. Your loyalty is undying as it is hard for you to open up so when you do choose the right people you want them to know it’s forever. Of course some relationships may end but Scorpio mars wants a forever and not a maybe. Your intuition is at its highest and you use this to your advantage whether good or bad. You can tell how a person feels just from reading the room. The mars energy is evident when you show that you’re persistent, strong willed, sensual, and masterful. On the negative side, you can be unforgiving, hold on to the grudges, and be vengeful. If someone does you wrong they are going to RUE the day they ever did. You might end them with a simple ghost or you might make sure that they feel how they made you feel. But on the positive side, you’re very aware of your emotions and want to share them with someone. In the bedroom, whoever is with you is one of the luckiest persons because you truly know how to please your partner with your touch and tender soul. You’re a complex individual and people need to be compassionate towards that. You may fall in love easily just because you’re passionate and want to snatch souls. Learn to direct your self discipline by achieving practical matters and you will come out stronger. 
Mars in Sagittarius: With a natural drive for optimism and adventure, you like to sign up for anything that is fun and exciting. You’re a passionate person and act on your feelings impulsively. Whatever feels good in the moment you go with. You usually dive into things without looking at their consequences because what’s the fun in that? However, Jupiter always has your back with luck so things usually work out for you even if you leap without looking. Eventually your impulsive tendencies will hold you back because you have to learn to be responsible at some point. In love affairs, the person who has your interest is flattered because you’re quite the catch and they’re wondering what they did to grab your attention. Your attention is not easily grabbed and you can go from person to person just to feel somewhat entertained. You want a partner who lets you do whatever you want so you seek types that are open minded and easy going. This is important for your well being because not everyone understands that relationships can function unconventionally, just like Aquarius. Extremely philosophical, you’d rather learn through experience than being confined to a desk or a chair. You hold your standards of intellect very high and can hold others to the same by wanting to convince them that you know better. This can come off as over bearing and not everyone is interested in being enlightened as much as you are. Physically you have a lot of steam to let out so physical activity is important for your health. Overall, you are confident, enthusiastic, and spontaneous and your happy go lucky attitude will get you very far in life and attract the right people that will benefit you in the long run. 
Mars in Capricorn: Quite possibly one of the most hard working signs. Think of Capricorn but with a fire lit to help their already driven self. You are orderly and subdued and like to be in control. Naturally goal oriented, you value security and know that it requires effort to obtain it. Practical and materialistic you may appear aloof to people but underneath you are a very a passionate and sensual soul. You only open up in intimately so people on the surface see a more conservative side. Your partner ideally will know the real you and encourage you to continue opening up. Sex for you is seen as a reward so you can go a long time without it depending on how much time it takes to achieve a goal. When you are in a relationship you give a lot and expect the same in return. You may repress your sexual urges because of how serious and pessimistic you can sometimes act. Letting loose might feel like a chore because you’re more interested in practical matters. When angry, you are level headed, and it takes a lot to piss you off, but whoever makes that mistake will be sorry. Financially, you can turn a profit for anything. To you every dollar is important so your finances are usually in check and if they aren’t you realize the importance and look for ways to fix them. Extremely ambitious for a life where you can work hard and have certainty of the future is important so retirement is a thought at an early age. Sometimes even taking on the role of ensuring your whole family is well off is essential because you want to provide for everyone. At work you are confident in yourself but in love you are not, so learning to balance the two is key. A happy Capricorn will have found a partner that is long term and loyal and someone they can come home to every night and wind down with. 
Mars in Aquarius: The most difficult sign to figure out. You know exactly what you want and are fixated on going after it. The same ambition of Capricorn Mars is in you, however, more scattered and chaotic. You don’t really have a plan in action you just create as you go and find success. Very much a people gatherer, you are at the fore front of fighting for social injustices. You are the brains behind the board and have a way of getting people to support you in joining the fight. Overall, you’re an open minded person and want all the freedom in the world. An ideal partner understands your quirks, stubbornness, and passion. Unpredictability is your forte and you use this to win your partners as they are intrigued by the mystery and charm of it all. Experimental, you will try anything at least once, just like Gemini. You will most likely date people of all walks of life and be interested in how different their stories are. You only commit when you’ve worked really hard to be with someone or when this person right away is able to show that they are confident enough to deal with you. This placement comes off very strong to romantic interests, so if you scare people away this might be why. There is nothing wrong with you, it just takes similar minded people to understand you. And when you find them is when you will truly be your authentic self. Once in love you are loyal and committed and can even be a housewife, if that is what you choose to do. In younger ages, you will see the full potential of your rebellion often getting in trouble, even with the law. Any mistake, however, you learn as a life lesson and adjust your life accordingly with your newfound knowledge. You’re always looking for ways to improve since you believe nothing lasts forever and there is always room to grow. You usually try to avoid conflict and violence, but if someone does the mistake of pissing you off, you can end them with precise and piercing words. Finally, you are the leaders of the Aquarian Age so get your technology in tip top shape and be ready to lead the revolution!
Mars in Pisces: Oh the ever so dreamy and soft hearted Pisces that is the most genuine. You love so passionately and effortlessly…it truly is a watery, dreamy, in-the-oceans type of love. You live in your head and create fantasies that you deeply want to make a reality. This is why you love so passionately, you want nothing more in life than a partner who will make those dreams come to life. This can cause you to go astray because you don’t chase life with much practical or physical effort. You really are a fish that goes with the flow and lets life naturally happen. You spend more time dreaming than actually planning for your future. It’s not that you don’t care about these things, you’d just rather they fall onto your lap. And because you have a charming, easy going way of life things do just happen for you. Mars in Pisces is definitely a more subtle go-getter but even with a little mars influence, you have the power to make things work in your favor. You are sensitive to your surroundings and basically know how everyone feels without even talking. If you’re not able to have the drive to go after what you want, you will surround yourself with people who are able to get it for you. This can make you lazy and this is probably one of the placements that needs a little more tough love in achieving a goal. As a lover, you are tender, and your partner is lucky that you’re so responsive and attentive to their needs. Your empathetic nature makes people feel safe and gives them an outlet where they can express themselves. However, it’s the toxic types that take advantage that you need to watch out for. You are led by your emotions and are one to play mind games because you don’t express how you feel, you just want someone to realize when you’re disappointed or suffering. This is why your partner needs to be someone who is understanding to your sensitive heart, it requires a lot of patience. Once you learn to have healthy relationships and master the art of independence, you can set out to achieve anything. But until then, you are lost in a dreamy world that needs waking up. 
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lun-tao · 4 years
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lun-tao · 4 years
This has to be one of my favorite scenes.
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lun-tao · 4 years
yall are pussies watch me stand next to this 5G tower nothing will happen
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lun-tao · 5 years
one of the interesting things about the houses in astrology is they represent both areas in our life + how we act in those areas (the sign on the house cusp), but also what/who we attract in those areas. i wanted to explore these further, by comparing some things i’ve noticed we both act like and attract, depending on which house we are activating/using. we often act and attract the same thing. 
***attract can also be interpreted as attracted to  
the sign we attract when young or when we are in a room of people we hardly know. this is the sign we usually act like first in our lives (and or the sign of our moon sign). it is very natural and instinctual for us to express the characteristics of this sign. you may act like this while young more so than ever and/or act like this more than ever when in a group of people you are not highly comfortable with.
the sign we attract when we are doing well in all aspects: financially, materially, physically, emotionally, mentally. it is also how we act when we are trying to succeed in these areas and are in situations in which we feel especially successful/secure.
the sign we attract in school (college not included) and how we act in school. we activate this part of ourselves when we are in a learning environment. when we are in this mode, we embody this sign and find ourselves more attracted to it.  many of our elementary school friends or favorite teachers could have been this sign.
the sign we attract when young as well and the sign we are drawn to in general. much like the first house, the fourth house is a key part of our instinctual identity. especially if we had a healthy or mostly healthy childhood, we are likely to want to find people to be our out of family family. it is also how we act when we are young, especially around family and instinctually. when we go through periods in which we feel the need to withdraw into ourselves and feel comfort, we will act a lot like this sign. our favorite family member or someone we meet and instantly feel comfortable with could have this sign. 
the sign we attract as teenagers and when we are casually dating. it is also how we act as teenagers to an extent and how we act when casually dating. when teenagers, this area of our life typically is more activated than ever, because we are beginning to casually date more frequently, explore what we take the most pleasure in doing, and allow our creativity to shine more. we are romantic in every sense of the word, typically, when we are adolescents/young adults. the crushes we have in high school are often this sign and the types of dates we want to experience are often linked to this sign as well. we often embody many of this signs traits as we attempt to shine. 
the sign we attract during our career years; how we act while working. we embody these traits when we are trying to complete tasks and perform our routine to the best of our ability, thus our everyday work life feeds into this quite a bit. we may very well befriend people in our shared work environment of this sign or enjoy the boss with this sign much more than others. this sign is what motivates us to work the best we can, so our work styles are very tied to it.
this is the sign we are not super aware we attract into our lives, but we always do. it’s often the sign of our enemies, romantic partners, business partners, and close friends (love and hate are closely related). this sign colors our one-on-one relationships. it is often how we unconsciously act when we are ready to commit to and are in long term partnerships (romantic, business, or otherwise). We not be aware that we are acting like this sign, but others are very aware of it.
the sign we attract when we are allowing ourselves to be vulnerable and more intimate with a person. perhaps in a moment we would consider weakness, but ends up connecting us more significantly with others. it is how we act when we are being more vulnerable and intimate, usually after acting like the sign on our seventh house cusp. It may also be how we act or what we attract on a more abstract level during death or near death. 
the sign we attract during college and travel; how we act when in college or abroad. we may go places that embody the characteristics of this sign or find ourselves connecting to locals of this sign, as well as find ourselves dating or befriending many people of this sign during college. we also embody these characteristics when interacting with new cultures and with people in college.
the sign we attract in the public eye and in career; how we act in the public eye and career. the types of careers we are drawn to and the role models we have often are this sign. this is a sign we respect highly. we long to encompass it wholly, but specifically in public and in our careers. it is often a lifetime goal of acting like this sign.
the sign we attract when thinking about long term friendships and social issues we care about; how we act in long term friendships and when expressing our social/political ideas. the people who end up sticking around and being big parts of our lives are often this sign. we also seem to act like this sign when with friends, especially ones we are highly comfortable with. also, generally, when looking at our political, social, etc. ideas we can look at this sign. 
the sign we attract when intoxicated or our consciousness is in someway altered, also the characteristics we dream about. how we act when intoxicated, consciously altered, or are dreaming. like the seventh house, we have a hard time recognizing this sign within ourselves and don’t know why or how we attract it. when we make a friend while drunk, though, it may be this sign. or when we are dreaming, we often dream about the themes of this sign. we are afraid or embarrassed by it often, but this sign is a big subconscious part of us.
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lun-tao · 5 years
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Unsplash -  photography, illustration, and art
Pixabay - same as unsplash
Pexels - stock photos and videos
Stockvault.net - stock photos
Veceezy - vectors and clipart
Getdrawings - simplistic images and drawing tutorials
Gumroad - photoshop brushes (and more)
Canva - needs login but has lots of templates
Library of Congress - historical posters and photos
NASA - you guessed it
Creative Commons - all kinds of stuff, homie
Even Adobe has some free images
There are so many ways to make moodboards, bookcovers, and icons without infringing copyright! As artists, authors, and other creatives, we need to be especially careful not to use someone else’s work and pass it off as our own. 
Please add on if you know any more sites for free images <3
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lun-tao · 5 years
NEUTRAL Exclaimed Said Stated Told Uttered Vocalized Voiced ANNOYED / ANGRY/ I AM AN ANTAGONIST Barked Bellowed Blustered Bit Boomed Groaned Growled Ground Out Grunted Hissed Roared Shouted Shrilled Snapped Snarled Sneered Spat Spluttered Yapped Yelled SCARED/SAD/ IM IN A LOT OF PAIN PLS HELP Blubbered Choked Cried Croaked Gasped Grunted Moaned Panted Rasped Screamed Screeched Squealed Shouted Shrieked Shrilled Sniffed Sobbed Spluttered Stammered Yelled Yelped Yowled Wailed Whimpered I DON’T BELIEVE YOU/ BEING SALTY AF Deadpanned Grunted Quipped Scoffed Sighed Snapped Snorted LAUGHING Choked Chuckled Guffawed Giggled Laughed Tittered Snickered Snorted Squealed PLS HELP Pleaded Prayed ;) Gasped Grunted Groaned Moaned Purred Panted Sighed NEED TO BE STEALTHY Hissed Mouthed Mumbled Murmured Muttered Spat Whispered BUT WHY Asked Demanded Grated Inquired Insisted Interrogated Pried Prompted Quipped Quizzed Queried Requested ANSWERING Answered Replied Responded Retorted MAKE FUN OF Cajoled Crooned Giggled Jeered Jested Joked Snickered GOING OVER A PLAN/TELLING YOU INFORMATION Added Alleged Announced Began Deadpanned Explained Informed Interrupted Lectured Pointed Out Recommended Told Suggested HEY WHATS UP Called Greeted FINE YOU WIN Conceded Allowed Admitted Agreed Decided GIMME Boomed Demanded Insisted Ordered Snapped I AM ANNOYING Complained Nagged Whined
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lun-tao · 5 years
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lun-tao · 5 years
hinata once bought out an entire shipment of kylie lip kits
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